Opasnet:Guidebook specification
Guidebook specification describes the contents of the guidebook (to be developed).
Guidebook (product) 1
- Scope of the guidebook 9
- Assessment (universal product)
- Scope. Why to do (impact) assessment 3, 6, 12
- Definition
- What is an impact assessment
- Different assessments: HIA, RA, IA... 4-5 (possibly own articles)
- Impact assessment (product)
- Scope:
- Purpose, questions 27
- Boundaries 29
- Scenarios 30-33
- Definition
- Variables
- Analyses
- Result
- Results
- Conclusions
- Scope:
- Performing an impact assessment (process) 10
- Scope: General methodology 10
- description of methodology used 11
- Definition
- Phases of an impact assessment 16
- Scoping an impact assessment 26
- Applying general information
- Drawing a causal diagram 34
- Designing variables
- Executing variables and analyses
- Reporting an assessment
- Phases of an impact assessment 16
- Scope: General methodology 10
- Open participation in (risk) assessment (process) 8
- Causal diagram (product) 35
- Emissions (universal product)
- Exposures (universal product)
- Emission modelling (process) 36-39
- Scope
- Definition
- How to model 37
- Sectoral, spatial, and temporal resolution 38
- Source-to-exposure modelling (process) 40
- Scope: purpose
- Definition: Different types 41
- See also: pointers to resource centre 42
- Exposure-response function (universal product) 44
- Scope 45
- Definition: Different types 46
- Exposure-response function modelling (process)
- Scope
- Definition: How can they be derived? 47-48
- Performing meta-analysis (process) 48
- Risk characterisation (process) 51
- Scope
- Definition: Selecting indicators 50
- Disability-adjusted life year (procuct) 52
- Scope
- Definition:
- How are they derived 54
- Alternatives 53
- Quality-adjusted life year (product) 52
- Risk perception (product) 55
- Multi-attribute utility analysis (process) 55
- Value judgement (product) 56
- Value-of-information analysis (process) 57
- Uncertainties (product)
- Scope
- Definition
- Uncertainty of the result: parameter uncertainty
- Uncertainty of the definition: model uncertainty
- Uncertainty of the scope: relevance
- Uncertainty assessment (process) 39, 43, 49, 58, 65, 69
- Scope
- Definition
- Qualitative methods eg pedigree matrix 71
- Quantitative methods 72-73
- When to use which method? 73
- Uncertainty tools (process) 76
- Propagating uncertainties (process) 72
- Scope
- Definition
- Monte Carlo 72
- Bayesian analysis 72
- Monetary value (product) 59
- Scope: Why do we need monetary values 60
- Boundaries: Why do we choose monetary values and not utility points? 61
- Definition: How are monetary values derived 63
- Scope: Why do we need monetary values 60
- Discounting (process?) 64
- Cost-benefit analysis (product) 62
- Reporting an assessment (process) 67
- Scope
- Definition
- Reporting uncertainties 70, 73
- Stakeholder involvement (process) 68
- Impacts (product) 77
- Scope
- Definition
- Health impacts
- Global warming 78
- Accidents 79
- Exosystems and biodiversity 80
- Health impacts (universal product)