List of open tasks
This page is a task.
The page identifier is Op_en3230 |
Moderator:Jouni (see all) |
Upload data
List of open tasks is a decentralised way of collecting useful information to Opasnet and improving the formatting or quality of the existing content. Anyone can contribute to Opasnet for free (see Main Page#How can you participate?). But there are some pieces of information and some tasks that are especially important for the THL maintenance team of Opasnet. Therefore, THL (National Institute for Health and Welfare, located in Finland) is willing to pay for those people who do the tasks listed on this page. Anyone can read the task list, search for the information, organise it into a proper format and upload it to the website.
What is an efficient way to update Opasnet pages in such a way that
- the most important content gets high priority,
- the tasks are distributed outside the core Opasnet group if possible,
- the editors can get paid if they work on material that is of strategic interest to THL,
- the quality of pages is kept high, and
- copyright rules of external material are not violated?
Opasnet-päivityksiä Mintulle
- Katso englanninkieliseltä pääsivulta Assessments that need new participants ja sieltä löytyvät templaatti ja kategoria. Tee samanlaiset suomenkieliselle puolelle.
Copy-paste the text from Expoplatform to Opasnet. Make plans how to do this seamlessly with Intarese toolbox.
Responsible person: Arja
Dioxin synopsis
There will be a new version of dioxin synopsis in April 2011. The new texts should be implemented in Opasnet.
- Categorise all synopsis pages to Dioxin synopsis.
- Make the Dioxin synopsis page as a table of contents for the synopsis.
- Make the Finnish pages in the same way, using the translated text in Dioxin synopsis.
- Link each page of English and Finnish synopsis with [[heande:] and [[op_en:]] links.
- Synopsis of dioxins and PCBs (Finnish version).
- Material: Publications of the National Public Health Institute, 1999.
- Task: Transform the material into encyclopedia articles, one page for each keyword, into the Finnish Opasnet.
- Copyright: Permission from the authors D↷ to release material to public domain.
Data upload to Opasnet Base
- IIASA World Population Program.ANA
- Image:Greenhouse gas emissions.ANA
- Image:Nitrate.ANA
- Image:WHO mortality data.ANA
- Image:WHO morbidity data.ANA
- Upload relevant Beneris data to Opasnet Base. Responsible person: Olli
Templates of page types
The following template pages should be updated based on the following object structure descriptions. The Template:Assessment structure has been done as example.
- Template:Variablestructure based on Variable structure DONE
- Template:Assessment structure based on Assessment structure DONE
- Template:Method structure based on Method
- Template:Tool structure based on Tool
- Template:Study structure based on Study
- Template:Lecture structure based on Lecture
- Template:Encyclopedia structure based on Encyclopedia article
- Template:Task structure based on Task
- Template:Nugget structure based on Nugget
- Template:Class structure based on Class
Page type update
All pages should have a page type. Also, some pages have been classified into a poor page type, because the practices have changed over time. Also the structure should be improved towards Scope, Definition, Result if applicable. Therefore, there are tasks to:
- develop a page that lists all pages without a page type,
- go through all pages without a page type and classify them,
- reclassifying pages into better types when they are being edited for other reasons.
- The current pages will be cleaned up. Two major things: check the page type (variable, assessment...), and add any relevant categories.
- The Variable namespace should be checked, as a lot of it seems to have moved to the Main namespace.
Improving categorisation
The existing categories are not well developed and systematic. Therefore, there are tasks to:
- improve the categorisation system, preferably based on some existing classification,
- go through the pages and update categories.
- Category:Assessment method articles categorized to Category:Method instead.
Checking potentially important web links
Some web links seem interesting and important for Opasnet, but more time is needed to look at those. Only then it is possible to decide, whether the information should be linked to from some Opasnet pages, or whether the information deserves a page of its own. These web links include:
- Miscellanous,_tiedostoja_ja_muita_entisajan_keksint%C3%B6j%C3%A4
- Advancement of (e)democracy in Finland [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] Uutisraivaaja 2011 [17] [18] [19]
- DATA [31] [32]
- Energy [33]
- [34] CII
- Nutrition [35] [36]
- Climate change [37]
- Lead, CalTox [38]
- Vaalikone - election evaluator [39] [40]
- TCDD study TCDD-provoked aversion to foods in rats
- [41] Development projects
- Scouting [42] [43]
- Electromobility [44]
- Organisations [45] Hippifyysikot [46] [47]
- Environmental health [48] [49] [50]
- Tools Heimtsa BenMAP [51] [52]
- A network strategy to advance public health in Europe by Jan C. Semenza
- Liikenneministeriön ilmatopoliittinen suunnitelma
- PehmoGIS paikkatietoliittymä
- Envie project report and conclusions
- Stern report
- Tekes seminaari
- MIT sustainability summit
- Tekes energiatehokkuusseminaari
- Tekes elinkaarimalli
- Tekes intelligent energy management
- fi:David Bohm en:David Bohm
- Homepage of David Bohm
- en:Bohm Dialogue
- Nuorten Helsinki: nuorisovaltuusto Helsinkiin!
- Nuorten Helsinki: toimintasuunnitelma 2009-2010
- Juhani Kahelin: Blog in Uusi Suomi
- World Clock
- FinderBase
- List of links to useful and interesting websites about environment and health
- Copying the material from the EU IA Tools
- Moderator: Heta
- Copyright: may be freely used if the source is properly cited.
- Take the EFSA data (total population, Consumers only) and upload it to the Opasnet Base. Make a variable based on the data.
- Write an encyclopedia article about the Proast software for dose-response modelling (developed by Wout Slob in RIVM). A related article.
- Create a method about the Proast software (there is an R code for the software).
- Find the newest WHO guidance for dose-response modelling and make methods out of that. A draft guidance is known to us, but there may be newer material.
- Make a full page of human impact assessment based on the links on the page. This is in Finnish. Make each ideakortti into a method.
- Put OECD Environmental report about Finland to the Finnish Opasnet.
- Material: [53] (should be chopped into relevant pieces first)
- Put the respective English text to English Opasnet.
- Make an encyclopedia article about the mid-term report of the Helsinki energy plan. So far, only news about the report have been found.
- Make an encyclopedia article about Kofi Annan's Human Impact Report. Maybe some details can also be turned into variables.
- Make an encyclopedia article about the Finnish energy strategy. Suomen hallituksen ilmasto- ja energiastrategia 2008 [54] [55] [56].
- Create also an assessment about the strategy, taking the targets as the scenario for the assessment. When the assessment develops into a full-blown BBN, the strategy can be used to conditionalise the model to find optimal actions to reach the targets.
- Make encyclopedia articles about these food topics:
- Write an encyclopedia article about the Dutch food database Nevo.
- Write an encyclopedia article about the EFSA food database
- Copyright: Text is not directly copy-pasted but synthesised; therefore, the author has the copyright and is allowed to submit the text to Opasnet.
- Artikkeli bisneksestä, jossa valtio maksaa siitä, että joku auttaa toista säästämään energiaa. Ennen säästötoimia kirjataan energiankulutus, ja säästöä seurataan. Konsultti saa palkkionsa toteutuneen säästön mukaan. Jos tulee lisäkulua, konsultti joutuu maksumieheksi. Onko tästä jo artikkeli jossain? Heandessa?
Previous work
Previous work that was done
- Hyöty-riskiarviointi ydinvoimasta Suomessa
- Plantlibra deliverables
- Heimtsa incidence database
- Arsenic to zoonoses
- Article scanning
- Intarese/Heimtsa toolbox pages
- Uploading articles from N: to Heande
- Rewriting Opasnet pages
Previous work that was considered but rejected
THL can organise this work and pay for the workers. The only requirements for the payment are that 1) the person registers him/herself to Opasnet and the THL system for payments, 2) the task and the amount of compensation for the work is agreed beforehand with the contact person, 3) and the contact person controls that the agreed work has actually been done. THL will pay for the social security costs based on the Finnish law. The taxes must be paid by the worker, but THL may take care of the practicalities if a Finnish tax deduction card is given to THL. Workers not located in Finland should find out about possible tax treaties and rules themselves. Note that this work does NOT make the worker an employee of THL, and in addition to the monetary compensation, other benefits are NOT offered (no days off, unemployment security or similar).
The contact person is Jouni Tuomisto. Note that different tasks may have different contact persons.
Practical guidance
Encyclopedia articles are similar to those in Wikipedia (these are freely usable as long as you have appropriate citations), in other words, general descriptions about a topic. In our case, we are allowed to dive deeper in details of environmental and health related issues than a typical Wikipedia article would go.
A reviewer will be nominated for each task. He will read through the pages when they are finished. Additionally, you may ask him or Jouni for help and further instructions as well.
Browse through the following pages:
Instructions for putting material into right places
- You find interesting material/web pages but have no time to write articles
- Find a page in Opasnet related to the topic. Copy-paste links to the material on the "See also" section of that page. Write a few words of description.
- Same as above but you do not find a related page
- Copy-paste the links to this page on "Miscellaneous" section.
Ohje tämmöisiin tilanteisiin: Kirjoitetaan Opasnetiin (tässä tapauksessa suomenkieliselle sivulle Kuntapeli) aiheen kuvaus lyhyesti vaikka vain kopioimalla suoraan spostista. Yksityiskohtaisemmat jutustelut voi kopioida keskustelusivulle. Aiheeseen liittyvät tiedostot ladataan Heandeen (tai jos käytettävissä on M-files, mieluummin sen Opasnet public-osioon siten, että tiedostot näkyvät Heandessa). Tämä tiedostojen omituinen sijoittelu johtuu tekijänoikeuksista. Heandeen luodaan myös sivu Kuntapeli, joka sisältää ainoastaan linkit kyseisiin tiedostoihin ja varsinaiselle sivulle (suomenkieliseen) Opasnetiin.
Varsinaiselle sivulle laitetaan linkki vastaavasti Heanden sivulle. Tavanomaisten linkkien Kuntapeli lisäksi laitetaan linkki muotoa eli ilman kaksoispistettä. Tämän jälkimmäisen hienous on siinä että se tekee linkin sivupalkkiin otsikolla "Heande" samaan tapaan kuin Wikipediat linkkaavat erikielisten Wikipedioitten sivuja toisiinsa.
Some hints:
- From My preferences -link (upper right hand corner of the page) you should disable rich text editor (found in 'Editing' section).
- It's wise to categorize pages to classes by typing [[Category:Name of category]] to the beginning of a page.
- There are already existing categories and you can come up with more of them if needed.
- All sources of information must be cited properly using the following tag <ref>. Please look for more instructions
- The work will be payed by hourly wages (9.09€/hour), so keep track on your hours by filling in the following form [57].
- The work will be payed as 'palkkiolasku' with the following form [58].
- Fill in for the orderer of the work: Jouni Tuomisto / YMAL / YMTO. Henkilönumero (HOT) must be left open.
Feel free to be bold, explore and learn by trying. You can not cause any irreversible damage because fixing the pages afterwards is very simple.
Tuntilaskuttajien tulee toimittaa laskut THL:n hallintoon Anelma Julkuselle tai hänen poissaollessaan sijaiselle tässä järjestyksessä: Heli Leinonen tai Tiina Räisänen; Riitta Saarelainen, Kirsi-Marja Leskinen (Yhteystiedot [59]).
See also
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