User:Juha Villman
Juha Villman
National Public Health Institute
- Create and run a bot that changes [[:heande: to [[:op_en: in all pages in all wikis.
- Should we use the same wiki_name everywhere, in these links between wikis, and in Analytica variables? Suggestion: see Opasnet structure, reference names from other wikis. ←--1: . Yes we should. --Jouni 23:27, 21 November 2008 (EET) (type: truth; paradigms: science: defence)
- Define the <anacode> in such a way that the code looks like lines that start with space: fixed width font in a box.
- Lisättävä tyjakiin Malline:Ensyklopedia ja muut sivutyyppien mallineet suomeksi.
- Template:Resultlink has a new feature: it lists the runs of the variable. However, it does not work because the parameter 1658 is not recognised as parameter within the <sql-query> tag. Nyt toimii. Kehitetty SQL-query laajennusta kattamaan myös Parser funktiot. --Juha Villman 15:57, 1 December 2008 (EET)
- Opasnetissä on sivu Tax deduction card mutta se ei löydy hakusanalla tax. Miksi? Nyt löytyy --Juha Villman 09:59, 1 December 2008 (EET)
- Opasnetissä on sivu Tax deduction card mutta se ei löydy hakusanalla tax. Miksi?
----#1:: . Hakusana on liian lyhyt, MySQL ei indeksoi alle 4 merkin sanoja. --Juha Villman 12:03, 27 November 2008 (EET) (type: truth; paradigms: science: comment)
- Create a page protection templateR↻
- A suggestion about the use of [[op_en:Page]] and similar links.
- These show up in the left sidebar under the title "In other languages". A better title would be "In other websites".
- In Finnish the title should be "Toisilla sivustoilla"
- The link says now "English", "Finnish" etc. (if the link is to Wikipedia); and "Opasnet" or "Tyjak" (if the link is to Opasnet. These should be changed to "Wikipedia in English", "Wikipedia in Finnish", "Opasnet in English", or "Opasnet in Finnish", respectively.
- In the Finnish Opasnet the links should be changed to "Wikipedia englanniksi", "Wikipedia suomeksi", "Opasnet englanniksi", "Opasnet suomeksi", respectively.
- Pikku asia: huomasin, ettei <sql-query> toimi, jos siinä on lainausmerkki ". Katso Spatial indices in the Helsinki metropolitan area ensimmäinen ja toinen query: niiden pitäisi tehdä samaa, mutta jälkimmäinen ei toimi.
- Currently, the [[tyjak:Page]] links to but [[op_fi:Page]] does not. The latter should be added, it should link to first, and when the website has been switched to, to that site.
- Edit buttons Discussion, Disclink, Defend, Attack, and Comment are missing in en.Opasnet.
Pages to be removed
<news unique categories="To be removed">
- [[{{{pagename}}}]]