User:Mikko Pohjola
Mikko Pohjola
- Training Center Manager (4.11.2014 →)
- Santasport Institute / Olympic Training Center Rovaniemi
- Hiihtomajantie 2
- 96940 Rovaniemi
- Managing director, consultant (1.7.2012 →)
- Nordem Oy
- Vuonelontie 18 A 2
- 96400 Rovaniemi
- firstname(at)
- M.Sc (Sports) in Sports and Exercise Technology, University of Jyväskylä, 2014
- PhD in Environmental Health, University of Eastern Finland, 2013
- M.Sc (Tech.), in Industrial Engineering and Management, University of Oulu, 2006
- Approbatur (15 Finnish study credits) in Sports Medicine, University of Kuopio, 1996
- Massage therapist, Hieronta-akatemia, Helsinki, 1994
- Matriculation examination, Viherlaakson Lukion iltalinja, 1993.
Language skills
- Mother tongue: Finnish
- Excellent skills: English
- Good skills: Swedish
- Basic skills: German, Mandarin Chinese
Previous work experience
- Research Manager, Easydoing Oy/Salli Systems 4-6/2014
- Researcher, THL Department of Environmental Health 5/2006-12/2011
- Manager, Lotus International Industrial Ltd. (Guangzhou, China) 11/2004-8/2005
- Maintenance supervisor, Loparex Paper Product Ltd. (Guangzhou, China) 6/2004-9/2004
- Manager/Consultant (entrepreneur), Nordem Oy 4/2000-5/2004
- Production supervisor, Lohjan Paperi Oy 5/2001-8/2001
- Shift supervisor, Lohjan Paperi Oy 5/2000-9/2000
- Reel machine operator, Lohjan Paperi Oy 5/1999-9/1999
- Trainee, UPM-Kymmene Kaukas research center, 6/1998-8/1998
Current/recent work and projects
Peer-reviewed scientific articles
- Pohjola, M.V., Pohjola, P., Paavola, S., Tuomisto, J.T., 2010. Knowledge Services in Support of Converging Knowledge, Innovation, and Practice. In Proceedings of I-KNOW 2010 1-3 September 2010, Graz, Austria. pp. 255-266.
- Pohjola, M.V., Pohjola, P., Paavola, S., Bauters, M., Tuomisto, J.T., 2011. Pragmatic Knowledge Services. Journal of Universal Computer Science 17:472-497.
- Pohjola, M.V., Tuomisto, J.T., 2011. Openness in participation, assessment, and policy making upon issues of environment and environmental health: a review of literature and recent project results. Environmental Health 10:58.
- Verhagen, H., Tijhuis, M.J., Gunnlaugsdόttir, H., Kalogeras, N., Leino, O., Luteijn, J.M., Magnússon, S.H., Odekerken, G., Pohjola, M.V., Tuomisto, J.T., Ueland, Ø., White, B.C., Holm, F., 2012. State of the art in benefit–risk analysis: introduction. Food Chem. Toxicol. 2012, 50:2-4. In Brian G. Lake, Mariken J. Tijhuis and Hans Verhagen (Eds.), BEPRARIBEAN Best Practices for Risk-Benefit Analysis: experience from out of food into food. Food Chem. Toxicol. 2012, 50:1-94.
- Tijhuis, M.J., de Jong, N., Pohjola, M.V., Gunnlaugsdόttir, H., Hendriksen, M., Hoekstra, J., Holm, F., Kalogeras, N. Leino, O., van Leeuwen, F.X., Luteijn, J.M., Magnússon, S.H., Odekerken, G., Rompelberg, C., Tuomisto, J.T., Ueland, Ø., White, B.C., Verhagen, H., 2012. State of the art in benefit–risk analysis: food and nutrition. Food Chem. Toxicol. 2012, 50:5-25. In Brian G. Lake, Mariken J. Tijhuis and Hans Verhagen (Eds.), BEPRARIBEAN Best Practices for Risk-Benefit Analysis: experience from out of food into food. Food Chem. Toxicol. 2012, 50:1-94.
- Luteijn, J.M., White, B.C., Gunnlaugsdόttir, H., Holm, F., Kalogeras, N., Leino, O., Magnússon, S.H., Odekerken, G., Pohjola, M.V., Tijhuis, M.J., Tuomisto, J.T., Ueland, Ø., McCarron, P.A., Verhagen, H., 2012. State of the art in benefit–risk analysis: medicines. Food Chem. Toxicol. 2012, 50:26-32. In Brian G. Lake, Mariken J. Tijhuis and Hans Verhagen (Eds.), BEPRARIBEAN Best Practices for Risk-Benefit Analysis: experience from out of food into food. Food Chem. Toxicol. 2012, 50:1-94.
- Magnússon, S.H., Gunnlaugsdόttir, H., van Loveren, H., Holm, F., Kalogeras, N., Leino, O., Luteijn, J.M., Odekerken, G., Pohjola, M.V., Tijhuis, M.J., Tuomisto, J.T., Ueland, Ø., White, B.C., Verhagen, H., 2012. State of the art in benefit–risk analysis: food microbiology. Food Chem. Toxicol. 2012, 50:33-39. In Brian G. Lake, Mariken J. Tijhuis and Hans Verhagen (Eds.), BEPRARIBEAN Best Practices for Risk-Benefit Analysis: experience from out of food into food. Food Chem. Toxicol. 2012, 50:1-94.
- Pohjola, M.V., Leino, O., Kollanus, V., Tuomisto, J.T., Gunnlaugsdόttir, H., Holm, F., Kalogeras, N., Luteijn, J.M., Magnusson, S.H., Odekerken, G., Tijhuis, M.J., Ueland, Ø., White, B.C., Verhagen, H., 2012. State of the art in benefit–risk analysis: environmental health. Food Chem. Toxicol. 2012, 50:40-55. In Brian G. Lake, Mariken J. Tijhuis and Hans Verhagen (Eds.), BEPRARIBEAN Best Practices for Risk-Benefit Analysis: experience from out of food into food. Food Chem. Toxicol. 2012, 50:1-94.
- Kalogeras, N., Odekerken-Schroder, G., Pennings, J.M., Gunnlaugsdόttir, H., Holm, F., Leino, O., Luteijn, J.M., Magnusson, S.H., Pohjola, M.V., Tijhuis, M.J., Tuomisto, J.T., Ueland, Ø., White, B.C., Verhagen, H., 2012. State of the art in benefit–risk analysis: economics and marketing–finance. Food Chem. Toxicol. 2012, 50:58-66. In Brian G. Lake, Mariken J. Tijhuis and Hans Verhagen (Eds.), BEPRARIBEAN Best Practices for Risk-Benefit Analysis: experience from out of food into food. Food Chem. Toxicol. 2012, 50:1-94.
- Ueland, Ø., Gunnlaugsdόttir, H., Holm, F., Kalogeras, N., Leino, O., Luteijn, J.M., Magnússon, S.H., Odekerken, G., Pohjola, M.V., Tijhuis, M.J., Tuomisto, J.T., White, B.C., Verhagen, H., 2012. State of the art in benefit–risk analysis: consumer perception. Food Chem. Toxicol. 2012, 50:67-76. In Brian G. Lake, Mariken J. Tijhuis and Hans Verhagen (Eds.), BEPRARIBEAN Best Practices for Risk-Benefit Analysis: experience from out of food into food. Food Chem. Toxicol. 2012, 50:1-94.
- Tijhuis, M.J., Pohjola, M.V., Gunnlaugsdóttir, H., Kalogeras, N., Leino, O., Luteijn, J.M., Magnússon, S.H., Odekerken, G., Poto, M., Tuomisto, J.T., Ueland, Ø., White, B.C., Holm, F., Verhagen, H., 2012. Looking beyond Borders: Integrating best practices in benefit-risk analysis into the field of food and nutrition. Food Chem. Toxicol. 2012, 50:77-93. In Brian G. Lake, Mariken J. Tijhuis and Hans Verhagen (Eds.), BEPRARIBEAN Best Practices for Risk-Benefit Analysis: experience from out of food into food. Food Chem. Toxicol. 2012, 50:1-94.
- Pohjola, M.V.; Pohjola, P.; Tainio, M.; Tuomisto, J.T. Perspectives to Performance of Environment and Health Assessments and Models—From Outputs to Outcomes? Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2013, 10:2621-2642.
- Pohjola, M.V., 2014. Assessment of impacts to health, safety, and environment in the context of materials processing and related public policy. In: Comprehensive Materials Processing, Bassim, N., Ed. Vol. 8, Elsevier Ltd., pp 151–162.
- Sandström, V., Tuomisto, J.T., Majaniemi, S., Rintala, T., Pohjola, M.V. Evaluating effectiveness of open assessments on alternative biofuel sources. Sustainability: Science, Practice, & Policy 10(1) Published online May 16, 2014.
Non-refereed scientific articles
- Pohjola, M.V., 2008. Riskinarvioinnin tarkoitus. Teoksessa M. Nikkarinen ym. (Toim.) Metallien yhdennetty kohdekohtainen riskinarviointi. Kuopion yliopisto, ympäristötieteen tiedekunta.
- Tuomisto, J.T, Pohjola, M.V., 2008. Riskinarvioinnin yleiset rakenteet ja prosessit. Teoksessa M. Nikkarinen et al. (Toim.) Metallien yhdennetty kohdekohtainen riskinarviointi. Kuopion yliopisto, ympäristötieteen tiedekunta.
- Pohjola, M.V., Kollanus, V., Jantunen, M., Ahtoniemi, P., Tuomisto, J.T. 2009. Open assessment on impacts of emission trade on city-level. In Climate Change: Global Risks, Challenges and Decisions. Copenhagen, Denmark 10-12 March 2009, IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 6 (2009).
- Virpi Kollanus, M. Jantunen, M.V. Pohjola, P. Ahtoniemi, J. T. Tuomisto, 2009. Health impacts of climate change mitigation. IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science 01/2009; 6(14). DOI:10.1088/1755-1307/6/14/142022
- Verhagen H., Tijhuis M., Gunnlaugsdottir H., Kalogeras N., Leino O., Luteijn J., Magnusson S., Odekerken G., Pohjola M., Tuomisto J., Ueland O., White B., Holm F. 2011. Best practices in Risk-Benefit Analysis: Introduction. Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism. 58 (suppl. 3), p 412.
- Verhagen H., Tijhuis M., Gunnlaugsdottir H., Kalogeras N., Leino O., Luteijn J., Magnusson S., Odekerken G., Pohjola M., Tuomisto J., Ueland O., White B., Holm F. 2013. Best practices in benefit-risk analysis in food, nutrition and other areas. Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism. 63 (suppl. 1), p 1821.
- Tuomisto, J.T, Pohjola M., Pohjola P., 2014. Avoin päätöksentekokäytäntö voisi parantaa tiedon hyödyntämistä, Yhteiskuntapolitiikka (2014) 79: 1: 66-75.
Scientific monographs
- Tuomisto, J.T., Pohjola, M.V. (Eds.), 2007. Open Risk Assessment – a new way of providing information for decision-making. Publications of the National Public Health Institute B18/2007, KTL – National Public Health Institute, Kuopio.
Professional publications
- Pohjola, M., Pohjola, P., Tuomisto, J., 2012. Ympäristö- ja terveysvaikutuksia koskeva tieto kunnallisessa päätöksenteossa. Ympäristö ja Terveys 10/2012.
- Tuomisto, J., Pohjola, M., Ilonen, K., 2013. Ympäristöterveydenhuolto kaipaa lisää vaikuttavuutta ja vaikutusarvioinnin työkaluja. Ympäristö ja Terveys 6/2013.
- Tuomisto, J.T., Hänninen, O., Asikainen, A., Pohjola M., 2014. Ympäristöterveysriskien torjunta osana kestävää kehitystä - näkökulmaksi päätösvalmistelu. Ympäristö ja Terveys 3/2014.
- Pohjola, M., 2014. Pelvic region health in dental care. Dentistry June/2.
- Pohjola, M., 2006. Improvement of external knowledge transfer of a research company. Master's Thesis (Engineering), University of Oulu.
- Pohjola, M., 2013. Assessments are to change the world - Prerequisites for effective environmental health assessment. Doctoral thesis, University of Eastern Finland. THL Research 105, National Institute for Health and Welfare, Juvenes Print, Tampere University Press, Tampere, Finland.
- Pohjola, M., 2014. Analysing effectiveness of force application in ski skating using force and motion capture data : a model to support cross-country skiing research and coaching. Master's Thesis (Biomechanics), University of Jyväskylä.
Conference presentations
- Pohjola, M.V., Tuomisto, J.T., 2007. Open collaboration in risk assessment. In Society for Risk Analysis Annual meeting 2007, Risk 007: Agents of Analysis. San Antonio, USA 9-12 December 2007, Society for Risk Analysis.
- Pohjola, M.V., Tuomisto, J.T., 2008. Open assessment on impacts of emission trade on city-level. In Society for Risk Analysis Annual meeting 2008, Risk Analysis: The Science and the Art. Boston, USA 7-10 December, Society for Risk Analysis.
- Tuomisto, J.T., Pohjola, M.V., 2008. Risk assessment method based on strict scientific criticism. In Society for Risk Analysis Annual meeting 2008, Risk Analysis: The Science and the Art. Boston, USA 7-10 December, Society for Risk Analysis.
- Pohjola M.V., Tuomisto, J.T., Tainio, M. 2010. Properties of good assessment: The factors that contribute to assessment performance [abstract]. In Proceedings of the Society for Risk Analysis Europe annual meeting, King's College, London 21-23 June 2010 SRAE; 2010, 65.
- Tuomisto J.T., Pohjola M.V., 2010. Open collaboration in environment and health policy support. Meeting Abstract: 2010 Joint Conference of International Society of Exposure Science (ISES) & International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE), 28 August - 1 September 2010, Seoul, Korea.
- Pohjola, M.V., Tuomisto, J.T., 2011. Assessment is to act – Collaborative creation of social knowledge in environmental health assessment and policy-making. Meeting Abstract: 23rd Annual Conference - International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE), 13-16 September, Barcelona, Spain.
- Pohjola, P., Pohjola, M.V., Korhonen, S., Tuomisto, J.T., 2012. Technology-mediated co-development in city-level policy making. Finnish Conference of Communication Research 30-31.8.2012, Jyväskylä.
- Pohjola, P., Pohjola, M.V., Koivisto, J., Tuomisto, J.T. Experience, interaction and expertise in policy making. 4S Annual Meeting 2013, 9-12 October, San Diego.
- Ohtonen Olli, Linnamo Vesa, Pohjola Mikko V., Göpfert Caroline, Teemu Lemmettylä, Rapp Walter, Lindinger Stefan J. Integrated 3D motion analysis and force measurement for studying ski skating in field conditions. 13th International Symposium on 3D Analysis of Human Movement 14 – 17 July, 2014, Lausanne, Switzerland
Other publications
- Jouni Tuomisto, Mikko Pohjola, Pasi Pohjola. Päätöksenteon valmistelua pitää avata kansalaisille. Mielipide, Helsingin Sanomat 1.4.2014.
- Jouni Tuomisto, Mikko Pohjola. Ilmastopolitiikkaa voisi ohjata tieteen menetelmin. Mielipide, Helsingin Sanomat 21.12.2009.
- Nearly 500 edited pages in Opasnet in English: Special:Contributions/Mikko_Pohjola (contribution score: Special:ContributionScores)
- >100 edited pages in Opasnet in Finnish: op_fi:Toiminnot:Muokkaukset/Mikko_Pohjola (contribution score: op_fi:Toiminnot:Muokkauspisteet)
Audiovisual material, ICT software
- One of the main developers Opasnet web-workspace ( since its inception in 2006.
Major involvement in research projects
- Intarese (Integrated Assessment of Health Risks of Environmental Stressors in Europe) 2005-2011. Assessment method and tool development, WP1.4 Risk Characterization deputy leader.
- Heimtsa (Health and Environment Integrated Methodology and Toolbox for Scenario Assessment) 2007-2011. Assessment method and tool development.
- Beneris (Benefit-Risk Assessment for Food: an Iterative Value-of-Information Approach) 2006-2009. Assessment method and tool development.
- Finmerac (Integrated Risk Assessment of Metals in Finland) 2006-2008. Method development.
- Bepraribean (Best Practices for Risk-Benefit Analysis of Foods) 2009-2011. Review of environmental health assessment approaches, integration of best practices into food and nutrition benefit-risk analysis.
- ERACedu (Ympäristöriskinarvioinnin koulutuksen huippuyksikön kehittäminen Itä-Suomeen) 2009-2011. Development of environmental risk assessment education in Eastern Finland.
- Urgenche (Urban Reduction of GHG Emissions in China and Europe) 2011-2014. Involved in writing the project application.
- Tekaisu (ympäristöstä aiheutuvien TErveyshaittojen arviointi KAIkkeen SUunnitteluun ja päätöksentekoon) 2012-2014. Development of open policy practice.
Involvement in teaching and other educational events
- DARM 2013 Decision analysis and risk management, University of Eastern Finland (6 study credits)
- DARM 2011 Decision analysis and risk management, University of Eastern Finland (6 study credits)
- Päätösanalyysia ja riskinhallintaa tapausesimerkin kautta 5.5.2011
- Kuopio Risk Assessment Workshop 2008
- Open Assessment Workshop 2009
- yksittäisiä luentoja Lapin yliopiston Kiina-opintokokonaisuudessa vuosina 2005, 2006?, 2009
Reviewer assignments
- EH
- ...
See also