Building stock in Helsinki: Difference between revisions

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(→‎Construction and demolition: corrected build factor to linear estimate)
(23 intermediate revisions by 4 users not shown)
Line 1: Line 1:
:''During [[Decision analysis and risk management 2015]] course, this page was used to collect student contributions. To see them, look at [ an archived version]. The page has since been updated for its main use. Data in the archived tables was moved: [[Helsinki energy consumption#Energy parametres of buildings| Table 2. Energy parametres of buildings]], [[Helsinki energy consumption#Energy demand|Table 4. Energy sinks]], [[Helsinki energy consumption#Energy demand| Table 5. Changes in energy efficiency]], [[Helsinki energy consumption#Heating parametres of buildings|Table 6. Important energy parametres]]. Tables 3, 7, and 8 did not contain data and were removed.
:''During [[Decision analysis and risk management 2015]] course, this page was used to collect student contributions. To see them, look at [ an archived version]. The page has since been updated for its main use. Data in the archived tables was moved: [[Helsinki energy consumption#Energy parametres of buildings| Table 2. Energy parametres of buildings]], [[Helsinki energy consumption#Energy demand|Table 4. Energy sinks]], [[Helsinki energy consumption#Energy demand| Table 5. Changes in energy efficiency]], [[Helsinki energy consumption#Heating parametres of buildings|Table 6. Important energy parametres]]. Tables 3, 7, and 8 did not contain data and were removed.

== Question ==
== Question ==
Line 10: Line 12:
== Answer ==
== Answer ==

[[File:Current building stock in Helsinki.png|400px|Current building stock in Helsinki by heating type.]]
<gallery widths="400px" heights="350px">
File:Current building stock in Helsinki.png|Current building stock in Helsinki by heating type.
File:Building stock in Helsinki by heating.png|Projected building stock based on 2015 data and urban plans.
<rcode embed=1 graphics=1>
## This code is Op_en7115/ on page [[Building stock in Helsinki]].

<rcode graphics=1>
Line 38: Line 45:
== Rationale ==
== Rationale ==

=== Data ===
This part contains the data needed for calculations about the building stock in Helsinki. It shows the different building and heating types in Helsinki, and how much and what kind of renovations are done for the existing building stock in a year, including how much and how old building stock is demolished. This data is used in further calculations in the model.
There is also some other important data that wasn't used in the model's calculations. These include more accurate renovation statistics for residential buildings, U-value changes for renovations and thermal transmittance of different parts of residential buildings. This data is found under [[Building stock in Helsinki#Data not used|Data not used]].
=== Carbon neutral Helsinki 2035 ===
<rcode label="Push indicators to HNH2035 (for developers only)" embed=1>
# This is code Op_en/7115 on page [[Building stock in Helsinki]]
objects.latest("Op_en6007", code_name = "miscellaneous") # [[OpasnetUtils/Drafts]] truncateIndex
objects.latest("Op_en6007", code_name = "hnh2035") # [[OpasnetUtils/Drafts]] pushIndicatorGraph
objects.latest("Op_en7237", code_name = "intermediates") # [[Helsinki energy decision 2015]] buildings etc.
buildings <- EvalOutput(buildings)
tmp <- truncateIndex(buildings,"Building",6)
colnames(tmp@output)[colnames(tmp@output)=="EnergySavingPolicy"] <- "Scenario"
#> unique(tmp$Scenario)
#[1] BAU                    Energy saving moderate Energy saving total 
#[4] WWF energy saving   
levels(tmp$Scenario) <- c("BAU","NA","tavoite","NA")
tmp <- tmp[tmp$Scenario!="NA",]
p_buildings_b <- plot_ly(
  oapply(tmp[tmp$Scenario=="BAU",], c("Building","Time"),sum)@output,
  x = ~Time, y = ~buildingsResult, color = ~Building,
  type = 'scatter', mode = 'lines') %>%
  title="Rakennusala talotyypeittäin",
  yaxis=list(title="Rakennusala (m2)")
p_buildings_h <- plot_ly(
  oapply(tmp[tmp$Scenario=="BAU",], c("Heating","Time"),sum)@output,
  x = ~Time, y = ~buildingsResult, color = ~Heating,
  type = 'scatter', mode = 'lines') %>%
    title="Rakennusala lämmitysmuodoittain",
    yaxis=list(title="Rakennusala (m2)")
pushIndicatorGraph(p_buildings_b, "")
pushIndicatorGraph(p_buildings_h, "")

==== Building stock ====
=== Building stock ===

'''These tables are based on FACTA database classifications and their interpretation for assessments.
'''These tables are based on FACTA database classifications and their interpretation for assessments.
This data is used for modelling. The data is large and can be seen from {{resultlink}}
This data is used for modelling. The data is large and can be seen from [ the Opasnet Base]. Technical parts on this page are hidden for readability. Building types should match [[Energy use of buildings#Baseline energy consumption]].
(Stock details). Technical parts on this page are hidden for readability. Building types should match [[Energy use of buildings#Baseline energy consumption]].

<t2b name="Building types" index="Building types in Facta" obs="Building" unit="-">
Ammatilliset oppilaitokset|Educational
<t2b name="Building types" index="Building types in Facta" obs="Building" desc="Number of the class" unit="-">
Asuntolat, vanhusten palvelutalot, asuntolahotellit|Apartment houses
Yhden asunnon talot|Detached and semi-detached houses|11
Kahden asunnon talot|Detached and semi-detached houses|12
Hotellit, motellit, matkustajakodit, kylpylähotellit|Other
Muut erilliset pientalot|Detached and semi-detached houses|13
Kahden asunnon talot|Detached houses
Rivitalot|Attached houses|21
Ketjutalot|Attached houses|22
Luhtitalot|Blocks of flats|32
Muut asuinkerrostalot|Blocks of flats|39
Kirkot, kappelit, luostarit, rukoushuoneet|Public
Vapaa-ajan asuinrakennukset|Free-time residential buildings|41
Kulkuneuvojen suoja- ja huoltorakennukset|Industrial
Liike- ja tavaratalot, kauppakeskukset|Commercial|112
Lasten päiväkodit|Educational
Lastenkodit, koulukodit|Apartment houses
Hotellit, motellit, matkustajakodit, kylpylähotellit|Commercial|121
Liike- ja tavaratalot, kauppakeskukset|Commercial
Loma-, lepo- ja virkistyskodit|Commercial|123
Monitoimi- ja muut urheiluhallit|Sports
Vuokrattavat lomamökit ja osakkeet (liiketoiminnallisesti)|Commercial|124
Museot, taidegalleriat|Public
Muut majoitusliikerakennukset|Commercial|129
Muut erilliset pientalot|Detached houses
Asuntolat, vanhusten palvelutalot, asuntolahotellit|Commercial|131
Muut kerrostalot|Apartment houses
Muut asuntolarakennukset|Commercial|139
Muut liikenteen rakennukset|Industrial
Ravintolat, ruokalat ja baarit|Commercial|141
Muut palo- ja pelastustoimen rakennukset|Other
Muut sairaalat|Health and social sector
Muut teollisuuden tuotantorakennukset|Industrial
Rautatie- ja linja-autoasemat, lento- ja satamaterminaalit|Transport and communications buildings|161
Muut terveydenhoitorakennukset|Health and social sector
Kulkuneuvojen suoja- ja huoltorakennukset|Transport and communications buildings|162
Muut urheilu- ja kuntoilurakennukset|Sports
Pysäköintitalot|Transport and communications buildings|163
Muut uskonnollisten yhteisöjen rakennukset|Public
Tietoliikenteen rakennukset|Transport and communications buildings|164
Muut varastorakennukset|Other
Muut liikenteen rakennukset|Transport and communications buildings|169
Keskussairaalat|Buildings for institutional care|211
Peruskoulut, lukiot ja muut|Educational
Muut sairaalat|Buildings for institutional care|213
Terveyskeskukset|Buildings for institutional care|214
Rautatie- ja linja-autoasemat, lento- ja satamaterminaalit|Public
Terveydenhuollon erityislaitokset|Buildings for institutional care|215
Ravintolat, ruokalat ja baarit|Commercial
Muut terveydenhuoltorakennukset|Buildings for institutional care|219
Rivitalot|Row houses
Vanhainkodit|Buildings for institutional care|221
Lasten- ja koulukodit|Buildings for institutional care|222
Kehitysvammaisten hoitolaitokset|Buildings for institutional care|223
Muut huoltolaitosrakennukset|Buildings for institutional care|229
Teollisuus- ja pienteollisuustalot|Industrial
Lasten päiväkodit|Buildings for institutional care|231
Muualla luokittelemattomat sosiaalitoimen rakennukset|Buildings for institutional care|239
Vankilat|Buildings for institutional care|241
Teatterit, konsertti- ja kongressitalot, oopperat|Assembly buildings|311
Vapaa-ajan asunnot|Leisure houses
Elokuvateatterit|Assembly buildings|312
Kirjastot ja arkistot|Assembly buildings|322
Museot ja taidegalleriat|Assembly buildings|323
Yhden asunnon talot|Detached houses
Näyttelyhallit|Assembly buildings|324
Muualla luokittelemattomat opetusrakennukset|Educational
Seurain-, nuoriso- yms. talot|Assembly buildings|331
Muut kokoontumisrakennukset|Other
Kirkot, kappelit, luostarit, rukoushuoneet|Assembly buildings|341
Muut rakennukset|Other
Seurakuntatalot|Assembly buildings|342
Muut sosiaalitoimen rakennukset|Health and social sector
Muut uskonnollisten yhteisöjen rakennukset|Assembly buildings|349
Jäähallit|Assembly buildings|351
Uimahallit|Assembly buildings|352
Yhdyskuntatekniikan rakennukset|Other
Tennis-, squash- ja sulkapallohallit|Assembly buildings|353
Järjestöjen, liittojen, työnantajien yms. opetusrakennukset|Other
Monitoimihallit ja muut urheiluhallit|Assembly buildings|354
Muut huoltolaitosrakennukset|Industrial
Muut urheilu- ja kuntoilurakennukset|Assembly buildings|359
Tietoliikenteen rakennukset|Industrial
Muut kokoontumisrakennukset|Assembly buildings|369
Seurain-, nuoriso- yms. talot|Public
Peruskoulut, lukiot ja muut|Educational buildings|511
Terveyskeskukset|Health and social sector
Ammatillisten oppilaitosten rakennukset|Educational buildings|521
Vanhainkodit|Apartment houses
Korkeakoulurakennukset|Educational buildings|531
Luhtitalot|Apartment houses
Tutkimuslaitosrakennukset|Educational buildings|532
Navetat, sikalat, kanalat yms.|Industrial
Järjestöjen, liittojen, työnantajien yms. opetusrakennukset|Educational buildings|541
Muut majoitusliikerakennukset|Other
Muualla luokittelemattomat opetusrakennukset|Educational buildings|549
Muut majoitusrakennukset|Other
Voimalaitosrakennukset|Industrial buildings|611
Muut maa-, metsä- ja kalatalouden rakennukset|Industrial
Yhdyskuntatekniikan rakennukset|Industrial buildings|613
Kehitysvammaisten hoitolaitokset|Health and social sector
Teollisuushallit|Industrial buildings|691
Loma- lepo- ja virkistyskodit|Leisure houses
Teollisuus- ja pienteollisuustalot|Industrial buildings|692
Eläinsuojat, ravihevostallit, maneesit|Other
Muut teollisuuden tuotantorakennukset|Industrial buildings|699
Vuokrattavat lomamökit ja osakkeet (liiketoiminnallisesti)|Other
Teatterit, konsertti- ja kongressitalot, oopperat|Other
Muut varastorakennukset|Warehouses|719
Paloasemat|Fire fighting and rescue service buildings|721
Keskussairaalat|Health and social sector
Väestönsuojat|Fire fighting and rescue service buildings|722
Muut palo- ja pelastustoimen rakennukset|Fire fighting and rescue service buildings|729
Terveydenhoidon erityislaitokset (mm. kuntoutuslaitokset)|Health and social sector
Navetat, sikalat, kanalat yms.|Agricultural buildings|811
Viljankuivaamot ja viljan säilytysrakennukset, siilot|Industrial
Eläinsuojat, ravihevostallit, maneesit|Agricultural buildings|819
Viljankuivaamot ja viljan säilytysrakennukset|Agricultural buildings|891
Kasvihuoneet|Agricultural buildings|892
Ketjutalot|Row houses
Turkistarhat|Agricultural buildings|893
Tennis-, squash- ja sulkapallohallit|Sports
Muut maa-, metsä- ja kalatalouden rakennukset|Agricultural buildings|899
Saunarakennukset|Other buildings|931
Talousrakennukset|Other buildings|941
Muualla luokittelemattomat rakennukset|Other buildings|999
Ammatilliset oppilaitokset|Educational buildings|
Kirjastot|Other buildings|
Lastenkodit, koulukodit|Other buildings|
Loma- lepo- ja virkistyskodit|Other buildings|
Monitoimi- ja muut urheiluhallit|Other buildings|
Museot, taidegalleriat|Assembly buildings|
Muut kerrostalot|Blocks of flats|
Muut majoitusrakennukset|Commercial|
Muut terveydenhoitorakennukset|Buildings for institutional care|
Terveydenhoidon erityislaitokset (mm. kuntoutuslaitokset)|Buildings for institutional care|
Vapaa-ajan asunnot|Free-time residential buildings|
Viljankuivaamot ja viljan säilytysrakennukset, siilot|Warehouses|
{{comment|# |Viimeiset 12 riviä (ilman numeroa) ovat tyyppejä jotka ovat datassa (tai ainakin vanhassa taulukossa) mutta puuttuvat Sonjan luokittelusta.|--[[User:Jouni|Jouni]] ([[User talk:Jouni|talk]]) 12:57, 24 August 2015 (UTC)}}
For residential buildings (classes A and B) the classification is kept more detailed than for other buildings. This is because residential buildings are the biggest energy consumers in Helsinki and different classes of residential buildings are examined separately.<br />
Reference for the classification:

<t2b name="Heating types" index="Heating types in Facta" obs="Heating" unit="-">
<t2b name="Heating types" index="Heating types in Facta" obs="Heating" unit="-">
Line 138: Line 213:

The structures of the tables are based on CyPT Excel file N:\YMAL\Projects\ilmastotiekartta\Helsinki Data Input Template - Building Data.xlsx.
The structures of the tables are based on CyPT Excel file N:\YMAL\Projects\ilmastotiekartta\Helsinki Data Input Template - Building Data.xlsx.

{| {{prettytable}}
<rcode name="stockBuildings" label="Initiate stockBuildings (developers only)" embed=1 store=1>
|+'''Effective floor area of buildings by building type.
|| Building|| Baseline|| 2020|| 2025|| 2050|| Year of baseline|| Description
|| Residential|| 27884795|| 32472388|| 34890241|| 44069914|| 2014|| Building stock of Helsinki area, 2014
|| Public|| 4537025|| 4764475|| 4945952|| 5855546|| 2014|| Building stock of Helsinki area, 2014
|| Industrial|| 3277271|| 3306063|| 3360467|| 3640854|| 2014|| Building stock of Helsinki area, 2014
|| Other|| 10861972|| 11406505|| 11840973|| 13806423|| 2014|| Building stock of Helsinki area, 2014
* Estimates were based on {{#l:Siemens City Performance toolin seuraava kokous 2.2.pdf}} and some derived calculations on {{#l:BUILDING STOCK CALCULATION 2015.xlsx}}.
* How to get the numbers for the ''baseline floor area'' for residential, public, industrial and other: Residential floor area was named as residential together, public by summing the floor area of health care, education  and common  buildings, industrial buildings were as such and other buildings comprise of business, traffic, office and storage buildings.
* Ref. Helsinki master plan for 2050: there are 860 000 citizens living in Helsinki  (ref., visio2050);  Residental buildings => fast growth
* Prediction of citizen number in Helsinki in 2020, 2030, 2040 and 2050 was used for calculations (ref. Helsingin 30% päästövähennysselvitys).
* Helsinki’s climate policy: 30% reduction in emissions:  In 2010 the proportion of jobs in services and public sectors was 94%, and in industry 6%.  In 2020 the proportion of jobs in services and public sectors is estimated to be 96%, and in industry 4%. Public and other buildings => between fast growth option and basic option,  Industry=> Basic option
* Prediction of job number in Helsinki in 2020, 2030, 2040 and 2050 was used for calculations (ref. Helsingin 30% päästövähennysselvitys).
* {{#l:Tables one and two.pdf}} The presentation of Tables 1 and 2
''Technical notes'':
: Sheet 4_Input Buildings (Area Demand). Priority 1. Auxiliaries PPT. Absolute increase/decrease rate will be based on the inhabitants projected in time.
: This is another list building types that was considered but rejected as too complex: Residential buildings, Government & public administration buildings, Commercial offices buildings, Data centers buildings, Education and K12 and universitiy buildings, Hospitals and healthcare buildings, Hotels and hospitality and leisure buildings, Exhibitions and fairs and halls buildings, Retail and stores and shops buildings, Warehouses & shopping mall buildings, Industrial buildings, Non residential buildings unspecified.
<rcode name="stockBuildings" label="Initiate stockBuildings (developers only)" embed=1>

# [[Building stock in Helsinki]], building stock, locations by city area (in A Finnish coordinate system)
# [[Building stock in Helsinki]], building stock, locations by city area (in A Finnish coordinate system)
Line 194: Line 241:
# "Energiatehokkuusluokka",
# "Energiatehokkuusluokka",
# "Varusteena aurinkopaneeli",
# "Varusteena aurinkopaneeli",
# "Tilavuus",
"Result" # Rakennusala m2
"Result" # Kerrosala m2

colnames(dat) <- c("City_area", "Time", "Building types in Facta", "Heating types in Facta", "stockBuildingsResult")
colnames(dat) <- c("City_area", "Time", "Building types in Facta", "Heating types in Facta", "Tilavuus", "Kokonaisala", "Kerrosala")
dat$Time <- as.numeric(substring(dat$Time, nchar(as.character(dat$Time)) - 3))
dat$Time <- as.numeric(substring(dat$Time, nchar(as.character(dat$Time)) - 3))
#dat <- dat[dat$Time != 2015 , ] # This is used to compare numbers to 2014 statistics.
dat$Time <- as.numeric(as.character((cut(dat$Time, breaks = c(0, 1885 + 0:26*5), labels = as.character(1885 + 0:26*5)))))
dat$Time <- as.numeric(as.character((cut(dat$Time, breaks = c(0, 1885 + 0:26*5), labels = as.character(1885 + 0:26*5)))))
dat$stockBuildingsResult <- as.numeric(as.character(dat$stockBuildingsResult))
dat$Tilavuus <- as.numeric(as.character(dat$Tilavuus))
dat$Kokonaisala <- as.numeric(as.character(dat$Kokonaisala))
dat$Kerrosala <- as.numeric(as.character(dat$Kerrosala))

build <- tidy("Op_en7115.building_types"))
build <- tidy("Op_en7115.building_types"))
Line 220: Line 273:

dat <- merge(merge(dat, build), heat)[c("City_area", "Time", "Building", "Heating", "stockBuildingsResult")]
dat <- merge(merge(dat, build), heat)#[c("City_area", "Time", "Building", "Heating", "stockBuildingsResult")]

temp <- aggregate(dat["stockBuildingsResult"], by = dat[c("Time", "Building", "Heating")], FUN =sum, na.rm = TRUE)
dat$Kerrosala[$Kerrosala)] <- dat$Kokonaisala[$Kerrosala)] * 0.8 # If floor area is missing, estimate from total area.

stockBuildings <- Ovariable("stockBuildings", data = temp) # Replace Basel building data with Helsinki data
cat("Kerrosala ilman 2015 (m^2)\n")
oprint(aggregate(dat["Kerrosala"], by = dat["Building"], FUN = sum, na.rm = TRUE))
cat("Kokonaisala ilman 2015 (m^2)\n")
oprint(aggregate(dat["Kokonaisala"], by = dat["Building"], FUN = sum, na.rm = TRUE))
cat("Tilavuus ilman 2015 (m^3)\n")
oprint(aggregate(dat["Tilavuus"], by = dat["Building"], FUN = sum, na.rm = TRUE))
temp <- aggregate(dat["Kerrosala"], by = dat[c("Time", "Building", "Heating")], FUN =sum, na.rm = TRUE)
colnames(temp)[colnames(temp) == "Kerrosala"] <- "stockBuildingsResult"
stockBuildings <- Ovariable("stockBuildings", data = temp)
cat("Ovariable stockBuildings stored.\n")
cat("Ovariable stockBuildings stored.\n")

==== Construction and demolition ====
=== Construction and demolition ===

It is assumed that construction equals 2 % of the existing building stock per year. Energy efficiency comes from [[Energy use of buildings]]. It is assumed that no demolition occurs.
It is assumed that construction occurs at a constant rate so that there is an increase of 42% in 2050 compared to 2013. Energy efficiency comes from [[Energy use of buildings]].  

<rcode name="changeBuildings" label="Initiate changeBuildings (developers only)" embed=1>
<rcode name="changeBuildings" label="Initiate changeBuildings (for developers only)" embed=1>
# This code is Op_en7115/changeBuildings on page [[Building stock in Helsinki]]

Line 250: Line 313:
formula = function(...) {
formula = function(...) {
# Construction rate is assumed to be 2 % /a from the year 2010 building stock.

out <- oapply(stockBuildings, cols = c("Time", "Constructed"), FUN = sum)
out <- oapply(stockBuildings, cols = c("Time", "Constructed"), FUN = sum)
out <- out * 0.013125 * 5 * efficiencyShares # linear increase 42% from 2013 to 2050
out <- out * 0.013125 * 5 * efficiencyShares # linear increase 42% from 2013 to 2050
# cannot use compound rate since implementation in buildings is linear
#out <- out * (1.009522264 ** 5 - 1) * efficiencyShares # ~1 % /a for 5 a (compund rate total 42% from 2013 to 2050)
out@output <- out@output[as.numeric(as.character(out@output$Time)) >= 2015 , ]
out@output <- out@output[as.numeric(as.character(out@output$Time)) >= 2015 , ]

Line 267: Line 327:

==== Renovations ====
'''Fraction of houses demolished per year.
<t2b name="Demolition rate" index = "Age" obs="Rate" unit="% /a">
<rcode name="demolitionRate" label="Initiate demolitionRate (for developers only)" embed=1>
# This code is Op_en7115/demolitionRate on page [[Building stock in Helsinki]]
demolitionRate <- Ovariable('demolitionRate',
dependencies = data.frame(Name = "dummy"),
formula = function(...) {
temp <- tidy('Op_en7115', subset = 'Demolition rate'))
temp$Age <- round(as.numeric(as.character(temp$Age)))
out <-
n = (max(temp$Age) - min(temp$Age) + 1),
method = "constant"
colnames(out) <- c("Age", "demolitionRateResult")
out$demolitionRateResult <- out$demolitionRateResult / 100 * 10 # For ten-year intervals
out <- Ovariable("demolitionRate", output = out, marginal = c(TRUE, FALSE))
cat("Object demolitionRate stored.\n")
=== Heating type conversion ===
The fraction of heating types in the building stock reflects the situation at the moment of construction and not currently. The heating type conversion corrects this by changing a fraction of heating methods to a different one at different timepoints. Cumulative fraction, other timepoints will be interpolated.
<t2b name='Yearly_heating_converted_factor' index='Heating_from,Heating_to,Time' unit='m2/m2'>
<rcode name="heatTypeConversion" label="Initiate heatTypeConversion(developers only)" embed=1>
heatTypeConversion <- Ovariable("heatTypeConversion",
dependencies = data.frame(
Name = c(
"buil", # stock at different timepoints
formula = function(...) {
dat <-"Op_en7115", subset = "Yearly_heating_converted_factor")
colnames(dat)[colnames(dat) == "Time"] <- "Obsyear"
dat$Obs <- NULL
out <- data.frame()
temp <- unique(dat[c("Heating_from", "Heating_to")])
for (i in 1:nrow(temp)) {
onetype <- merge(temp[i,], dat)
tempout <- merge(obstime@output, onetype, all.x = TRUE)[c("Obsyear","Result")]
tempout <- merge(tempout, temp[i,])
for (j in (1:nrow(tempout))[$Result)]) {
a <- onetype$Obsyear[which.min(abs(as.numeric(as.character(onetype$Obsyear)) - as.numeric(as.character(obstime$Obsyear[j]))))]
tempout$Result[j] <- onetype$Result[a]
out <- rbind(out, tempout)
out <- Ovariable(output = out, marginal = colnames(out) != "Result")
colnames(out@output)[colnames(out@output) == "Heating_from"] <- "Heating"
out <- buil * out
out1 <- out
out1$Result <- - out1$Result
out1$Heating_to <- NULL
out$Heating <- out$Heating_to
out$Heating_to <- NULL
out@output <- rbind(out1@output, out@output)
#nrow(out1@output)*2 - nrow(out@output)
cat("Ovariable heatTypeConversionstored.\n")
=== Renovations ===

Estimates from Laura Perez and Stephan Trüeb, N:\YMAL\Projects\Urgenche\WP9 Basel\Energy_scenarios_Basel_update.docx
Estimates from Laura Perez and Stephan Trüeb, N:\YMAL\Projects\Urgenche\WP9 Basel\Energy_scenarios_Basel_update.docx
Line 280: Line 440:
{{attack|# |Basel's data|--[[User:Heta|Heta]] ([[User talk:Heta|talk]]) 12:30, 4 June 2015 (UTC)}}

<rcode name="renovationRate" label="Initiate renovationRate (developers only)" embed=1>
<rcode name="renovationRate" label="Initiate renovationRate (developers only)" embed=1>
Line 315: Line 474:
{{attack|# |Basel's data|--[[User:Heta|Heta]] ([[User talk:Heta|talk]]) 12:30, 4 June 2015 (UTC)}}

<rcode name="renovationShares" label="Initiate renovationShares (developers only)" embed=1>
<rcode name="renovationShares" label="Initiate renovationShares (developers only)" embed=1>
Line 352: Line 510:

{| {{prettytable}}
=== Locations of city areas ===
|+ Renovations per year made in residental buildings owned by Helsinki city, by construction year of the buildings.<ref name="uarvo">[ HAESS Final report], Tampere University of Technology, 2010</ref>
! Construction year !! Balcony glasses !! Windows !! Julkisivujen peruskorjaus !! Vesikattojen peruskojaus !! Lämmönvaihtimen uusiminen !! Patteriverkoston säätö !! Kylpyhuonekalusteiden vaihto !! Patteriventtiilien vaihto !! New balcony doors !! LTO-laitteen asennus !! Water consumption measurements
| -20 || 0,0 % || 1,1 % || 1,1 % || 1,1 % || 1,1 % || 1,1 % || 1,1 % || 1,1 % || 1,1 % || 1,1 % || 1,1 %
| 21-25 ||0,0 % || 10,3 % || 1,2 % || 11,1 % || 10,3 % || 10,3 % || 1,2 % || 10,3 % || 1,2 % || 10,3 % || 10,3 %
| 26-30 || 0,0 % || 0,0 % || 0,0 % || 0,0 % || 0,0 % || 0,0 % || 0,0 % || 0,0 % || 0,0 % || 9,5 % || 0,0 %
| 31-35 || 0,0 % || 0,0 % || 0,0 % || 0,0 % || 0,0 % || 0,0 % || 0,0 % || 0,0 % || 0,0 % || 0,0 % || 0,0 %
| 36-40 || 0,0 % || 0,0 % || 0,0 % || 0,0 % || 4,2 % || 4,2 % || 0,0 % || 0,0 % || 0,0 % || 4,2 % || 0,0 %
| 41-45 || 0,0 % || 16,7 % || 0,0 % || 16,7 % || 16,7 % || 16,7 % || 0,0 % || 16,7 % || 0,0 % || 16,7 % || 16,7 %
| 46-50 || 0,0 % || 5,2 % || 0,0 % || 7,4 % || 7,4 % || 7,4 % || 0,0 % || 7,4 % || 0,0 % || 5,2 % || 5,2 %
| 51-55 || 0,0 % || 11,3 % || 0,0 % || 8,8 % || 8,8 % || 8,8 % || 0,0 % || 8,8 % || 0,0 % || 8,8 % || 16,2 %
| 56-60 || 0,0 % || 5,4 % || 0,0 % || 4,9 % || 6,2 % || 7,1 % || 0,0 % || 6,2 % || 4,5 % || 4,5 % || 5,4 %
| 61-65 || 0,0 % || 1,5 % || 1,3 % || 0,8 % || 2,9 % || 2,4 % || 1,0 % || 2,4 % || 0,9 % || 0,9 % || 2,9 %
| 66-70 || 0,6 % || 2,9 % || 1,2 % || 2,8 % || 1,4 % || 2,3 % || 1,1 % || 1,1 % || 0,1 % || 1,1 % || 1,1 %
| 71-75 || 3,2 % || 3,1 % || 3,4 % || 2,9 % || 3,1 % || 2,6 % || 0,2 % || 1,1 % || 0,2 % || 0,2 % || 0,2 %
| 76-80 || 0,1 % || 2,7 % || 0,1 % || 0,7 % || 2,0 % || 1,7 % || 1,1 % || 1,2 % || 0,2 % || 0,4 % || 0,2 %
| 81-85 || 1,0 % || 2,8 % || 0,7 % || 2,3 % || 3,3 % || 4,8 % || 3,5 % || 0,0 % || 0,0 % || 0,0 % || 0,8 %
| 86-90 || 0,0 % || 1,3 % || 0,0 % || 2,1 % || 6,1 % || 1,6 % || 0,7 % || 1,8 % || 0,3 % || 0,3 % || 1,0 %
| 91-95 || 0,6 % || 0,3 % || 0,0 % || 3,9 % || 8,6 % || 1,9 % || 5,1 % || 0,8 % || 0,2 % || 0,0 % || 1,3 %
| 96-00 || 0,1 % || 0,0 % || 0,0 % || 0,6 % || 1,2 % || 1,0 % || 1,5 % || 1,0 % || 0,0 % || 0,0 % || 4,2 %
| 01-05 || 2,9 % || 0,0 % || 0,0 % || 0,0 % || 1,2 % || 1,0 % || 0,0 % || 1,0 % || 0,0 % || 0,0 % || 0,7 %
| 06-10 || 1,7 % || 0,0 % || 0,0 % || 0,0 % || 0,5 % || 0,5 % || 0,0 % || 0,5 % || 0,0 % || 0,0 % || 0,0 %
{{defend|# |In the document there are similar tables for total renovations from 2010 onwards to years 2016, 2020 and 2050.|--[[User:Heta|Heta]] ([[User talk:Heta|talk]]) 09:28, 16 June 2015 (UTC)}}
{| {{prettytable}}
|+'''Toimenpiteiden vaikutukset yksittäisessä kohteessa ja toimenpiteisiin liittyviä huomautuksia.<ref name="uarvo"/>
! Toimenpide !! Tarkasteltava ominaisuus !! Muuttujan muutos !! yksikkö !! Huomautukset
| Glass for balconies || U-value for windows || -0,3 || W/m<sup>2</sup>,K || Säästö 1-4% rakennustasolla
| Changing the windows || U-value for windows || -1 || W/m<sup>2</sup>,K || Vanhoista osa kaksilasisia ja osa kolmilasisia. Uudes 1,0  W/m<sup>2</sup>,K tai alle
| Julkisivun peruskorjaus || U-value of walls || -0,2 ||  W/m<sup>2</sup>,K || U-arvo puolitetaan eli n. 100 mm lisäeristys
| Vesikattojen peruskorjaus || Yläpohjan U-arvo || -0,15 ||  W/m<sup>2</sup>,K || Oletetaan 50% lisäeristys U-arvo puoleen eli n. 100 mm lisäerstys
| Balcony door change || U-value of doors || -0,5 ||  W/m<sup>2</sup>,K || Tiivistyminen tuo lisäsäästöä
{| {{prettytable}}
|+'''Thermal transmittances of building components and air flow rates. Averaged values calculates from the detailed model are presented here.<ref>MK Mattinen, J Heljo, J Vihola, A Kurvinen, S Lehtoranta, A Nissinen: Modeling and visualisation of residential sector energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions</ref>
|colspan="2" rowspan="2"| Construction decade ||colspan="5"| Thermal transmittance factors for building components (W/m2K) ||colspan="3"| Ventilation and leakage air rates (1/h)
| Floor || Roof || Walls || Windows || Outdoors || Supply air through the heat recovery unit || Supply air bypassing the heat recovery unit || Leakage air
|rowspan="3"| Before 1980 || Single family house || 0.52 || 0.32 || 0.54 || 2.14 || 1.18 || 0.30 || 0.05 || 0.20
| Row house || 0.52 || 0.36 || 0.56 || 2.15 || 1.00 || 0.3 || 0.05 || 0.20
| Apartment building || 0.59 || 0.37 || 0.61 || 2.18 || 1.40 || 0.37 || 0.00 || 0.10
|rowspan="3"| 1980's || Single family house || 0.30 || 0.21 || 0.28 || 1.70 || 1.00 || 0.30 || 0.05 || 0.15
| Row house || 0.32 || 0.22 || 0.30 || 1.70 || 1.00 || 0.30 || 0.05 || 0.15
| Apartment building || 0.34 || 0.23 || 0.29 || 1.80 || 1.40 || 0.35 || 0.00 || 0.10
|rowspan="3"| 1990's || Single family house || 0.25 || 0.20 || 0.25 || 1.70 || 1.00 || 0.30 || 0.05 || 0.15
| Row house || 0.32 || 0.22 || 0.28 || 1.70 || 1.00 || 0.30 || 0.05 || 0.15
| Apartment building || 0.332 || 0.22 || 0.28 || 1.75 || 1.40 || 0.38 || 0.00 || 0.10
|rowspan="3"| 2000's || Single family house || 0.24 || 0.17 || 0.24 || 1.40 || 1.00 || 0.30 || 0.05 || 0.13
| Row house || 0.28 || 0.18 || 0.26 || 1.50 || 1.00 || 0.45 || 0.05 || 0.15
| Apartment building || 0.28 || 0.18 || 0.26 || 1.50 || 1.40 || 0.55 || 0.00 || 0.10
|rowspan="3"| 2010's || Single family house || 0.16 || 0.09 || 0.17 || 1.00 || 1.00 || 0.30 || 0.05 || 0.10
| Row house || 0.16 || 0.09 || 0.17 || 1.00 || 1.00 || 0.50 || 0.05 || 0.15
| Apartment building || 0.16 || 0.09 || 0.17 || 1.00 || 1.00 || 0.60 || 0.00 || 0.10
==== Locations of city areas ====

;Locations of city areas (hidden for readability).
;Locations of city areas (hidden for readability).
Line 565: Line 623:
=== Data not used ===
This contains data that was not used in the model's calculations. This includes renovation rates, the rates of heat flowing out of buildings and total floor areas of multiple types of buildings in Helsinki. The floor area data is also found in the background data of this page, which was used in the model.
{| {{prettytable}}
|+'''Effective floor area of buildings by building type.
|| Building|| Baseline|| 2020|| 2025|| 2050|| Year of baseline|| Description
|| Residential|| 27884795|| 32472388|| 34890241|| 44069914|| 2014|| Building stock of Helsinki area, 2014
|| Public|| 4537025|| 4764475|| 4945952|| 5855546|| 2014|| Building stock of Helsinki area, 2014
|| Industrial|| 3277271|| 3306063|| 3360467|| 3640854|| 2014|| Building stock of Helsinki area, 2014
|| Other|| 10861972|| 11406505|| 11840973|| 13806423|| 2014|| Building stock of Helsinki area, 2014
* Estimates were based on {{#l:Siemens City Performance toolin seuraava kokous 2.2.pdf}} and some derived calculations on {{#l:BUILDING STOCK CALCULATION 2015.xlsx}}.
* How to get the numbers for the ''baseline floor area'' for residential, public, industrial and other: Residential floor area was named as residential together, public by summing the floor area of health care, education  and common  buildings, industrial buildings were as such and other buildings comprise of business, traffic, office and storage buildings.
* Ref. Helsinki master plan for 2050: there are 860 000 citizens living in Helsinki  (ref., visio2050);  Residental buildings => fast growth
* Prediction of citizen number in Helsinki in 2020, 2030, 2040 and 2050 was used for calculations (ref. Helsingin 30% päästövähennysselvitys).
* Helsinki’s climate policy: 30% reduction in emissions:  In 2010 the proportion of jobs in services and public sectors was 94%, and in industry 6%.  In 2020 the proportion of jobs in services and public sectors is estimated to be 96%, and in industry 4%. Public and other buildings => between fast growth option and basic option,  Industry=> Basic option
* Prediction of job number in Helsinki in 2020, 2030, 2040 and 2050 was used for calculations (ref. Helsingin 30% päästövähennysselvitys).
* {{#l:Tables one and two.pdf}} The presentation of Tables 1 and 2
''Technical notes'':
: Sheet 4_Input Buildings (Area Demand). Priority 1. Auxiliaries PPT. Absolute increase/decrease rate will be based on the inhabitants projected in time.
: This is another list building types that was considered but rejected as too complex: Residential buildings, Government & public administration buildings, Commercial offices buildings, Data centers buildings, Education and K12 and universitiy buildings, Hospitals and healthcare buildings, Hotels and hospitality and leisure buildings, Exhibitions and fairs and halls buildings, Retail and stores and shops buildings, Warehouses & shopping mall buildings, Industrial buildings, Non residential buildings unspecified.
* There was a problem with missing data. There is more than 400000 m^2 floor area that is missing; this is estimated from total area that is available for these buildings. For other buildings, there is more than 400000 m^2 total area missing from buildings where floor area is given. See statistical analysis []. This was corrected by inputation so that is floor area was missing, 0.8*total_area was used instead [].
{| {{prettytable}}
|+ Renovations per year made in residental buildings owned by Helsinki city, by construction year of the buildings.<ref name="uarvo">[ HAESS Final report], Tampere University of Technology, 2010</ref>
! Construction year !! Balcony glasses !! Windows !! Julkisivujen peruskorjaus !! Vesikattojen peruskojaus !! Lämmönvaihtimen uusiminen !! Patteriverkoston säätö !! Kylpyhuonekalusteiden vaihto !! Patteriventtiilien vaihto !! New balcony doors !! LTO-laitteen asennus !! Water consumption measurements
| -20 || 0,0 % || 1,1 % || 1,1 % || 1,1 % || 1,1 % || 1,1 % || 1,1 % || 1,1 % || 1,1 % || 1,1 % || 1,1 %
| 21-25 ||0,0 % || 10,3 % || 1,2 % || 11,1 % || 10,3 % || 10,3 % || 1,2 % || 10,3 % || 1,2 % || 10,3 % || 10,3 %
| 26-30 || 0,0 % || 0,0 % || 0,0 % || 0,0 % || 0,0 % || 0,0 % || 0,0 % || 0,0 % || 0,0 % || 9,5 % || 0,0 %
| 31-35 || 0,0 % || 0,0 % || 0,0 % || 0,0 % || 0,0 % || 0,0 % || 0,0 % || 0,0 % || 0,0 % || 0,0 % || 0,0 %
| 36-40 || 0,0 % || 0,0 % || 0,0 % || 0,0 % || 4,2 % || 4,2 % || 0,0 % || 0,0 % || 0,0 % || 4,2 % || 0,0 %
| 41-45 || 0,0 % || 16,7 % || 0,0 % || 16,7 % || 16,7 % || 16,7 % || 0,0 % || 16,7 % || 0,0 % || 16,7 % || 16,7 %
| 46-50 || 0,0 % || 5,2 % || 0,0 % || 7,4 % || 7,4 % || 7,4 % || 0,0 % || 7,4 % || 0,0 % || 5,2 % || 5,2 %
| 51-55 || 0,0 % || 11,3 % || 0,0 % || 8,8 % || 8,8 % || 8,8 % || 0,0 % || 8,8 % || 0,0 % || 8,8 % || 16,2 %
| 56-60 || 0,0 % || 5,4 % || 0,0 % || 4,9 % || 6,2 % || 7,1 % || 0,0 % || 6,2 % || 4,5 % || 4,5 % || 5,4 %
| 61-65 || 0,0 % || 1,5 % || 1,3 % || 0,8 % || 2,9 % || 2,4 % || 1,0 % || 2,4 % || 0,9 % || 0,9 % || 2,9 %
| 66-70 || 0,6 % || 2,9 % || 1,2 % || 2,8 % || 1,4 % || 2,3 % || 1,1 % || 1,1 % || 0,1 % || 1,1 % || 1,1 %
| 71-75 || 3,2 % || 3,1 % || 3,4 % || 2,9 % || 3,1 % || 2,6 % || 0,2 % || 1,1 % || 0,2 % || 0,2 % || 0,2 %
| 76-80 || 0,1 % || 2,7 % || 0,1 % || 0,7 % || 2,0 % || 1,7 % || 1,1 % || 1,2 % || 0,2 % || 0,4 % || 0,2 %
| 81-85 || 1,0 % || 2,8 % || 0,7 % || 2,3 % || 3,3 % || 4,8 % || 3,5 % || 0,0 % || 0,0 % || 0,0 % || 0,8 %
| 86-90 || 0,0 % || 1,3 % || 0,0 % || 2,1 % || 6,1 % || 1,6 % || 0,7 % || 1,8 % || 0,3 % || 0,3 % || 1,0 %
| 91-95 || 0,6 % || 0,3 % || 0,0 % || 3,9 % || 8,6 % || 1,9 % || 5,1 % || 0,8 % || 0,2 % || 0,0 % || 1,3 %
| 96-00 || 0,1 % || 0,0 % || 0,0 % || 0,6 % || 1,2 % || 1,0 % || 1,5 % || 1,0 % || 0,0 % || 0,0 % || 4,2 %
| 01-05 || 2,9 % || 0,0 % || 0,0 % || 0,0 % || 1,2 % || 1,0 % || 0,0 % || 1,0 % || 0,0 % || 0,0 % || 0,7 %
| 06-10 || 1,7 % || 0,0 % || 0,0 % || 0,0 % || 0,5 % || 0,5 % || 0,0 % || 0,5 % || 0,0 % || 0,0 % || 0,0 %
{{defend|# |In the document there are similar tables for total renovations from 2010 onwards to years 2016, 2020 and 2050.|--[[User:Heta|Heta]] ([[User talk:Heta|talk]]) 09:28, 16 June 2015 (UTC)}}
{| {{prettytable}}
|+'''Toimenpiteiden vaikutukset yksittäisessä kohteessa ja toimenpiteisiin liittyviä huomautuksia.<ref name="uarvo"/>
! Action !! The feature in question !! Difference to before !! Unit !! Notes
| Glass for balconies || U-value for windows || -0,3 || W/m<sup>2</sup>,K || Säästö 1-4% rakennustasolla
| Changing the windows || U-value for windows || -1 || W/m<sup>2</sup>,K || Vanhoista osa kaksilasisia ja osa kolmilasisia. Uudes 1,0  W/m<sup>2</sup>,K tai alle
| Julkisivun peruskorjaus || U-value of walls || -0,2 ||  W/m<sup>2</sup>,K || U-arvo puolitetaan eli n. 100 mm lisäeristys
| Vesikattojen peruskorjaus || Yläpohjan U-arvo || -0,15 ||  W/m<sup>2</sup>,K || Oletetaan 50% lisäeristys U-arvo puoleen eli n. 100 mm lisäerstys
| Balcony door change || U-value of doors || -0,5 ||  W/m<sup>2</sup>,K || Tiivistyminen tuo lisäsäästöä
{| {{prettytable}}
|+'''Thermal transmittances of building components and air flow rates. Averaged values calculates from the detailed model are presented here.<ref>MK Mattinen, J Heljo, J Vihola, A Kurvinen, S Lehtoranta, A Nissinen: Modeling and visualisation of residential sector energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions</ref>
|colspan="2" rowspan="2"| Construction decade ||colspan="5"| Thermal transmittance factors for building components (W/m2K) ||colspan="3"| Ventilation and leakage air rates (1/h)
| Floor || Roof || Walls || Windows || Outdoors || Supply air through the heat recovery unit || Supply air bypassing the heat recovery unit || Leakage air
|rowspan="3"| Before 1980 || Single family house || 0.52 || 0.32 || 0.54 || 2.14 || 1.18 || 0.30 || 0.05 || 0.20
| Row house || 0.52 || 0.36 || 0.56 || 2.15 || 1.00 || 0.3 || 0.05 || 0.20
| Apartment building || 0.59 || 0.37 || 0.61 || 2.18 || 1.40 || 0.37 || 0.00 || 0.10
|rowspan="3"| 1980's || Single family house || 0.30 || 0.21 || 0.28 || 1.70 || 1.00 || 0.30 || 0.05 || 0.15
| Row house || 0.32 || 0.22 || 0.30 || 1.70 || 1.00 || 0.30 || 0.05 || 0.15
| Apartment building || 0.34 || 0.23 || 0.29 || 1.80 || 1.40 || 0.35 || 0.00 || 0.10
|rowspan="3"| 1990's || Single family house || 0.25 || 0.20 || 0.25 || 1.70 || 1.00 || 0.30 || 0.05 || 0.15
| Row house || 0.32 || 0.22 || 0.28 || 1.70 || 1.00 || 0.30 || 0.05 || 0.15
| Apartment building || 0.332 || 0.22 || 0.28 || 1.75 || 1.40 || 0.38 || 0.00 || 0.10
|rowspan="3"| 2000's || Single family house || 0.24 || 0.17 || 0.24 || 1.40 || 1.00 || 0.30 || 0.05 || 0.13
| Row house || 0.28 || 0.18 || 0.26 || 1.50 || 1.00 || 0.45 || 0.05 || 0.15
| Apartment building || 0.28 || 0.18 || 0.26 || 1.50 || 1.40 || 0.55 || 0.00 || 0.10
|rowspan="3"| 2010's || Single family house || 0.16 || 0.09 || 0.17 || 1.00 || 1.00 || 0.30 || 0.05 || 0.10
| Row house || 0.16 || 0.09 || 0.17 || 1.00 || 1.00 || 0.50 || 0.05 || 0.15
| Apartment building || 0.16 || 0.09 || 0.17 || 1.00 || 1.00 || 0.60 || 0.00 || 0.10

== See also ==
== See also ==
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== Related files ==
== Related files ==
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Latest revision as of 08:47, 18 December 2018

During Decision analysis and risk management 2015 course, this page was used to collect student contributions. To see them, look at an archived version. The page has since been updated for its main use. Data in the archived tables was moved: Table 2. Energy parametres of buildings, Table 4. Energy sinks, Table 5. Changes in energy efficiency, Table 6. Important energy parametres. Tables 3, 7, and 8 did not contain data and were removed.


What is the building stock in Helsinki and its projected future?


+ Show code


This part contains the data needed for calculations about the building stock in Helsinki. It shows the different building and heating types in Helsinki, and how much and what kind of renovations are done for the existing building stock in a year, including how much and how old building stock is demolished. This data is used in further calculations in the model.

There is also some other important data that wasn't used in the model's calculations. These include more accurate renovation statistics for residential buildings, U-value changes for renovations and thermal transmittance of different parts of residential buildings. This data is found under Data not used.

Carbon neutral Helsinki 2035

+ Show code

Building stock

These tables are based on FACTA database classifications and their interpretation for assessments. This data is used for modelling. The data is large and can be seen from the Opasnet Base. Technical parts on this page are hidden for readability. Building types should match Energy use of buildings#Baseline energy consumption.

+ Show code

Construction and demolition

It is assumed that construction occurs at a constant rate so that there is an increase of 42% in 2050 compared to 2013. Energy efficiency comes from Energy use of buildings.

+ Show code

Fraction of houses demolished per year.

Data updated successfully!

Demolition rate(% /a)

+ Show code

Heating type conversion

The fraction of heating types in the building stock reflects the situation at the moment of construction and not currently. The heating type conversion corrects this by changing a fraction of heating methods to a different one at different timepoints. Cumulative fraction, other timepoints will be interpolated.

Data updated successfully!


+ Show code


Estimates from Laura Perez and Stephan Trüeb, N:\YMAL\Projects\Urgenche\WP9 Basel\Energy_scenarios_Basel_update.docx

Data updated successfully!

Fraction of houses renovated per year(%)
100Estimates from Laura Perez and Stephan Trüeb
2200Assumption Result applies to buildings older than the value in the Age column.

+ Show code

Data updated successfully!

Popularity of renovation types(%)
3Technical systems30
4Sheath reform5

+ Show code

Locations of city areas

Locations of city areas (hidden for readability).

Data not used

This contains data that was not used in the model's calculations. This includes renovation rates, the rates of heat flowing out of buildings and total floor areas of multiple types of buildings in Helsinki. The floor area data is also found in the background data of this page, which was used in the model.

Effective floor area of buildings by building type.
Building Baseline 2020 2025 2050 Year of baseline Description
Residential 27884795 32472388 34890241 44069914 2014 Building stock of Helsinki area, 2014
Public 4537025 4764475 4945952 5855546 2014 Building stock of Helsinki area, 2014
Industrial 3277271 3306063 3360467 3640854 2014 Building stock of Helsinki area, 2014
Other 10861972 11406505 11840973 13806423 2014 Building stock of Helsinki area, 2014
  • Estimates were based on Siemens City Performance toolin seuraava kokous 2.2 and some derived calculations on BUILDING STOCK CALCULATION 2015.
  • How to get the numbers for the baseline floor area for residential, public, industrial and other: Residential floor area was named as residential together, public by summing the floor area of health care, education and common buildings, industrial buildings were as such and other buildings comprise of business, traffic, office and storage buildings.
  • Ref. Helsinki master plan for 2050: there are 860 000 citizens living in Helsinki (ref., visio2050); Residental buildings => fast growth
  • Prediction of citizen number in Helsinki in 2020, 2030, 2040 and 2050 was used for calculations (ref. Helsingin 30% päästövähennysselvitys).
  • Helsinki’s climate policy: 30% reduction in emissions: In 2010 the proportion of jobs in services and public sectors was 94%, and in industry 6%. In 2020 the proportion of jobs in services and public sectors is estimated to be 96%, and in industry 4%. Public and other buildings => between fast growth option and basic option, Industry=> Basic option
  • Prediction of job number in Helsinki in 2020, 2030, 2040 and 2050 was used for calculations (ref. Helsingin 30% päästövähennysselvitys).
  • Tables one and two The presentation of Tables 1 and 2

Technical notes:

Sheet 4_Input Buildings (Area Demand). Priority 1. Auxiliaries PPT. Absolute increase/decrease rate will be based on the inhabitants projected in time.
This is another list building types that was considered but rejected as too complex: Residential buildings, Government & public administration buildings, Commercial offices buildings, Data centers buildings, Education and K12 and universitiy buildings, Hospitals and healthcare buildings, Hotels and hospitality and leisure buildings, Exhibitions and fairs and halls buildings, Retail and stores and shops buildings, Warehouses & shopping mall buildings, Industrial buildings, Non residential buildings unspecified.
  • There was a problem with missing data. There is more than 400000 m^2 floor area that is missing; this is estimated from total area that is available for these buildings. For other buildings, there is more than 400000 m^2 total area missing from buildings where floor area is given. See statistical analysis [1]. This was corrected by inputation so that is floor area was missing, 0.8*total_area was used instead [2].
Renovations per year made in residental buildings owned by Helsinki city, by construction year of the buildings.[1]
Construction year Balcony glasses Windows Julkisivujen peruskorjaus Vesikattojen peruskojaus Lämmönvaihtimen uusiminen Patteriverkoston säätö Kylpyhuonekalusteiden vaihto Patteriventtiilien vaihto New balcony doors LTO-laitteen asennus Water consumption measurements
-20 0,0 % 1,1 % 1,1 % 1,1 % 1,1 % 1,1 % 1,1 % 1,1 % 1,1 % 1,1 % 1,1 %
21-25 0,0 % 10,3 % 1,2 % 11,1 % 10,3 % 10,3 % 1,2 % 10,3 % 1,2 % 10,3 % 10,3 %
26-30 0,0 % 0,0 % 0,0 % 0,0 % 0,0 % 0,0 % 0,0 % 0,0 % 0,0 % 9,5 % 0,0 %
31-35 0,0 % 0,0 % 0,0 % 0,0 % 0,0 % 0,0 % 0,0 % 0,0 % 0,0 % 0,0 % 0,0 %
36-40 0,0 % 0,0 % 0,0 % 0,0 % 4,2 % 4,2 % 0,0 % 0,0 % 0,0 % 4,2 % 0,0 %
41-45 0,0 % 16,7 % 0,0 % 16,7 % 16,7 % 16,7 % 0,0 % 16,7 % 0,0 % 16,7 % 16,7 %
46-50 0,0 % 5,2 % 0,0 % 7,4 % 7,4 % 7,4 % 0,0 % 7,4 % 0,0 % 5,2 % 5,2 %
51-55 0,0 % 11,3 % 0,0 % 8,8 % 8,8 % 8,8 % 0,0 % 8,8 % 0,0 % 8,8 % 16,2 %
56-60 0,0 % 5,4 % 0,0 % 4,9 % 6,2 % 7,1 % 0,0 % 6,2 % 4,5 % 4,5 % 5,4 %
61-65 0,0 % 1,5 % 1,3 % 0,8 % 2,9 % 2,4 % 1,0 % 2,4 % 0,9 % 0,9 % 2,9 %
66-70 0,6 % 2,9 % 1,2 % 2,8 % 1,4 % 2,3 % 1,1 % 1,1 % 0,1 % 1,1 % 1,1 %
71-75 3,2 % 3,1 % 3,4 % 2,9 % 3,1 % 2,6 % 0,2 % 1,1 % 0,2 % 0,2 % 0,2 %
76-80 0,1 % 2,7 % 0,1 % 0,7 % 2,0 % 1,7 % 1,1 % 1,2 % 0,2 % 0,4 % 0,2 %
81-85 1,0 % 2,8 % 0,7 % 2,3 % 3,3 % 4,8 % 3,5 % 0,0 % 0,0 % 0,0 % 0,8 %
86-90 0,0 % 1,3 % 0,0 % 2,1 % 6,1 % 1,6 % 0,7 % 1,8 % 0,3 % 0,3 % 1,0 %
91-95 0,6 % 0,3 % 0,0 % 3,9 % 8,6 % 1,9 % 5,1 % 0,8 % 0,2 % 0,0 % 1,3 %
96-00 0,1 % 0,0 % 0,0 % 0,6 % 1,2 % 1,0 % 1,5 % 1,0 % 0,0 % 0,0 % 4,2 %
01-05 2,9 % 0,0 % 0,0 % 0,0 % 1,2 % 1,0 % 0,0 % 1,0 % 0,0 % 0,0 % 0,7 %
06-10 1,7 % 0,0 % 0,0 % 0,0 % 0,5 % 0,5 % 0,0 % 0,5 % 0,0 % 0,0 % 0,0 %

←--#: . In the document there are similar tables for total renovations from 2010 onwards to years 2016, 2020 and 2050. --Heta (talk) 09:28, 16 June 2015 (UTC) (type: truth; paradigms: science: defence)

Toimenpiteiden vaikutukset yksittäisessä kohteessa ja toimenpiteisiin liittyviä huomautuksia.[1]
Action The feature in question Difference to before Unit Notes
Glass for balconies U-value for windows -0,3 W/m2,K Säästö 1-4% rakennustasolla
Changing the windows U-value for windows -1 W/m2,K Vanhoista osa kaksilasisia ja osa kolmilasisia. Uudes 1,0 W/m2,K tai alle
Julkisivun peruskorjaus U-value of walls -0,2 W/m2,K U-arvo puolitetaan eli n. 100 mm lisäeristys
Vesikattojen peruskorjaus Yläpohjan U-arvo -0,15 W/m2,K Oletetaan 50% lisäeristys U-arvo puoleen eli n. 100 mm lisäerstys
Balcony door change U-value of doors -0,5 W/m2,K Tiivistyminen tuo lisäsäästöä
Thermal transmittances of building components and air flow rates. Averaged values calculates from the detailed model are presented here.[2]
Construction decade Thermal transmittance factors for building components (W/m2K) Ventilation and leakage air rates (1/h)
Floor Roof Walls Windows Outdoors Supply air through the heat recovery unit Supply air bypassing the heat recovery unit Leakage air
Before 1980 Single family house 0.52 0.32 0.54 2.14 1.18 0.30 0.05 0.20
Row house 0.52 0.36 0.56 2.15 1.00 0.3 0.05 0.20
Apartment building 0.59 0.37 0.61 2.18 1.40 0.37 0.00 0.10
1980's Single family house 0.30 0.21 0.28 1.70 1.00 0.30 0.05 0.15
Row house 0.32 0.22 0.30 1.70 1.00 0.30 0.05 0.15
Apartment building 0.34 0.23 0.29 1.80 1.40 0.35 0.00 0.10
1990's Single family house 0.25 0.20 0.25 1.70 1.00 0.30 0.05 0.15
Row house 0.32 0.22 0.28 1.70 1.00 0.30 0.05 0.15
Apartment building 0.332 0.22 0.28 1.75 1.40 0.38 0.00 0.10
2000's Single family house 0.24 0.17 0.24 1.40 1.00 0.30 0.05 0.13
Row house 0.28 0.18 0.26 1.50 1.00 0.45 0.05 0.15
Apartment building 0.28 0.18 0.26 1.50 1.40 0.55 0.00 0.10
2010's Single family house 0.16 0.09 0.17 1.00 1.00 0.30 0.05 0.10
Row house 0.16 0.09 0.17 1.00 1.00 0.50 0.05 0.15
Apartment building 0.16 0.09 0.17 1.00 1.00 0.60 0.00 0.10

See also

Helsinki energy decision 2015
In English
Assessment Main page | Helsinki energy decision options 2015
Helsinki data Building stock in Helsinki | Helsinki energy production | Helsinki energy consumption | Energy use of buildings | Emission factors for burning processes | Prices of fuels in heat production | External cost
Models Building model | Energy balance | Health impact assessment | Economic impacts
Related assessments Climate change policies in Helsinki | Climate change policies and health in Kuopio | Climate change policies in Basel
In Finnish
Yhteenveto Helsingin energiapäätös 2015 | Helsingin energiapäätöksen vaihtoehdot 2015 | Helsingin energiapäätökseen liittyviä arvoja | Helsingin energiapäätös 2015.pptx


  1. 1.0 1.1 HAESS Final report, Tampere University of Technology, 2010
  2. MK Mattinen, J Heljo, J Vihola, A Kurvinen, S Lehtoranta, A Nissinen: Modeling and visualisation of residential sector energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions

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