Talk:Goherr: WP4 Linking fish physiology to food production and bioaccumulation of dioxin

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"New research shows that current levels of dioxins and related compounds in fish tissue can have harmful effects on the fish itself. Last year published a Norwegian study where salmon were reared on fish pellets of two kinds : first, general use pellets with low levels of POPs ( including dioxins and PCBs) and partly pellets purified from POP. In the final phase of the study had the fish during their upbringing with purified pellets grew faster and had the meat of better quality than those who received pellets containing POPs . The fatty tissue of the fish with slower growth had levels of dioxins and related compounds that were only about 30 percent of the EU limit. Against this background, there is reason to suspect that the current significantly higher dioxin and PCB levels in Baltic salmon can harm the fish growth." See: