IRIS/Oral RfDs

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What are the Oral RfDs according to the IRIS database?


IRIS/Oral RfDs: Difference between revisions(mg /kg /day)
ObsSubstanceCASNRCritical EffectUnitOral RfDType of RfDPoint of DepartureOverall ConfidenceIRIS identifier
1Acenaphthene83-32-9 Hepatotoxicitymg /kg-day6 x10-2NOAEL175Low0442
2Acenaphthylene208-96-8Not Assessed under the IRIS program0443
3Acephate30560-19-1Inhibition of brain ChEmg /kg-day4 x10-3LEL0.12High0354
4Acetaldehyde75-07-0Not Assessed under the IRIS program0290
5Acetochlor34256-82-1Salivation, increased ALT and ornithine carbamyl transferase; significant increases in triglyceride and decreased blood glucose levels; histopathological changes in kidneys and testes of malesmg /kg-day2 x10-2NOAEL2 mg/kg-dayHigh0521
6Acetone67-64-1Nephropathymg /kg-day0.9NOAEL900Medium0128
7Acetonitrile75-05-8Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.0205
8Acetophenone98-86-2General toxicitymg /kg-day1 x10-1NOAEL423Low0321
9Acetyl chloride75-36-5Not Assessed under the IRIS program0518
10Acifluorfen, sodium62476-59-9Mortality and kidney lesionsmg /kg-day1.3 x10-2NOEL1.25Medium0192
11Acrolein107-02-8Decreased survivalmg /kg-day5 x10-4NOAEL0.05Medium/High0364
12Acrylamide79-06-1Degenerative nerve changesmg /kg-day0.002HED (BMDL)0.053Medium/High0286
13Acrylic acid79-10-7Reduced pup weightmg /kg-day5 x10-1NOAEL53High0002
14Acrylonitrile107-13-1Not Assessed under the IRIS program0206
15Adiponitrile111-69-3Not Assessed under the IRIS program0515
16Alachlor15972-60-8Hemosiderosis, hemolytic anemiamg /kg-day1 x10-2NOAEL1High0129
17Alar1596-84-5No adverse effectsmg /kg-day1.5 x10-1NOEL15Low0287
18Aldicarb116-06-3Sweating as clinical sign of AChe inhibition (other effect: Clinical signs and symptoms of acetylcholinesterase inhibition including sweating, pinpoint pupils, leg weakness, and other effects Nausea, diarrhea, and other signs and symptoms)mg /kg-day1 x10-3NOAEL0.01Medium0003
19Aldicarb sulfone1646-88-4Brain ChE inhibition in femalesmg /kg-day1 x10-3NOAEL0.11Medium0312
20Aldrin309-00-2Liver toxicitymg /kg-day3 x10-5LOAEL0.025Medium0130
21Ally74223-64-6Decreased body weightmg /kg-day2.5 x10-1NOEL25High0288
22Allyl alcohol107-18-6Impaired renal function and increased liver and kidney weightsmg /kg-day5 x10-3NOEL4.8Low0004
23Allyl chloride107-05-1Not Assessed under the IRIS program0387
24Aluminum phosphide20859-73-8Body weight and clinical parametersmg /kg-day4 x10-4NOAEL0.043Medium0005
25Amdro67485-29-4Increased organ weightsmg /kg-day3 x10-4NOEL0.33High0207
26Ametryn834-12-8Liver toxicitymg /kg-day9 x10-3NOEL8.6Low0208
274-Aminopyridine504-24-5Not Assessed under the IRIS program0440
28Amitraz33089-61-1Increased mean blood sugar concentration; slight hypothermiamg /kg-day2.5 x10-3NOEL0.25Medium0334
29Ammonia7664-41-7Not Assessed under the IRIS program0422
30Ammonium acetate631-61-8Not Assessed under the IRIS program0517
31Ammonium methacrylate16325-47-6Not Assessed under the IRIS program0516
32Ammonium sulfamate7773-06-0Decrease in body weightmg /kg-day2 x10-1NOEL214.3Low0007
33Aniline62-53-3Not Assessed under the IRIS program0350
34ortho-Anisidine90-04-0Not Assessed under the IRIS program0610
35Anthracene120-12-7No observed effectsmg /kg-day3 x10-1NOEL1000Low0434
36Antimony7440-36-0Longevity, blood glucose, and cholesterolmg /kg-day4 x10-4LOAEL0.35Low0006
37Antimony trioxide1309-64-4Not Assessed under the IRIS program0676
38Apollo74115-24-5Liver effects; organ weight changesmg /kg-day1.3 x10-2NOEL1.25High0008
39Aramite140-57-8Not Assessed under the IRIS program0473
40Aroclor 101612674-11-2Reduced birth weightsmg /kg-day7 x10-5NOAEL0.007Medium0462
41Aroclor 124812672-29-6Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.0649
42Aroclor 125411097-69-1Ocular exudate, inflamed and prominent Meibomian glands, distorted growth of finger and toe nails; decreased antibody (IgG and IgM) response to sheep erythrocytesmg /kg-day2 x10-5LOAEL0.005Medium0389
43Arsenic, inorganic7440-38-2Hyperpigmentation, keratosis and possible vascular complicationsmg /kg-day3 x10-4NOAEL0.0008Medium0278
44Arsine7784-42-1Not Assessed under the IRIS program0672
45Asbestos1332-21-4Not Assessed under the IRIS program0371
46Assure76578-14-8Liver cell enlargementmg /kg-day9 x10-3NOEL0.9High0335
47Asulam3337-71-1Lower ovarian weight, lower liver/body weightmg /kg-day5 x10-2LEL50Medium0284
48Atrazine1912-24-9Decreased body weight gain (other effect: Cardiac toxicity and moderate-to-severe dilation of the right atrium)mg /kg-day3.5 x10-2NOAEL3.5High0209
49Avermectin B165195-55-3Increased retinal folds in weanlings, decreased viability and lactation indices, decreased pup body weight, increase of dead pups at birthmg /kg-day4 x10-4NOEL0.12High0381
50Azobenzene103-33-3Not Assessed under the IRIS program0351
51Barium and Compounds7440-39-3Nephropathymg /kg-day0.2BMDL0563Medium0010
52Barium cyanide542-62-1Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.0009
53Baygon114-26-1Mild cholinergic symptoms and RBD ChE inhibitionmg /kg-day4 x10-3LEL0.36Medium0210
54Bayleton43121-43-3Decreased body weight gain, erythrocyte count and hemoglobin levelmg /kg-day3 x10-2NOEL2.5High0131
55Baythroid68359-37-5Decreased body weights in males, inflammatory foci in kidneys of femalesmg /kg-day2.5 x10-2NOEL2.5High0132
56Benefin1861-40-1Depressed erythrocyte countsmg /kg-day3 x10-1NOAEL25Medium0133
57Benomyl17804-35-2Decreased pup weanling weightsmg /kg-day5 x10-2NOEL5 mg/kg-dayHigh0011
58Bentazon (Basagran)25057-89-0Blood loss into the gastrointestinal tract; coagulation defect in male and female dogs (other effect: Dose-related increase in red areas (presumed blood) in feces; coagulation defect)mg /kg-day3.0 x10-2NOAEL (ADJ)3.2Medium0134
59Benz[a]anthracene56-55-3Not Assessed under the IRIS program0454
60Benzaldehyde100-52-7Forestomach lesions, kidney toxicitymg /kg-day1 x10-1NOEL143Low0332
61Benzene71-43-2Decreased lymphocyte countmg /kg-day4.0 x10-3BMDL1.2Medium0276
62Benzidine92-87-5Brain cell vacuolization; liver cell alterations in femalesmg /kg-day3 x10-3LOAEL2.7Medium0135



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