Internal meeting of WP2, WP3, WP5 and WP6 April 2016, Helsinki
Internal meeting of WP2, WP3, WP5, WP6, April 2016, Helsinki
Time: 13 April 2016, 10.00 – 17.00
Place: Ympäristötalo, Töyhtöhyyppä, Viikinkaari 2
Participants: Mia Pihlajamäki (UOulu), Arja Asikainen (THL), Suvi Ignatius (UH), Päivi Haapasaari (UH)
Aim of the meeting: Develop the consumer questionnaire of WP5
A small-scaled meeting was organized to discuss and further develop the consumer questionnaire of WP5 (Task 5.3). The questionnaire is being created for exploring 1) the human consumption of Baltic herring and salmon, 2) reasons for why people eat/do not eat these fishes, 3) the effect of dioxins on the consumption, 4) the effect that a decrease in dioxin concentration might have on the consumption. In addition, the questionnaire will be used for exploring socio-cultural values related to Baltic salmon and herring. The questionnaire will be targeted to a large sample of consumers in Estonia, Finland, Sweden and Denmark.
The results of the questionnaire will be used in several WPs/Tasks of GOHERR: Task 5.4 (Benefit-risk assessment of previous, current and future fish intake), Task 2.1 (Socio-cultural importance and use of Baltic salmon and herring), Task 3.3 (Scenario building), and WP6 (Decision support model). Therefore, the questions must be carefully planned to meet the needs of the different WPs/Tasks.
The questionnaire includes questions related to the consumption of salmon and herring and to the socio-cultural value of salmon and herring. The first version of the questionnaire was tested in the Stakeholder workshop in February, and has been improved according to the feedback received. Now, each question was gone through, discussed, and revised. Several questions were deleted in order to make the questionnaire shorter and more concise. In addition, alternative rating scales were discussed. The questionnaire can still be revised in Google Drive. A second test round will be carried out in April-May-June, after which the questions will again be improved. The plan is to conduct the final questionnaire survey in August-September.