How scientists perceive the evolutionary origin of human traits: results of a survey study
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How scientists perceive the evolutionary origin of human traits: results of a survey study is a research study that was published in journal Ecology and Evolution in 2018.
- Name: How scientists perceive the evolutionary origin of human traits: results of a survey study
- Authors: Hanna Tuomisto, Matleena Tuomisto, Jouni T. Tuomisto
- Journal: Ecology and Evolution
- Publishing year: 2018 (accepted Jan 2, 2018)
- DOI: doi:10.1002/ece3.3887
- Appendix 2: Human evolution report survey1
- Survey data on Dryad
- Survey data on Opasnet
Materials and methods
This code gets the files and makes them publicly available.
# This is code Op_en7839/publishdata on page [[How scientists perceive the evolutionary origin of human traits: results of a survey study]] library(OpasnetUtils) objects.get(token) melted_survey$Country <- NA # To protect anonymity, country information is removed survey1$Country <- NA, melted_survey, survey1, survey1_questions, aahhypos, allhypos, envhypos, sochypos) cat("Data.frames critique, melted_survey, survey1, and survey1_questions; and info vectors aahhypos, allhypos, envhypos, sochypos stored.\n") |
Use this code in statistical software R to download the data for further use:
install.packages("OpasnetUtils") # You need this line only if you haven't installed this package yet. library(OpasnetUtils) objects.latest("Op_en7839", code_name="publishdata") # This line downloads data.frames with the data
Human evolution report survey1 is a report that shows all questions in the survey and simple histograms or frequencies for each question.
Preprocess for Dryad data
The Dryad data does not contain objects melted_survey nor critique. They can be calculated from survey1 using this code. Note! This code does not fetch anything, so it only works on your own computer if you have already downloaded object survey1.
# This is code Op_en7839/ on page [[How scientists perceive the evolutionary origin of human traits: results of a survey study]] melted_survey <- melt( survey1[-c(5:22,80:123)], # Remove columns with raw expertise answers and about AAH criticism etc. measure.vars = allhypos, = "Hypothesis","Answer" ) melted_survey$Answer <- factor( melted_survey$Answer, levels = c( "Very likely", "Moderately likely", "No opinion", "Moderately unlikely", "Very unlikely" ), ordered = TRUE ) # Calculates numbers of likely answers for each hypothesis ord <- aggregate(melted_survey$Answer %in% c("Very likely", "Moderately likely"), melted_survey["Hypothesis"], sum) # Orders Hypothesis column to factor with most popular first melted_survey$Hypothesis <- factor(melted_survey$Hypothesis, levels=ord$Hypothesis[order(-ord$x)], ordered = TRUE) melted_survey <- merge( melted_survey, survey1_questions[c("Name", "Trait")], # Remove Obs and Question columns, keep hypothesis and trait. by.x="Hypothesis", by.y="Name" ) melted_survey$Trait <- factor( melted_survey$Trait, levels = c(levels(melted_survey$Trait)[levels(melted_survey$Trait) != "Other"], "Other"), ordered = TRUE ) levels(melted_survey$Hypothesis) <- gsub("\\.", " ", levels(melted_survey$Hypothesis)) ################ AAH critique critique <- melt( survey1[c(125, 111 ,89:108)], id.vars = 1:2, = "Critique", = "Answer" ) critique$Answer <- factor(critique$Answer, levels = c( "Fully agree", "Mostly agree", "No opinion", "Mostly disagree", "Strongly disagree", NA ), ordered = TRUE ) ord <- aggregate(critique$Answer %in% c("Fully agree", "Mostly agree"), by = critique["Critique"], FUN = sum) critique$Critique <- factor(critique$Critique, levels = ord$Critique[order(ord$x)], ordered = TRUE) levels(critique$Critique) <- gsub("\\.", " ", levels(critique$Critique)) |
Correlation and histograms
- Model run 11.9.2016
# This is code Op_en7839/ on page [[How scientists perceive the evolutionary origin of human traits: results of a survey study]] library(OpasnetUtils) library(ggplot2) library(reshape2) objects.latest("Op_en7839", code_name="publishdata") # This line downloads data.frames with the data #### Correlations if(FALSE){ survey_correlations <- (cor(survey1[hypocols1], method="spearman", use="pairwise.complete.obs")) oprint(survey_correlations) temp <- colnames(survey_correlations) melted_correlations <- melt(survey_correlations) melted_correlations$Var1 <- factor(melted_correlations$Var1, levels=temp) melted_correlations$Var2 <- factor(melted_correlations$Var2, levels=temp) melted_correlations$value <- ifelse(melted_correlations$value >= 0.99,NA,melted_correlations$value) ggplot(melted_correlations, aes(x = Var1, y = Var2, fill = value, label= round(value, 2)))+ geom_raster()+ theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90,hjust=1,vjust=0.4))+ scale_fill_gradient2(low = "#480610", mid = "#FFFFFF", high = "#06480F", midpoint = 0, space = "Lab", guide = "colourbar") }#if(FALSE) #### Histograms if(FALSE){ for(i in unique(melted_survey$Trait)){ trait <- ggplot(melted_survey[melted_survey$Trait == i,], aes(Answer)) + geom_histogram(fill="red") + labs(x="", y="Count") + labs(title= paste(i, "in survey")) + theme_grey(base_size=24) + theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90,hjust=1,vjust=0.4)) + facet_wrap(~Hypothesis) print(trait) } } # if(FALSE) survey_graph <- ggplot(melted_survey, aes(Hypothesis, fill=Answer)) + ## Plotted by trait geom_histogram() + labs(x="", y="Count", title="Everyone's views") + theme_grey(base_size=24) + theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90,hjust=1,vjust=0.4)) survey_graph + facet_wrap(~Trait, ncol=4, scales="free_x") if(FALSE){ ### The code to do the publishable version of the graph above. varit <- c("mediumseagreen", "greenyellow", "gold", "darkorange", "firebrick1") varit2 <- c("dodgerblue2", "slateblue", "darkorchid", "violetred", "brown1") pdf(file="all_answers.pdf", height=11, width=3) survey_graph <- ggplot(melted_survey, aes(Hypothesis, fill=Answer)) + ## Plotted by trait geom_bar(position="fill") + scale_fill_manual(values=varit) + labs(x="", y="Fraction", title="Support for different hypotheses") + theme_grey(base_size=9) + theme(axis.text.x=element_blank(), plot.title = element_text(hjust = 1.3), legend.position = "bottom", legend.direction = "vertical") + coord_flip() + scale_y_reverse() + facet_wrap(~Trait, ncol=1, scales="free") survey_graph for(i in unique(melted_survey$Hypothesis)) { # All hypotheses separately plotted temp <- ggplot(melted_survey[melted_survey$Hypothesis == i , ], aes(Answer)) + geom_histogram(fill="green") + labs(x = "", y = "count", title = paste(i, " in survey")) + theme_grey(base_size=20) + coord_cartesian(xlim = NULL, ylim = c(0, 650)) print(temp) } #### HISTOGRAMS BY EXPERTISE deadthing_experts <- ggplot(melted_survey[melted_survey$Expertise=="dead",], aes(Hypothesis, fill=Answer)) + ## Dead thing experts plotted by trait geom_histogram() + labs(x="", y="Count") + labs(title="Dead things experts' views") + theme_grey(base_size=24) + theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90,hjust=1,vjust=0.4)) + facet_wrap(~Result, ncol=4, scales="free_x") livething_experts <- ggplot(melted_survey[melted_survey$Expertise=="live",], aes(Hypothesis, fill=Answer)) + ## Livething experts plotted by trait geom_histogram() + labs(x="", y="Count") + labs(title="Live things experts' views") + theme_grey(base_size=24) + theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90,hjust=1,vjust=0.4)) + facet_wrap(~Result, ncol=4, scales="free_x") for(i in unique(melted_survey$Expertise.specific)) { expert <- ggplot(melted_survey[melted_survey$Expertise.specific== i,], ## All specific expertise plotted aes(Hypothesis, fill=Answer)) + geom_histogram() + labs(x="", y="Count") + labs(title=paste(i,"s' views")) + theme_grey(base_size=24) + theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90,hjust=1,vjust=0.4)) + facet_wrap(~Trait, ncol=4, scales="free_x") print(expert) } for(i in unique(melted_survey$Trait)) { trait <- ggplot(melted_survey[melted_survey$Trait == i,], ## All traits plotted, filled by expertise aes(Answer, fill=Expertise.specific)) + geom_histogram() + labs(x="", y="Count") + labs(title=paste(i,"in survey")) + theme_grey(base_size=24) + theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90,hjust=1,vjust=0.4)) + facet_wrap(~Hypothesis) print(trait) } for(i in unique(melted_survey$Trait)) { gen_expert <- ggplot(melted_survey[melted_survey$Trait == i,], ## Traits by general expertise aes(Answer, fill=Expertise)) + geom_histogram() + labs(x="", y="Count") + labs(title=paste(i,"in survey")) + theme_grey(base_size=24) + theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90,hjust=1,vjust=0.4)) + facet_wrap(~Hypothesis) print(gen_expert) } for(i in unique(melted_survey$Trait)) { ## Traits wrapped prob density by specific expertise temp <- ggplot(melted_survey[melted_survey$Trait == i , ], aes(x = as.numeric(Answer), colour = Expertise.specific)) + geom_density(adjust = 3) + labs(x = "1 = very likely", y = "prob density", title = paste(i, " in survey")) + theme_grey(base_size=24) + facet_wrap(~ Hypothesis) print(temp) } for(i in unique(melted_survey$Hypothesis)) { ## All hypotheses prob density by specific expertise temb <- ggplot(melted_survey[melted_survey$Hypothesis == i , ], aes(x = as.numeric(Answer), colour = Expertise.specific)) + geom_density(adjust = 3) + labs(x = "1 = very likely", y = "prob density", title = paste(i, " by expertise")) + theme_grey(base_size=24) print(temb) } for(i in unique(melted_survey$Trait)) { ## Traits wrapped prob density by familiarity tema <- ggplot(melted_survey[melted_survey$Trait == i , ], aes(x = as.numeric(Answer), colour = Familiarity)) + geom_density(adjust = 3) + labs(x = "1 = very likely", y = "prob density", title = paste(i, " in survey")) + theme_grey(base_size=24) + facet_wrap(~ Hypothesis) print(tema) } }#if(FALSE) biped.cols <- c("darkorange", "bisque2", "coral1", "brown", "darkgoldenrod1", "firebrick1", "gold4", "turquoise", "indianred1", "tan3") brain.cols <- c("darkorange", "bisque2", "coral1", "brown", "darkgoldenrod1", "firebrick1", "turquoise", "gold4", "indianred1", "tan3") hair.cols <- c("coral1", "brown", "darkgoldenrod1", "firebrick1", "turquoise", "gold4", "indianred1", "tan3") #pdf(file=filename, height=4*mfrow[1], width=4*mfrow[2]) par(mfrow=c(1,4), mar=c(3,3,2,1), mgp=c(1.6,0.6,0)) ggplot(melted_survey[melted_survey$Trait == "Other" , ], # Other water traits aes(x = as.numeric(Answer), colour = Hypothesis)) + geom_freqpoly(binwidth=1, size = 1.5) + coord_cartesian(xlim= c(1.5,5.7)) + scale_x_discrete(labels = "") + labs(x = "very likely on left", y = "count", title = "Other") + theme_grey(base_size=24) + facet_wrap(~ Expertise, scales="free_y") #facet_wrap(, ncol=1) ggplot(melted_survey[melted_survey$Trait == "Bipedalism" , ], #Bipedalism hypotheses aes(x = as.numeric(Answer), colour = Hypothesis)) + scale_colour_manual(values=biped.cols) + geom_freqpoly(binwidth=1, size = 1.5) + coord_cartesian(xlim= c(1.5,5.7)) + scale_x_discrete(labels = "") + labs(x = "very likely on left", y = "count", title = "Bipedalism") + theme_grey(base_size=24) + facet_wrap(~ Expertise, scales="free_y") ggplot(melted_survey[melted_survey$Trait == "Brain" , ], # Brain hypotheses aes(x = as.numeric(Answer), colour = Hypothesis)) + scale_colour_manual(values=brain.cols) + geom_freqpoly(binwidth=1, size = 1.5) + coord_cartesian(xlim= c(1.5,5.7)) + scale_x_discrete(labels = "") + labs(x = "very likely on left", y = "count", title = "Brain") + theme_grey(base_size=24) + facet_wrap(~ Expertise, scales="free_y") ggplot(melted_survey[melted_survey$Trait == "Hairlessness" , ], # Hairlessness hypotheses aes(x = as.numeric(Answer), colour = Hypothesis)) + scale_colour_manual(values=hair.cols) + geom_freqpoly(binwidth=1, size = 1.5) + coord_cartesian(xlim= c(1.5,5.7)) + scale_x_discrete(labels = "") + labs(x = "very likely on left", y = "count", title = "Hairlessness") + theme_grey(base_size=24) + facet_wrap(~ Expertise, scales="free_y") for(i in unique(melted_survey$Trait)) { ## Traits wrapped prob density by familiarity tema <- ggplot(melted_survey[melted_survey$Trait == i , ], aes(x = as.numeric(Answer), colour = Hypothesis)) + geom_freqpoly(binwidth=1, size = 1.5) + coord_cartesian(xlim= c(1.5,5.7)) + scale_x_discrete(labels = "") + labs(x = "very likely on left", y = "count", title = paste(i)) + theme_grey(base_size=24) + facet_wrap(~ Expertise, scales="free_y") print(tema) } |
Principal coordinates and component analyses, linear regression
- Model run [1] with linear regression
- Important functions: princomp, biplot.princomp
# This is code Op_en7839/ on page [[How scientists perceive the evolutionary origin of human traits: results of a survey study]] library(OpasnetUtils) library(ggplot2) library(reshape2) library(vegan) objects.latest("Op_en7839", code_name="publishdata") # This line downloads data.frames with the data hypocols1 <- 29:79 # Colname changes should happen already in the the beginning in the t2b. colnames(survey1) <- gsub("^[0-9]*\\.", "", colnames(survey1)) survey <- survey1[survey1$Allhypoanswers , ] answ <- as.matrix(survey[hypocols1]) if(FALSE){ ########### Linear regression #survey1$Occupation <- factor(survey1$Occupation, ordered = FALSE) # Multiple Linear Regression Example fit <- lm(aah.average ~ Gender + Age + Education + Pub.all.peer + Pub.hum.peer + Pub.hum.popular, data = survey1) fit <- lm(aah.average ~ Gender + Teaching + Familiarity + Expertise.specific , data = survey1) fit <- lm(aah.average ~ Gender + Expertise , data = survey1) #fit <- lm(aah.average ~ Gender + Occupation , data = survey1) fit <- lm(aah.average ~ Experience + Education , data = survey1) # The last analysis contains all interesting variables. fit <- lm(aah.average ~ Gender + Pub.all.peer + Expertise.specific + Familiarity + Teaching , data = survey1) survey1$Highpublications <- survey1$Pub.all.peer >= "11-40" fit <- lm(aah.average ~ Gender + Highpublications + Expertise.specific + Familiarity + Teaching , data = survey1) oprint(summary(fit)) # show results # Important variables that increase acceptability: Gender (females), Expertise.specific (biologist, # geologist, human biologist, other), familiarity (less), teaching (more) tapply(survey1$Pub.all.peer, survey1$Pub.all.peer, FUN = length) # Other useful functions oprint(coefficients(fit)) # model coefficients oprint(confint(fit, level=0.95)) # CIs for model parameters #fitted(fit) # predicted values #residuals(fit) # residuals oprint(anova(fit)) # anova table #vcov(fit) # covariance matrix for model parameters #influence(fit) # regression diagnostics survey1$all.average <- 5 - rowSums(survey1[c( "Sociality", "Language", "Articulation", "", "Tool.use", "Social" )])/6 # Multiple Linear Regression Example #fit <- lm(all.average ~ Gender + Age + Education + Pub.all.peer + Pub.hum.peer + Pub.hum.popular, data = survey1) #fit <- lm(all.average ~ Gender + Teaching + Familiarity + Expertise.specific , data = survey1) #fit <- lm(all.average ~ Gender + Expertise , data = survey1) #fit <- lm(all.average ~ Gender + Occupation , data = survey1) #fit <- lm(all.average ~ Experience + Education , data = survey1) #fit <- lm(all.average ~ Gender + Pub.all.peer + Expertise.specific + Familiarity + Teaching , data = survey1) # The last analysis contains all interesting variables. fit <- lm(all.average ~ Gender + Highpublications + Expertise.specific + Familiarity + Teaching , data = survey1) oprint(summary(fit)) # show results survey1$Allsupport <- 5 - rowSums(survey1[29:79]) / 51 fit <- lm(Allsupport ~ Expertise.specific , data = survey1) survey1$nonaah.average <- 5 - rowSums(survey1[c(29:30, 32:52, 54:57, 59:62, 64, 66:70)])/37 # Aah: 31 53 58 63 65 71-]) / 51 fit <- lm(nonaah.average ~ Expertise.specific , data = survey1) oprint(summary(fit)) nonaah.averagefit <- lm(aah.average ~ Expertise.specific , data = survey1) oprint(summary(nonaah.averagefit)) test <-[5:19], FUN = function(x) ! test2 <- rowSums(test) survey1[5:19] <-, FUN = function(x) ifelse(test2 == 0, NA, x))) fit <- lm(aah.average ~ Anthropol + Bio.physiol + Bio.ecol + Bio.evol + Bio.genet + Bio.other + Geology + Hum.cardiov + Hum.muscle + Hum.neurol + Hum.nutr + Hum.other + Paleoanthr + Paleontol + , data = survey1) oprint(summary(fit)) ### PRINCIPAL COORDINATES ANALYSIS # run PCoA with people as the units of observation pcoa_people <- cmdscale(dist(answ)) pcoa_people <- pcoa_people$familiarity <- survey$Familiarity pcoa_people$Expertise <- survey$Expertise.specific pcoa_people$aah.average <- survey$aah.average pcoa_people$publication <- survey$Pub.all.peer pcoa_people$he.publication <- survey$Pub.hum.peer for(i in unique(pcoa_people$Expertise)) { kuva <- ggplot(pcoa_people, aes(x=V1, y=V2, colour=familiarity)) + # every dot is a person geom_point(aes(size=ifelse(pcoa_people$Expertise == i, 1, 0))) + scale_size(range=c(1,5)) + theme_grey(base_size=24)+ labs(x="", y="", title=paste(i)) print(kuva) } ggplot(pcoa_people, aes(x=V1, y=V2, colour=Expertise)) + # every dot is a person geom_point(aes(size=familiarity)) + theme_grey(base_size=24)+ labs(x="", y="") ggplot(pcoa_people, aes(x=V1, y=V2)) + # every dot is a person, aah opinion sze geom_point(aes(size=aah.average)) + scale_size(range=c(1,5)) + theme_grey(base_size=24)+ labs(x="", y="") ggplot(pcoa_people, aes(x=V1, y=V2, color=publication)) + # every dot is a person, publications size and color geom_point(aes(size=publication)) + theme_grey(base_size=24)+ labs(x="", y="") ggplot(pcoa_people, aes(x=V1, y=V2, color=publication)) + # every dot is a person, publications color geom_point(size=3) + theme_grey(base_size=24)+ labs(x="", y="") ggplot(pcoa_people, aes(x=V1, y=V2)) + # every dot is a person, human evolution publications size geom_point(aes(size=he.publication)) + theme_grey(base_size=24)+ labs(x="", y="") } #if(FALSE) # run PCoA with hypotheses as the units of observation pcoa_hypot <- cmdscale(dist(t(answ))) pcoa_hypot <- pcoa_hypot$trait <- c(rep("bipedalism", 10), rep("brain", 10), rep("hairlessness", 8), rep("fat", 4), rep("larynx", 3), rep("speech", 7), rep("other", 9)) pcoa_hypot$hypothesis <- rownames(pcoa_hypot) pcoa_hypot$scale <- 5 - colMeans(answ) ggplot(pcoa_hypot, aes(x=V1, y=V2, colour = trait, label = hypothesis)) + # every dot is a hypothesis geom_point(aes(size=scale)) + scale_size(range=c(3,15)) + theme_grey(base_size=24) + labs(x="", y="") + geom_text(check_overlap = TRUE, colour="black") #rda_some <- rda(t(answ)) #plot(rda_some) ## PCoA with capscale aah.pop.sizes <- survey$aah.average4/2 pop12.sizes <- survey$nonaah.average12/2 pop6.sizes <- survey$nonaah.average6/2 social.sizes <- survey$Social.average/2 enviro.sizes <- survey$Enviro.average/2 answ2 <- 5-answ pcoa_caps <- capscale(t(answ2) ~ 1, distance="euclidean") ##PCoA done sizes <- survey$aah.average/2 traits <- as.factor(pcoa_hypot$trait) colstr <- c("palevioletred1","royalblue1","seagreen1","violet","khaki2","skyblue", "orange") trait.cols <- colstr[traits] plot(pcoa_caps, display = c("sp", "wa"), type="n") ## PCoA biplot, full scale points(pcoa_caps, display= c("sp"), col="gray40") # adding the people points points(pcoa_caps, display= c("wa"), pch=19, cex=(pcoa_hypot$scale*1.7), col=trait.cols) text(pcoa_caps, display=c("wa"), srt=25, cex=0.7) legend("topleft", levels(traits), fill=colstr, bty="n") familiarity <- as.factor(survey$Familiarity) publications <- as.factor(survey$Pub.all.peer) expertise <- as.factor(survey$Expertise) gender <- as.factor(survey$Gender) colspub <- c("seagreen1","khaki2","palevioletred1","royalblue1","black") colsfml <- c("khaki2","palevioletred1","royalblue1") colsexp <- c("seagreen1","khaki2","palevioletred1","royalblue1") colsgen <- c("palevioletred1","royalblue1") pub.colors <- colspub[publications] famil.colors <- colsfml[familiarity] expert.colors <- colsexp[expertise] gender.colors <- colsgen[gender] plot(pcoa_caps, display = c("wa"), xlim=c(-0.7,0.5), ylim = c(-0.4,0.6)) ## Biplot people, aah average sized, publications color points(pcoa_caps, display = c("sp"), pch=19, cex=sizes, col=pub.colors) legend(0.25,0.4, levels(publications), fill=colspub, bty="n") plot(pcoa_caps, display = c("wa"), xlim=c(-0.7,0.5), ylim = c(-0.4,0.6)) ## Biplot people, aah average sized, falimiarity color points(pcoa_caps, display = c("sp"), pch=19, cex=sizes, col=famil.colors) legend(0.25,0.4, levels(familiarity), fill=colsfml, bty="n") plot(pcoa_caps, display = c("wa"), xlim=c(-0.7,0.5), ylim = c(-0.4,0.6)) ## Biplot people, aah average sized, expertise color points(pcoa_caps, display = c("sp"), pch=19, cex=sizes, col=expert.colors) legend(0.25,0.4, levels(expertise), fill=colsexp, bty="n") plot(pcoa_caps, display = c("wa"), xlim=c(-0.7,0.5), ylim = c(-0.4,0.6)) ## Biplot people, aah average sized, expertise color points(pcoa_caps, display = c("sp"), pch=19, cex=sizes, col=gender.colors) legend(0.25,0.4, levels(gender), fill=colsgen, bty="n") plot(pcoa_caps, display = c("wa"), ## Biplot people, aah average sized, circles xlim=c(-0.7,0.5), ylim = c(-0.4,0.6), main="AAH-average as size") points(pcoa_caps, display = c("sp"), pch=21, cex=sizes) plot(pcoa_caps, display = c("wa"), ## Biplot people, aah popular sized, circles xlim=c(-0.7,0.5), ylim = c(-0.4,0.6), main="4 most popular AAH average as size") points(pcoa_caps, display = c("sp"), pch=21, cex=aah.pop.sizes) plot(pcoa_caps, display = c("wa"), ## Biplot people, non-aah 12 popular sized, circles xlim=c(-0.7,0.5), ylim = c(-0.4,0.6), main="12 most popular non-AAH average as size") points(pcoa_caps, display = c("sp"), pch=21, cex=pop12.sizes) plot(pcoa_caps, display = c("wa"), ## Biplot people, non-aah 6 popular sized, circles xlim=c(-0.7,0.5), ylim = c(-0.4,0.6), main="6 most popular non-AAH average as size") points(pcoa_caps, display = c("sp"), pch=21, cex=pop6.sizes) plot(pcoa_caps, display = c("wa"), ## Biplot people, non-aah social-related sized, circles xlim=c(-0.7,0.5), ylim = c(-0.4,0.6), main="Non-AAH social-related average as size") points(pcoa_caps, display = c("sp"), pch=21, cex=social.sizes) plot(pcoa_caps, display = c("wa"), ## Biplot people, no-aah environment-related sized xlim=c(-0.7,0.5), ylim = c(-0.4,0.6), main="Non-AAH environment-related average as size") points(pcoa_caps, display = c("sp"), pch=21, cex=enviro.sizes) if(FALSE){ ###### Principal component analysis prin <- princomp(answ, cor = FALSE) plot(prin) biplot(prin, display = c("sp", "wa")) } #if(FALSE) |
AAH criticism and anova
- Model run 8.9.2017 with all analyses [2]
The code contins the following parts in this order:
- Anova and Tukey's test
- Support and rejection of AAH in literature
- Number of credible hypotheses per trait (individual respondent's view)
- Explanations for not finding any hypothesis likely
- Means, SD, and support distributions for all hypotheses ~ Expertise
- Support distribution for all AAH critiques
- Credibility of the two most likely hypothesis on the respondent level
- Support distribution for the most and second moset likely hypotheses
- Mean and SD of average indices by different determinants
- Distribution of credibility scores by Expertise
- AAH criticism
- Hypothesis conflicts (based on the t2b conflict tables)
- Number of credible hypotheses
- Attitudes observed in the literature
- PCoA of criticism
- Criticism in AAH familiarity subgroups
- Mean and SD of individual hypotheses by different determinants
# This is code Op_en7839/ on page [[How scientists perceive the evolutionary origin of human traits: results of a survey study]] library(OpasnetUtils) library(ggplot2) library(reshape2) library(vegan) # Colour palettes for graphs pal5 <- c("seagreen1","khaki2","darkorange1","darkblue","black") pal3 <- c("seagreen1","darkorange1","darkblue") pal4 <- c("#8DD3C7", "#FFFFB3", "#BEBADA", "#FB8072") # From ColorBrewer Set3 (as in Fig 5) # making colour palette for values 1.0, 1.1, ... , 5.0 pal41 <- colorRampPalette(c("indianred1", "royalblue3"))(41) # 41-step colour slider varit4 <- c("mediumseagreen", "greenyellow", "grey70", "darkgoldenrod1", "darkorange") objects.latest("Op_en7839", code_name="publishdata") # This line downloads data.frames with the data colnames(survey1) ############################################ How many have heard before about AAH table(survey1$Hear.before) ############################################# Larynx and Articulation equally likely sum(survey1$Articulation == survey1$Larynx.S & as.numeric(survey1$Articulation) <= 2, na.rm = TRUE)/nrow(survey1) ################################# ANOVA AND TUKEY'S TEST #### test if means differ among gender, age or expertise within aah_average and nonaah_average and make a table # make a list to store statistical results varnames <- c("aah_average", "nonaah_average", "nonaah.average12", "Social.average", "Enviro.average") explnames <- c("Gender", "Age", "Expertise", "Expertise2", "Pub.all.peer", "Pub.hum.peer", "Pub.all.popular", "Pub.hum.popular", "Familiarity", "Teaching") M <- matrix(data=NA, nrow=length(explnames), ncol=length(varnames)) colnames(M) <- varnames rownames(M) <- explnames res.all <- apply(M, 1, as.list) # run the analyses of variance for(i in explnames) { for(j in varnames) { subset <- survey1[,c(i,j)] colnames(subset) <- c("Explanation", "Variable") # subset$Variable <- as.numeric(subset$Variable) res.aov <- aov(Variable ~ Explanation, data=subset) res.tukey <- TukeyHSD(res.aov) res.all[[i]][[j]][1:2] <- list(res.aov, res.tukey) } } oprint(res.all) ####################### Means and SDs of average indices by several determinants cat("Means and SDs of average indices by several determinants.\n") meantable <- function(col) { out <- aggregate( survey1[varnames], by = survey1[col], FUN = function(x) { paste( sprintf("%.2f", mean(as.numeric(x), na.rm = TRUE)), " (", sprintf("%.2f", sd(as.numeric(x), na.rm = TRUE)), ")", sep="" ) } ) colnames(out)[1] <- "Subgroup" out <- rbind( data.frame( # significant p values summarised Subgroup = col, sapply( varnames, FUN = function(x) { pees <- res.all[[col]][[x]][2][[1]][[1]][,4] # p values from ANOVA/Tukey pees <- pees[pees < 0.05] pees <- paste( paste( names(pees), cut(pees, breaks = c(-1,0.001,0.01, 0.05), labels = c("***", "**", "*")) ), collapse = " " ) }, simplify = FALSE ) ), out # means and sd's ) return(out) } means <- rbind( meantable("Expertise"), meantable("Familiarity"), meantable("Gender"), meantable("Age"), meantable("Pub.hum.peer"), meantable("Teaching") ) oprint(means) ############################################# ANOVA TUKEY WITH INTERACTIONS res.aov <- aov(aah_average ~ Teaching*Expertise, data=survey1) res.tukey <- TukeyHSD(res.aov) oprint(list(res.aov, res.tukey)) res.aov <- aov(aah_average ~ Familiarity*Expertise, data=survey1) res.tukey <- TukeyHSD(res.aov) oprint(list(res.aov, res.tukey)) ############################################# TUKEY INTERACTIONS IN NICE TABLES res.aov <- aov(aah_average ~ Familiarity*Expertise, data=survey1) res.tukey <- TukeyHSD(res.aov) out <- res.tukey[[3]][order(dimnames(res.tukey[[3]])[[1]]),] test <- lapply( # Split the comparison items strsplit(dimnames(out)[[1]], split="-"), FUN = function(x) strsplit(x, split = ":") ) oprint(out[sapply(test, FUN = function(x) x[[1]][1] == x[[2]][1]),]) # Matching Familiarity oprint(out[sapply(test, FUN = function(x) x[[1]][2] == x[[2]][2]),]) # Matching Expertise ############################# Attitudes observed in the literature ggplot(survey1, aes(x=Expertise, fill=Rejecting))+geom_bar(position="stack")+coord_flip() ggplot(survey1, aes(x=Expertise, fill=Neutral))+geom_bar(position="stack")+coord_flip() ggplot(survey1, aes(x=Expertise, fill=Supportive))+geom_bar(position="stack")+coord_flip() ggplot(survey1, aes(x=Familiarity, fill=Rejecting))+geom_bar(position="stack")+coord_flip() ggplot(survey1, aes(x=Familiarity, fill=Neutral))+geom_bar(position="stack")+coord_flip() ggplot(survey1, aes(x=Familiarity, fill=Supportive))+geom_bar(position="stack")+coord_flip() oprint(table(survey1[c("Familiarity", "Rejecting")], useNA = "ifany")) oprint(table(survey1[c("Familiarity", "Neutral")], useNA = "ifany")) oprint(table(survey1[c("Familiarity", "Supportive")], useNA = "ifany")) ggplot(survey1, aes(x=aah_average, colour=Rejecting))+geom_density() ggplot(survey1, aes(x=aah_average, colour=Neutral))+geom_density() ggplot(survey1, aes(x=aah_average, colour=Supportive))+geom_density() ########################### Number of credible hypotheses hypos <- allhypos[-(71:79-28)] #"Other" trait removed because not meaningful here. traits <- as.character(survey1_questions$Trait[ match( hypos, survey1_questions$Name ) ]) numHypotheses <- function(credibility) { # support is an array for tests whether a trait*respondent pair # fulfils the given credibility criteria (1:very likely, 5: very unlikely). support <- sapply(survey1[hypos], FUN = as.numeric) <= 6-credibility colnames(support) <- gsub("\\.", " ", colnames(support)) # test is an array with number of credible hypothesis for each # respondent * trait pair. test <- sapply( unique(traits), FUN = function(x) { rowSums(support[,traits %in% x], na.rm = TRUE) } ) # Combine with the determinant columns in survey1 and melt. test <- cbind(survey1[c(1:4,23:28,123)], test) test <- melt( test, measure.vars = unique(traits), = "Trait", = "Credible.hypotheses" ) return(test) } numhypos <- rbind( data.frame(numHypotheses(5), Likelihood = "Very likely"), data.frame(numHypotheses(4), Likelihood = "Likely") ) numhypos$Credible.hypotheses <- factor( numhypos$Credible.hypotheses, levels = as.character(0:10), ordered = TRUE ) numhypos <- merge( numhypos, aggregate(survey1_questions$Name, by = survey1_questions["Trait"], length) ) numhypos$Trait2 <- paste(numhypos$Trait," (",numhypos$x,")", sep="") oprint( reshape( aggregate( numhypos$Credible.hypotheses, by = numhypos[c("Credible.hypotheses", "Trait2", "Likelihood")], function(x) length(x)/nrow(survey1) ), timevar = "Likelihood", idvar = c("Credible.hypotheses", "Trait2"), v.names = "x", direction = "wide" ) ) ggplot(numhypos, aes(x=Trait2, fill=Credible.hypotheses))+ geom_bar(position="fill")+coord_flip()+ facet_wrap(~ Likelihood)+ scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Set3", name="Number of\nhypotheses")+ labs(title = "Counting likely or very likely hypotheses", y = "Percentage of respondents")+ theme(axis.text.y = element_text(size=10), legend.text= element_text(size=10), axis.text.x = element_blank())+ scale_y_reverse() ################### Explanations for not finding any hypothesis likely oprint( data.frame(`Explanations for not believing any hypotheses` = unique( numhypos[ numhypos$Likelihood == "Likely" & numhypos$Credible.hypotheses == 0 , "Other.comments" ] )) ) ###################### Means, SD, and support distributions for all hypotheses cat("Means and SD of support for each hypothesis. 1 = very unlikely, 5 = very likely.\n") out <- aggregate( melted_survey["Answer"], by = melted_survey[c("Hypothesis", "Trait")], FUN = function(x) c( Mean = mean(6 - as.numeric(x), na.rm = TRUE), SD = sd(as.numeric(x), na.rm = TRUE) ) ) out <- cbind(out[1:2], out[[3]]) oprint(out) cat("Support distribution for all hypotheses.\n") frek <- aggregate( melted_survey$Answer, by = melted_survey[c("Answer", "Hypothesis", "Trait")], FUN = length ) frek <- aggregate( frek$x, by = frek[c("Hypothesis", "Trait")], FUN = function(x) x/sum(x) ) colnames(frek[[3]]) <- levels(melted_survey$Answer) frek <- cbind(frek[1:2], frek[[3]]) oprint(frek) ################################################ Support distribution for all AAH critiques cat("Support distribution for all AAH critiques.\n") oprint(table(critique[c("Critique", "Answer")], useNA = "ifany")) oprint( tapply( critique$Critique, INDEX = critique[c("Critique", "Answer")], FUN = function(x) length(x)/nrow(survey1) ) ) ########################## Credibility of the two most likely hypothesis on the respondent level frek <- melted_survey frek$Trait2 <- ifelse( frek$Trait == "Other", as.character(frek$Hypothesis), as.character(frek$Trait) ) frek.1 <- aggregate( 6-as.numeric(frek$Answer), by = frek[c("ID", "Trait2", "Expertise", "Gender", "Age", "Familiarity")], FUN = max ) frek.2 <- aggregate( 6-as.numeric(frek$Answer), by = frek[c("ID", "Trait2", "Expertise", "Gender", "Age", "Familiarity")], FUN = function(x) -sort(-x)[2] ) freks <- rbind( data.frame(Hypothesis_rank = "Best", frek.1), data.frame(Hypothesis_rank = "Second best", frek.2) ) freks <- freks[!$x),] ggplot(freks, aes(x=as.character(x), fill = Hypothesis_rank))+geom_bar(position = "dodge")+ facet_wrap(~ Trait2)+ labs( x="Credibility score", title="Credibility of the two best hypothesis on respondent level")+ theme_gray(base_size=24) ################################ Support distribution for the most and second moset likely hypotheses cat("Support distribution of the most and second most likely hypotheses for all traits.\n") frek2 <- melt( tapply( freks$x, INDEX = freks[c("x", "Trait2", "Hypothesis_rank")], FUN = length ) ) frek2$value[$value)] <- 0 frek2 <- aggregate( frek2$value, by = frek2[c("Trait2", "Hypothesis_rank")], FUN = function(x) x/sum(x) ) frek2 <- cbind(frek2[1:2], frek2[[3]]) colnames(frek2)[3:7] <- rev(levels(melted_survey$Answer)) frek2 <- frek2[!is.nan(frek2[[3]]),] oprint(frek2) freks3 <- frek[c("Hypothesis", "ID", "Trait2", "Answer")] freks3$x <- 6-as.numeric(freks3$Answer) freks3$IDm <- 1:nrow(freks3) cat("Frequencies of pairs of two most credible hypotheses (on respondent level) for each trait.\n") freks5 <- aggregate( freks3$IDm, by = freks3[c("ID", "Trait2")], FUN = function(x) { temp <- freks3[x , c("Hypothesis", "x")] paste(sort(temp$Hypothesis[order(-temp$x)[1:2]]), collapse = " - ") } ) freks5 <- aggregate(freks5$x, by = freks5[c("Trait2", "x")], FUN = length) freks5 <- freks5[order(freks5[[1]], -freks5[[3]]) , ] oprint(freks5) ####################################### Distribution of credibility scores by Expertise cat("Support distribution for all hypotheses by expertise.\n") frek <- melt( tapply( melted_survey$Answer, INDEX = melted_survey[c("Answer", "Hypothesis", "Trait", "Expertise")], FUN = length ) ) frek$value[$value)] <- 0 frek <- aggregate( frek$value, by = frek[c("Hypothesis", "Trait", "Expertise")], FUN = function(x) x/sum(x) ) frek <- cbind(frek[1:3], frek[[4]]) colnames(frek)[4:8] <- levels(melted_survey$Answer) frek <- frek[!is.nan(frek[[4]]),] oprint(frek) ######################## AAH criticism # AAH criticism by expertise ggplot(critique, aes(x = Critique, fill = Answer))+ geom_bar(position="fill")+coord_flip()+ facet_grid(. ~ Expertise)+theme_gray(base_size = 24)+theme(legend.position = "bottom")+ scale_fill_manual(values=varit4) #AAH criticism in the whole group ggplot(critique, aes(x = Critique, fill = Answer))+ geom_bar(position="fill")+coord_flip()+ labs(x = "", y = "Fraction")+ theme_gray(base_size = 24)+ scale_fill_manual(values=varit4) ##############AAH criticism in the whole group with Heard-before blocks ggplot(critique, aes(x = Critique, fill=Answer, color=Hear.before)) + geom_bar(position="fill") + scale_fill_manual(values=varit4) + scale_color_manual(values = c("navyblue", "#FFFFFF00")) + labs(x="", y="Fraction", title="Support for AAH criticism") + theme_grey(base_size=9) + coord_flip() + scale_y_reverse() ####################### Hypothesis conflicts # function conflict.test produces, for each trait and respondent, # an indicator about whether there are two conflicting hypotheses at a given # credibility level or higher. # Whether two hypotheses are conflicting or whether they # can coincide, is based on authors' evaluation and this data is stored # in t2b tables with the name of each trait. If a conflict is not clear, # it is marked with "?" in the tables. If sensitivity to conflict is low, # "?" equals "n", and if it is high, it equals "y". # These are in different columns in data.frame conflict. # The function takes the name of column as argument "Sensitivity" traits <- as.character(survey1_questions$Trait[ match( conflict$Hypothesis1, gsub("\\.", " ", survey1_questions$Name) ) ]) conflict.test <- function(credibility, sensitivity) { # support is an array for tests whether a trait*respondent pair # fulfils the given credibility criteria. support <- sapply(survey1[allhypos], FUN = as.numeric) >= credibility colnames(support) <- gsub("\\.", " ", colnames(support)) # test is an array with conflict test for each # respondent * pair of traits in conflict. test <- sapply( 1:nrow(conflict), FUN = function(x) { support[,conflict$Hypothesis1[x]] & support[,conflict$Hypothesis2[x]] & conflict[[sensitivity]][x] } ) # aggregate over pairs to the traits (assuming that both hypotheses explain # the same trait) test <- aggregate( data.frame(t(test)), by = list(traits), FUN = any ) tr <- test[[1]] test <- t(test[-1]) colnames(test) <- tr # Combine with the determinant columns in survey1 and melt. test <- cbind(survey1[1:28], test) test <- melt( test, measure.vars = tr, = "Trait", = "Conflict" ) return(test) } test <- conflict.test(credibility = 4, sensitivity = "Conflict.hi") ggplot(test, aes(x = Trait, fill = Conflict))+geom_bar(position="fill")+ coord_flip()+ labs(title="Conflict between two credible hypotheses", y = "Fraction") test <- conflict.test(credibility = 4, sensitivity = "Conflict.lo") ggplot(test, aes(x = Trait, fill = Conflict))+geom_bar(position="fill")+ coord_flip()+ labs(title="Conflict between two credible hypotheses", y = "Fraction") test <- conflict.test(credibility = 5, sensitivity = "Conflict.hi") ggplot(test, aes(x = Trait, fill = Conflict))+geom_bar(position="fill")+ coord_flip()+ labs(title="Conflict between two very credible hypotheses", y = "Fraction") test <- conflict.test(credibility = 5, sensitivity = "Conflict.lo") ggplot(test, aes(x = Trait, fill = Conflict))+geom_bar(position="fill")+ coord_flip()+ labs(title="Conflict between two credible hypotheses", y = "Fraction") ############################## Principal coordinates analysis on hypotheses answ <- 6 - sapply(survey1[survey1$Allhypoanswers,allhypos], as.numeric) pcoa_caps <- capscale(t(answ) ~ 1, distance="euclidean") ##PCoA done familiarity <- as.factor(survey1$Familiarity) publications <- as.factor(survey1$Pub.all.peer) expertise <- as.factor(survey1$Expertise) aah.average <- as.factor(survey1$aah_average) colspub <- c("seagreen1","khaki2","darkorange1","darkorchid","black") colsfml <- c("seagreen1","darkorange1","darkorchid") colsexp <- c("seagreen1","khaki2","darkorange1","darkorchid") colaah <- colorRampPalette(c("indianred1", "royalblue3")) # making the gradient for colors pub.colors <- colspub[publications] famil.colors <- colsfml[familiarity] expert.colors <- colsexp[expertise] col.aah <- colaah(53)[aah.average] aah_average <- as.numeric(aah.average) aah.legend <- c(min(aah_average), round(median(aah_average), 2), max(aah_average)) legend.color <- c(col.aah[match(min(aah_average), aah_average)], col.aah[match(median(aah_average), aah_average)], col.aah[match(max(aah_average), aah_average)]) legend.color2 <- c(col.aah[match(5, aah_average)], col.aah[match(4, aah_average)], col.aah[match(3, aah_average)], col.aah[match(2, aah_average)], col.aah[match(1, aah_average)]) plot(pcoa_caps, display = c("wa"), type="n", xlim=c(-0.6,0.5), ylim = c(-0.6,0.5), main="A) Average AAH score") ## Biplot people, publications color points(pcoa_caps, display = c("sp"), pch=21, col=col.aah) #legend(0.05,0.5, c("5", "4", "3", "2", "1"), fill=legend.color2, bty="n") #legend(0.05,0.5, c("Very unlikely", "Unlikely", "No opinion", "Likely", "Very likely"), fill=legend.color2, bty="n") #legend(0.05,0.5, c("AAH likely", "AAH unlikely"), fill=c("royalblue3", "indianred1"), bty="n") ########### Extra figure 2E about the 12 most popular hypotheses survey <- survey1[survey1$Allhypoanswers , ] plot(pcoa_caps, display = c("wa"), type="n", xlim=c(-0.6,0.5), ylim = c(-0.6,0.5), main="E) 12 popular non-AAH hypotheses") ## Biplot people, publications color points(pcoa_caps, display = c("sp"), pch=21, col=pal41[survey$nonaah.average12*10-9]) legend(0.05,0.5, levels(survey$Wading), fill=pal41[(5:1)*10-9], bty="n") ######################### Principal coordinates analyses of criticism answ <- 6 - sapply(survey1[89:108], as.numeric) answ <- answ[!,] pcoa_caps <- capscale(t(answ) ~ 1, distance="euclidean") ##PCoA done plot(pcoa_caps, display = c("sp", "wa"), type="n", xlim=c(-6,4.5)) ## PCoA biplot, full scale points(pcoa_caps, display= c("sp"), col="gray40") # adding the people points points(pcoa_caps, display= c("wa"), pch=19, cex=colMeans(answ), col="skyblue") text(pcoa_caps, display=c("wa"), srt=25, cex=1) plot(pcoa_caps, display = c("wa"), type="n", xlim=c(-0.6,0.5), ylim = c(-0.6,0.5), main="Respondents and criticism") ## Biplot people, publications color points(pcoa_caps, display = c("sp"), pch=21, col=pal41[rowMeans(answ)*10-9])#, col="navyblue") legend(-1,0.5, c("5", "4", "3", "2", "1"), fill=pal41[(5:1)*10-9], bty="n") ############################################ FIG 3 ggplot(melted_survey, aes(Hypothesis, fill=Answer)) + ## Plotted by trait geom_bar(position="fill") + scale_fill_manual(values=varit4) + labs(x="", y="Percentage of respondents", title="Support for different hypotheses") + theme_grey(base_size=9) + # theme(axis.text.x=element_blank(), plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0), # legend.position = "bottom", legend.direction = "horizontal") + # legend.text.align = 0, # coord_flip() + # scale_y_reverse() + facet_wrap(~Trait, ncol=2, scales="free") ####################### Critique figure in subgroups that did or did not know AAH beforehand oprint(table(critique[critique$Critique=="Hairy aquatics",1:2])) ggplot(critique[critique$Hear.before == "Yes",], aes(x = Critique, fill=Answer)) + geom_bar(position="fill") + scale_fill_manual(values=varit4) + facet_grid(. ~ Expertise)+ labs(x="", y="Percentage of respondents", title="Support for AAH criticism (those that had heard of AAH)") + theme_grey(base_size=9) + theme(#axis.text.x=element_blank(), #plot.title = element_text(hjust = 1.3), legend.position = "bottom", legend.text.align = 0, legend.direction = "horizontal") + coord_flip() #+ # scale_y_reverse() # This code works on own computer but not in Opasnet. Probably due to a different ggplot2 version ggplot(critique[critique$Hear.before == "No",], aes(x = Critique, fill=Answer)) + geom_bar(position="fill") + scale_fill_manual(values=varit4) + facet_grid(. ~ Expertise)+ labs(x="", y="Percentage of respondents", title="Support for AAH criticism (those that had not heard of AAH)") + theme_grey(base_size=9) + theme(#axis.text.x=element_blank(), #plot.title = element_text(hjust = 1.3), legend.position = "bottom", legend.text.align = 0, legend.direction = "horizontal") + coord_flip() #+ # scale_y_reverse() # This code works on own computer but not in Opasnet. Probably due to a different ggplot2 version ##################################################### # Means and SDs for each hypothesis. Should be merged with the code above. varnames <- colnames(survey1)[29:79] explnames <- c("Gender", "Age", "Expertise", "Expertise2", "Pub.all.peer", "Pub.hum.peer", "Pub.all.popular", "Pub.hum.popular", "Familiarity", "Teaching") M <- matrix(data=NA, nrow=length(explnames), ncol=length(varnames)) colnames(M) <- varnames rownames(M) <- explnames res.all <- apply(M, 1, as.list) # run the analyses of variance for(i in explnames) { for(j in varnames) { subset <- survey1[,c(i,j)] colnames(subset) <- c("Explanation", "Variable") subset$Variable <- as.numeric(subset$Variable) res.aov <- aov(Variable ~ Explanation, data=subset) res.tukey <- TukeyHSD(res.aov) res.all[[i]][[j]][1:2] <- list(res.aov, res.tukey) } } cat("Means and SDs of individual hypotheses by several determinants.\n") means <- rbind( meantable("Expertise"), meantable("Familiarity"), meantable("Gender"), meantable("Age"), meantable("Pub.hum.peer"), meantable("Pub.all.peer"), meantable("Teaching") ) oprint(means) |
This is the code used to draw the final images. Does not work well in Opasnet at all, but can be copied directly to R.
# This is code Op_en7839/ on page [[How scientists perceive the evolutionary origin of human traits: results of a survey study]] library(ggplot2) library(OpasnetUtils) library(reshape2) library(vegan) library(gridExtra) objects.latest("Op_en7839", code_name="publishdata") # This line downloads data.frames with the data varit <- c("mediumseagreen", "greenyellow", "gold", "darkorange", "firebrick1") varit2 <- c("dodgerblue2", "slateblue", "darkorchid", "violetred", "brown1") varit3 <- c("dodgerblue2", "slateblue", "grey70", "violetred", "brown1") varit4 <- c("mediumseagreen", "greenyellow", "grey70", "darkgoldenrod1", "darkorange") #################### Fig 2. Principal coordinates analysis #Preprocess data survey <- survey1[survey1$Allhypoanswers , ] answ <- 6 - sapply(survey1[survey1$Allhypoanswers , allhypos], as.numeric) colnames(answ) <- as.character(survey1_questions$Brief[survey1_questions$Name %in% allhypos]) pcoa_caps <- capscale(t(answ) ~ 1, distance="euclidean") ##PCoA done pcoa_caps_all <- pcoa_caps # traits could be derived from survey1_questions, too. traits <- as.factor(c(rep("bipedalism", 10), rep("brain", 10), rep("hairlessness", 8), rep("fat", 4), rep("larynx", 3), rep("speech", 7), rep("other", 9))) ## All experts and all hypotheses, data from individuals that answered all hypotheses in one figure if(FALSE){ colstr <- c("palevioletred1","royalblue1","seagreen1","violet","khaki2","skyblue", "orange") trait.cols <- colstr[traits] hypo_sizes <- colMeans(answ) leg_sizes <- c(4, 3, 2, 1, 0.01) pdf(file="pcoa_plot.pdf", height=6, width=7.5) plot(pcoa_caps, display = c("sp", "wa"), type="n", xlim=c(-6,4.5)) ## PCoA biplot, full scale points(pcoa_caps, display= c("sp"), col="gray40") # adding the people points points(pcoa_caps, display= c("wa"), pch=19, cex=hypo_sizes, col=trait.cols) text(pcoa_caps, display=c("wa"), srt=25, cex=0.5) legend(x=-6, y=3.8, levels(traits), fill=colstr, bty="n", cex=1) legend(-6, -2, legend=c("Very likely", "Moderately likely", "No opinion", "Moderately unlikely", "Very unlikely"), pch=21, pt.cex = leg_sizes, bty="n", cex=1) } ##### Figure 2: PCoA by expertise colstr <- c("indianred","royalblue1","seagreen1","violet","khaki2","skyblue", "orange") trait.cols <- colstr[traits] hypo_sizes <- colMeans(answ)*0.8 leg_sizes <- c(4, 3.2, 2.4, 1.6, 0.8) pdf(file="pcoakuvat.pdf", height=10.5, width=7) par(mar=c(3,3,2,1), mgp=c(1.8,0.7,0)) layout(matrix(c(1,6,2,3,4,5), nrow=3, ncol=2, byrow = TRUE)) xy <- data.frame(scores(pcoa_caps)$sites) xy2 <- data.frame(scores(pcoa_caps)$species) # plot(pcoa_caps, display = c("sp", "wa"), type="n", main="All answers") ## PCoA biplot, full scale plot(xy, xlim=c(-5,4), ylim=c(-5,4), type="n", asp=1, cex.axis=1.2, cex.lab=1.4) ## PCoA biplot, full scale title(main="All answers", cex.main=1.8) points(xy2[,1], -xy2[,2], col="gray40", pch=19) # adding the people points points(xy[,1], -xy[,2], pch=19, cex=hypo_sizes, col=trait.cols) text(xy[,1], -xy[,2], rownames(xy), srt=25)#, cex=0.8) legend("topleft", "(a)", cex=1.6, bty="n") panel <- c("anthropologist", "biologist", "human biologist", "other") title <- c("Anthropologist", "Biologist", "Human biologist", "Other") for(i in 1:4){ survey <- survey1[survey1$Allhypoanswers , ] survey <- survey[survey$Expertise == panel[i],] answ <- 6 - sapply(survey[, allhypos], as.numeric) colnames(answ) <- as.character(survey1_questions$Brief[survey1_questions$Name %in% allhypos]) pcoa_caps <- capscale(t(answ) ~ 1, distance="euclidean") ##PCoA done hypo_sizes <- colMeans(answ)*0.8 xy <- data.frame(scores(pcoa_caps)$sites) if(panel[i] =="human biologist") {xy <- -xy} if(panel[i] =="other") {xy[,2] <- -xy[,2]} xlab <- names(xy)[1] ylab <- names(xy)[2] traits <- as.factor(c(rep("bipedalism", 10), rep("brain", 10), rep("hairlessness", 8), rep("fat", 4), rep("larynx", 3), rep("speech", 7), rep("other", 9))) colstr <- c("indianred","royalblue1","seagreen1","violet","khaki2","skyblue", "orange") trait.cols <- colstr[traits] plot(xy[,1], xy[,2], type="p", pch=19, cex=hypo_sizes, col=trait.cols, asp=1, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, cex.axis=1.2, cex.lab=1.4) title(main=title[i], cex.main=1.8) text(xy, rownames(xy), srt=25)#, cex=0.6) # text(x=c(-3.2,-4,-2.4,-2.7)[i], y=c(2.6,2.7,1.6,1.9)[i], c("b","c","d","e")[i], cex=3) legend("topleft", paste("(",letters[i+1],")",sep=""), cex=1.6, bty="n") } plot(xy, type="n", axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="") legend("top", levels(traits), fill=colstr, bty="n", cex=1.2) legend("bottom", legend=c("Very likely", "Moderately likely", "No opinion", "Moderately unlikely", "Very unlikely"), pch=21, pt.cex = leg_sizes, bty="n", cex=1.2, y.intersp=1.8) #################### Fig 3. Kuvat ihmisistä ## Something wrong with code xy <- data.frame(scores(pcoa_caps_all)$species) # making colour palette for values 1.0, 1.1, ... , 5.0 pal41 <- colorRampPalette(c("indianred1", "royalblue3"))(41) # 41-step colour slider # pal41 <- colorRampPalette(c("red2", "royalblue1"))(41) # 41-step colour slider # pal5 <- c("seagreen1","khaki2","darkorange1","darkblue","black") # pal3 <- c("seagreen1","seagreen4","darkblue") pal3 <- c("seagreen1","darkorange1","darkblue") pal2 <- c("darkblue","seagreen1") # pal4a <- c("seagreen1","green3","darkblue","purple") pal4a <- c("seagreen1","khaki2","darkorange1","darkblue") # pal4b <- c("brown3", "limegreen", "blue", "orange4") pal4b <- c("blue3", "limegreen", "goldenrod1", "orange4") pch <- 20 cex <- 0.8 xlim <- c(-0.6,0.5) ylim <- c(-0.6,0.5) xlab <- "MDS 1" ylab <- "MDS 2" legpos <- c(-0.05,0.55) pdf(file="peopleplot.pdf", height=8, width=6) par(mfrow=c(3, 2), mar=c(3,3,2,1), mgp=c(1.6,0.6,0)) # AAH average plot(xy[,1], xy[,2], xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, pch=pch, cex=cex, col=pal41[survey$aah_average*10-9], asp=1, main="A) Average AAH score") legend(legpos[1], legpos[2], levels(survey$Wading), fill=pal41[(5:1)*10-9], bty="n") # Top12 average plot(xy[,1], xy[,2], xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, pch=pch, cex=cex, col=pal41[survey$nonaah.average12*10-9], asp=1, main="B) Average Top12 score") legend(legpos[1], legpos[2], levels(survey$Wading), fill=pal41[(5:1)*10-9], bty="n") # Publications plot(xy[,1], xy[,2], xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, pch=pch, cex=cex, col=pal4a[survey$Pub.all.peer], asp=1, main="C) Number of publications") points(aggregate(xy$MDS1, survey["Pub.all.peer"], mean)$x, aggregate(xy$MDS2, survey["Pub.all.peer"], mean)$x, col="black", pch=3, cex=2, lwd=4) points(aggregate(xy$MDS1, survey["Pub.all.peer"], mean)$x, aggregate(xy$MDS2, survey["Pub.all.peer"], mean)$x, col=pal4a, pch=3, cex=1.5) legend(legpos[1], legpos[2], levels(survey$Pub.all.peer), fill=pal4a, bty="n") # Expertise plot(xy[,1], xy[,2], xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, pch=pch, cex=cex, col=pal4b[survey$Expertise], asp=1, main="D) Field of expertise") points(aggregate(xy$MDS1, survey["Expertise"], mean)$x, aggregate(xy$MDS2, survey["Expertise"], mean)$x, col="black", pch=3, cex=2, lwd=4) points(aggregate(xy$MDS1, survey["Expertise"], mean)$x, aggregate(xy$MDS2, survey["Expertise"], mean)$x, col=pal4b, pch=3, cex=1.5) legend(legpos[1], legpos[2], levels(survey$Expertise), fill=pal4b, bty="n") # Familiarity plot(xy[,1], xy[,2], xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, pch=pch, cex=cex, col=pal3[survey$Familiarity], asp=1, main="E) Familiarity with human evolution") points(aggregate(xy$MDS1, survey["Familiarity"], mean)$x, aggregate(xy$MDS2, survey["Familiarity"], mean)$x, col="black", pch=3, cex=2, lwd=4) points(aggregate(xy$MDS1, survey["Familiarity"], mean)$x, aggregate(xy$MDS2, survey["Familiarity"], mean)$x, col=pal3, pch=3, cex=1.5) legend(legpos[1], legpos[2], c("Not at all", "Some idea", "Know well"), fill=pal3, bty="n") # Teaching plot(xy[,1], xy[,2], xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, pch=pch, cex=cex, col=pal2[survey$Teaching], asp=1, main="F) Taught human evolution") points(aggregate(xy$MDS1, survey["Teaching"], mean)$x, aggregate(xy$MDS2, survey["Teaching"], mean)$x, col="black", pch=3, cex=2, lwd=4) points(aggregate(xy$MDS1, survey["Teaching"], mean)$x, aggregate(xy$MDS2, survey["Teaching"], mean)$x, col=pal2, pch=3, cex=1.5) legend(legpos[1]+0.2, legpos[2], c("Yes", "No"), fill=pal2, bty="n") ############################## Fig 5. Credibility frequences of hypotheses by expertise ### Fig 5 is first because it uses the original ordering of Hypotheses #darkbrown <- "#291500" #browngradient <- colorRampPalette(c(darkbrown, "tan3", "lemonchiffon")) # making the gradient for colors #browns <- browngradient(9) #browns2 <- browngradient(7) #browns3 <- browngradient(6) blues <- rev(c( "#f7fcf0", "#e0f3db", "#ccebc5", "#a8ddb5", "#7bccc4", "#4eb3d3", "#2b8cbe", "#08589e", "black" )) browns <- rev(c( "#ffffe5", "#fff7bc", "#fee391", "#fec44f", "#fe9929", "#ec7014", "#cc4c02", "#8c2d04", "black" )) lintyp <- rep(c("solid", "twodash","longdash"), 4) # Magenta is used for hypotheses where anthropoligists differ from others. biped.cols <- c(browns[1:7], blues[4], browns[8:9]) brain.cols <- c(browns[1:3], "magenta", browns[5], blues[c(2,4)], browns[7:9]) hair.cols <- c(browns[1], "magenta", browns[3:4], blues[4], browns[6:8]) other <- ggplot(melted_survey[melted_survey$Trait == "Other" , ], # Other water traits aes(x = as.numeric(Answer), colour = Hypothesis))+#, linetype=Hypothesis)) + scale_colour_manual(values=blues) + scale_linetype_manual(values = lintyp)+ geom_freqpoly(binwidth=1, size = 1) + coord_cartesian(xlim= c(1.2,4.8)) + labs(x = "very likely on left", y = "count", title = "Other") + theme( legend.position = "bottom", legend.direction = "vertical", axis.text.x = element_blank(), legend.key.width = unit(1.2, "cm") ) + facet_wrap(~ Expertise, scales="free_y", ncol=1) biped <- ggplot(melted_survey[melted_survey$Trait == "Bipedalism" , ], #Bipedalism hypotheses aes(x = as.numeric(Answer), colour = Hypothesis))+#, linetype=Hypothesis)) + scale_colour_manual(values=biped.cols) + scale_linetype_manual(values = lintyp)+ geom_freqpoly(binwidth=1, size = 1) + coord_cartesian(xlim= c(1.2,4.8)) + labs(x = "very likely on left", y = "count", title = "Bipedalism") + theme( legend.position = "bottom", legend.direction = "vertical", axis.text.x = element_blank(), legend.key.width = unit(1.2, "cm") ) + facet_wrap(~ Expertise, scales="free_y", ncol=1) brain <- ggplot(melted_survey[melted_survey$Trait == "Big brain" , ], # Brain hypotheses aes(x = as.numeric(Answer), colour = Hypothesis))+#, linetype=Hypothesis)) + scale_colour_manual(values=brain.cols) + scale_linetype_manual(values = lintyp)+ geom_freqpoly(binwidth=1, size = 1) + coord_cartesian(xlim= c(1.2,4.8)) + labs(x = "very likely on left", y = "count", title = "Big brain") + theme( legend.position = "bottom", legend.direction = "vertical", axis.text.x = element_blank(), legend.key.width = unit(1.2, "cm") ) + facet_wrap(~ Expertise, scales="free_y", ncol=1) hair <- ggplot(melted_survey[melted_survey$Trait == "Nakedness" , ], # Hairlessness hypotheses aes(x = as.numeric(Answer), colour = Hypothesis))+#, linetype=Hypothesis)) + scale_colour_manual(values=hair.cols) + scale_linetype_manual(values = lintyp)+ geom_freqpoly(binwidth=1, size = 1) + coord_cartesian(xlim= c(1.2,4.8)) + labs(x = "very likely on left", y = "count", title = "Nakedness") + theme( legend.position = "bottom", legend.direction = "vertical", axis.text.x = element_blank(), legend.key.width = unit(1.2, "cm") ) + facet_wrap(~ Expertise, scales="free_y", ncol=1) pdf(file="lineplot.pdf", height=11, width=8) grid.arrange(biped, brain, hair, other, ncol=4) ############# Fig 4. THE GEOM_BAR TO SHOW THE PROPORTIONS OF ANSWERS FOR ALL HYPOTHESES ## Muuttaa hypoteesien järjestyksen vastakkaiseksi. Muita kuvia tehdessä halutaan, että ne on # päinvastaisessa järjestyksessä, joten pitää huomata tämä muita piirrettäiessä. melted_survey$Hypothesis <- factor( melted_survey$Hypothesis, levels = rev(levels(melted_survey$Hypothesis)), ordered=TRUE) pdf(file="all_answers_green.pdf", height=6, width=7.5) ggplot(melted_survey, aes(Hypothesis, fill=Answer)) + ## Plotted by trait geom_bar(position="fill") + scale_fill_manual(values=varit4) + labs(x="", y="Percentage of respondents", title="Support for different hypotheses") + theme_grey(base_size=9) + theme(axis.text.x=element_blank(), plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0), legend.position = "bottom", legend.direction = "horizontal") + # legend.text.align = 0, coord_flip() + scale_y_reverse() + facet_wrap(~Trait, ncol=2, scales="free") #lisäämällä tämän scale_fill_manualin sisälle saa legendistä titlen pois ja asetettua ne kahteen sarakkeeseen # guide = guide_legend(title=NULL, label.position = "bottom", nrow=3, byrow=TRUE, # title.hjust = 1.3) ########################### Fig 6. Number of credible hypotheses hypos <- allhypos[-(71:79-28)] #"Other" trait removed because not meaningful here. traits <- as.character(survey1_questions$Trait[ match( colnames(survey1[hypos]), survey1_questions$Name) ]) numHypotheses <- function(credibility) { # support is an array for tests whether a trait*respondent pair # fulfils the given credibility criteria (1:very likely, 5: very unlikely). support <- sapply(survey1[hypos], FUN = as.numeric) <= 6-credibility colnames(support) <- gsub("\\.", " ", colnames(support)) # test is an array with number of credible hypothesis for each # respondent * trait pair. test <- sapply( unique(traits), FUN = function(x) { rowSums(support[,traits %in% x], na.rm = TRUE) } ) # Combine with the determinant columns in survey1 and melt. test <- cbind(survey1[1:28], test) test <- melt( test, measure.vars = unique(traits), = "Trait", = "Credible.hypotheses" ) return(test) } numhypos <- rbind( data.frame(numHypotheses(5), Likelihood = "Very likely"), data.frame(numHypotheses(4), Likelihood = "Likely") ) numhypos$Credible.hypotheses <- factor( numhypos$Credible.hypotheses, levels = as.character(0:10), ordered = TRUE ) numhypos <- merge( numhypos, aggregate(survey1_questions$Name, by = survey1_questions["Trait"], length) ) numhypos$Trait2 <- paste(numhypos$Trait," (",numhypos$x,")", sep="") numhypos$Trait2 <- factor(numhypos$Trait2, levels=rev(sort(unique(numhypos$Trait2)))) # bipedalism (10), encephalization (10), nakedness (8), descended larynx (3), # subcutaneous fat (4), and speech (7). pdf(file="likely_hypotheses.pdf", height=5, width=7) ggplot(numhypos, aes(x=Trait2, fill=Credible.hypotheses))+ geom_bar(position="fill")+coord_flip()+ facet_wrap(~ Likelihood)+ scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Set3", name="Number of\nhypotheses")+ labs(title = "Counting likely or very likely hypotheses", y = "Percentage of respondents", x = "Trait")+ theme(axis.text.y = element_text(size=10), legend.text= element_text(size=10), axis.text.x = element_blank())+ scale_y_reverse() ############## Fig 7. AAH criticism in the expertise groups pdf(file="aah_criticism_green.pdf", height=5, width=7.5) ggplot(critique, aes(x = Critique, fill=Answer)) + geom_bar(position="fill") + scale_fill_manual(values=varit4) + facet_grid(. ~ Expertise)+ labs(x="", y="Percentage of respondents", title="Support for AAH criticism") + theme_grey(base_size=9) + theme(axis.text.x=element_blank(), #plot.title = element_text(hjust = 1.3), legend.position = "bottom", legend.text.align = 0, legend.direction = "horizontal") + coord_flip() + scale_y_reverse() ############# Supplementary figures: credibility score by publication numbers. ## Something wrong with code temp <- melted_survey temp$Answer <- 6 - as.numeric(temp$Answer) nam <- gsub("\\.", " ", colnames(survey1)[29:79]) temp$Hypothesis <- factor(temp$Hypothesis, levels = nam) temp2 <- na.omit(temp[c("Answer","Pub.all.peer","Hypothesis")]) colnames(temp2)[colnames(temp2)=="Answer"]<- "Result" levels(temp2$Pub.all.peer)[levels(temp2$Pub.all.peer) %in% c("none", "1-10")] <- "0-10" temp2 <- Ovariable(output=temp2, marginal=colnames(temp2) %in% c("Pub.all.peer","Hypothesis")) temp2 <- summary(temp2, fun=c("mean", "sd", "length")) temp2$ci <- temp2$sd/sqrt(temp2$length)*1.96 pdf(file="credibility score by all publications.pdf", height=12, width=17.5) ggplot(temp2, aes(x = Pub.all.peer, y = mean, group=Hypothesis))+facet_wrap(~Hypothesis)+ geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=mean-ci, ymax=mean+ci, width = 0.1))+ geom_line()+ geom_point()+ labs(x= "Number of all scientific publications", y = "Credibility score +- 95% CI") temp2 <- na.omit(temp[c("Answer","Pub.hum.peer","Hypothesis")]) colnames(temp2)[colnames(temp2)=="Answer"]<- "Result" temp2 <- Ovariable(output=temp2, marginal=colnames(temp2) %in% c("Pub.hum.peer","Hypothesis")) temp2 <- summary(temp2, fun=c("mean", "sd", "length")) temp2$ci <- temp2$sd/sqrt(temp2$length)*1.96 pdf(file="credibility score by hum_evol publications.pdf", height=12, width=17.5) ggplot(temp2, aes(x = Pub.hum.peer, y = mean, group=Hypothesis))+facet_wrap(~Hypothesis)+ geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=mean-ci, ymax=mean+ci, width = 0.1))+ geom_line()+ geom_point()+ labs(x= "Number of scientific publications about human evolution", y = "Credibility score +- 95% CI") |
See also
- Evolutionary origin of human traits (variable)
- heande:Evolutionary origin of human traits (password-protected details)
- op_fi:Ihmisen pystykävelyn evoluutio (a survey about bipedalism in Finnish)