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This page provides a description and a link to a "PELCOM" database that provides information needed when modeling exposure levels or performing exposure assessment.

Short description

Pan-European Land Use and Land Cover Monitoring, PELCOM is a 1-km pan-European land cover database. The database is based on the integrative use of multi-spectral and multi-temporal 1-km resolution NOAA-AVHRR satellite data and ancillary data. Land cover is divided to 14 classess, and data is available for years 1996-1997 in EU25 countries.

Long description

The project aims at establishing a 1-km pan-European land cover database that can be updated frequently. The database will be based on the integrative use of multi-spectral and multi-temporal 1-km resolution NOAA-AVHRR satellite data and ancillary data. PELCOM is a three years project accepted as a shared cost action under the Environment & Climate section of the European Union's 4th framework RTD program. The project started in September 1996 and is carried out within an international framework, in which Alterra functions as the project co-ordinator.

The data is based on the integrative use of multi-spectral and multi-temporal 1km resolution NOAA-AVHRR satellite data and ancillary data. The CORINE land cover database was used to generate training data and to validate the results as obtained with NOAA-AVHRR satellite data.

The PELCOM grid has a resolution of 1km2 and contains 14 land classifications. Similar to GLC2000 only one of these classes represents artificial surfaces. Approximately 0.02% of the grid squares are identified as data gaps which appear to be associated with small islands of Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden.

PELCOM summary

Data source: PELCOM project

Reference Year: 1996-1997

Last update: 2001

Horizontal spatial resolution: ~1km

PELCOM land cover classes

1 Corniferous forest
2 Deciduous forest
3 Mixed forest
4 Grassland
5 Rainfed arable land
6 Irrigated arable land
7 Permanent crops
8 Shrubland
9 Barrenland
10 Permanent Ice &snow
11 Wetlands
12 Inland waters
13 Sea
14 Urban areas
15 Datagaps
16 Out of scope


Key words

Land cover, corine, ecosystem, built environment, urban areas, water