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Distribution of personal VOC exposures: A population-based analysis in USA in NHANES study in 1999-2000 [1]


  • id: study20
  • Abbreviation:


id obj_type obj_id name data_table study_id desc add_info location
519 P 71-43-2 benzene VOC_P_17 study20 Descriptive statistics of weighted personal exposure data (µg/m3) DF=Detection frequency; SD=Standard deviation; GM = Geometric mean; GSM=geometric standard deviation. Nondetects were set to one-half of the MDLS. USA
520 P 108-88-3 toluene VOC_P_17 study20 Descriptive statistics of weighted personal exposure data (µg/m3) DF=Detection frequency; SD=Standard deviation; GM = Geometric mean; GSM=geometric standard deviation. Nondetects were set to one-half of the MDLS. USA
521 P 100-41-4 ethylbenzene VOC_P_17 study20 Descriptive statistics of weighted personal exposure data (µg/m3) DF=Detection frequency; SD=Standard deviation; GM = Geometric mean; GSM=geometric standard deviation. Nondetects were set to one-half of the MDLS. USA
522 P 95-47-6 o-xylene VOC_P_17 study20 Descriptive statistics of weighted personal exposure data (µg/m3) DF=Detection frequency; SD=Standard deviation; GM = Geometric mean; GSM=geometric standard deviation. Nondetects were set to one-half of the MDLS. USA
523 P 67-66-3 chloroform VOC_P_17 study20 Descriptive statistics of weighted personal exposure data (µg/m3) DF=Detection frequency; SD=Standard deviation; GM = Geometric mean; GSM=geometric standard deviation. Nondetects were set to one-half of the MDLS. USA
524 P 79-01-6 trichloroethene VOC_P_17 study20 Descriptive statistics of weighted personal exposure data (µg/m3) DF=Detection frequency; SD=Standard deviation; GM = Geometric mean; GSM=geometric standard deviation. Nondetects were set to one-half of the MDLS. USA
525 P 127-18-4 tetrachloroethene VOC_P_17 study20 Descriptive statistics of weighted personal exposure data (µg/m3) DF=Detection frequency; SD=Standard deviation; GM = Geometric mean; GSM=geometric standard deviation. Nondetects were set to one-half of the MDLS. USA
526 P 1634-04-4 methyl t-butyl ether VOC_P_17 study20 Descriptive statistics of weighted personal exposure data (µg/m3) DF=Detection frequency; SD=Standard deviation; GM = Geometric mean; GSM=geometric standard deviation. Nondetects were set to one-half of the MDLS. USA
527 P 71-43-2 benzene VOC_P_18 study20 Results from selected studies of personal exposure to VOCs in the U.S. since 1990, and comparison to NHANES RIOPA is cited in Weisel et al., 2005b, NHEXAS in Clayton et al., 1999, Minneapolis study in Sexton et al., 2004, and South Baltimore in Payne-Sturges et al., 2004. Q90 and Q95 are 90th and 95th percentile concnetrations, respectively. NA is not available in the indicated study. USA 528 P 108-88-3 toluene VOC_P_18 study20 Results from selected studies of personal exposure to VOCs in the U.S. since 1990, and comparison to NHANES RIOPA is cited in Weisel et al., 2005b, NHEXAS in Clayton et al., 1999, Minneapolis study in Sexton et al., 2004, and South Baltimore in Payne-Sturges et al., 2004. Q90 and Q95 are 90th and 95th percentile concnetrations, respectively. NA is not available in the indicated study. USA
529 P 100-41-4 ethylbenzene VOC_P_18 study20 Results from selected studies of personal exposure to VOCs in the U.S. since 1990, and comparison to NHANES RIOPA is cited in Weisel et al., 2005b, NHEXAS in Clayton et al., 1999, Minneapolis study in Sexton et al., 2004, and South Baltimore in Payne-Sturges et al., 2004. Q90 and Q95 are 90th and 95th percentile concnetrations, respectively. NA is not available in the indicated study. USA 530 P 95-47-6 o-xylene VOC_P_18 study20 Results from selected studies of personal exposure to VOCs in the U.S. since 1990, and comparison to NHANES RIOPA is cited in Weisel et al., 2005b, NHEXAS in Clayton et al., 1999, Minneapolis study in Sexton et al., 2004, and South Baltimore in Payne-Sturges et al., 2004. Q90 and Q95 are 90th and 95th percentile concnetrations, respectively. NA is not available in the indicated study. USA
531 P 67-66-3 chloroform VOC_P_18 study20 Results from selected studies of personal exposure to VOCs in the U.S. since 1990, and comparison to NHANES RIOPA is cited in Weisel et al., 2005b, NHEXAS in Clayton et al., 1999, Minneapolis study in Sexton et al., 2004, and South Baltimore in Payne-Sturges et al., 2004. Q90 and Q95 are 90th and 95th percentile concnetrations, respectively. NA is not available in the indicated study. USA 532 P 79-01-6 trichloroethene VOC_P_18 study20 Results from selected studies of personal exposure to VOCs in the U.S. since 1990, and comparison to NHANES RIOPA is cited in Weisel et al., 2005b, NHEXAS in Clayton et al., 1999, Minneapolis study in Sexton et al., 2004, and South Baltimore in Payne-Sturges et al., 2004. Q90 and Q95 are 90th and 95th percentile concnetrations, respectively. NA is not available in the indicated study. USA
533 P 127-18-4 tetrachloroethene VOC_P_18 study20 Results from selected studies of personal exposure to VOCs in the U.S. since 1990, and comparison to NHANES RIOPA is cited in Weisel et al., 2005b, NHEXAS in Clayton et al., 1999, Minneapolis study in Sexton et al., 2004, and South Baltimore in Payne-Sturges et al., 2004. Q90 and Q95 are 90th and 95th percentile concnetrations, respectively. NA is not available in the indicated study. USA 534 P 1634-04-4 methyl t-butyl ether VOC_P_18 study20 Results from selected studies of personal exposure to VOCs in the U.S. since 1990, and comparison to NHANES RIOPA is cited in Weisel et al., 2005b, NHEXAS in Clayton et al., 1999, Minneapolis study in Sexton et al., 2004, and South Baltimore in Payne-Sturges et al., 2004. Q90 and Q95 are 90th and 95th percentile concnetrations, respectively. NA is not available in the indicated study. USA



See also


  1. Jia et al., Environmental International, Article in press

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