Internal meeting of WP2 and WP3, September 2015, Helsinki

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An internal meeting between WP2 and WP3 was held on 1st of September in Viikki (University of Helsinki). The aim of the meeting was to make a review on the current situation of WP2 and WP3, in order to ensure the compatibility of work done in these two WPs, and to plan the stakeholder workshop (No1, Feb 2016). The meeting started at 9.00 and ended at 15.10. Participants: Suvi Ignatius (UH), Päivi Haapasaari (UH), Mia Pihlajamäki (UOul), Timo Karjalainen (UOul), Simo Sarkki (UOul).

1. The newly created web-pages of GOHERR project ( were presented. It was decided that 18 euros will be spent for the web address The web address must then be updated in Opasnet, Bonus-pages and other web-pages, and in the electronic flyer. It was notified, that relevant literature has been uploaded to Opasnet (

2. During summer 2015 (June-August), Master student Tuuli Teittinen worked for GOHERR, as part of her studies (graduate thesis). She investigated how experts view the dioxin problem in the Baltic Sea: what they see as the main sources of dioxin emissions, what trends there are in dioxin concentrations, how serious the problem is, etc. (power point slides in Finnish). A manuscript about the study will be written, and uploaded in Opasnet.

3. Suvi told about work done in Tasks 2.1a&b: values related to Baltic salmon and herring, applying the theory of Boltanski and Thévenot. The manuscript will be sent to Alyne for her contribution. According to the literature search conducted so far, it seems that most of the scientific articles useful for this literature review originate from Finland.

4. Mia presented the most relevant international agreements and EU policies that include guidelines for setting objectives for Baltic salmon and herring management (Task 3.1) (power point slides). Planning the questionnaire study (Task 3.1) was started. The sampling and target groups of the questionnaire were discussed. A plan for the questionnaire study will be written (topics, questions, target groups/persons) and circulated among GOHERR researchers, to get feedback and contribution. The questionnaire will serve the needs of different WP:s as/if possible.

5. The planning of Stakeholder workshop No1 (Tasks 3.2, 2.2., 6.1) started. The workshop will take place in Copenhagen at the beginning of year 2016 (February). The costs of the workshop (22500) have been budgeted to IFM-AAU, and therefore it is expected that Alyne will take the lead in the arrangements (at least regarding venue and other practicalities). Topics for the workshop and stakeholders to be invited were discussed. Minimum 10 stakeholders will be invited, potentially from the following groups: commercial fishers, recreational fishers, landowners (river areas), fish processing industry, BSAC, ICES, HELCOM, DGMARE, Consumer organisations, ENGOs. A preliminary plan for the workshop will be written and circulated among GOHERR researchers. The aim of the workshop is to serve the needs of different WPs as/if possible. It is also important that the aims of different WP:s will be presented in the workshop. The workshop will take place right after a GOHERR project meeting, which decreases travel costs. At least one person from each WP should participate the meeting.

6. It was also decided that stakeholder organizations will be contacted soon, to inform them about GOHERR. Some of these will be visited and the others approached by email.

Goherr Research project 2015-2018: Integrated governance of Baltic herring and salmon stocks involving stakeholders

Goherr public website


WP1 Management · WP2 Sociocultural use, value and goverrnance of Baltic salmon and herring · WP3 Scenarios and management objectives · WP4 Linking fish physiology to food production and bioaccumulation of dioxin · WP5 Linking the health of the Baltic Sea with health of humans: Dioxin · WP6 Building a decision support model for integrated governance · WP7 Dissemination

Other pages in Opasnet

GOHERR assessment · Goherr flyer · Goherr scenarios · Relevant literature: policy · dioxins · values


Exposure- response functions of dioxins · Fish consumption in Sweden · POP concentrations in Baltic sea fish · Exposure-response functions of Omega3 fatty acids

Methods Health impact assessment · OpasnetBaseUtils‎ · Modelling in Opasnet
Other assessments Benefit-risk assessment of Baltic herring · Benefit-risk assessment on farmed salmon · Benefit-risk assessment of methyl mercury and omega-3 fatty acids in fish · Benefit-risk assessment of fish consumption for Beneris · Benefit-risk assessment of Baltic herring (in Finnish)