Fishermen study

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The Fishermen study is an epidemiological study organised by THL about Finnish fishermen and their health impacts after exposures to pollutants in fish.


Observed numbers of deaths (Obs) and SMR with 95% CI for selected causes among the fishermen and their wives in the Fishermen study, during 1980–2005 (after exclusion of the first 3 years of the follow-up).[1]

Cause Fishermen (n=6410) Fishermen’s wives (n=4260)
Cause of deatha Obs SMR 95% CI Obs SMR 95% CI
All causes 962 0.78 0.73–0.82 355 0.84 0.76–0.93
All diseasesb 840 0.75 0.70–0.79 335 0.84 0.76–0.93
Diseases of the circulatory system 412 0.75 0.68–0.82 140 0.81 0.68–0.94
Ischaemic heart diseases 269 0.73 0.65–0.81 62 0.65 0.50–0.83
Other heart diseases 41 1.08 0.77–1.46 13 0.88 0.47–1.51
Cerebrovascular diseases 67 0.67 0.52–0.85 46 0.95 0.70–1.27
Other diseases of the circulatory system 35 0.85 0.59–1.18 19 1.23 0.74–1.92
Neoplasms 267 0.90 0.79–1.00 120 0.99 0.82–1.17
Malignant neoplasms 263 0.90 0.80–1.01 115 0.97 0.80–1.15
Colon 8 0.52 0.23–1.03 10 1.30 0.62–2.39
Rectum and anus 8 0.82 0.35–1.60 8 2.13 0.92–4.19
Stomach 16 0.82 0.47–1.33 2 0.30 0.04–1.08
Prostate 36 0.99 0.69–1.36
Breast 18 0.80 0.47–1.25
Larynx, trachea and lung 72 0.80 0.63–1.01 8 0.70 0.30–1.38
Lymphoid, haematopoietic and related tissue 33 1.28 0.88–1.79 10 0.83 0.40–1.53
Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases 8 0.60 0.26–1.18 6 0.87 0.32–1.89
Diabetes mellitus 5 0.43 0.14–0.99 5 0.83 0.27–1.94
Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease 19 0.54 0.33–0.85 27 1.14 0.75–1.66
Diseases of the respiratory system 58 0.58 0.44–0.75 8 0.32 0.14–0.62
Pneumonia 26 0.53 0.35–0.78 5 0.32 0.10–0.74
Bronchitis and emphysema 27 0.66 0.44–0.96 1 0.18 0.00–1.01
Alcohol-related diseases and accidental poisoning by alcohol 34 0.59 0.41–0.82 5 0.58 0.19–1.36
Accidents and violencec 110 0.95 0.78–1.13 18 0.74 0.44–1.16
Accidentsc 80 1.17 0.93–1.45 15 1.01 0.56–1.66
Traffic accidents 5 0.44 0.14–1.02 4 1.30 0.35–3.32
Water transport accidents 31 8.31 5.65–11.79 0 0.00 0.00–24.54
Accidental falls 9 0.37 0.17–0.70 10 1.51 0.73–2.78
Drowning 17 3.05 1.78–4.88 0 0.00 0.00–6.05
Accidental poisoningsd 2 0.30 0.04–1.08 1 0.58 0.01–3.22
Suicides 24 0.61 0.39–0.91 3 0.38 0.08–1.11
Assault 4 1.02 0.28–2.61 0 0.00 0.00–3.76
No death certificate 1 1.07 0.03–5.94 1 2.98 0.08–16.61
aFor International Classification of Diseases (ICD) codes, see
bIncluding accidental poisoning by alcohol.
cExcluding accidental poisoning by alcohol.
dExcluding poisonings by alcohol.

See also


  1. Turunen AW, Verkasalo PK, Kiviranta H, Pukkala E, Jula A, Männistö S, Räsänen R, Marniemi J, Vartiainen T. Mortality in a cohort with high fish consumption. Int J Epidemiol. 2008 Oct;37(5):1008-17. Epub 2008 Jun 25.