Fifth Main Meeting - November 13,15, Helsinki

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Fifth Main Meeting – November 2017, Helsinki

BONUS GOHERR - Integrated governance of Baltic herring and salmon stocks involving stakeholders

'Fifth project meeting: MINUTES / P. Haapasaari

Time: 13, 15 November 2017 (Mon, Wed) (Agenda)

Place: Metsätalo, University of Helsinki, Unioninkatu 40, Helsinki

Participants: Suvi Ignatius (UH), Simo Sarkki (UOul), Mia Pihlajamäki (UOul), Jouni Tuomisto (THL), Arja Asikainen (THL), Andreas Bryhn (SLU), Lauri Ronkainen (UOul), Annukka Lehikoinen (UH), Päivi Haapasaari (UH),

The fifth main project meeting of BONUS GOHERR was scheduled for two days (Monday the 13th of Nov, Wed the 15th of Nov). On Tuesday (14 Nov) GOHERR project arranged an expert workshop that discussed benefits, challenges and ways of reorganizing governance to support the integration of 1) Baltic salmon and herring fisheries governance, and 2) food safety and security issues into fisheries governance (Agenda). In this document, the project meeting is reported; A summary of the Stakeholder workshop is in the GOHERR Website ( and Opasnet A piece of News about the Stakeholder workshop has also been published in the BONUS projects website (

Monday 13 Nov

On Monday, plans for the expert workshop were finalized. The roles of the project researchers in the workshop were specified. The experts were divided into the different workshop groups according to their expertise, to build two comparable groups.

Wednesday 15 Nov

Overview of the current situation of the project

GOHERR has been presented in several conferences and symposiums during autumn 2017:

Annual Science Conference of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES ASC) 2017, 18-21 September 2017, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA :

  • A Lehikoinen, L Ronkainen, and P Haapasaari: To eat or not to eat? Two systems analytic approaches to evaluate the sustainable use of the dioxin-rich Baltic herring and salmon
  • M Pihlajamäki, A Lehikoinen, P Haapasaari, S Sarkki, L Ronkainen, and TP Karjalainen: Combining exploratory scenarios and Bayesian belief networks to model social-ecological systems – case study on Baltic herring and salmon fisheries
  • P Haapasaari, M Pihlajamäki, A Delaney, S Ignatius, and S Sarkki. How to reorganise governance to support ecosystem-based fisheries management. The cases of Baltic salmon and herring

BONUS Symposium 17-19 October Tallinn: Science delivery for sustainable use of the Baltic Sea living resources. Päivi and Alyne acted as chairs of session 5: Ecosystem-based adaptive management in the context of new understanding in spatiotemporal heterogeneity.

  • Jacobson P et al. Size-dependent prey availability explains salmon (Salmo salar) diet and condition at sea
  • Huss M et al. Bioaccumulation of dioxin in Baltic Sea fish under contrasting harvesting regimes: integrating from individual physiology to size-dependent species interactions
  • Asikainen A et al. Health benefit-risk assessment of human consumption of Baltic salmon and herring in four Baltic Sea countries
  • Pihlajamäki M et al. Baltic Sea herring for food: Shades of grey in how backcasting recommendations work across exploratory scenarios
  • Ignatius S et al. Socio-cultural values as a dimension of fisheries management: the cases of Baltic salmon and herring
  • Tuomisto J et al. Evaluating Baltic Sea fisheries governance in the context of open policy practice
  • Asikainen A et al. Human consumption of Baltic salmon and herring in four Baltic Sea countries
  • Lehikoinen A et al. To eat or not to eat? A socioecological decision model to evaluate the sustainable use of the dioxin-rich Baltic herring and salmon
  • Pihlajamäki M et al. Catching the future: Using Bayesian belief networks to visualise and examine the sustainability of Baltic herring and salmon fisheries under alternative exploratory scenarios Ronkainen L et al. Dioxin flux in the Baltic Sea – soft system approach

Baltic Area Legal Studies BALEX Research Seminar, University of Turku and Åbo Akademi: “Multiple layers of regulation: focus on the Baltic Sea region”, 31 October 2017, Turku.

  • Pihlajamäki M. et al..: Food security and safety in fisheries governance - case study on Baltic herring
  • Ignatius S. et al.: Comparing values in fisheries governance: the cases of Baltic salmon and herring

Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) 3rd Nordic Chapter Conference 2-3 November 2017, Aalto University, Espoo Finland:

  • Pihlajamäki M., Lehikoinen A., Haapasaari P., and Sarkki S. Combining exploratory scenarios and Bayesian belief network to analyse the sustainability of Baltic herring and salmon fisheries.
  • Lehikoinen A., Ronkainen L., and Haapasaari P. To eat or not to eat? A systems analytic approach to evaluate the sustainable use of the dioxin rich Baltic herring and salmon.
  • The second expert workshop of GOHERR was successfully arranged on Tuesday, with 15 experts representing decision makers, researchers, fisherman organisations, and public health involved.

WP1 Management

Päivi is moving to Aalborg University at the beginning of December 2017, and Mika Rahikainen will take the responsibility of practical coordinative issues in the project. Päivi will however advise and support Mika. Päivi will also contribute to the deliverables of GOHERR, both as the first author of two papers and as co-authors in several other papers. Päivi will also continue as the supervisor of Suvi. An extension for the project (until 30 June 2018) will be requested from BONUS, to enable better concentration on the WP6 decision support model and on writing the related manuscript. SLU has informed about changes in their timing of deliverables; D4.2 will be delivered by M33 (3 months delayed) whereas D4.3 and D5.1 will be delayed ahead of time, also by M33. This implies that also data for the decision support model will be provided ahead of time, by 15th of November. Dissemination of the project results were discussed. A dissemination meeting will not be arranged, as money is not budgeted for such a meeting, and the project has been well presented in several conferences during the autumn (list above). The BONUS symposium in Tallinn was the main dissemination conference for GOHERR. A policy brief will be written at the end of the project, potentially collaboratively in the final project meeting, and disseminated also to media. A summary of the results will be published on the project’s web pages.

WP2 Socio-cultural use, value, and governance of Baltic salmon and herring

Päivi presented the situation of WP2 deliverables. D2.1 (Edited short film about the sociocultural traditions and values of Baltic herring) is ready and submitted. D 2.2 (Potential for changing the present institutional structures towards nested and integrated structures required by ecosystem-based management) is in writing (IFM-AAU), D2.3 (Comparative analysis of differing socio-cultural traditions and values of Baltic herring and salmon among Baltic Sea countries) is in writing (Suvi); Suvi gave a short description of the paper, which is based on more than 30 interviews in Finland and Estonia. D2.4 (Governance structures related to ecosystem approach in the Baltic Sea: integrated management of Baltic salmon and herring at the regional, national and subnational level) is in writing (Päivi). D2.5 (Scenarios for nested and regionalised governance systems of Baltic salmon and herring management and their evaluation by experts) will be an output of the second expert workshop, and will be written in collaboration between GOHERR researchers and the workshop participants (Päivi as the first author). The paper will be submitted to a Springer-journal which offers free open access for publications in which a Swedish author (Andreas) is the corresponding author. Ambio was selected as the first option and Maritime Studies / Sustainability Studies /Environmental Management as the next ones, in this order. D 2.6 has been accepted to Marine Policy as the first refereed GOHERR journal article; Suvi presented the contents of the paper.

WP3 Scenarios and management objectives

Mia presented the situation of WP3 deliverables. All but one WP3 deliverables have been submitted to BONUS; D3.5 (Combining exploratory scenarios and BBNs to model social ecological systems: a case study on Baltic herring and salmon fisheries) will be submitted by M36. D3.1 (Food security and safety in fisheries governance - case study on Baltic herring) was submitted to Marine Policy and is now under review. D3.4 has been submitted to Technological Forecasting and Social Change. D3.3 (The future of Baltic herring and salmon fisheries under changing societal conditions – a scenario study) will be submitted to the Special Issue of ICES Journal on Marine Sciences that will be published as an output of the Tallinn BONUS Symposium.

WP4 Linking fish physiology to food production and bioaccumulation of dioxin

Andreas presented WP4. D4.1 (Jacobson et al. Size-dependent prey availability explains salmon (Salmo salar) diet and condition at sea) has been submitted to Ecosphere. D4.2 (Size-dependent predator-prey interactions and the dynamics of herring and salmon in the Baltic Sea) will be submitted in M33 to BONUS (postponed from M30). D4.3 (Novel physiologically structured population model for herring and salmon to analyse bioaccumulation of dioxin in Baltic Sea fish) will be submitted by 15December, ahead of time (originally scheduled M34), and D5.3 (The role of size-selective fisheries on bioaccumulation of dioxins) will be submitted by 30Nov together with data for WP6 model, ahead of original schedule. This includes running the eutrophication (productivity) and dioxin reduction scenarios in the novel herring-salmon-bioaccumulation model.

WP5 Linking the health of the Baltic Sea with the health of humans: Dioxin

Arja presented WP5. D5.1 (Open online model about dioxins in fish, human consumption, and health benefits and risks) has been submitted and D5.2 (Health-benefit risk model results) started.

WP7 Dissemination

Päivi presented the situation of WP7. D7.1 (project web-pages and electronic flyer) is completed. D7.2 (Report on student training in Task 7.2f i.e. courses on marine governance and decision analysis) will be submitted by M34. D7.3 (Developing and updating stakeholder communication plan) will be submitted by by M36. D7.4 (report of online material in Opasnet) will be submitted by M36; this will include links to published papers. D7.5 (Report of open linked data and models) as well as D7.6 (Report of stakeholder communication and involvement in the project) will be submitted by M36.

WP6 Building a decision support model for integrated governance

Lauri presented his work which concerns soft systems analysis of the bioaccumulation of dioxins in different Baltic Sea basins. He has used Gephi-software in describing the interactions between ecosystem elements. Difficulties has been in establishing food webs and in deciding which congener to use to indicate dioxin flux.

Annukka presented the current situation of the decision support model. The model building benefits from the speeding up of work in SLU as there will now be more time to input the SLU data to the decision support model. At least one meeting with the SLU team is still needed. From THL some more information and data is also needed. Utility functions were discussed (Ecological – social – economic aspects of sustainability) and still need further elaboration.

The rest of the day was used for discussing the details and data needs of the decision support model from THL, and details of different journal articles.

The project meeting ended at 17.30. The last project meeting will be organized in February-March in Finland.