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European Exposure Factors Sourcebook (ExpoFacts)

Research team

  • Matti Jantunen, prof.
  • Virpi Vuori, MSc.
  • Henning Hendolin, graduate student
  • Aleksi Jetsu, graduate student.


The ExpoFacts Steering Committee has 12 members from Europe and the U.S.A., with a wide rage of exposure research expertese. Information on the SC can be found on the project Internet site.


  • CEFIC Long Range Research Initiative (LRI).

Contact person

  • Virpi Vuori


The actions and the media that bring us in contact with environmental impurities are called exposure factors. Important exposure factors are e.g. food, drink, housing conditions, and time use in different environments. The European exposure factor data has until now been scattered at national institutes and institutions. That is why the European exposure researchers have often needed to use the easily available American data, and then make assumptions on how well that data is applicable for European living conditions and cultures. There has therefore been a strong need to get also the European data easily available for the research community.


ExpoFacts project created a European database on exposure factor statistics. No new data has been produced but the project concentrated in collecting already excisting data from a variety of international and national sources. The sourcebook, which covers 30 European countries, has been published in October 2004 on the Internet.


The exposure factor data in the ExpoFacts database are presented, whenver possible, in distributions. This allows the data to be used also for probabilistic modelling. The database also includes a large variety of population statistics, making the database a tool for population wide exposure and risk assessment.


Key words


