Dose-response function of persistent pollutants

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Benefit-risk assessment on farmed salmon: To the assessment page | To the Analytica model
Decision variables:

Variable:Recommendation for consumption of farmed salmon | Variable:Pollutant concentration limits for fish feed


Variable:Pollutant health risk due to the consumption of salmon | Variable:Net health effects due to the consumption of salmon

Other variables:

Variable:Persistent pollutant concentrations in fish feed | Variable:Persistent pollutant concentrations in salmon | Variable:Salmon intake in the population of the Western Europe | Variable:Exposure to persistent pollutants due to salmon in the population of the Western Europe | Variable:Dose-response function of persistent pollutants | Variable:Omega-3 content in salmon | Variable:Omega-3 intake due to salmon in the population of the Western Europe | Variable:Dose-response function of cardiovascular effects of omega-3 fatty acids | Variable:Total mortality in the Western Europe | Variable:Cardiovascular mortality in the Western Europe | Variable:Cardiovascular effects of omega-3 in salmon in the Western Europe


Dose-response function of persistent pollutants describes the cancer dose-responses of several pollutants in humans (lifetime risk due to lifetime exposure).



Dose-response slope
Dieldrin 16
Toxaphene 1.1
Dioxin 1.56E+005



Potency of pollutants. Cancer slope factors (CSF) are used for cancer and Reference Dose (RfD) values are used for non-cancer endpoints. The data comes from the U.S.EPA. [1]

The response assessment is restricted to cancer endpoints, because it is the more sensitive endpoint.

Table. Cancer slope factors (CSF) for several pollutants.

Dieldrin 16
Toxaphene 1.1
Dioxin 1.56E+005


Upstream variables

  • None




CSFs are directly used.

See also


  1. U.S.EPA. Guidance for Assessing Chemical Contaminant Data for Use in Fish Advisory. Volume 2: Risk Assessment and Fish Consumption Limits, 3rd Edition. 2000. Table 3-1. Open access Internet file Intranet file