Defining IEHIAS stakeholders: example from water
- The text on this page is taken from an equivalent page of the IEHIAS-project.
As part of the EU-funded INTARESE project, which contributed to the development of this Toolbox, a case study was carried out to assess the health effects of exposures to pollutants in domestic water supplies in five European countries (Finland, Hungary, Romania, Spain and the UK).

During the issue-framing stage, a comprehensive list of potential stakeholders was initially formulated for the UK. Once this had been shortened to a list of the most relevant stakeholders, it was expanded for each of the other case study countries, and a list of European-wide and international stakeholders was also put together.
Stakeholders were identified in the following sectors:
- Government
- Regulators and watchdogs
- Consumer organisations
- Research and data provision
- Water industry
UK Stakeholders
- Government
- Regulators and watchdogs
- Consumer organisations
- Research and data provision
- Water industry
Hungarian Stakeholders
- Government
- Regulators and watchdogs
- Hungarian Water Centre and Public Archives - Water Directorate (Vízügyi Központ és Közgyűjtemények - Vízügyi Igazatóság)
- Consumer organisations
- Research and data provision
- Water industry
Romanian Stakeholders
- Government
- Ministry of Environment and Water Management – Department of Water (Ministerul Mediului si Gospodaririi Apelor – Departmentul ape)
- Regulators and watchdogs
- Consumer organisations
- Research and data provision
- [ HIDRO]
- Water industry
Finnish Stakeholders
- Government
- Regulators and watchdogs
- Consumer organisations
- Research and data provision
- National Public Health Institute (THL) - Department of Environmental Health
- Finland's environmental administration (SYKE)
- Water industry
Spanish Stakeholders
- Government
- Regulators and watchdogs
- Consumer organisations
- Water industry
European Stakeholders
- EU Regulators and watchdogs
- Water industry