Biowaste project

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Biowaste treatment and environmental health

Odours, gases, dusts and micro-organisms are emitted into the air from composting sites – and other sites generating or handling biodegradable waste – and have been suggested to affect the health and well-being of nearby residents. The study was started in year 2004 and aims to provide the necessary knowledge needed for the risk assessment and risk management of biowaste treatment. The researchers use epidemiological, microbiological and toxicological approaches to provide an extensive body of data for the purpose. The sub studies focus on characterizing the exposures to emissions of biowaste using microbiological, particle counting and immunotoxicological methods, and by investigating the effects on humans applying epidemiological approaches.

Research group

  • Doc. Aino Nevalainen
  • MSc Marjaleena Aatamila
  • Lic. Tech. Mona Arnold (Technical Research Centre of Finland)
  • Doc. Maija-Riitta Hirvonen
  • PhD Kati Huttunen
  • MSc in Technology Pasi Kaarakainen
  • Lic. Pharm., PhD Maarit Korhonen (University of Kuopio)
  • MSc in Forestry Kari Pasanen
  • PhD Helena Rintala
  • Doc. Pia Verkasalo
  • MSc Marja Viluksela (Finnish Institute of Occupational Health)
  • PhD Tarja Yli-Tuomi


  • Ministry of Social Affairs and Health

Contact persons

  • Aino Nevalainen (project leader, microbiology)
  • Maija-Riitta Hirvonen (toxicology)
  • Pia Verkasalo (epidemiology)


Key words


