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Building environmental quality, health and safety - internet based data collection and response system

Occupant health and safety are one of the most important aspects in the area of housing. The aim of this study was to develop a comprehensive data collection and response system that supports occupants' actions in improving their living environment. The data collection and response system was tested with a sample of 3000 people (one person per household), aged 18 to 75 years, who were randomly selected from Finnish Population Register Centre. The database that was collected with the system can be used in estimating the quality of Finnish housing stock, and to model its association with occupant health and well-being.

Research group

  • Docent., D. Sc. Tech. Ulla Haverinen-Shaughnessy (Senior Researcher)
  • M. Sc. Mari Turunen (Researcher)
  • Mr. Ari Paanala (Research Assistant)
  • M. Sc. Juha Villman (Software Developer)
  • Prof. Aino Nevalainen (Head of Laboratory of Environmental Microbiology)



  • Ministry of the Environment
  • Academy of Finland
  • National Public Health Institute


Key words


