MPP-FMI, Meteorological Pre-processing Model

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The relevant meteorological parameters for the local-scale models are evaluated by this meteorological pre-processing model(Karppinen et al., 1997). The model is based mainly on the energy budget method of van Ulden and Holtslag (1985). The model utilises the synoptic meteorological observations and the meteorological sounding observations. It estimates the hourly time series of the relevant atmospheric turbulence parameters (the Monin-Obukhov length scale, the friction velocity and the convective velocity scale) and the boundary layer height.
The model has been refined in order to better allow for urban conditions (Karppinen et al., 1998; 2000). This work is under progress also within the COST action 715 (Meteorology applied to urban air pollution problems).

More information:
Ari Karppinen

Karppinen, A., Joffre, S. and Vaajama, P., 1997. Boundary layer parametrization for Finnish regulatory dispersion models. International Journal of Environmentand Pollution, Vol. 8, Nos. 3-6, p. 557-564.

Karppinen, A., Kukkonen, J., Nordlund, G., Rantakrans, E., and Valkama I., 1998. A dispersion modelling system for urban air pollution. Finnish Meteorological Institute, Publications on Air Quality. Helsinki, 58 p.

Karppinen, A., Joffre, S. M. and Kukkonen, J., 2000. The refinement of a meteorological preprocessor for the urban environment. International Journal of Environment and Pollution, Vol 14, Nos 1-6, pp. 565-572.

van Ulden, A. and Holtslag, A., 1985. Estimation of atmospheric boundary layer parameters for diffusion applications, J. Climate Appl. Meteor. 24, p.1196-1207.