Platon+ (project)
PLATONplus (Platon+) is an EU funded initiative started in January 2008. It aims at (a) increasing awareness on European research in Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities (SSH) and (b) popularizing SSH research results in non SSH research areas/ themes.
The ultimate goal of the project is to exploit horizontally the competences of European SSH researchers for the benefit of European research achieving integration of the SSH research in the non-SSH research under FP7 and operating as a virtual knowledge hub for the dissemination and integration of SSH research.
- Acronym: PLATON+
- Title: “Strengthening the role that Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities (SSH) have on the ERA Development”
- Contract No: 217154
- Funding scheme: Coordination and Support Action – Supporting Action (CSA supporting)
- Co-ordinator: Q-PLAN North Greece Ltd
- Duration: January 2008 – June 2010 (30 months)
- Partners: A multidisciplinary and multicultural consortium of 12 European partners from 10 countries: Greece, Italy, Austria, Hungary, Germany, Poland, Estonia, Ireland, France and Turkey.