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- The text on this page is taken from the EXPOLIS-project homepage under "Online library".
EXPOLIS is a monitoring study that measured the population exposures to key air pollutants in six European cities. Concentrations were measured in home indoor, home outdoor and work indoor environments and in addition personal exposure were measured for 48hr with carry-on samplers. Measurements took place in 1996-1997.
EXPOLIS final report
Download PDF by clicking on title.
- EXPOLIS Final Report
- Annex I - Summary tables of air pollution exposure research for Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION
- Annex II - Tables for Chapter 5. RESULTS
- Annex III - The short screening questionnaire (International Questionnaire) and The core questionnaire
- Annex IV - Description of the Model Equations, Distributions Intomart Database and Simulation of the Time Fractions in the EXPOLIS model
- Annex V - List of all publications
EXPOLIS database
All the main documents describing different parts of the EXPOLIS database structures were collected together and published as a project document. The document can be downloaded from below as a pdf file.
- Hänninen O, Alm S, Kaarakainen E and Jantunen M (2002): The EXPOLIS Databases. KTL, Department of Environmental Health, Kuopio, Finland. Project document (408 pages).
Download here: Database manual (size approximately 8 MB).
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- MS Access95 format:
CIDB_Sep02_Access95 (size approximately 31 MB, 11 MB zipped).
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Human Exposure Patterns for Health Risk Assessment: Indoor Determinants of Personal Exposures in the European EXPOLIS Population in Athens, Basel, Grenoble, Milan, Helsinki, Oxford, and Prague
- (EXPOLIS-INDEX is funded by CEFIC. It is a data analyses grant based on the EXPOLIS projects initially conducted in Athens, Basel, Grenoble, Milan, Helsinki, and Prague (funded by EC 4th Framework) and followed by EXPOLIS Oxford)
The EXPOLIS-INDEX study investigates the factors which determine human exposures to air pollutants in indoor environments. This information is crucial to assess the health risks related to indoor exposures and to propose mitigation strategies for harmful indoor contaminants. To achieve these goals, measurements of pollutant concentrations on person and air pollution levels in homes, at work and outdoors must be combined with information on time spent in indoor and outdoor locations.
The final reports can be downloaded here:
- EXPOLIS-INDEX Final Report (pdf, 0.7 MB)
- Final Report of Work Package 1 (pdf, 4.4 MB)
- Final Report of Work Package 2 (pdf, 1.0 MB)
- Final Report of Work Package 3 (pdf, 1.2 MB)
Principal Investigator and Project Leader:
- Nino Kuenzli 1,2, MD, PhD
Co Principal Investigators:
- Matti Jantunen 3, PhD (Principal Investigator of EXPOLIS)
- Lucy Bayer-Oglesby 1, PhD
Project Manager, Work Package Coordinator:
- Christian Schweizer 1,2, MSc
Work Package Leaders:
- Work Package 1: Christian Schweizer 1,2, MSc
- Work Package 2: Rufus D. Edwards 4, PhD
- Work Package 3: Vito Ilacqua 3, PhD
Contributing Scientists:
- James Gauderman 2, PhD
- Patrick Mathys 1, PhD
- Hak Kan Lai 5, MSc
Members of the Advisory Committee:
- Klea Katsouyanni 6, PI EXPOLIS Athens
- Marco Maroni 7, PI EXPOLIS Milan
- Mark J Nieuwenhuijsen 5, EXPOLIS Oxford
- Radim Sram 8, PI EXPOLIS Prague
Prepared for:
CEFIC-LRI 9 (European Chemical Industry Council, Long-range Research Initiative)
- University Basel, Institute of Social- and Preventive Medicine, Department of Environment and Health, Steinengraben 49, CH-4051 Basel, Switzerland (Main CEFIC Contractor)
- University of Southern California USC, Keck School of Medicine, Division of Environmental Health, 1540 Alcazar Street CHP 236, Los Angeles, CA 90033, USA
- KTL, National Public Health Institute, Department of Environmental Health, Neulaniementie 4, P.O.Box 95, FIN-70701 Kuopio, Finland
- University of California at Irvine UCI, Environmental Health, Science and Policy, 246 Social Ecology I, Irvine, CA 92697-7070, USA
- Imperial College London, Department of Environmental Science and Technology, Prince Consort Road, London SW7 2AZ, United Kingdom
- University of Athens, Medical School, Department of Hygiene and Epidemiology, Mikras Asias 75, GR-Athens 11527, Greece
- University of Milan, Institute of Occupational Health, Via San Barbara 8, IT-20122 Milan, Italy
- Institute of Experimental Medicine AS CR, Laboratory of Genetic Ecotoxicology, Videnska 1083, CZ-142 20 PRAGUE 4, Czech Republic
- Cefic Research & Science, Long-range Research Initiative, Avenue E. Van Nieuwenhuyse 4, B-1160 Brussels, Belgium
Contact: Nino Künzli
Abstracts and posters
This section lists abstracts, posters, articles in domesteic or non-peer-reviewed international journals and other presentations of EXPOLIS related works in these groups:
Link to the contents is given when available. Please contact us to order any material you are interested in.
Author: If you would like to have your document to be shown here, please provide it in either .HTML or .PDF format. Documents in .HTML format end up into search databases, like Alta Vista. The .PDF documents do not, but they preserve original formatting. Thus .PDF format is suitable for documents containing figures or complex tables.
Articles in international textbooks and peer reviewed conference proceedings
- Hänninen O, Economopoulos A, Özkaynak H (1999): Information on air quality required for health impact assessment. In: Monitoring ambient air quality for health impact assessment. WHO Regional Publications, European Series No. 85. ISBN 92 890 1351 6, ISSN 0378-2255. pp. 9-36.
- Jantunen MJ, Hänninen O, Saarela K, Cavallo D, Katsouyanni K, Lebret E, Kuenzli N, Sram R, Zmirou D (1996): Air pollution exposure distributions of adult urban populations in Europe: Design of the Expolis study. In International conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, July 21-26, 1996 Nagoya, Japan. Proceedings 1: 1125-1129.[content.html]
- Jurvelin J, Bortoli M de, Cavallo D, Knöppel H, Kuenzli N, Laine-Ylijoki J, Oglesby L, Saarela K, Jantunen MJ (1997): Methodology and quality assurance of VOC measurements in the Expolis study. In: Advances in Occupational Medicine & Rehabilitation. Volatile organic compounds in the environment. Risk assessment and neurotoxicity (Edited by L. Manzo, J Descotes, J Hoskins) 3 (3): 27-32.[content.html]
- Saarela K, Laine-Ylijoki J, Jurvelin JA, Jantunen M (1999): Effect of sampling duration on VOC-determination from indoor air. Indoor Air, August 8-12, Edinburgh, UK 6 p.
Articles in domestic peer reviewed journals
- Hänninen O (1996): Yhdyskuntailman laadun arviointi - mitä kannattaa mitata ja mallittaa. Ympäristö ja Terveys (Finnish Environment and Health Journal) 6: 56-60.
- Jantunen MJ, Hänninen O, Saarela K, Cavallo D, Katsouyanni K, Lebret E, Kuenzli N, Sram R, Zmirou D (1996): Design of the pollution based study (APED-AUPE) on urban air pollution exposure in Europe. Ilmansuojelu-uutiset (Finnish Air Pollution Prevention Society News) 1: 6-8.
- Tenhola V, Jantunen M (1999): Pienhiukkasten terveysriskien arviointi. Ympäristö ja Terveys (Finnish Environment and Health Journal) 1: 52-57.
Articles in domestic textbooks and peer reviewed conference proceedings
- Hänninen O, Kruize H, Breugelmans O, Lebret E, Samoli E, Georgoulis L, Katsouyanni K, Jantunen MJ (1997): Simulation of population exposure. Valamo Conference on Environmental Health and Risk Assessment - Health Risks of Inhaled Particles, September 18-21, 1997 Valamo Monastery, Heinävesi.
- Hänninen O, Samoli E, Breugelmans O, Kruize H, Katsouyanni K, Künzli N, Lebret E, Jantunen M (1998): Expolis exposure database. 2nd Valamo Conference on Environmental Health and Risk Assessment, November 19-22, 1998 Valamo Monastery, Heinävesi, Finland.
- Jantunen M (1997): Exposure - New approach to air pollution. Third Finnish Conference of Environmental Sciences, Jyväskylä 9-10 May. Ambiotica 1: 81.
- Jantunen M, Saarela K, Tountas Y, Künzli N, Zmirou D, Maroni M, Lebret E, Sram R (1998): Air pollution exposure distributions of adult urban populations in Europe (EXPOLIS). In: Ecosystems research reports series no. 28: Environment, health and chemical safety: Proceedings of an EC research workshop in Athens on 22-25 March 1998. Luxembourg: European Commission, 1998:53-9.
- Jantunen MJ (1997): Exposure to fine particles: Summary of the field studies. Valamo Conference on Environmental Health and Risk Assessment - Health Risks of Inhaled Particles, September 18-21, 1997 Valamo Monastery, Heinävesi.
- Jantunen MJ (1997): Issues in the scientific and political argumentation about the health effects of fine PM. Valamo Conference on Environmental Health and Risk Assessment - Health Risks of Inhaled Particles, September 18-21, 1997 Valamo Monastery, Heinävesi.
- Jurvelin J, De Bortoli M, Cavallo D, Knöppel H, Künzli N, Laine-Ylijoki J, Saarela K, Jantunen MJ (1997): Methodology and quality assurance of VOC measurements in the Expolis-study. International Conference on Volatile Organic Compounds in the Environment, Risk Assessment, and Neurotoxicity, Pavia, Italy October 5-7, 1997.
- Jurvelin J, DeBortoli M, Cavallo D, Knöppel H, Kuenzli N, Laine-Ylijoki J, Saarela K, Jantunen M (1997): VOC measurements in the Expolis-study; Methodology and quality assurance. Third Finnish Conference of Environmental Sciences, Jyväskylä 9-10 May, 1997 Ambiotica 1: 321-324.
- Jurvelin J, Jantunen MJ (1997): Exposure to fine particles in traffic. Valamo Conference on Environmental Health and Risk Assessment - Health Risks of Inhaled Particles, September 18-21, 1997 Valamo Monastery, Heinävesi.
- Koistinen K, Kousa A, Tenhola V, Jantunen M (1997): Fine particle measurements in the Expolis study; Methodology and quality assurance. Third Finnish Conference of Environmental Sciences, Jyväskylä 9-10 May, 1997. Ambiotica 1: 88-91.
- Koistinen K, Kousa A, Tenhola V, Jantunen M (1997): Methodology and quality assurance in particle (P2.5) measurements in the Expolis study. In Hämeri K, and Ahonen P (eds.) The sixth Finnish National Aerosol Symposium, April 15-16, 1997 Report Series in Aerosol Science No 31: 136-141.[content.html]
- Koistinen K, Kousa A, Tenhola V, Jantunen MJ (1997): Personal and microenvironmental fine particle (PM2.5) measurements in the EXPOLIS study: Methodology and quality assurance. Valamo Conference on Environmental Health and Risk Assessment - Health Risks of Inhaled Particles, September 18-21, 1997 Valamo Monastery, Heinävesi, Finland.
- Kousa A (1997): Characterisation of particulate exposure. Valamo Conference on Environmental Health and Risk Assessment - Health Risks of Inhaled Particles, September 18-21, 1997 Valamo Monastery, Heinävesi, Finland.
- Kruize H, Hänninen O, Lebret E (1999): Simulation of exposure distributions in Expolis. Abstract for EXPOLIS seminar, Musé d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris 9-10 April, 1999.
- Künzli N (1996): The EXPOLIS Project. Forum Lufthygiene und Atemwege. Diskussionsforum, Basel, CH 22. Oktober 1996..
- Künzli N (1997): Methodik des Projektes EXPOLIS. Lufthygiene Tagung Cercle Air, Bern, CH 30. Januar 1997.
- Mathys P, Stern WB, Oglesby L, Ackermann-Liebrich L, Braun-Fahrländer C, Jantunen M, Monn C, Künzli N (1999): Elemental analysis study in EXPOLIS. Abstract for EXPOLIS seminar, Musé d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris 9-10 April 1999.
- Oglesby L, Kuenzli N, Braun-Fahrländer Ch, Camenzind M (1997): Variability of PM2.5 -exposure within the city of Basel: Personal and microenvironmental measurements vs fixed-site concentrations: First results of the EXPOLIS- and BRISKA studies. Valamo Conference on Environmental Health and Risk Assessment Health Risks of Inhaled Particles, September 18-21, 1997 Valamo Monastery, Heinävesi, Finland.
- Oglesby L, Künzli N, Jantunen M, and EXPOLIS team (1999): Fine particles (PM2.5): Personal and microenvironmental exposures in Europe. Abstract for EXPOLIS seminar, Musé d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris 9-10 April, 1999.
- Rotko T, Jantunen M (1997): Socioeconomic factors in Expolis study. Third Finnish Conference of Environmental Sciences, Jyväskylä 9-10 May, 1997. Ambiotica 1: 336-339.
- Rotko T, Stambej T, Jantunen MJ, Notkola V (1997): Socioeconomic distribution of the population exposure to fine particles. Valamo Conference on Environmental Health and Risk Assessment - Health Risks of Inhaled Particles, September 18-21, 1997 Valamo Monastery, Heinävesi, Finland.
- Saarela K, Wellman K (1999): Volatile organic compounds, VOCs, in the EXPOLIS study. Presentation of VOC results in EXPOLIS Seminar,Musé d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris 9-10 April, 1999.
- Schwickert DM, Oglesby L, Monn CH, Camenzind M, Künzli N (1997): Feinstaubbelastung in verschidenen Verkehrsmitteln. Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Prävention und Gesundheithswesen, Wissenschaftliche jahrestagung 1997, 19/20 Juni 1997, Inselspital Bern, Schweiz.
- Tenhola V, Jantunen MJ (1997): Use of a pilot study in developing the PM2.5 measurements in the EXPOLIS study. Valamo Conference on Environmental Health and Risk Assessment - Health Risks of Inhaled Particles, September 18-21, 1997 Valamo Monastery, Heinävesi.
- Vartiainen M, Alm S, Jantunen M (1997): Commuter exposure to different sizes of particles and CO inside an automobile. Third Finnish Conference of Environmental Sciences, Jyväskylä 9-10 May, 1997. Ambiotica 1: 353-356.
International conference abstracts
- Alm S, Jantunen MJ, Mukala K (1996): Stationary measurements and personal NO2 exposure among preschool children in Helsinki. Annual Meeting of SRA/ISEA, December 8-12 1996, New Orleans, USA.
- Alm S, Mukala K, Jantunen MJ (1998): Levels and determinants of personal carbon monoxide exposure in preschool children. Epidemiology (Annual ISEE/ISEA Conference, Boston MA, USA, August 16-19, 1998) 9 (4): S128.
- Alm S, Vartiainen M, Jantunen MJ (1997): Commuter exposures to different sizes of particles and CO inside an automobile. Society of Exposure Analysis (ISEA) annual meeting, Research Triangle Park, NC, USA. November 2-5, 1997.
- Boudet C, Dechenaux J, Balducci F, Masclet P, Zmirou D (1997): Total personal exposure to fine particulate matter in a urban adult population: the role of ambient air and transport. 4th International Symposium on Transport and Air Quality, 9-13 June, 1997, Avignon, France.
- Boudet C, Dechenaux J, Vigier N, Kuenzli N, Zmirou D, Camenzind M, Oglesby L, Braun-Fahrländer Ch (1997): Spatial and temporal variability in PM2.5/PM10 ratio in two European towns and consequences on exposure assessment studies. Society of Exposure Analysis (ISEA) annual meeting, Research Triangle Park, NC, USA, November 2-5, 1997.
- Boudet C, Kuenzli N, Zmirou D, Oglesby L (1997): Subjects adapt time-activity patterns during participation in a personal exposure assessment study. Society of Exposure Analysis (ISEA) annual meeting, Research Triangle Park, NC, USA, November 2-5, 1997.
- Boudet C, Poizeau D, Vestri V, Zmirou D (1999): What fraction of MP2.5 personal exposure is attributable to urban traffic? ? Conference in Durham, June 1999.
- Boudet C, Vestri V, Personnaz MB, Zmirou D (1998): Evaluation of fixed ambient air monitors in assessing population exposures by comparison with direct measurements. Epidemiology. Annual ISEE/ISEA conference, Boston, MA, USA August 16-19, 1998 9 (4): S115.
- Boudet C, Zmirou d, Vestri V, Poizeau D (1999): Fraction of PM2.5 exposure attributable to traffic exhausts. Epidemiology (Annual ISEE/ISEA Conference, September 5-8, 1999, Athens, Creece) 10 (4): S136.
- Georgoulis L, Samoli E, Hänninen O, Oglesby L, Katsouyanni K, Jantunen M (1999): Comparison of CO personal exposure levels measured in five European cities during the EXPOLIS study. Epidemiology (Annual ISEE/ISEA Conference, September 5-8, 1999, Athens, Creece) 10 (4): S51.
- Georgoulis L, Samoli E, Hänninen O, Oglesby L, Polanska L, Katsouyanni K, Jantunen M (1999): Comparison of CO personal exposure across Europe. International Conference Exposure to Air Pollution and Health Risk Assessment, Bern, Switzerland, November 1999.
- Georgoulis L, Samoli E, Oglesby L, Kuenzli N, Katsouyanni K, Jantunen M (1998): Can personal exposure to particulate matter be predicted by time activity diaries and fixed site monitoring data? Epidemiology (Annual ISEE/ISEA Conference, Boston MA, USA, August 16-19, 1998) 9 (4): S86.
- Georgoulis L, Samoli E, Oglesby N, Kuenzli N, Katsouyanni K, Jantunen M (1998): Indirect assessment of personal exposure to particulate matter. 2nd Pan Hellenic Conference on Health Promotion, Athens, Greece, December 1998.
- Georgoulis L, Samoli E, Vouros P, Katsouyanni K, Jantunen M (1998): Urban commuting and CO exposure: A preliminary analysis within the EXPOLIS project. Epidemiology (Annual ISEE/ISEA Conference, Boston MA, USA, August 16-19, 1998) 9 (4): S87.
- Georgoulis L, Samoli E, Vouros P, Katsouyianni K, Jantunen M (1998): Urban commuting and CO exposure: A preliminary analysis within the EXPOLIS project. 2nd Pan Hellenic Conference on Health Promotion, Athens, Greece, December 1998.
- Hänninen O, Kruize H, Samoli E, Georgoulis L, Katsouyanni K, Lebret E, Jantunen M (1997): Simulation framework for assessing air pollution exposure distriburions of urban populations in the Expolis project. Society of Exposure Analysis (ISEA) annual meeting, Research Triangle Park, NC, USA. November 2-5, 1997.[content.pdf]
- Hänninen O, Samoli E, Breugelmans O, Kruize H, Katsouyanni K, Künzli N, Lebret E, Jantunen M (1998): EXPOLIS database for exposure assessment and simulation with data from six European cities. Epidemiology (Annual ISEE/ISEA Conference, Boston MA, USA, August 16-19, 1998) 9 (4): S88.[content.pdf]
- Jantunen M (1998): Application of personal exposure data for urban air quality management: It can be done. Epidemiology (Annual ISEE/ISEA Conference, Boston MA, USA, August 16-19, 1998) 9 (4): S69.
- Jantunen M, Hänninen O, Lioy P, Katsouyanni K, Sram RJ, Künzli N, Zmirou D (1999): From short term individual to long term population exposures to PM relation to outdoor air levels. Epidemiology (Annual ISEE/ISEA Conference, September 5-8, 1999, Athens, Creece) 10 (4): S51.
- Jantunen MJ, Hänninen O, Katsouyanni K, Knöppel H, Kuenzli N, Lebret E, Maroni M, Saarela K, Sram R, Zmirou D (1997): Air pollution exposure distributions of adult urban populations in Europe: Field phase of the "Expolis"-study. Society of Exposure Analysis (ISEA) annual meeting, Research Triangle Park, NC, USA. November 2-5, 1997.[content.pdf]
- Jantunen MJ, Hänninen O, Saarela K, Maroni M, Katsouyanni K, Lebret E, Kuenzli N, Sram R, Zmirou D (1996): Air pollution exposure distributions of adult urban populations in Europe; The Expolis study. Annual Meeting of SRA/ISEA, December 8-12, 1996.
- Jurvelin J, DeBortoli M, Cavallo D, Knoeppel H, Kuenzli N, Laine-Ylijoki J, Oglesby L, Saarela K, Schläpfer K, Jantunen MJ (1997): Performance of two VOC exposure measurement techniques in the Expolis-study. Society of Exposure Analysis (ISEA) annual meeting, Research Triangle Park, NC, USA. November 2-5, 1997.
- Jurvelin JA, Vartiainen M, Pasanen P, Jantunen MJ (1998): Personal exposure to formaldehyde and acetaldehyde. Epidemiology (Annual ISEE/ISEA Conference, Boston MA, USA, August 16-19, 1998) 9 (4): S107.
- Jurvelin JA, Vartiainen M, Pasanen P, Saarela K, Jantunen M (1999): The concentration ratios between carbonyl and VOC compounds in personal exposure and microenvironmental air samples in Helsinki, Finland. Epidemiology (Annual ISEE/ISEA Conference, September 5-8, 1999, Athens, Creece) 10 (4): S51.
- Katsouyanni K (1998): Application of personal exposure data in air pollution epidemiology investigating short term health effects. Epidemiology (Annual ISEE/ISEA Conference, Boston MA, USA, August 16-19, 1998) 9 (4): S68.
- Kendall M, Nieuwenhuijsen MJ, Cullinan P, Ashmore M, Jantunen M (1999): EXPOLIS Oxford: Determinants and distribution of personal exposure to air pollutants. Epidemiology (Annual ISEE/ISEA Conference, September 5-8, 1999, Athens, Creece) 10 (4): S50.
- Koistinen K, Hänninen O, Jantunen M (1999): Statistical analysis of the physical determinants of personal PM2.5 exposures in Helsinki (EXPOLIS). Epidemiology (Annual ISEE/ISEA Conference, September 5-8, 1999, Athens, Greece) 10 (4): S51.
- Koistinen K, Kousa A, Tenhola V, Oglesby L, Georgoulis L, Cavallo D, Polanska L, Boudet C, Jantunen M (1997): Comparability of personal and microenvironmental PM2.5 equipment in an international study. Society of Exposure Analysis (ISEA) annual meeting, Research Triangle Park, NC, USA. November 2-5, 1997.
- Kousa A, Jantunen M (1998): Centrally monitored, home indoor and outdoor and personal fine PM levels during the Haze 17-23.10.1997 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Epidemiology (Annual ISEE/ISEA Conference, Boston MA, USA, August 16-19, 1998) 9 (4): S103.
- Kousa A, Jantunen M (1999): Personal PM2.5 exposure of non-smokers in Helsinki: Relation to home and workplace, indoor, outdoor and fixed site data. Epidemiology (Annual ISEE/ISEA Conference, September 5-8, 1999, Athens, Creece) 10 (4): S52.
- Kousa A, Tenhola V, Camenzind M, Oglesby L (1998): Spatial variability of PM2.5 outdoor levels from the Expolis study. Epidemiology (Annual ISEE/ISEA Conference, Boston MA, USA, August 16-19, 1998) 9 (4): S87.
- Kruize H, Breugelmans O, Hollander AEM de, Hänninen O, Lebret E (1998): Microenvironmental exposure simulation in Expolis. Epidemiology (Annual ISEE/ISEA Conference, Boston MA, USA, August 16-19, 1998) 9 (4): S87.
- Künzli N (1998): Personal exposure data in air pollution epidemiology for long-term health effects. Epidemiology (Annual ISEE/ISEA Conference, Boston MA, USA, August 16-19, 1998) 9 (4): S69.
- Mathys P, Oglesby L, Stern WB, Braun-Fahrländer Ch, Jantunen M, Künzli N (1999): Traffic related PM2.5 efficiently penetrate from outdoor to indoor. (Elemental analyses study EAS-EXPOLIS). Epidemiology (Annual ISEE/ISEA Conference, September 5-8, 1999, Athens, Creece) 10 (4): S50.
- Mathys P, Oglesby L, Stern WB, Röösli M, Braun-Fahrländer C, Jantunen MJ, Künzli N (2000): Indoor exposure to PM2.5 from ambient outdoor sources highly correlates with ambient ourdoor PM2.5. PM2000: Particulate Matter and Health - The Scientific Basis for Regulatory Decision-making Specialty Conference & Exhibition. Charleston, SC: A&WMA, 2000.
- Oglesby L (1998): Air pollution exposure assessment: Shall we ask of measure? Epidemiology (Annual ISEE/ISEA Conference, Boston MA, USA, August 16-19, 1998) 9 (4): S68.
- Oglesby L, Krütli P, Künzli N, Jantunen M (1998): Better air - better participation? Evaluation of selection bias in the European Air Pollution Exposure Study EXPOLIS. Epidemiology (Annual ISEE/ISEA Conference, Boston MA, USA, August 16-19, 1998) 9 (4): S87.
- Oglesby L, Künzli N, Braun-Fahrländer C, Monn C, Jantunen M (1997): Personal exposure data: Benefit for air pollution epidemiology. Society of Exposure Analysis (ISEA) annual meeting, Research Triangle Park, NC, USA. November 2-5, 1997.[content.html]
- Oglesby L, Mathys P, Braun-Fahrländer Ch, Künzli N (1999): How personal is personal exposure to fine particles (PM2.5)? Epidemiology (Annual ISEE/ISEA Conference, September 5-8, 1999, Athens, Creece) 10 (4): S52.
- Oglesby L, Mathys P, Röösli M, Braun-Fahrländer C, Jantunen M, Stern W, Künzli N (2000): Ambient levels of fine particles (PM2.5) are valid proxies of personal exposure to ambient air pollution. PM2000: Particulate Matter and Health - The Scientific Basis for Regulatory Decision-making Specialty Conference & Exhibition. Charleston, SC: A&WMA, 2000.
- Polanska L, Tischerova E, Sram R, Jantunen M (1998): Personal vs. microenvironmental PM2.5 exposure monitoring in EXPOLIS study; Prague experience. Epidemiology (Annual ISEE/ISEA Conference, Boston MA, USA, August 16-19, 1998) 9 (4): S86.
- Rotko T, Jantunen M (1999): Personal and microenvironmental PM2.5, NO2 and TVOC levels in Helsinki by sociodemographic factors. Epidemiology (Annual ISEE/ISEA Conference, September 5-8, 1999, Athens, Creece) 10 (4): S52.
- Rotko T, Koistinen K, Jantunen M (1998): Sociodemographic differencies of the population exposure to fine particles in Helsinki. Epidemiology (Annual ISEE/ISEA Conference, Boston MA, USA, August 16-19, 1998) 9 (4): S88.
- Rotko T, Samoli E, Oglesby L, Katsouyanni K, Künzli N, Jantunen M (1998): Smoking prevalence, annoyance and SES-related variables in 3 European EXPOLIS cities. Epidemiology (Annual ISEE/ISEA Conference, Boston MA, USA, August 16-19, 1998) 9 (4): S88.
- Saarela K, Laine-Ylijoki J, Jurvelin J, Jantunen M, Katsouyanni K, Sram RJ, Künzli N (1999): The EXPOLIS study: Occurrence of VOCs in microenvironments of four European cities and the exposure of the population. Epidemiology (Annual ISEE/ISEA Conference, September 5-8, 1999, Athens, Creece) 10 (4): S52.
- Stambej T, Koistinen K, Hänninen O, Jantunen M (1998): Determinants for PM2.5 personal exposures in Helsinki. Epidemiology (Annual ISEE/ISEA Conference, Boston MA, USA, August 16-19, 1998) 9 (4): S88.
- Tähtinen M, Jurvelin JA, Laine-Ylijoki J, Saarela K, Jantunen MJ (1998): Comparison of indoor and outdoor VOC concentrations in Helsinki metropolitan area. Epidemiology (Annual ISEE/ISEA Conference, Boston MA, USA, August 16-19, 1998) 9 (4): S108.
- Vouros P, Georgoulis L, Samoli E, Katsouyanni K, Künzli N, Jantunen M (1999): Exposure to PM2.5 and CO in micro-environments and during transportation in Athens. Epidemiology (Annual ISEE/ISEA Conference, September 5-8, 1999, Athens, Creece) 10 (4): S50.
Non peer reviewed scientific articles
- Hänninen O (1996): Väestön altistus ilman epäpuhtauksille mitataan. Ilmansuojelun neuvottelukunnan seminaari, Helsinki 30.10.1996 3 p.
- Hänninen O (1997): Väestön altistus ilman epäpuhtauksille mitataan - Expolis alkanut. Kansanterveys 1.
- Jantunen M, Hänninen O (1997): Air pollution exposure in European cities: The EXPOLIS study. Newsletter, WHO Collaborating Centre for Air Quality Management and Air Pollution Control, at Inst WaBoLu, BGA, Berlin, Germany. No 20: 10-14.
Plenaries, seminar presentations, meeting reports
- Jantunen M (1996): Volatile organic compounds (VOC) exposures and health effects. Buildings for Healthy Living, Prague 21-24.5.1996.
- Jantunen M (1996): Health effects of air pollutants: Review of the ourdoor - indoor international studies. ARIA '96, 4 Convegno Nazionale dell'Associacione ARIA, 12-14 giugno 1996.
- Jantunen M (1996): Health effects of air pollutants: Review of the international studies. Tampereen TKK seminaari (Tampere Technical University Seminar) 3.10.1996 16 p.
- Jantunen M (1997): PM exposure: Review of the outdoor - indoor international studies. Pienhiukkasseminaari TTKK (Tampere Technical University Fine Particle Seminar) 6.5.1998, Tampere, Finland.
- Künzli N, Oglesby L (1997): Air pollution exposure distributions of adult urban populations in Europe "EXPOLIS". Intermediate scientific report for the Federal Office for Education and Sciences (BBW), Basel, Switzerland, 24.7.97.
- Rotko T (1999): Typpidioksidialtistuksen jakautuminen pääkaupunkiseudulla. Sivuainelaudaturtyö. Helsingin yliopisto, maantieteen laitos, kulttuurimaantiede syksy 1999 54 p.
- Schwickert DM (Betreuung: Monn Ch, ETH, Künzli N.) (1997): Feinstaubbelastung in verschiedenen Verkehrsmitteln. Ein Projekt im Rahmen von EXPOLIS. Diplomaarbeit Umweltnaturwissenschaften (Master Thesis in environmental sciences), ETH Zürich, Switzerland, März 1997.
- Tenhola V (1998): PM2.5 particle mass collection methods in the Expolis study. Techniques, quality assurance and quality control. Master thesis. University of Kuopio, Environmental Sciences, May 1998 48 p.
Reference lists
The most recent versions of references to EXPOLIS related works can be found from the links below. Each of the lists is sorted according to the names of the author(s).
Abbreviation | Full name |
Atmos Env | Atmospheric Environment |
Environ. Int | Environment International |
Environ. Mon.Ass. | Environmental Monitoring and Assessment |
Epid | Epidemiology |
EST | Environmental Science & Technology |
IHT | Inhalation Toxicology |
Int.J.Vehicle Design | International Journal of Vehicle Design |
J.Environ.Med | Journal of Environmental Medicine |
JAWMA | Journal of Air & Waste Management Association |
JEAEE | Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environmental Epidemiology |
Pollut Atmos | Pollution Atmosphérique |
RESP | Revue d'Epiemiologie et de Santé Publique |
Risk Analysis | Risk Analysis |
Sci Tot Env | The Science of the total Environment |
EXPOLIS peer reviewed publications
- Boudet C., Dechenaux J. and Zmirou D. (1999): Variabilité spatio-temporelle des ratios PM2.5/PM10 et conséquences sur les études d'évaluation de l'exposition. . (Spatio-temporal variability in Grenoble PM2.5 /PM10 ratios and consequences on exposure assessment studies, in French) Pollution Atmosphérique 165: (21 p.)
- Boudet C., Dechenaux J., Balducci F., Masclet P. and Zmirou D. (1998): Total personal exposure to fine particulate matter in an urban adult population: the role of ambient air and transport. Int.J.Vehicle Design 20 (1-4): 30-38.
- Boudet C., Zmirou D. and Dechenaux J. (1999): Exposition personnelle aux particules fines (PM2.5) de la population grenobloise: étude européenne EXPOLIS. RESP 27 p. (Submitted)
- Boudet C., Zmirou D. and Poizeau D. (2000): Fraction of PM2.5 personal exposure attributable to urban traffic: A modelling approach. IHT 12 (Supplement 1). (In print)
- Boudet C., Zmirou D. and Vestri V. (2001): Can one use ambient air concentration data to estimate personal and population exposures to particles? An approach within the EXPOLIS study. Sci Tot Env 267: 141-150.
- Boudet C., Zmirou D., Kuenzli N. and Oglesby L. (1999): Subjects adapt time-activity pattern during participation in a personal exposure assessment study. Epid 25 p. (Submitted)
- Boudet C., Zmirou D., Laffond M., Balducci F. and Benoit-Guyod J.-L. (1999): Health risk assessment of a modern minicipal waste incinerator. Risk Analysis 28 p. (In print)
- Chow JC, Wilson WE, Engelbrecht JP, Freeman NCG, Hashim JH, Jantunen MJ, Michaud J-P, de Tejada SS, Watson JG, Wei F, Yasuno M, Zhu T (2002). Exposure Measurements. (Special SGOMSEC 14 issue) Chemosphere, 49(9), 873-901.
- Edwards R. and Jantunen M. (2001): Benzene exposure in Helsinki, Finland. Atmos Env 35(8): 1411-1420.
- Edwards R.D., Jurvelin J., Koistinen K., Saarela K. and Jantunen M. (2001): VOC source identification from personal and residential indoor, outdoor and workplace microenvironment samples in EXPOLIS-Helsinki, Finland. Atmos Env 35: 4829-4841.
- Edwards R.D., Jurvelin J., Saarela K. and Jantunen M.J. (2001): VOC Concentrations Measured in Personal Samples and Residential Indoor, Outdoor and Workplace Microenvironments in EXPOLIS-Helsinki, Finland. Atmos Env 35: 4531-4543. (In print)
- Edwards RD, Schweitzer C, Ilacqua V, Lai HK, Jantunen M, Bayer-Oglesby L, Künzli N (2006) Time Activity Relationships of VOC Personal Exposure Factors. Atmos Environ, 40(29):5685-5700.
- Edwards RD, Schweizer C, Jantunen M, Lai HK, Bayer-Oglesby L, Katsouyanni K, Nieuwenhuijsen M, Saarela K, Sram R, Künzli N (2005) Personal exposures to VOC in the upper end of the distribution — relationships to indoor, outdoor and workplace concentrations. Atmos Environ, 39(12):2299-2307
- Gauvin S., Zmirou D., Pin I., Quentin J., Balducci F., Boudet C., Poizeau D. and Brambilla C. (1999): Short-term effect of exposure to suspended particulate matter (PM10) on the respiratory function of urban asthmatic and control adults. J.Environ.Med 1: 71-79.
- Georgoulis L.B., Hänninen O., Samoli E., Katsouyanni K., Künzli N., Sram R., Bruinen de Bruin Y., Alm S. and Jantunen M. (2002): Personal CO exposures in five european cities and its determinants. Atmos Env 36: 963-974.
- Götschi T, Oglesby L, Mathys P, Monn C, Manalis N, Koistinen K, Jantunen M, Hänninen O, Polanska L and Künzli N (2002): Comparison of Black Smoke and PM2.5 Levels in Indoor and Outdoor Environments of Four European Cities. EST 36(6): 1191-1197.
- Hammerstrom K, Hänninen O, Heinemeyer G, Jantunen M, Özkaynak H, et al.. 2005. Principles of Characterizing and Applying Human Exposure Models. Harmonisation Project Document No.3. WHO Geneva, 2005. 76 pp.
- Helm D, Jantunen MJ and Rotko T (2000) Reporting personal results to participants of exposure studies. Sci Tot Environ, 262: 191-195.
- Hänninen OO, Tuomisto JT, and Jantunen MJ, Lebret E, (2005) Characterization of Model Error in the Simulation of PM2.5 Exposure Distributions of the Working Age Population in Helsinki, Finland. J Air & Waste Manag Assoc, 55: 446-457.
- Hänninen O, Palonen J, Tuomisto JT, Yli-Tuomi T, Seppänen O, Jantunen MJ (2005) Reduction Potential of Urban PM2.5 Mortality Risk Using Modern Ventilation Systems in Buildings. Indoor Air 15(4):246-256.
- Hänninen O, Kauhaniemi M, Karppinen A, Kousa A, Aarnio P, Kukkonen J, and Jantunen M (2005): Probabilistic modelling of personal exposures to PM2.5 during selected episodes in Helsinki in 2002. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Urban Air Quality, 29-31. March, 2005, Valencia, Spain.
- Hänninen O., Koistinen K.J., Kousa A., Keski-Karhu J. and Jantunen M. (2002): Controlling Environmental Factors in Differential Weighing Using Teflon Filters as an Example. JAWMA 52 (2): pp. 134-139. "
- Hänninen O, Kruize H, Lebret E and Jantunen M. (2003) EXPOLIS Simulation Model: PM2.5 Application and Comparison to Measurements. Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environmental Epidemiology, 13, 75-85.
- Hänninen OO, Tuomisto JT, and Jantunen MJ, Lebret E, (2005) Characterization of Model Error in the Simulation of PM2.5 Exposure Distributions of the Working Age Population in Helsinki, Finland. JA&WMA, 55: 446-457.
- Ilacqua V, Hänninen O, Edwards R, Katsouyanni K, Nieuwenhuijsen M, Saarela K, Srám R, Künzli N, Jantunen M. Contributions of indoor, outdoor and other sources to personal VOC exposure in five European cities. Accepted Indoor Air, June, 2005.
- Ilacqua V, Hänninen O, Saarela K, Katsouyanni K, Kuenzli N, Jantunen MJ. (2007) Source apportionment of population representative samples of PM2.5 in three European cities using structural equation modelling. Sci Tot Environ, 384: 77-92.
- Ilacqua V, Hänninen O, Künzli N, Jantunen M. (2007) Intake Fraction Distributions for Indoor Sources in Five European Cities. Indoor Air17:372-383.
- Jantunen M (2006) Indoor Air Exposure. In E de Oliveira Fernandes, M Gameiro da Silva, J Rosado Pinto (eds) Proceedings of the 8th International Conference: Healthy Buildings 2006, Lisboa, 4-8.6.2006, Vol. 1: Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) building related diseases and human response. p 23-31.
- Jantunen M, Hänninen O, Ilacqua V, Karppinen A, Kukkonen J, and Aarnio P (2005): Exposure levels to exhaust-generated and total PM2.5 in traffic. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Urban Air Quality, 29-31. March, 2005, Valencia, Spain.
- Jantunen M.J., Hänninen O., Katsouyanni K., Knöppel H., Künzli N., Lebret E., Maroni M., Saarela K., Sram R. and Zmirou D. (1998): Air pollution exposure in European cities: The ""Expolis""-study. JEAEE 8 (4): 495-518."
- Jantunen MJ, Hänninen O, Koistinen KJ, Hashim JH (2002). Fine PM Measurements: Personal and Indoor Monitoring. (Special SGOMSEC 14 issue) Chemosphere, 49(9), 993-1007.
- Jantunen M.J., Kousa A., Hänninen O., Koistinen K., Srám R., Lanki T. and Lioy P.J. (2000): Long term population PM exposures correlate well with outdoor air levels - short term individual exposures do not. Extended Abstract Book. Particulate Matter and Health. The Scientific Basis for Regulatory Decision Making. Specialty Conference and Exhibition, January 24-28, 2000, Charleston, SC pp 168-169.
- Jurvelin J., Edwards R., Saarela K., Laine-Ylijoki J., De B.ortoli M., Oglesby L., Schläpfer K., Georgoulis L., Tischerova E., Hänninen O. and Jantunen M. (2001): Evaluation of VOC measurements in the EXPOLIS study. Journal of Environmental Monitoring 3: 159-165.
- Jurvelin J., Vartiainen M., Jantunen M. and Pasanen P. (2000): Personal exposure levels and microenvironmental concentrations of formaldehyde and acetaldehyde in Helsinki metropolitan area, Finland. JAWMA 51: 17-24.
- Jurvelin J., Vartiainen M., Jantunen M., and Pasanen P. (2001): Personal exposure levels and microenvironmental concentrations of formaldehyde and acetaldehyde in the Helsinki metropolitan area, Finland. JAWMA 51: 17-24.
- Koistinen K.J., Hänninen O., Rotko T., Edwards R.D., Moschandreas D. and Jantunen M.J. (2001): Behavioral And Environmental Determinants Of Personal Exposures To PM2.5 In EXPOLIS-Helsinki, Finland. Atmos Env 35(14): 2473-2481.
- Koistinen K.J., Kousa A., Tenhola V., Hänninen O., Jantunen M.J., Oglesby L., Künzli N. and Georgoulis L. (1999): Fine particle (PM2.5) measurement methodology, quality assurance procedures, and pilot results of the EXPOLIS study. JAWMA 49: 1212-1220.
- Koistinen KJ, Edwards RD, Mathys P, Ruuskanen J, Künzli N, Jantunen MJ. (2004) Sources of fine particulate matter in personal exposures and residential indoor, residential outdoor and workplace microenvironments in the Helsinki phase of the EXPOLIS study. Scand J Work Environ Health 2004;30 suppl 2:36-46.
- Kousa A., Monn C., Rotko T., Alm S., Oglesby L. and Jantunen M. (2001): Personal exposures to NO2 in the Expolis-study: Relation to residential indoor, outdoor and workplace concentrations in Basel, Helsinki and Prague. Atmos Env 35(20): 3405-3412.
- Kousa A, Oglesby L, Koistinen K, Künzli N, Jantunen M (2002). Exposure chain of urban air PM2.5 - associations between ambient fixed site, residential outdoor, indoor, workplace and personal exposures in four European cities in the EXPOLIS-study. Atmospheric Environment, 36:3031-39.
- Kruize H, Hänninen O, Breugelmans O, Lebret E, Jantunen MJ. (2003) Description and demonstration of the EXPOLIS simulation model: Two examples of modeling population exposure to particulate matter. Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environmental Epidemiology, 13, 87-99.
- Lai HK, ApSimon H, Bayer-Oglesby L, Götschi T, Jantunen MJ, Künzli N, Kulinskaya E, Nieuwenhuijsen MJ, Schweizer C, Colvile R. (2006) Determinants of indoor air concentrations of PM2.5, black smoke and NO2 in six European cities (EXPOLIS study) Atmos Environ 40: 1299-1313
- Lai H-K, Jantunen MJ, Künzli N, Kulinskaya E, Colvile R, Nieuwenhuijsen MJ (2007) Determinants of indoor benzene in Europe, Atmos Environ 41. 9128–9135.
- Lai HK, ApSimon H, Bayer-Oglesby L, Götschi T, Jantunen MJ, Künzli N, Kulinskaya E, Nieuwenhuijsen MJ, Schweizer C, Colvile R. Determinants of indoor air concentrations of PM2.5, black smoke and NO2 in six European cities (EXPOLIS study) Submitted to Atmos Environ, August 2004.
- Mathys P, Stern WB, Oglesby L, Braun-Fahrländer C, Ackermann-Liebrich U, Jantunen MJ, Künzli N (2001). Elemental Analysis of Airborne Particulate Matter by ED-XRF within the European EXPOLIS Study. ICP Information Newsletter, 47 (3).
- Oglesby L., Künzli N., Monn C., Schindler C., Ackermann-Liebrich U. and Leuenberger P. (2000): Validity of annoyance scores to estimate long-term air pollution exposure in epidemiological studies. Am J Epidemiol 152: 75-83.
- Oglesby L., Künzli N., Röösli M., Braun-Fahrländer C., Mathys P., Stern W., Jantunen M. and Kousa A. (2000): Validity of ambient levels of fine particles as surrogate for personal exposure to outdoor air pollution. JAWMA 50: 1251-1261.
- Oglesby L., Rotko T., Krütli P., Boudet C., Kruize H., Jantunen M.J. and Künzli N. (2000): Personal exposure assessment studies may suffer from exposure relevant selection bias. JEAEE 10 (3): 251-266.
- Rotko T., Koistinen K., Hänninen O. and Jantunen M. (2000): Sociodemographic descriptors of personal exposure to fine particles (PM2.5) in EXPOLIS-Helsinki. JEAEE 10 (4): 385-393.
- Rotko T., Kousa A., Alm S. and Jantunen M. (2001): Exposures to Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) in Expolis-Helsinki: Microenvironment, Behavioral and Sociodemographic Factors. JEAEE 11: 216-223.
- Rotko T, Oglesby L, Künzli N, Carrer P, Nieuwenhuijsen M and Jantunen MJ (2002). Determinants of perceived air pollution annoyance and association between annoyance scores and air pollution (PM2.5, NO2) concentrations in the European EXPOLIS study. Atmospheric Environment 36 (29), 4593-4602.
- Rotko T., Oglesby L., Künzli N. and Jantunen M. (2000): Population sampling in European air pollution exposure study, EXPOLIS: comparisons between the cities and representativity of the samples. JEAEE 10 (4): 355-364.
- Röösli M, Braun-Fahrländer C, Künzli N, and Oglesby L (2000): Spatial variability of different fractions of particulate matter within an urban environment and between urban and rural sites. JAWMA 50: 1115-1124.
- Sanderson E, Briggs D, Jantunen M, Forsberg B, Svartengren M, Šrám R, Gulliver J, Janssen N (2005) Chpt 3. Human exposure to transport –related air pollution (pp 85-123) in Krzyzanowski M, Kuna-Dibbert B and Schneider J (eds) Health effects of transport related air pollution. WHO, Denmark, 2005. 190 p.
- Scotto di Marco G , Kephalopoulos S, Ruuskanen J, Jantunen M (2005). Personal carbon monoxide exposure in Helsinki, Finland, Atmos Environ 39(15), 2697-2707.
- Schweizer P., Dechenaux J., Boudet C. and Zmirou D. (1999): Étude des corrélations des sites de prélèvements dans la mesure des particules en suspension en milieu urbain: étude préliminaire. Study of sampling sites correlations in the measurement of suspended particles in urban area: preliminary study. Pollut Atmos 72-80.
- Schweizer C, Edwards RD, Bayer-Oglesby L, Gaudermann J, Götschi T, Ilacqua V, Jantunen MJ, Lai HK, Nieuwenhuijsen MJ, Künzli N Time spent in traffic across Europe. Submitted to Environmental Health Perspective Oct. 2004
- Schweizer, C; Edwards, RD; Bayer-Oglesby, L; Gauderman, WJ; Ilacqua, V; Jantunen, MJ; Lai, HK; Nieuwenhuijsen, M; Kunzli, N (2007) Indoor time-microenvironment-activity patterns in seven regions of Europe. J Exposure Science Environ Epidemiol. 17 (2): 170-181
- Smith KR , Jantunen M (2002) Why particles? (Special SGOMSEC 14 issue) Chemosphere, 49(9), 867-871.
- Zmirou D., Deloraine A., Balducci F., Boudet C. and Dechenaux J. (1999): Health effects costs of particulate air pollution. JOEM 41 (10): 847-856.
- Zmirou D., Masclet P., Boudet C., Dor F. and Dechenaux J. (1999): Personal exposure to atmospheric PAHs in a general adult population and lung cancer risk assessment. JOEM 10 p. (Submitted)
Other publications
- Alm S., Jantunen M.J. and Mukala K. (1996): Stationary measurements and personal NO2 exposure among preschool children in Helsinki. Annual Meeting of SRA/ISEA, December 8-12 1996, New Orleans, USA.
- Alm S., Mukala K. and Jantunen M.J. (1998): Levels and determinants of personal carbon monoxide exposure in preschool children. Epidemiology (Annual ISEE/ISEA Conference, Boston MA, USA, August 16-19, 1998) 9 (4): S128.
- Alm S., Vartiainen M. and Jantunen M.J. (1997): Commuter exposures to different sizes of particles and CO inside an automobile. Society of Exposure Analysis (ISEA) annual meeting, Research Triangle Park, NC, USA. November 2-5, 1997.
- Baklanov A, Berge E, Clappier AJ, Coppalle A, Deserti M, Fay B, Finardi S, Hänninen O, Jantunen M, Karppinen A, Kukkonen J, Lollobrigida F, Mestayer P, Millan M, Rasmussen A, Rotach M, Schatzmann M, Skouloudis A, Slordal LH, Sokhi RS (2002): New European Project FUMAPEX: Integrated Systems for Forecasting Urban Meteorology, Air Pollution and Population Exposure. AMS Fourth Symposium on the Urban Environment, Norfolk, 19-24.05.2002. (In print)
- Boudet C., Dechenaux J., Balducci F., Masclet P. and Zmirou D. (1997): Total personal exposure to fine particulate matter in a urban adult population: the role of ambient air and transport. 4th International Symposium on Transport and Air Quality, 9-13 June, 1997, Avignon, France.
- Boudet C., Dechenaux J., Vigier N., Kuenzli N., Zmirou D., Camenzind M., Oglesby L. and Braun-Fahrländer C.h (1997): Spatial and temporal variability in PM2.5/PM10 ratio in two European towns and consequences on exposure assessment studies. Society of Exposure Analysis (ISEA) annual meeting, Research Triangle Park, NC, USA, November 2-5, 1997.
- Boudet C., Kuenzli N., Zmirou D. and Oglesby L. (1997): Subjects adapt time-activity patterns during participation in a personal exposure assessment study. Society of Exposure Analysis (ISEA) annual meeting, Research Triangle Park, NC, USA, November 2-5, 1997.
- Boudet C., Poizeau D., Vestri V. and Zmirou D. (1999): What fraction of MP2.5 personal exposure is attributable to urban traffic? ? Conference in Durham, June 1999.
- Boudet C., Vestri V., Personnaz M.B. and Zmirou D. (1998): Evaluation of fixed ambient air monitors in assessing population exposures by comparison with direct measurements. Epidemiology. Annual ISEE/ISEA conference, Boston, MA, USA August 16-19, 1998 9 (4): S115.
- Boudet C., Zmirou d, Vestri V. and Poizeau D. (1999): Fraction of PM2.5 exposure attributable to traffic exhausts. Epidemiology (Annual ISEE/ISEA Conference, September 5-8, 1999, Athens, Greece) 10 (4): S136.
- Edwards R., Jurvelin J.A., Koistinen K.J., Saarela K. and Jantunen M.J. (2000): VOC Sources in Residential Indoor, Outdoor and Workplace Microenvironments and Relation to Personal Exposures in Expolis Helsinki. Year 2000 Meeting of the International Society of Exposure Analysis (ISEA), October 24-27, 2000, Monterey, California.
- Georgoulis L., Samoli E., Hänninen O., Oglesby L., Katsouyanni K. and Jantunen M. (1999): Comparison of CO personal exposure levels measured in five European cities during the EXPOLIS study. Epidemiology (Annual ISEE/ISEA Conference, September 5-8, 1999, Athens, Greece) 10 (4): S51.
- Georgoulis L., Samoli E., Hänninen O., Oglesby L., Polanska L., Katsouyanni K. and Jantunen M. (1999): Comparison of CO personal exposure across Europe. International Conference Exposure to Air Pollution and Health Risk Assessment, Bern, Switzerland, November 1999.
- Georgoulis L., Samoli E., Oglesby L., Künzli N., Katsouyanni K. and Jantunen M. (1998): Can personal exposure to particulate matter be predicted by time activity diaries and fixed site monitoring data? Epidemiology (Annual ISEE/ISEA Conference, Boston MA, USA, August 16-19, 1998) 9 (4): S86.
- Georgoulis L., Samoli E., Oglesby N., Kuenzli N., Katsouyanni K. and Jantunen M. (1998): Indirect assessment of personal exposure to particulate matter. 2nd Pan Hellenic Conference on Health Promotion, Athens, Greece, December 1998.
- Georgoulis L., Samoli E., Vouros P., Katsouyanni K. and Jantunen M. (1998): Urban commuting and CO exposure: A preliminary analysis within the EXPOLIS project. Epidemiology (Annual ISEE/ISEA Conference, Boston MA, USA, August 16-19, 1998) 9 (4): S87.
- Georgoulis L., Samoli E., Vouros P., Katsouyianni K. and Jantunen M. (1998): Urban commuting and CO exposure: A preliminary analysis within the EXPOLIS project. 2nd Pan Hellenic Conference on Health Promotion, Athens, Greece, December 1998.
- Hänninen O., Economopoulos A. and Özkaynak H. (1999): Information on air quality required for health impact assessment. In: Monitoring ambient air quality for health impact assessment. WHO Regional Publications, European Series No. 85. ISBN 92 890 1351 6, ISSN 0378-2255. pp. 9-36.
- Hänninen O., Jantunen M. and WHO/IPCS Steering Committee for International Harmonization of Exposure Assessment (2000): Principles of Characterizing and Applying Human Exposure Models. Background document for WHO International Program for Chemical Safety (IPCS) 40 pp.
- Hänninen O., Kruize H., Breugelmans O., Lebret E., Samoli E., Georgoulis L., Katsouyanni K. and Jantunen M.J. (1997): Simulation of population exposure. Valamo Conference on Environmental Health and Risk Assessment - Health Risks of Inhaled Particles, September 18-21, 1997 Valamo Monastery, Heinävesi.
- Hänninen O., Kruize H., Koistinen K.J., Oglesby L., Lebret E. and Jantunen M.J. (2000): Modeling population time activity for simulation of PM2,5 exposures. ISEA Annual meeting, Monterey, CA, October 24-27, 2000 1: 4A-06p.
- Hänninen O., Kruize H., Lebret E. and Jantunen M.J. (2001): Probabilistic modeling of population exposures to PM2.5. 5th Valamo Conference on Environmental Health and Risk Assessment, October 10-12, 2001 Valamo Monastery, Heinävesi, Finland.
- Hänninen O., Kruize H., Lebret E. and Jantunen M.J. (2001): Probabilistic modeling of population exposures to PM2.5. Abstacts of ISEA Annual meeting, Charleston, SC, USA, 4-8.11.2001 S-PA-1 p.11. "
- Hänninen O., Kruize H., Samoli E., Georgoulis L., Katsouyanni K., Lebret E. and Jantunen M. (1997): Simulation framework for assessing air pollution exposure distriburions of urban populations in the Expolis project. Society of Exposure Analysis (ISEA) annual meeting, Research Triangle Park, NC, USA. November 2-5, 1997.[content.pdf]" "
- Hänninen O., Samoli E., Breugelmans O., Kruize H., Katsouyanni K., Künzli N., Lebret E. and Jantunen M. (1998): EXPOLIS database for exposure assessment and simulation with data from six European cities. Epidemiology (Annual ISEE/ISEA Conference, Boston MA, USA, August 16-19, 1998) 9 (4): S88.[content.pdf]"
- Hänninen O., Samoli E., Breugelmans O., Kruize H., Katsouyanni K., Künzli N., Lebret E. and Jantunen M. (1998): Expolis exposure database. 2nd Valamo Conference on Environmental Health and Risk Assessment, November 19-22, 1998 Valamo Monastery, Heinävesi, Finland.
- Hänninen O. (1996): Väestön altistus ilman epäpuhtauksille mitataan. Ilmansuojelun neuvottelukunnan seminaari, Helsinki 30.10.1996 3 p.
- Hänninen O. (1996): Yhdyskuntailman laadun arviointi - mitä kannattaa mitata ja mallittaa. Ympäristö ja Terveys (Finnish Environment and Health Journal) 6: 56-60.
- Hänninen O. (1997): Väestön altistus ilman epäpuhtauksille mitataan - Expolis alkanut. Kansanterveys 1.
- Hänninen, O. and Jantunen, M. (2001): Väestön pienhiukkasaltistus vaihtelee 30-kertaisesti. Kansanterveys 10/2001: 2-3.
- Jantunen MJ (2005) Integration of Science and Policy in the EXPOLIS study. University of Pittsburgh, Graduate School of Public Health & European Union Centre, Graduate School of Public and International Affairs. Conference: Developing Policies to Improve Indoor Environmental Quality: Trans-Atlantic Viewpoints. Pittsburgh 8-10 June 2005
- Jantunen MJ (2006) Exposure Analysis in Environmental Health Policy Development: EXPOLIS as an Example. Invited oral presentation in Symposium: Exposure Science: A Requirement for Reducing Human Environmental Health Risks. 2006 AAAS Annual Meeting in St. Louis, MO on February 16-20, 2006.
- Jantunen M, Knöppel H, Lindvall T, Raw G, Smith L, Younes M (1997): A framework for assessment of risks associated with indoor air pollutants. ECA IAQ & Impact on Man.
- Jantunen M. and Hänninen O. (1997): Air pollution exposure in European cities: The EXPOLIS study. Newsletter, WHO Collaborating Centre for Air Quality Management and Air Pollution Control, at Inst WaBoLu, BGA, Berlin, Germany. No 20: 10-14.
- Jantunen M. and Hänninen O. (2001): Desing of a multicenter study in air pollution reseach: the EXPOLIS experience. Abstacts of ISEA Annual meeting, Charleston, SC, USA, 4-8.11.2001 T-IF p. 203.
- Jantunen MJ, Hänninen O, Ilacqua V. (2005) Exposure to exhaust generated PM2.5 in traffic and other microenvironments. Newsletter, WHO Collaborating Centre for Air Quality Management and Air Pollution Control, Berlin, at UBA, No. 35: 2-5.
- Jantunen M., Beauchamp R., Hammerstrom K., Hänninen O., Heinemeyer G., Kohrman K., Özkaynak H., Olin S. and Sonich-Mullin C. (2001): International programme on chemical safety (IPCS) project on the harmonization of risk assessment approaches: principles of characterizing and applying exposure models. Abstacts of ISEA Annual meeting, Charleston, SC, USA, 4-8.11.2001 T-PB-1 p.240.
- Jantunen M., Hänninen O., Lioy P., Katsouyanni K., Sram R.J., Künzli N. and Zmirou D. (1999): From short term individual to long term population exposures to PM relation to outdoor air levels. Epidemiology (Annual ISEE/ISEA Conference, September 5-8, 1999, Athens, Greece) 10 (4): S51.
- Jantunen M., Koistinen K., Kousa A., Hänninen O. and Mathys P. (2001): Outdoor/indoor and indoor/personal relations of PM2.5, its black smoke index and 12 elements in EXPOLIS-Helsinki. Abstacts of ISEA Annual meeting, Charleston, SC, USA, 4-8.11.2001 Th-IIB p.420.
- Jantunen M., Saarela K., Tountas Y., Künzli N., Zmirou D., Maroni M., Lebret E. and Sram R. (1998): Air pollution exposure distributions of adult urban populations in Europe (EXPOLIS). In: Ecosystems research reports series no. 28: Environment, health and chemical safety: Proceedings of an EC research workshop in Athens on 22-25 March 1998. Luxembourg: European Commission, 1998:53-9.
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- Oglesby L., Götschi T., Mathys P., Jantunen M., Katsouyanni K., Sram R., Polanska L. and Künzli N. (2001): Black smoke - a relevant indicator of human exposure to outdoor air pollution. Abstract submitted to ISEE 2001, Garmisch Partenkirchen, Germany. (Submitted)
- Oglesby L., Hänninen O., Rotko T., Jantunen M.J., Zmirou D., Lebret E., Katsouyanni K., Maroni M. and Künzli N. (2000): Time-Microenvironment-Activity patterns in six European cities: Results of the EXPOLIS study. ISEA Annual meeting, Monterey, CA, October 24-27, 2000 1: 1E-10w.
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- Oglesby L., Künzli N., Jantunen M., and EXPOLIS team (1999): Fine particles (PM2.5): Personal and microenvironmental exposures in Europe. Abstract for EXPOLIS seminar, Musé d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris 9-10 April, 1999.
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- Polanska L., Tischerova E., Sram R. and Jantunen M. (1998): Personal vs. microenvironmental PM2.5 exposure monitoring in EXPOLIS study; Prague experience. Epidemiology (Annual ISEE/ISEA Conference, Boston MA, USA, August 16-19, 1998) 9 (4): S86.
- Rotko T. and Jantunen M. (1997): Socioeconomic factors in Expolis study. Third Finnish Conference of Environmental Sciences, Jyväskylä 9-10 May, 1997. Ambiotica 1: 336-339.
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- Rotko T., Oglesby L., Künzli N. and Jantunen M. (2000): Association between annoyance scores and short-term PM2.5, NO2 and benzene concentrations in the Expolis study. Society of Exposure Analysis (ISEA) annual meeting, Monterey Asilomar Park, CA, USA. October 24.-27..
- Rotko T., Samoli E., Oglesby L., Katsouyanni K., Künzli N. and Jantunen M. (1998): Smoking prevalence, annoyance and SES-related variables in 3 European EXPOLIS cities. Epidemiology (Annual ISEE/ISEA Conference, Boston MA, USA, August 16-19, 1998) 9 (4): S88.
- Rotko T., Stambej T., Jantunen M.J. and Notkola V. (1997): Socioeconomic distribution of the population exposure to fine particles. Valamo Conference on Environmental Health and Risk Assessment - Health Risks of Inhaled Particles, September 18-21, 1997 Valamo Monastery, Heinävesi, Finland.
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- Schwickert D.M. (Betreuung: Monn C., ETH and Künzli N.) (1997): Feinstaubbelastung in verschiedenen Verkehrsmitteln. Ein Projekt im Rahmen von EXPOLIS. Diplomaarbeit Umweltnaturwissenschaften (Master Thesis in environmental sciences), ETH Zürich, Switzerland, März 1997.
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- Vouros P., Georgoulis L., Samoli E., Katsouyanni K., Künzli N. and Jantunen M. (1999): Exposure to PM2.5 and CO in micro-environments and during transportation in Athens. Epidemiology (Annual ISEE/ISEA Conference, September 5-8, 1999, Athens, Greece) 10 (4): S50.