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ISTE EBD is an Excel-based model for estimating disease burden of air pollutants. The name comes from the project ISTE (Ilmansaasteiden terveysvaikutukset) and environmental burden of disease (EBD).
The model has been developed by Otto Hänninen in THL and it is located in N:\YMAL\Projects\ISTE\TTLaskuri.
It has the following sheets:
- Info: generic info about the model. Terminology used in English and Finnish. Colours used in graphs.
- B: Disease burden of major causes estimated in DALY, YLL, YLD, and deaths. The values are by 36 health endpoints and by 7 age groups. The numbers probably come from statistics from each country. Uses Public Sub GHE_Extract1(). There are three repetitive blocks of data: black, blue, and red; the purpose of these is unknown to me. Also contains populations sizes by age group and sex.
- B-FI, B, B-NO, B-DK, and B-IS are disease burden statistics for Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and Iceland, respectively.
- EVA: contains data from Camilla Geels probably from the EVA project. Concentration-response functions for air pollutants on several morbidity and mortality endpoints. This sheet is probably not used in calculations.
- SETURI: Overview of what Seturi calculations were done in 2013 (does not contain data), with GHE codes. Probably not used in calculations.
- DW: Disability weights, and durations of several health endpoints (e.g. restricted activity days, cough, and acute mortality).
- X: Average exposure data for several air pollutants with upper and lower limits. Data comes from EEA resport 2015 and Korhonen et al., 2015. This is used in calculations.
- X-ISTE is the version from ISTE project; X-NWA is the version from NWA.
- CR: Concentration-response (CR) functions for several pollutants (PM2.5, PM10, PMc, Cd, Ni, As, BaP, Pb, NO2, NOx, O3, SO2, CO, C6H6, TRS, PM) and endpoints. The sheet contains the following columns, many of which are used in calculations:
- CRID: CR-function identifier
- Pollutant
- Endpoint (often as GHE code; also as text)
- Age from (from which age the CR function applies)
- Age to
- Measurement (if not annual)
- Exposure range (lower, upper, country); not clear whether these are used.
- CR function: Type (RR, OR, HR, or UR). Unit (μg/m3 or μg/dl)
- CR function estimates: best, lower, upper (and the same converted to that per unit change).
- Ctyp: Which disease burden equation should be used with this CR function?
- Year, reference and comments.
- A: Sheet contains all necessary data for specific calculations, such as population size, exposure level, CR function, and the estimated disease burden. Contains calculations using ISTEACalc() function.
- D: Sheet with apparently parameters of performed model runs: a table contains columns Assessment, Metric, Gender, Pollutants, Endpoints, Group by, Sheet (this is typically "T"). A macro produces a new row to the table.
- T: Result sheet with model parameters, result tables, and graphs. This sheet does not contains formulas, but the calculations are defined and performed in macros and pasted to the cells on this sheet.
- BBOD comp. and Sheet1: Sheets with summary tables and graphs. These seem to be just ad hoc places for drawing graphs and not an essential part of the model.