Category talk:Step
These are the broken category pages going down from Main category. All these pages are now missing the category one level up, and should not effect its brokenness. The ones with bold were fixed when the broken sub-categories were removed from the category, and are currently working. The ones not on bold are not working, but also don't have any broken sub-categories that the search tool could find.
Main Category
- Moderator pages
- Moderator:Jouni
- Moderator:Nobody
- Object type
- Assessments
- Impact assessment
- Impact assessment
- Variables
- Tool
- Method
- Universal object
- Assessment frameworks
- Intarese guidance system
- Assessment frameworks
- Lecture
- Nuggets
- Encyclopedia article
- Projects
- Research project
- Eracedu
- Projects
- Publication
- Assessments
- Quality control
- Publication