Energy balance in Stuttgart

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What are the amounts of energy produced, consumed, imported, and exported in Stuttgart?


⇤--#: . Rcode for using the ovariable is needed. --Jouni 23:03, 26 February 2013 (EET) (type: truth; paradigms: science: attack)


There are several energy transformations that each describe a specific process of energy production or use. Per unit activity, there is a constant amount of different inputs and outputs into and from this process, respectively. These unit processes are used for Stuttgart in such a way that one critical input or output from each relevant energy transformation is listed here; all other inputs and outputs logically follow from the nature of the transformation process.


Equations(GWh /a?)
1STP renewable energy + STP electricity = STP local heating1Balance Solar Thermal Pump. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
2STP electricity = 0.363636364*STP renewable energy1Fraction STP renewable energy. Amount of electricity is used as comparison for renewable energy. 8/22 Electricity divided by renewable energy
3CHP gas + CHP renewable energy + CHP mineral oil = CHP local heating + CHP electricity + CHP loss1Balance CHP Plants. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
4CHP renewable energy + CHP mineral oil = 0.564814815*CHP gas1Fraction CHP gas. Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for gas. (108+14)/216 Others divided by gas
5CHP gas + CHP mineral oil = 2.12962963*CHP renewable energy1Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for renewable energy. Fraction CHP renewable energy. (216+14)/108 Others divided by renewable energy
6CHP electricity + CHP loss = 1.770491803*CHP local heating1Fraction CHP local heating. Sum of other outputs is used as comparison for local heating. (84+132)/122 Others divided by local heating.
7CHP local heating + CHP loss = 3.023809524*CHP electricity1Fraction CHP electricity. Sum of other outputs is used as comparison for electricity. (122+132)/84 Others divided by electricity
8WWP renewable energy = WWP electricity1Balance Water, Wind, Photovlotaics. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
9TPP electricity input + TPP mineral oil + TPP gas = TPP local heating + TPP electricity output + TPP loss1Balance Thermal Power Plant Pfaffenwald. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
10TPP mineral oil + TPP gas = 23.33333333*TPP electricity input1Fraction TPP electricity input. Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for electricity input. (43+167)/9 Others divided by electricity input
11TPP electricity input + TPP gas = 4.093023256*TPP mineral oil1Fraction TPP mineral oil. Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for mineral oil. (9+167)/43 Others divided by mineral oil
12TPP electricity output + TPP loss = 0.335365854*TPP local heating1Fraction TPP local heating. Sum of other outputs is used as comparison for local heating. (50+5)/164 Others divided by local heating
13TPP local heating +TPP loss = 3.38*TPP electricity output1Fraction TPP electricity output. Sum of other outputs is used as comparison for electricity. (164+5)/50 Others divided by electricity
14TPE waste + TPE gas + TPE coal + TPE mineral oil = TPE electricity + TPE district heating + TPE loss1Balance Thermal Power Plant EVU. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
15TPE gas + TPE coal + TPE mineral oil = 1.04973357*TPE waste1Fraction TPE waste. Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for waste. (162+1019+1)/1126 Others divided by waste
16TPE waste + TPE coal + TPE mineral oil = 13.24691358*TPE gas1Fraction TPE gas. Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for gas. (1126+1019+1)/162 Others divided by gas
17TPE waste + TPE gas + TPE mineral oil = 1.264965653*TPE coal1Fraction TPE coal. Sum of other fuels is used as comparison for coal. (1126+162+1)/1019 Others divided by coal
18TPE district heating + TPE loss = 5.089709763*TPE electricity1Fraction TPE electricity. Sum of other outputs is used as comparison for electricity. (1101+828)/379 Others divided by electricity
19TPE electricity + TPE loss = 1.096276113*TPE district heating1Fraction TPE district heating. Sum of other outputs is used as comparison for district heating. (379 +828)/1101 Others divided by district heating
20Ind gas = Ind electricity + Ind loss1Balance Industrial Plants. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
21Ind electricity = 0.533333333*Ind loss1Fraction Ind loss. Amount of district heating is used as comparison for loss. 8/15 district heating per loss
22STP local heating = 0.245901639*CHP local heating1Fraction local heating producers. CHP local heating production is used as reference. 30/122 STP local heating divided by CHP local heating
23Ind electricity = 0.095238095*CHP electricity1Fraction electricity producers 1. 8/84 Ind electricity divided by TPE district heating
24WWP electricity = 0.797619048*CHP electricity1Fraction electricity producers 2. CHP electricity production is used as reference. 67/84 WWP electricity divided by CHP electricity
25TPP electricity output = 0.595238095*CHP electricity1Fraction electricity producers 3. CHP electricity production is used as reference. 50/84 TPP electricity divided by CHP electricity
26TPE electricity = 4.511904762*CHP electricity1Fraction electricity producers 4. CHP electricity production is used as reference. 379/84 TPE electricity divided by CHP electricity
27Loss local heating = 0.041139241*STP local heating + 0.041139241*CHP local heating + 0.041139241*TPP local heating1Transmission loss local heating. Known loss divided by production. 13/(30+122+164)
28Loss electricity = 0.221088435*CHP electricity + 0.221088435*WWP electricity + 0.221088435*TPP electricity output + 0.221088435*TPE electricity + 0.221088435*Ind electricity1Transmission loss electricity. Known loss divided by production. 130/(84+67+50+379+8)
29Loss district heating = 0.109900091*TPE district heating1Transmission loss district heating. Known loss divided by production. 121/1101
30CES local heating = 0.366666667*STP local heating1Consumption in the Energy Sector local heating. STP local heating is used as reference. 11/30
31CES electricity = 1.392857143*CHP electricity1Consumption in the Energy Sector electricity. CHP electricity is used as reference. 117/84
32V renewable energy = 0.272727273*STP renewable energy1Vorketten renewable energy. STP renewable energy is used as reference. 6/22
33V coal = 0.103042198*TPE coal1Vorketten coal. TPE coal is used as reference. 105/1019
34V electricity = 17.79683377*TPE electricity1Vorketten electricity. TPE electricity is used as reference. 6745/379
35V gas = 2.027777778*CHP gas1Vorketten gas. CHP gas is used as reference. 438/216
36V mineral oil = 12.3255814*TPP mineral oil1Vorketten mineral oil. TPP mineral oil is used as reference. 530/43
37Bought electricity + CHP electricity + WWP electricity + TPP electricity output + TPE electricity + Ind electricity = STP electricity + TPP electricity input + Loss electricity + CES electricity + V electricity + Cons Ind electricity + Cons Traffic electricity + Cons Home electricity + Cons Commerce electricity1Electricity use balance. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
38STP local heating + CHP local heating + TPP local heating = Loss local heating + CES local heating + Cons Ind local heating + Cons Home local heating + Cons Commerce local heating1Local heating balance. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
39Bought district heating + TPE district heating = Loss district heating + Cons Ind district heating + Cons Home district heating + Cons Commerce district heating1District heating balance. In energy balance, inputs and outputs cancel out
40Cons Ind electricity = 22571Consumed electricity industry
41Cons Traffic electricity = 2241Consumed electricity traffic
42Cons Home electricity = 10771Consumed electricity households
43Cons Commerce electricity = 6951Consumed electricity commerce
44Cons Ind local heating = 351Consumed local heating industry
45Cons Home local heating = 541Consumed local heating households
46Cons Commerce local heating = 2031Consumed local heating commerce
47Cons Ind district heating = 5131Consumed districit heating industry
48Cons Home district heating = 351Consumed districit heating households
49Cons Commerce district heating = 8511Consumed districit heating commerce

There are no nonlinearities.



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See also

Urgenche research project 2011 - 2014: city-level climate change mitigation
Urgenche pages

Urgenche main page · Category:Urgenche · Urgenche project page (password-protected)

Relevant data
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Relevant methods
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City Kuopio
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City Basel
Buildings in Basel (password-protected)

Energy balances
Energy balance in Basel · Energy balance in Kuopio · Energy balance in Stuttgart · Energy balance in Suzhou



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