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Bepraribean (Best Practices for Risk-Benefit Analysis of Foods ) is a research project about benefit-risk assessment (BRA) of food and nutrition. It is based on lessons from other fields (food microbiology, economics and marketing-finance, environmental health, medicine, and consumer perception). The project produces six scientific review articles on the state-of-the-art of benefit-risk analysis in the fields mentioned above. Based on the lessons learned, a seventh article will be written on how to progress beyond the state-of-the-art of benefit-risk analysis in food and nutrition. The seventh article will address issues such as similarities and differences between food and nutrition and other fields as well as related opportunities for developing the food and nutrition BRA forward.
Bepraribean is running from May 31, 2009 to May 31, 2011. The partner institutes are Food Group Denmark, Maastricht University, RIVM, University of Ulster Nofima, Matis, and THL.
The project had its kick-off meeting in Bilthoven, NL, in June, 2009. The second meeting was held in Reykjavik, IS, in April 14-15, 2010. Presentation slides from the second meeting can be seen on the private area of the project. The third project meeting took place in Maastricht, in 30-31 May 2011.
See also
State of the art of benefit-risk analysis papers:
- Introduction
- Food and nutrition
- Medicines
- Food microbiology
- Environmental health
- Economics and Marketing-Finance
- Consumer perception
- Integrating best practices in benefit–risk analysis into the field of Food and Nutrition
- The private area of Bepraribean.