Opasnet user skills

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What skills are necessary for doing open assessment? What methods should everyone know how to use, which ones are special skills?


These are technical skills that are important for performing or evaluating open assessments in Opasnet. They are in a rough order, starting from those that are the most common or crucial skills. Of course, there are many other skills that are important but not technical (e.g. understanding what to write, in addition to knowing how to write in a wiki), but they are not listed here.

Basic wiki skills:

Main article: Help:Wiki editing / op_fi:Ohje:Wiki-muokkaus

  • Format : headings, bold, italic, lists, indentations
    • Understanding and using the heading (attribute) structure for information objects: scope, result, rationale, see also, keywords, references, related files.
  • Tables: basic table (prettytable), table to wiki, colspan
  • Links: internal, to another wiki, external, to the same text in a wiki with different language, to Wikipedia, permanent link. Controlling visibility of text in a link (text separated with |, square brackets, running numbers).
  • Ref-tag: basic use, correct manner of referencing
  • Files: uploading and description, adding a picture to a site, thumb parameters, link to a file or link to a site containing the file
  • Categories, categorizing
  • Evaluating scientific content and usefulness of a page using the rating bar.

Basics of open assessment

Main article: Help:Open assessment method / op_fi:Ohje:Avoimen arvioinnin menetelmä

  • Page types: assessment, variable, encyclopedia, method, study
    • Template parameters: moderator, stub
  • Subtitles=attributes and their contents
  • Composing good research questions
  • Writing a structured discussion on a discussion page and linking to it from the content page.
    • Organized argumentation: discussion, attack, defence, comment, invalidation, hierarchy
  • Uploading data into Opasnet base: t2b, t2b-csv
  • Life expectancy model Impact calculation tool (ICT)

Opasnet maintenance

Main article: Help:Opasnet maintenance / op_fi:Ohje:Opasnetin ylläpito

  • Kuka ylläpitää Opasnet-järjestelmää (THL)
  • Kuka saa kirjoittaa (kaikki)
  • Kuinka laatua ylläpidetään
    • Kirjoittajien harkinta
    • Lukijoiden palaute, kommentit ja rating bar
    • THL joidenkin sivujen osalta joko työntekijöiden voimin tai tuntityönä
  • Millä perusteella THL valitsee ylläpidettävät sivut? ←--#: . Keskusteltava! --Jouni 06:27, 5 June 2012 (EEST) (type: truth; paradigms: science: defence)
  • Millä perusteella THL palkkaa ylläpitäjät? ←--#: . Keskusteltava! --Jouni 06:27, 5 June 2012 (EEST) (type: truth; paradigms: science: defence)
  • Mikä on vapaaehtoisen ylläpidon rooli? ←--#: . Keskusteltava! --Jouni 06:27, 5 June 2012 (EEST) (type: truth; paradigms: science: defence)
  • Mikä on palkallista työtä ja mikä ei? Onko kohtuullista vaatia, että esim. Opasnetin menetelmät opiskellaan omalla ajalla, ja vain ohjeiden kirjoittamisesta maksetaan? Perustelu: työ voitaisiin pitää THL:n sisällä ja antaa jonkun sellaisen tehtäväksi, joka on jo opiskellut kyseisen asian; näin säästyisi THL:n rahaa. ←--#: . Keskusteltava! --Jouni 06:27, 5 June 2012 (EEST) (type: truth; paradigms: science: defence)

Advanced wiki skills

Main article: Help:Wiki editing Advanced skills op_fi:Wiki-muokkaus#Edistyneitä taitoja

  • Uploading data to Opasnet Base using different tools.
  • Downloading data from Opasnet Base. Choosing particular locations from indices. Selecting between uploads. Selecting means or samples.
  • Marking extensive pages as publications.
  • Google maps
  • Building links into parts of picture
  • Drawing and uploading Google-pictures into wiki
  • Writing LaTeX-code
  • Writing SQL-queries in wiki
  • Writing R-code (see R-code below)

Basics of R-tools

Main article: Help:Using R-tools / op_fi:Ohje:R-laskennan käyttäminen (this page is about using R-tools, not about writing code.

  • Running R codes from a page.
  • Understanding how user inputs are used.
  • Understanding the structure of R-tools output.
  • Understanding how to find the user input values from a model run.
  • Knowing how to save R-tools results: using the link to a model run or saving the html to own computer.
  • Understanding the impossibility of other people to see your model runs without the exact link.
  • Deleting a model run permanently (THIS OPTION DOES NOT EXIST YET).
  • Understanding the concept of S4 objects ovariable and oassessment.
  • Understanding the outputs: what are "Source." columns and what does the Data vs. Formula mean.
TODO: {{#todo:Missä olikaan esimerkki siitä, kuinka mallineella voi ladata rcode-parametreja R-toolsin käyttöliittymään? --Jouni 06:09, 5 June 2012 (EEST)|Juha Villman, Einari Happonen|}}

TODO: {{#todo:Pitäisi tehdä semmoinen nappi R-toolsin tulossivulle, josta ajon saa pysyvästi poistettua serveriltä. Tästä oli joskus puhetta, ja käyttäjäpalautteessa tämä tarve tuli voimakkaasti esille. --Jouni 06:09, 5 June 2012 (EEST)|Juha Villman, Einari Happonen|}}

Basics of R coding

Main article: Help:Writing R code in Opasnet / op_fi:Ohje:R-koodin kirjoittaminen Opasnetissä

  • S4 objects ovariable and oassessment.
  • Writing R code for variables and running it to get results. Uploading results to Opasnet Base.
  • Objects, vectors, data.frames, arrays, factors
  • Functions c, data.frame, colnames
  • Cutting an object [,]
  • Loading a library. Basic libraries ggplot2, OpasnetBaseUtils, Triangular.
  • Probabilistic (Monte Carlo) distributions: rnorm, runif, rpois, rbinom, rbern, rtriangular
  • Combining objects: rbind, cbind, merge
  • Drawing figures: gplot, ggplot
  • Running conditional functions on parts of data: tapply
  • Opasnet functions and using Opasnet base: op_baseGetData, op_baseWrite
  • Read.data-function and loading files

Advanced skills in open assessment

Main article: Help:Open assessment method#Advanced skills / op_fi:Avoimen arvioinnin menetelmä#Edistyneitä taitoja

  • Value of information (VOI) analysis: counterfactual, possible worlds, Hubbard
  • Making statistical analysis of Opasnet base

Basics of coding Analytica

  • Good ability to read Analytica models
  • Comprehension on how to work with arrays
  • Comprehending probability distribution
  • Comprehending how to cut arrays under different terms

Advanced Analytica coding skills

  • Good skills at writing Analytica code from scratch and application of basic skills
User X theses
Area Level Skill Description Performation Evaluation
Wiki skills Basic Headings Can make different kinds of headings and use them in right situations
Wiki skills Basic Format knows how to use bold and italic, lists and indentations
Wiki skills Basic table (pretty table) can make a working (pretty)table with headlines
Wiki skills Basic datatable can make a working datatable
Wiki skills Basic Links Knows how to make different kinds of links
Wiki skills Basic Ref-tag knows how to manner referencing correctly
Wiki skills Basic Files Can upload and descript files, can add pictures, thumb parameters or links to files
Wiki skills Basic Categories Can categorize sites
Wiki skills advanced Data uploading Can use Table2Base table uploader
Wiki skills advanced Data uploading knows how to upload files to wiki. (Special:Upload)
Wiki skills advanced Data uploading Can upload data from files into Opasnet (Special:Opasnet Base Import)
Wiki skills advanced Data uploading Knows how R-uploading works
Wiki skills advanced Downloading data from Opasnet Base. Choosing particular locations from indices. Selecting between uploads. Selecting means or samples.
Wiki skills advanced Marking extensive pages as publications
Wiki skills advanced Google Maps
Wiki skills advanced Building links into parts of picture
Wiki skills advanced Drawing and uploading Google-pictures into wiki
Wiki skills advanced Writing LaTeX-code Can write and understand LaTeX
Wiki skills advanced Writing SQL-queries in wiki Can write SQL-queries
Wiki skills advanced Writing R-code Can write R-code
Open assessment Basic Page types Knows different page types and uses them in right situations
Open assessment Basic Subtitles Can use attributes and their contents
Open assessment Basic Research questions Can compose good recearch questions
Open assessment Basic Discussions Can write well structured discussions and knows how to link about them in content page, also knows how to organize argumentation. (discussion, attack, etc.)
Open assessment Basic Uploading data into Opasnet base Uploading data into Opasnet base using t2b and/or t2b-csv
Open assessment Basic Life expectancy model Can make a life expectancy model with impact calculation tool (ICT)
Open assessment Advanced VOI analysis Can rate of and affect to the value of information
Open assessment Advanced Making statistical analysis of Opasnet base
R-tools Basics Running code Running R codes from a page
R-tools Basics user inputs Understanding how user inputs are used
R-tools Basics Structure of the output Understanding the structure of R-tools output
R-tools Basics User input values Understanding how to find the user input values from a model run.
R-tools Basics Saving the results Knowing how to save R-tools results: using the link to a model run or saving the html to own computer.
R-tools Basics Understanding the impossibility of other people to see your model runs without the exact link
R-tools Basics Permanent deleting Deleting a model run permanently (THIS OPTION DOES NOT EXIST YET)
R-tools Basics Understanding the concept of S4 objects ovariable and oassessment.
R-tools Basics Undestanding the outputs Understanding the outputs: what are "Source." columns and what does the Data vs. Formula mean.
R coding Basic S4 objects ovariable and oassesment
R coding Basic General use Writing R code for variables and running it to get results. Uploading results to Opasnet Base.
R coding Basic Objects, vectors, data.frames, arrays, factors Use of above
R coding Basic cutting an object
R coding Basic Loading a library Use of basic libraries like ggplot2, Triangular, etc.
R coding Basic Probabilistic distributions use of rnorm, runif, rpois, rbinom, rbern, rtriangular
R coding Basic Combining objects knowing rbind, cbind, merge
R coding Basic Drawing figures Knowing how to draw figures using gplot, ggplot
R coding Basic Running conditional functions on parts of data: tapply
R coding Basic Opasnet functions and using Opasnet base use of op_baseGetData, op_baseWrite
R coding Basic Read.data-function and loading images
coding Analytica Basic Understanding Good ability to read Analytica models
coding Analytica Basic Arrays Comprehension on how to work with arrays
coding Analytica Basic Probability distribution
coding Analytica Basic Cutting arrays knowing how to cut arrays in different terms
coding Analytica Advanced Writing code Good skills at writing Analytica code from scratch and application of basic skills


This list of skills works as a basis for filling in the Taito-table at Aikakone in Finnish Opasnet.

See also



Related files
