Measuring user skills in Opasnet

From Opasnet
Revision as of 09:05, 27 June 2012 by JonniN (talk | contribs)
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How to measure and evaluate user skills in Opasnet so, that

  • the requirements and execution of evaluation are clear to all users,
  • it can be done multipolarily,
  • all necessary documentation is found in and will be written to Opasnet?


A user can create a variable User:Username/Skills for himself. The question of the page is "What Opasnet user skills does user X have?" A table must be done for arguments. A model table is on the page Opasnet user skills. On that table are all the skills and their requirements. You can copy the suitable parts of that table for your own page.

User X theses
Area Level Skill Description Performation Evaluation
Wiki skills Basic Prettytable Can make a prettytable with headlines A link to a page where user X has made a table which fulfills all requirements. E.g [1] ←--#: . A defending evalutation from a user who has already accomplished the level and skill in question. --JonniN 12:05, 27 June 2012 (EEST) (type: truth; paradigms: science: defence)

⇤--#: . If execution is flawed or it is missing something important an attacking evaluation will be made and the user must improve his work --JonniN 12:05, 27 June 2012 (EEST) (type: truth; paradigms: science: attack)

Kun jonkin osaamisalueen tietyn tason kaikki eri taitokohdat on hyväksyttävästi suoritettu, voi käyttäjä tehdä sivun Tulos-kohtaan Taito-datataulun ja siihen uuden rivin kyseisen osaamisalueen tasolle. Sellainen taulu on esitelty sivulla Aikakone#Taidot.

TODO: {{#todo: Tee ylläolevan kaltainen taulu, jossa on listattu kaikki sivulla Opasnetin käyttötaidot olevat taidot. Lisää myös lyhyt kuvaus joka taidosta (tarvittaessa pyydä apua). Suoritus- ja arvio-kenttiin pistetään ensimmäiselle riville nuo taulussa yllä olevat esimerkit, mutta muut rivit jätetään tyhjiksi.||Opasnet}}

Katso myös


Opasnet, user skills, project management, know-how


