Shared understanding

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Revision as of 04:31, 11 August 2011 by Jouni (talk | contribs) (first draft based on own thinking)
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Shared understanding is an ambitious idea about how decision making can be dramatically improved from the current situation in Western countries by increasing sharing and understanding at the same time. It is not enough that there exists a policy advisory expert who understands the very details of a complex policy problem and its solutions and gives recommendations to policy makers. Anyone in the society should have a possibility to learn those things from open information sources and make own conclusions about good solutions. These information sources should be organised in a way that they start from main conclusions and proceed towards more detailed and technical rationale; people must be able to understand the issues without becoming experts first.

Recently, an active movement for open public data has emerged in many European countries and the US. However, it is not enough that all data is available for anyone. This shared data should be developed into information and then into understanding, i.e. into descriptions about how things are and what our options are in developing the society. Opening up and sharing raw data is just a step in a long process of increasing the understanding of a people.