RM analysis Sallamari Tynkkynen
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Moderator:Sallamari Tynkkynen (see all) |
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Take the perspective of the Ministry of Social and Health affairs. Consider yourself managing a project of developing capacity to manage major public health risks. In your project you want to take account of the lessons that could be learned from the swine flu case. In this exercise your task is to:
- Evaluate all four DA study plans from the use/r point of view:
- Of what value would each of the planned analysis be for you?
- Make use of the properties of good assessment framework, particularly:
- Relevance: Is content of the plan/analysis relevant in relation to the stated purpose of the analysis?
- Pertinence: Is the purpose of the analysis relevant in relation your needs?
- Usability: Can you grasp the idea of the plan/analysis? Does it increase your understanding of the swine flu case?
- Acceptability: Would results/conclusions be acceptable to you? Why or why not?
- Give an overall statement: How could/should the results of these analyses be taken into account in your project?
- Choose (one) another perspective and repeat the evaluation of the DA study plans from that perspective
- E.g. common citizen, medical superintendent in a health care center, health researcher, journalist, nurse in public health care, principal of an elementary school, …
- Focus on the differences in comparison to the above evaluation
- Write an (freely formatted) evaluation report on your own RM analysis page (see the list of links at the bottom of the page)
- If you do not yet have a page, create. Advice, if needed, may be asked e.g. from fellow students or the lecturers
- Aim for a clear and concise report.
- Active commenting of of other groups individuals works can earn you pluses that will be considered in the overall grading of the course
- Present your main findings in the final seminar 11.-12.4.
- Improvements on the report page can be made up to the final evaluation in the end of April
Group 1
Ministry point of view:
- Relevance: Content of the analysis is relevant in relation to the purpose of the study.
- Pertinence: The purpose of the analysis is relevant to the the Finnish Ministry of Social Affairs and Health because it evaluates if it was a good decision to vaccinate the whole population. The results of this analysis can be applied in the future.
- Usability: The idea of the analysis is easy to grasp. It studies two differnt actions that could have been taken in stead of vaccinating the whole population and thus sheds light on several scenarios that could have happened.
- Acceptability: The results from this analysis could be applied in the future and the vaccination strategy in future epidemics could be reconcidered.
- Overall statement: In future epidemics more options about vaccination strategies could be concidered. It is not just wheter to vaccinate or not but you could also vaccinate only the risk groups.
Group 2
Ministry point of view:
- Relevance: Content of the analysis is relevant in relation to the purpose of the study.
- Pertinence
- Usability
- Acceptability
- Overall statement
Group 3
Ministry point of view:
- Relevance: Content of the analysis is relevant in relation to the purpose of the study.
- Pertinence: I believe this analysis is quite useful for the Finnish Ministry of Social Affairs and Health. When controlling future pandemics that include fever as common symptom, thermal scanners can be considered.
- Usability: The idea of the analysis is clear and easy to grasp. It states its purpose clearly and it is easy to follow.
- Acceptability: This analysis could be continued with calculations that are suggested in the results to determine whether thermal scanners are truly effective in preventing the spreding of a influenza pandemic or not.
- Overall statement: These results can be used if a similar influenza type pandemic with fever as major symptom would be spreading.
Group 4
Ministry point of view:
- Relevance: Content of the analysis is relevant in relation to the purpose of the study.
- Pertinence: This analysis can be useful to the Finnish Ministry of Social Affairs and Health in the future with similar influenza epidemics. The usefulness and need of vaccination should be evaluated thoroughly before making a desicion.
- Usability: The idea of the analysis is clear and easy to grasp.
- Acceptability: I believe the conslusion of the analysis is acceptable. The analysis could be taken further and all the variables should be studied more in order to get a more extensive view on the subject.
- Overall statement: The purpose and results of this study may cause the Ministry to concider vaccination decision for a longer period of time in future situtations.