Population of Europe by Country
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- Country
- Year
- 2010, 2020, 2030, 2050
- Sex
- Age
- Growth rate
- high, medium, low
Constructed from data in Population of Europe, by summing results for each country using the R code below. The code requires database functions described here.
locs <- op_baseGetLocs("opasnet_base", "Op_en3017") countries <- locs[grep("CountryID", locs$ind),3] i <- 1 data <- op_baseGetData("opasnet_base", "Op_en3017", include = countries[i]) data <- data[order(data[,3], data[,4], data[,7], data[,8], data[,9]),] n <- data[gsub(" ", "", data[,"Age"])=="0-4",] n <- n[gsub(" ", "", n[,"Rate"])=="h",] n <- n[gsub(" ", "", n[,"Sex"])=="Female",] n <- n[gsub(" ", "", n[,"Year"])=="2010",] n <- nrow(n) data2 <- data[1:(nrow(data)/n),c("Age","CountryID","Rate","Sex","Year","Result")] for (j in 1:(nrow(data)/n)) { data2[j,] <- data.frame(data[j*n-n+1,c("Age","CountryID","Rate","Sex","Year")], sum(data[(j*n-n+1):(j*n),"Result"])) } op_baseWrite("opasnet_base", data2, ident = "Op_en4691", name = "Population of Europe by country", unit = "#", objtype_id = 1, who = "Teemu R", acttype = 4) for (i in 2:length(countries)) { data <- op_baseGetData("opasnet_base", "Op_en3017", include = countries[i]) data <- data[order(data[,3], data[,4], data[,7], data[,8], data[,9]),] n <- data[gsub(" ", "", data[,"Age"])=="0-4",] n <- n[gsub(" ", "", n[,"Rate"])=="h",] n <- n[gsub(" ", "", n[,"Sex"])=="Female",] n <- n[gsub(" ", "", n[,"Year"])=="2010",] n <- nrow(n) data2 <- data[1:(nrow(data)/n),c("Age","CountryID","Rate","Sex","Year","Result")] for (j in 1:(nrow(data)/n)) { data2[j,] <- data.frame(data[j*n-n+1,c("Age","CountryID","Rate","Sex","Year")], sum(data[(j*n-n+1):(j*n),"Result"])) } op_baseWrite("opasnet_base", data2, ident = "Op_en4691", who = "Teemu R", acttype = 5) }