This page provides a description and a link to a "ExpoFacts" database that provides information needed when modeling exposure levels or performing exposure assessment.
Short description
Contains data from 30 European countries (level of information and time frame is variable between countries and original data source). Data includes information on housing, on ingestion, on physiology, on population and on time activity.
Detailed information
Contains data from 30 European countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, the Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and United Kingdom. Level of information and time frame is variable between countries and data.
Data includes housing data grouped as:
- Indoor air quality in office buildings
- Ventilation in offices, Finland
- Air exchange rate and temperature distribution, Finland
- Ventilation rates measured in homes, the Netherlands
- Ventilation rates, homes, CONSEXPO default values, Netherlands
- Ventilation distribution, Norway
- Ventilation, Norway
- Air exchange rate by dwelling type, Finland
- Indoor climate and ventilation in schools, Sweden
- Indoor air quality in hospitals, Sweden
- Ventilation and air flow rates in office buildings, Sweden
- The Indoor Climate in Swedish Housing Stock
- Dwellings by age
- Dwellings by equipment
- Total dwellings
- Floor space of dwellings by number of rooms
- Use of gas cooker and proportion having fan
- Househ. by numb. of pers. and m2 of useful floor space
- Househ. by number of persons and number of rooms
- Housing defects (self reported)
- Housing tenure
- Leisure time homes
- Size of households by tenure
- Residences by households
- Residential ownership by household
- Year of moving into residence
Ingestion data
Contains data from 30 European countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, the Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and United Kingdom. Level of information and time frame is variable between countries and data.
Ingestion data is grouped as:
- Ingestion - Dietary
- Infant diet at 10 months, Denmark
- Breastfeeding
- Infant breastmilk intake, Denmark
- Food consumption children (Averages), Netherlands
- Food consumption children (Percentages), Netherlands
- Consumption of wild foodstuffs, Czech Republic
- Consumption of wild foodstuffs, Finland
- Food consumption, Baltic
- FAO food balance sheets (Countries: A - It)
- FAO food balance sheets (Countries: L - U)
- Food consumption, Belgium
- Food consumption amounts, Bulgaria
- Consumption frequency of different foodstuffs, Bulgaria
- Food availability, DAFNE-Study (Countries: B - F)
- Food availability, DAFNE-Study (Countries: G - It)
- Food availability, DAFNE-Study (Countries: L - P)
- Food availability, DAFNE-Study (Countries: S - U)
- Food consumption, Denmark
- Food consumption, Finland
- Food consumption, France
- Food consumption, United Kingdom
- Food consumption, Germany
- Food consumption, Hungary
- Food consumption, Iceland
- Food consumption, Ireland
- Food consumption, Italy
- Food consumption , Netherlands
- Food consumption, NorBaGreen study
- Food consumption, Sweden
- Infant diet, Euro-Growth Study
- Infant diet, commercial food, Germany
- Infant diet, Germany
- Infant diet, Iceland
- Consumption of cooked meat and fish
- Non-prescribed medicine use, Bulgaria
- Mouthing behaviour of children up to 5 years, United Kingdom
- Mouthing behaviour of children from 3 to 36 months, Netherlands
- Soy consumption
- Level of dependence on home grown or raised foods, Baltic
- Use of home grown vegetables, Baltic countries
- Childrens food frequency
- Dietary supplement and non-prescribed medicine use
- Type of water used for drinking, Baltic
- Tapwater consumption, France
- Infant tap water consumption, Germany
Ingestion - non dietary
- Mouthing behaviour of children up to 5 years, United Kingdom
- Mouthing behaviour of children from 3 to 36 months, Netherlands
Physiological data
Contains data from 30 European countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, the Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and United Kingdom. Level of information and time frame is variable between countries and data.
Database includes physiological data for:
- Bodylength, adults (>2 years)
- Bodylength, children (=<2 years)
- Bodyweight, adults (>2 years)
- Bodyweight, children (=<2 years)
- Average energy expenditure, Belgium
- Total energy expenditure and physical activity in children, UK
- Physical activity, Germany
- Respiratory rate in the first 3 years of life, Italy
Population data
Contains data from 30 European countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, the Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and United Kingdom. Level of information and time frame is variable between countries and data.
Data includes population data grouped as:
- Population by 5-year age groups
- Population by 1-year age groups
- Birth & Death-rates
- Live births first - fifth and over
- Live births, average age of childbearing
- Population of capital cities and cities with pop. 100000 or over
- Economically active population by education level
- Employment by economic activity
- Employment by status in employment
- Employment by occupation
- Ethnicity & religion
- Income
- Life expectancies
- Live Births
- Marital status
- Non-nationals living in country
- Non-national population by main groups of citizenship
- Non-nationals living in country by age group
- Non-national EU-25 pop. by country of residence and citizenship
- Households
- Unemployment by age group
- Unemployment by economic activity
- Unemployment by education level
- Unemployment by occupation
- Urban/Rural distribution
Time activity data
Contains data from 30 European countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, the Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and United Kingdom. Level of information and time frame is variable between countries and data. Includes also the time activity data based on EXPOLIS study and time activity data from HETUS (Harmonized European Time Use Surveys).
Data is grouped as:
- Child Labour distribution, Bulgaria
- School attendance at different levels
- Primary education hours
- Time Use, ten countries, gainful work by weekday
- Time Use, ten countries: study, domestic work, free time
- Time Use, ten countries: location
- Time Use, ten countries: mode of travel
- Physical activity, EU-15
- Physical activity, Baltic Countries
- Physical activity, Czech Republic
- Physical activity, Finland
- Physical activity, Iceland
- Physical activity, Malta
- Physical activity, United Kingdom
- Time use Netherlands, infants, general
- Time use Netherlands, infants, activities
- Time use Netherlands, infants, contacts with surfaces
- Time use, Belgium 12-49 years
- Time use, Belgium years 50-
- Time use, Belgium, transport modes and locations
- Time use, Estonia
- Time use, (24h cycle), Estonia
- Time use, The Expolis Study
- Time use (24h cycle), Finland
- Time use, Finland, location and transport correlations
- Time use, Finland, activity correlations
- Time use, Finland, activity, location and transport correlations
- Time use, Finland
- Time use, France
- Time use, Hungary
- Time use, Netherlands
- Time use, Norway, 24h cycle
- Time use, Norway
- Time spent outdoors, Children
- Time use, Portugal
- Time use, Portugal, 24h cycle, (adults 15- years)
- Time use, Slovenia
- Time use, Sweden
- Time use in traffic, Ireland and Switzerland
- Physical activity, youth
- Time use, Finland, Detailed activity correlations,female
- Time use, Finland, Detailed activity correlations,male
- Mode of transport, Finland, students
- Time use in traffic, Luxemburg
- Employees working at weekends
- Working hours
time activity, time use, ingestion, water, food, breast milk, diet, physiological data, body length, bodyweight, energy expedinture, physical activity, respiratory rate, housing, dwellings, size, ownership, tenure, air exchange rate, ventilation, climate, air quality, defects, population size, births, deaths, employment, households, incomes, Europe