List of open tasks
This page is a task.
The page identifier is Op_en3230 |
Moderator:Jouni (see all) |
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Information collection
- Information collection tasks for Opasnet are tasks that do not require detailed understanding about the open assessment method, and are important for the overall functionality or coverage of Opasnet.
Writing of Intarese Toolbox pages (WP1.4)
Specification of deliverables (according to deliverables list Feb 2010) | Planned deadline deliverable | Delivered as general product (yes/ no/ partly) | Location in toolbox2 | Delivered into the toolbox (yes/ no/ partly) | Type of page1 | Person responsible for remaining tasks | Comments |
Indicator selection | 54 | yes | What indicators should be used.../ building good indicators | no | G | PBL Eva | |
Calculating DALYs and QALYs | 54 | yes | Execution/ impact analysis/ measures of impact | partly | G | RIVM Anne | |
Calculating DALYs and QALYs | 54 | no | Execution/ impact analysis/ measures of impact | partly | M | RIVM Anne? | |
Severity weights | 54 | no | Execution/ impact analysis/ measures of impact/Calculating DALYs and QALYs | D | RIVM Anne | SAME AS D128. SOME MATERIAL from the link | |
Monetisation methods | 54 | yes? | Execution/ impact analysis/ measures of impact | partly? | G + M + D | Alistair Hunt (HEIMTSA) with help from Tifanny from RIVM | |
Risk Perception | 54 | yes? | What indicators should be used... | no | G + M? | RIVM Ric? | |
Open assessment | 54 | ready | Issue framing/ key points/ concept of IEHIA/ other assessment methodologies | no | G | THL Jouni | |
Collaborative workspace | - | ready | Execution/ Key considerations/ collaborating on an assessment | no | D | THL Jouni | |
Result database | 54 | no | Design/ feasibility testing/ information needs | no | D | THL Jouni | |
Multiple bias [1] | 54 | no | Design/ feasibility testing/ information needs/ exposure-response functions | no | G | THL Marjo | |
Value of information | 54 | yes | Execution/ uncertainty analysis | yes | G | THL Jouni | |
Value of information model | 54 | yes | Execution/ uncertainty analysis/ value of information | no | M | THL Jouni | |
Quality/Performance [2] | 54 | yes | Execution/ uncertainty analysis | no | G | THL Mikko | |
Protocol on stakeholder involvement. [3] | 50 | yes | Issue framing/ Who are the stakeholders/ Engaging stakeholders/ methods for stakeholder engagement | no | G | THL Mikko | Part of D47 (detailed description). Delivered at mo 50. |
Participating in assessments [4] | 50 | yes | Issue framing/ Who are the stakeholders/ Engaging stakeholders/ methods for stakeholder engagement | no | G | THL Mikko | Part of D47 (an overview). |
1 Types of toolbox pages: (Guidebook/ Resource - Model or tool/ Resource - Worked Example/ Resource - Data)
2 Based on the toolbox structure on 6 May 2010 [5]
Templates of page types
The following template pages should be updated based on the following object structure descriptions. The Template:Assessment structure has been done as example.
- Template:Variablestructure based on Variable structure DONE
- Template:Assessment structure based on Assessment structure DONE
- Template:Method structure based on Method
- Template:Tool structure based on Tool
- Template:Study structure based on Study
- Template:Lecture structure based on Lecture
- Template:Encyclopedia structure based on Encyclopedia article
- Template:Task structure based on Task
- Template:Nugget structure based on Nugget
- Template:Class structure based on Class
Rewriting existing topics in Opasnet
Some pages are outdated or overlapping with other pages. Therefore, there are needs to restructure and rewrite existing pages.
- Merge overlapping text in Opasnet and Welcome to Opasnet.
Page type update
All pages should have a page type. Also, some pages have been classified into a poor page type, because the practices have changed over time. Also the structure should be improved towards Scope, Definition, Result if applicable. Therefore, there are tasks to:
- develop a page that lists all pages without a page type,
- go through all pages without a page type and classify them,
- reclassifying pages into better types when they are being edited for other reasons.
- The current pages will be cleaned up. Two major things: check the page type (variable, assessment...), and add any relevant categories.
- The Variable namespace should be checked, as a lot of it seems to have moved to the Main namespace. The original tasks were divided as follows:
- Variable namespace A-D Päivi
- E-F Mikko
- G-O Erkki DONE
- P-W Pasi
- Main namespace A-B Virpi
- C Pauliina
Improving categorisation
The existing categories are not well developed and systematic. Therefore, there are tasks to:
- improve the categorisation system, preferably based on some existing classification,
- go through the pages and update categories.
- Category:Assessment method articles categorized to Category:Method instead.
Writing about important topics
There are several important topics that should be covered in Opasnet. However, these are not simple copy-paste work and they require that someone gets acquainted with the topics and summarises them. Such topics are listed here:
- Artikkeli bisneksestä, jossa valtio maksaa siitä, että joku auttaa toista säästämään energiaa. Ennen säästötoimia kirjataan energiankulutus, ja säästöä seurataan. Konsultti saa palkkionsa toteutuneen säästön mukaan. Jos tulee lisäkulua, konsultti joutuu maksumieheksi. Onko tästä jo artikkeli jossain? Tyjakissa?
Checking potentially important web links
Some web links seem interesting and important for Opasnet, but more time is needed to look at those. Only then it is possible to decide, whether the information should be linked to from some Opasnet pages, or whether the information deserves a page of its own. These web links include:
- A network strategy to advance public health in Europe by Jan C. Semenza
- Liikenneministeriön ilmatopoliittinen suunnitelma
- PehmoGIS paikkatietoliittymä
- Envie project report and conclusions
- Stern report
- Tekes seminaari
- MIT sustainability summit
- Tekes energiatehokkuusseminaari
- Tekes elinkaarimalli
- Tekes intelligent energy management
- fi:David Bohm en:David Bohm
- Homepage of David Bohm
- en:Bohm Dialogue
- Nuorten Helsinki: nuorisovaltuusto Helsinkiin!
- Nuorten Helsinki: toimintasuunnitelma 2009-2010
Upload the results of the models into the Opasnet Base
- Image:Greenhouse gas emissions.ANA
- Image:Nitrate.ANA
- Image:WHO mortality data.ANA
- Image:WHO morbidity data.ANA
Copying dissertation theses of THL/YMTO to Opasnet
- All theses produced in THL/YMTO should be chopped into pieces and encyclopedia articles should be made out of them in Opasnet.