European Environment and Health Observatory
Future Needs of Research Infrastructures in Environmental Sciences
Environment and health policy perspective on FP7 Leendert van Bree – MNP / RIVM (*)
Outstanding Environment and Health Issues
Health impact and burden of disease based priorities (physical environment - responsible for 2-8% of total disease burden in EU-25)
- Air pollution (outdoor/indoor)
- Noise
- Radiation
- External safety
- Water quality
- Climate change
- Altered population sensitivity
Quality of life (community liveability)
- Quality of life, well-being, and life satisfaction
Lifestyle and socio-cultural-economic development
Sustainability and urban planning
- Paradigm for Environment and Health Policy
- Decisions, regulatory actions, and legislation
- Improvement and sustainable development of the quality of the environment
- Risk management analysis
- Regulatory options
- Evaluation of public health, social, and economic consequences
- Health effectiveness, cost-efficiency, scenario’s, multicriteria analyses
- Risk communication
- Data and information exchange
- Stakeholders needs and participation
- Health impact, exposure assessment, and quality of life analyses
- Quantifying health impacts, exposures, and source contributions
- Indicators for ‘deaths, diseases, and dollars’ and quality of life
- Risk perception, and life satisfaction
Data Information Infrastructures FP7
- Knowledge-based (basic science capacity building)
- Environment and Health Policy-based (applied science capacity building)
- to support risk assessment for risk management purposes for known and new risk factors
- data needs
- infrastructure needs
- to support risk assessment for risk management purposes for known and new risk factors
Data information needs (top 10)
- Quantifying health risks
- Quantifying population exposures
- Low-level (multi-)exposures - long-term impact, evidence, and causality
- Understanding of (altered) human vulnerability – demography, ageing (!), climate change
- Deaths, life shortening, disease burden, quality of life, life satisfaction, risk perception/fear
- impacts, cost-benefits, CRA, multicriteria analyses, risk prioritization
- Monitoring / modelling positive impacts of interventions (i.e. policy measures)
- impacts from equity, efficiency and societal perspectives
- Early warning on new risk factors
- Communication and stakeholder participation mechanisms (information needs, data, modelling, outcomes, policy implication and focus)
- Improvement of risk assessment methodologies and information systems
- Risk assessment and management framework for sensible decision-making
Infrastructure needs (top 4)
- EU Environment and Health Information and Management Observatory (i.e. an infrastructure facility)
- Key words are focus, integration, cooperation, science-policy interface for environment and health information, risk management, and effective policy options
- Environmental assessment/public health agencies -
- Focus on policy and risk management priorities > integrated assessments > data needs > research needs
- FP7 should ask for policy-based priorities, assessment and research frameworks and infrastructures, integration at EU level, and transatlantic tuning
- Scientific agencies/institutes –
- Focus on necessary (integrated) assessments, data generation, methodology development (monitoring, modelling).
- FP7 should ask for European Environment and Health Expertise and Information Centres (the “E&H Observatory”) for impact assessment modules, scientific input, and data base generation and maintenance
European Task Force on Environment and Health
There is a need for an initiative to set up a European Task Force on
Environment and Health to advice the Commission on:
- Identification of critical environmental health threats
- Assessing causes and impacts
- Provision of effective risk reduction strategies
- Setting of policy needs-driven research agendas
- Training and education
- Intercontinental and global policy and research gearing and also to guide the European E&H Observatory.