Population of Europe

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Population of Europe estimates the size of the population in Europe in 2000-2050.D↷


What is the the number of people in the countries of the European Union and on the 50x50 km Emep grid, for the years 2000, 2010, 2020, 2030, 2050, disaggregated by age (5 year age groups), gender and spatial location of residence?



  • IPCC / SRES. Source: Lutz / IIASA 1995
    • From 1995; 13 regions of the world; stratified by 5 year age groups and gender, 1995 – 2100 in 5 year steps
  • CIESIN/SEDAC: GWP http://sedac.ciesin.columbia.edu/gpw/global.jsp
    • 1990 – 2015; total # per grid cell, extrapolate current population growth to 2015; 1°, ½°, ¼°, 2.5’; not stratification into sub groups
  • UN data http://esa.un.org/unpp/index.asp
    • 1950 – 2050; all countries, 5 y. age groups & gender; 3 growth rates
    • PRIMES and TIMES are based on this; GAINS is based on PRIMES
  • Very fine national data provided by Danielle from IC
    • 2001; LAU 2 level; later gridded 100m; 5 year age groups & gender





Let the following.

  • Country is the index for European countries. There should be a row "Sea" for sea areas.
  • Year is the index for years considered (selected years between 2000-2050)
  • Sex is the index for sex (Male or Female)
  • EMEP is the index for EMEP grid identifiers (1 - ca. 3000)
  • Age is the index for 5-year age groups of the population.
  • Population_by_country is the total population in Europe, indexed by country, age group, and year.
  • Country_emep is an indicator (indexed by EMEP and Country), which tells the fraction of each EMEP grid cell that belongs to the specified country. This sums up to 1 when summed up over Country.
  • Population_emep is the current population disaggregated into the EMEP grid.
  • Population_ic is the disaggregated population data for 2001. This should be first aggregated to EMEP grid (if that's what we want). This is indexed by age and sex.

The Analytica code for disaggretagion could look like this D↷:

<anacode> var a:= population_emep*country_emep; a:= a/sum(a,emep); a:= a*population_by_country </anacode>

See also



See also
