Influencing environmental decisions of authorities, and responding to that

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Influencing environmental decisions of authorities, and responding to that is a course about effective open methods for those who want to influence environmental decisions made by public authorities, and for public authorities who want to respond to this influence. This course is organised by Eracedu. The methods to influence are based on open assessment.

Question (scope)

What should be taught to authorities, environmental activists, and private companies so that they can effectively promote their views and opinions about an environmental decisions at hand in such a way that it is backed up by scientific understanding of the issue and solid arguments? How can they defend their opinions against attacks by other interested parties and stakeholders?

The course is a one-day basic course of methods and practices of open assessment. It contains lectures and computer exercises. It is possible to participate online.

Rationale (definition)

Result (hypotheses)

Each slot lasts for one hour (including possible breaks). A full day lasts from 8.30 to 16.30 with seven slots and a one-hour lunch break.

  • Lecture 1: Brief introduction to Opasnet and its role in environmental conflicts. Introduction to a case study suggested previously by the participants (or mentioned in the course call). Division of tasks based on personal interests.
  • Lecture 2: Introduction to information objects and their structure. Introduction to result range and subjective probability. Introduction to pragma-dialectics.
  • Lecture 3: Introduction to the use of Opasnet. Editing contents. Avoiding edit conflicts. Participating in discussions. The most important buttons and templates.
  • Exercise 4: Working on the case study in pairs based on the own tasks.
  • Exercise 5: Discussion about the case study work and problems related to it. Work continues singly (or in pairs).
  • Exercise 6: Work on the case study continues.
  • Discussion 7: Discussion on the case study results, the work done, and the planned work in the future. Feedback about the method and needs of improvement. Needs of support.