Population of Europe
Moderator:Jouni (see all) |
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What is the number of people in different countries in Europe, disaggregated by age, sex, and spatial location of residence, in 2000-2050?
- WHO population projection 2000-2050 for age, sex, and time dimensions.
- CIESIN population data for spatial location.
- No parents defined.
Let the following.
- Country is the index for European countries. There should be a row "Sea" for sea areas.
- Year is the index for years considered (selected years between 2000-2050)
- Sex is the index for sex (Male or Female)
- EMEP is the index for EMEP grid identifiers (1 - ca. 3000)
- Age is the index for 5-year age groups of the population.
- Population_by_country is the total population in Europe, indexed by country, age group, and year.
- Country_emep is an indicator (indexed by EMEP and Country), which tells the fraction of each EMEP grid cell that belongs to the specified country. This sums up to 1 when summed up over Country.
- Population_emep is the current population disaggregated into the EMEP grid.
The Analytica code for disaggretagion could look like this D↷:
<anacode> var a:= population_emep*country_emep; a:= a/sum(a,emep); a:= a*population_by_country </anacode>
See also