ERF of heavy metals on selected endpoints

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What are the exposure-response functions of arsenic (As), nickel (Ni), mercury (Hg), lead (Pb), chromium (Cr), cadmium (Cd) for the relevant health endpoints of each metal?



ESPREME project results for ERFs of heavy metals[1]
ID Use[2] Population group[3] Pollutant Expoure route Exposure time [years][4] Effect Absolute risk[5] Exposure unit respectively intake rate YLL YLD IQ points lost
Functions recommended for usage
1 1 All As Ingestion 70 Skin cancer 0.00002 ug/day 6.09 0.19 0
2 1 All As Inhalation 70 Skin cancer 0.0004 ug/m3 6.09 0.19 0
3 1 All As Inhalation 70 Lung cancer 0.0015 ug/m3 15.95 0.26 0
4 1 All As Ingestion 70 Bladder cancer 0.0001 ug/day 4.63 0.36 0
5 1 All As Inhalation 70 Bladder cancer 0.000004 ug/m3 4.63 0.36 0
8 1 All As Ingestion 1 Still birth[6] 0.0001044 ug/day 0.00 1.28 0
9 1 All As Inhalation 1 Still birth 0.002088 ug/m3 0.00 1.28 0
17 1 Minors Pb Inhalation 5[7] Children's IQ 0.1 ug/m3 0.00 0.00 1
23 1 All Hg Inhalation 35 CHS effects in adults - ataxia 0.00014 ug/m3 0.01 0.12 0
25 1 All Ni Inhalation 70 Lung cancer 0.00038 ug/m3 15.95 0.26 0
103 1 All Cd Inhalation 70 Cancer 85% fatal 0.0018 ug/m3 15.95 0.26 0
104 1 All CrVI Inhalation 70 Cancer 85% fatal 0.012 ug/m3 15.95 0.26 0
106 1 All PCBs Inhalation 70 Cancer 50% fatal 0.0001[8] ug/m3 9.38 0.15 0
107 1 Age<1[9] Pb Ingestion 1 Children's IQ 0.042 ug/day 0.00 0.00 1
Functions used for sensitivity analysis
6 2 All As Ingestion 35 Cardiovascular mortality 0.003 ug/day 12.80 0.00 0
7 2 All As Inhalation 35 Cardiovascular mortality 0.02 ug/m3 12.80 0.00 0
10 2 All Cd Ingestion 35 Osteoporosis 0.008 ug/day 0.00 0.28 0
11 2 All Cd Inhalation 35 Osteoporosis 0.16 ug/m3 0.00 0.28 0
12 2 All Cd Ingestion 35 Renal dysfunction 0.0004 ug/day 0.00 0.64 0
13 2 All Cd Inhalation 35 Renal dysfunction 0.008 ug/m3 0.00 0.64 0
18 2 All Pb Food 1 Anaemia 0.000048 ug/day 0.00 0.64 0
19 2 All Pb Water 1 Anaemia 0.0002 ug/l 0.00 0.64 0
20 2 All Pb Inhalation 1 Anaemia 0.0013 ug/m3 0.00 0.64 0
24 2 All Hg Inhalation 35 Renal dysfunction - preclinical effects 0.002 ug/m3 0.06 0.58 0
Functions not used in ESPREME/DROPS
14 3 All CrVI Inhalation 70 Lung cancer 0.004 ug/m3 15.95 0.26 0
15 3 Minors Pb Food 5 Children's IQ 0.32 ug/day 0.00 0.00 1
16 3 Minors Pb Water 5 Children's IQ 0.48 ug/l[10] 0.00 0.00 1
101[11] 3[12] All Cd Inhalation 70 Lung cancer 0.0018 ug/m3 15.95 0.26 0
102 3[13] All As Inhalation 70 Cancer 85% fatal 0.0043 ug/m3 15.95 0.26 0
105 3[14] All Ni Inhalation 70 Cancer 85% fatal 0.00024 ug/m3 15.95 0.26 0
21 2/3[15] Minors Hg Ingestion 1 Children's IQ 0.149 ug/day 0.00 0.00 1
22 2/3[16] All Hg Ingestion 35 CHS effects in adults - ataxia 0.0013 ug/day 0.01 0.12 0


None defined.


Depends on metal and endpoint.




See also


  1. ESPREME home page
  2. tn: 1 - ERF recommended for usage 2 - ERF only recommended for sensitivity analysis 3- ERF not recommended for usage (e.g. to avoid double counting)
  3. tn: Minors: Younger than 18 years
  4. tn: After which period of exposure will additional risk be observed? [years]
  5. tn: Additional fraction of "Population group", that will be effected, if concentration value increases by one "Exposure unit respectively intake rate".
  6. tn: still birth/adverse pregnancy outcome (2)
  7. tn: Minors: Divide by 5 Exposure Time: Divide by 5, means about 3.6 years effective exposure time.
  8. tn: per 1ug/m3/70years
  9. tn: In ESPREME this is assumed to be 1% of the population.
  10. tn: In ESPREME this is assumed to be 1% of the population.
  11. tn: ERF from Ari Rabl instead of Allison Searl.
  12. tn: See 103
  13. tn: See 2-5
  14. tn: See 25
  15. tn: Could have been used for sensitivity analyis, but Hg is not covered by ESPREME's water and soil distribution model.
  16. tn: Could have been used for sensitivity analyis, but Hg is not covered by ESPREME's water and soil distribution model.