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Fineli - Finnish Food Composition Database contains information about Finnish food composition, including over 2000 foods and 54 nutrient factors. Nutrient values in the database are the average concentration of Finnish foods.

General about Fineli

The national food composition database Fineli is maintained by the Nutrition unit of the National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL). The database was originally established at the in 1984 as the part of the ATBC study (Alpha-Tocopherol Beta-Carotene Cancer Prevention Study), which is the largest dietary survey carried out in Finland.

You can search for either foods or components.

  • Foods can be searched using
alphabetical order, by ingredient class, by food use class, special diets, most popular or foodbasket 
  • Components can be searched using
alphabetical order, most and least, by ingredient class or by food use class 


Food is a substance that is used as a source of nourishment as such or after processing. The processing method of food is available on the web site, when it is applicable. Foods have been divided into two groups: basic foods and mixed dishes. The composition of dishes has been calculated according to the average recipes found from the Finnish cookery books. Yield factors for water loss have been taken into account.

Food composition

Nutrient values refer to 100 g of the edible part of food. However, nutrient values for vegetables and fruits that are normally served with waste (e.g. peel, stone) refer to 100 g of food with its waste. For those foods the database has values both for peeled and unpeeled food. Nevertheless, the nutrient values of fishes and meat refer to the edible part.

Nutrient value is the average concentration of Finnish foods. Because of that the nutrient value of individual food may deviate from the value on the website. The deviation may be due to the modification of food ingredients or the food has been supplemented. Breed, forage and season influence on the composition of meat, milk and egg and the degree of ripeness and cultivation conditions influence on the composition of vegetables, fruits and grain. The processing methods of foods cause also differences in food composition.

Every nutrient value has a code indicating method and acquisition type. The composition of dishes has been calculated by recipe. Nutrient losses during preparation of food have been taken into account for Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin B12, Thiamine, Niacin, Folic acid, Riboflavin and Pyridoxine.