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- According to open assessment: A method that has its management operationalised into a software so that the method can be performed with minimal human work. A model can be automatically run by a computer after the input parameters have been entered. The output of the computation is optimally the result of a variable. A model can also refer to a freely structured object, see a definition below. D↷
- According to Intarese: A representation or description designed to show the structure or workings of an object, system or concept. In relation to the toolbox a model is a tool that is applied for calculating something, e.g. propagation model of stressors, dose-response-relationships. [1]<section end=glossary />
Model description
Model description contains the general format for the description of models.
- How to access
- Purpose
- Boundaries (related to the part of reality that the model deals with)
- Field(s) of model: Choose between Outdoor Air; Indoor Air; Water; Soil; Noise; Exposure; Multimedia; Consumer products; Drinking water; Dose-Response, PBPK; Integrated Assessment systems; Monetary Evaluation; etc.
- Spatial coverage
- Spatial resolution
- Temporal coverage
- Temporal resolution
- Pollutants / Stressors / Agents covered
- Health effects
- Population data
- Source types of emissions / sectors
- Physical information (e.g. meteorologies)
Definition of the process
- Input (separately described for each input)
- Data type
- Data sources
- Data format
- Input stemming from other models
- Output (separately described for each output)
- Data type (incl. if the output is point estimates or a distribution)
- Data sources
- Data format
- Results
- Output that goes into other models
- Database type: Please choose between ORACLE; SQL; MS-ACCESS; etc
- Rationale
- Rationale (general)
- Weaknesses of the model
- Comments
- Procedure as such
- Assumptions and constraints made to facilitate the calculation
- Management of the model
- Operating System: Please choose between WINDOWS; UNIX; LINUX; OS-MAC; VAX-VMS; etc.
- Portability: YES (which OS) / NO
- Software requirements
- Please list here the software(s) that are needed to run the model (if someone) ----#(number):: . what do you mean with "if someone?" --Alexandra Kuhn 10:33, 18 June 2008 (EEST) (type: truth; paradigms: science: comment)
- Hardware platform on which it runs
- Time required for a typical run
- Programming language and functions
- Please specify which programming language and/or functions used
- Developed by/support available from
- Intellectual property rights (who is allowed to access or use the model?)
- Owned by ...
- Canned model cannot be modified / Open source / Operated under license / Other
- Degree of mastery (who could use the model? Must he/she be trained?): In familiarization / Basic user / Expert user
- Can modify/reprogram within platform YES / NO
- Can transport to alternate platform YES / NO
- Unit responsible for running and maintenance
- Contact person
See also