Talk:ERF of dioxin
Scope/Ambiguity with Health effects of dioxins
Fact discussion: . |
Opening statement: Ambiguity with Health effects of dioxins must be resolved
Closing statement: This variable is exposure-response, Health effects of dioxins is a health estimate. (A closing statement, when resolved, should be updated to the main page.) |
←--1: . The variables Responses of dioxin exposure on human health at the population level (originally Dioxin exposure-response function on population level) and Health effects of dioxins are ambiguous. The first one should tell about the exposure-response function, i.e. the amount of health effect per unit exposure. The second one should tell the amount of health effect in a given situation and exposure. Taking the two variables together, the dose-response is already well characterized (although childhood effects may need more scrutiny), but the actual health effect estimates for Hämeenkyrö are missing (which is, of course, not an easy question). --Jouni 07:17, 22 September 2006 (EEST) (type: truth; paradigms: science: defence)