Horizon 2020

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Horizon 2020 is the EU research funding program after the Seventh Framework Program. [1]

Some interesting topics in Horizon 2020 include the following.

Health, demographic change and wellbeing

Draft Horizon 2020 Work Programme 2014-2015 in the area of health, demographic change and wellbeing Funding call

Effective health promotion, disease prevention, preparedness and screening

PHC 4 – 2015: Health promotion and disease prevention: improved inter-sector co-operation for environment and health based interventions

←--#: . This should interest YMTO, THL and also the ministry. International collaboration is easy to find from existing constacts. --Jouni 11:46, 12 December 2013 (EET) (type: truth; paradigms: science: defence)

Specific challenge
Better health promotion and disease prevention interventions can make a significant contribution to equitable health improvements and thus the sustainability of health and care systems. A “health in all policies” approach has been identified as a promising means to stimulate and foster environments that support health, wellbeing and behavioural change. This requires a multi-sector approach that aims to improve health by addressing such factors as housing; water and sanitation systems; transportation; exposure to chemicals and their mixtures; communication, education and information; occupational factors, physical activity, food production and distribution, and the physical, natural and social environments.
Given the breadth of sectors, the scope of this topic is limited to the integration of environment, climate and health sectors (including but not limited to air quality, water and sanitation, chemicals, occupational factors, etc.).

Using a multidisciplinary approach and involving relevant stakeholders such as policy makers, the private sector, civil society organisations and so on, proposals should address all of the following elements:

  • Develop inter-sector interventions (and/or policy initiatives) to promote health or prevent disease based on known environmental stressors. These inter-sector interventions should address key environmental stressors for which changes in relevant EU and international policies related to environment, climate and health would have the greatest impact. In the development of these interventions, age and gender aspects should be taken into account where appropriate.
  • Document success characteristics of the abovementioned inter-sector interventions, including those factors that help to overcome barriers to inter-sector co-operation; contextual factors such as the interplay between politics and economics should be addressed;
  • Assess these inter-sector interventions for their health, economic and social benefits and their impact on reducing inequalities.

In line with the Union’s strategy for international cooperation in research and innovation5, research activities will be developed as a European contribution to existing international activities and those under development. The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of between EUR 4 and 6 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately.

Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts. Expected impact:

  • On the basis of quantitative and qualitative indicators, evidence on effective interventions taking a ‘health in all’ approach, linking environment, climate and health, allowing informed decisions on multi-sector interventions and related policies.
  • Impact on health and care systems and other public services in terms of their sustainability,
  • Contribution to the EU commitment to the Rio+20 agenda and the new UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as well as to the Parma declaration 2010.
Type of action
Research and innovation actions

Science with and for Society

Draft Horizon 2020 Work Programme 2014-2015 in the area of Science with and for Society Funding call

Call for integrating Society in Science and Innovation H2020 – ISSI – 2014/2015

Citizens' interests and values need to be better integrated into science, technology, research and innovation issues, policies and activities. This integration will increase the quality, relevance, social acceptability and sustainability of research and innovation outcomes in various fields of activity from social innovation to nanotechnology. This integration will be made possible by promoting Responsible Research and Innovation, i.e. the engagement of citizens and society in a co-creative research and innovation process.

Responsible Research and Innovation are part of the effort to establish the European Research Area and fulfil the commitment of the Innovation Union. In 2014 and 2015, Science with and for Society will promote and further the understanding of Responsible Research and Innovation by combining actions in particular aiming at:

  • Developing citizens’ interest and capacities for science and allowing them to actively participate in various scientific activities (e.g. exhibitions and science cafés, grass roots "Do It Yourself" (DiY) creative re-use communities, on-line mechanisms for knowledge-based policy advice);
  • Fostering the dissemination of information and good practices through a Knowledge Sharing Platform (KSP), including networking, monitoring and assessing relevant initiatives;
  • Supporting structural change in the research organisation and higher education institutions to promote Responsible Research and Innovation.

These activities are targeted to citizens and their associations or groupings, researchers and innovators, research organisations, policy and decision makers at national, regional and local levels, primary, secondary and higher education establishments, science museums, libraries, media, artists, creative industries, etc.

The expected outcome of European Commission actions is a net improvement of the integration of society in science and innovation.

Proposals are invited against the following topics:

ISSI.1.2014.2015 - Pan-European public outreach: exhibitions and science cafés engaging citizens in science

⇤--#: . Interesting but maybe too much exhibition-oriented for me. Too little science and policy. --Jouni 11:46, 12 December 2013 (EET) (type: truth; paradigms: science: attack)

Specific challenge
This topic will organise public outreach exhibitions and participatory events throughout the whole of Europe to engage citizens in science, drawing on the experience and capacity of science museums, Higher Education Institutions, science shops, scientific centres of excellence and innovation hubs, cities of scientific culture (e.g. building on the Seventh Framework programme PLACES initiative), but also grass root Do It Yourself (DiY) creative re-use communities (like movements, etc.), secondary schools, higher education centres, Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and civil society organizations, local public authorities and other relevant stakeholders19. The topic will take-up and further develop the information and training material produced by the RRI Toolkit developed by the Seventh Framework Programme project RRI Toolkit.
Exhibitions and participatory events shall be interactive and adapted to local/regional conditions (i.e.: use of relevant case-studies) and shall take place in the local languages. Exhibits shall provide material for dissemination and make use of existing multimedia and other relevant technology (e.g.: social media, virtual reality, scenarios, gaming, etc.) and shall employ inclusive participatory techniques to engage with multiple publics (children, youth, women, adults, and other relevant stakeholders). Alongside the exhibitions, the proposals shall also establish regular 'science cafés' in informal settings, during which emerging science and technology issues and their Responsible Research and Innovation dimension (e.g. debating the pros and cons of shale gas extraction, personalised medicine, energy mix, disaster risk management etc.) can be debated, engaging citizens and other relevant experts and local actors. Public feedback of exhibits and the outcomes of deliberations shall be collected and analysed in a structured way, to guide an internal learning process and provide policy support.

The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of between EUR 3 and 3.5 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.

Expected impact: In the short term, this action will increase public awareness of science and of Responsible Research and Innovation. In the medium term, it will build capacity of local science actors and public authorities to engage with citizens on science and innovation, leading to more public engagement activities after the end of the project. Equally, it will directly encourage more citizens, including women, to participate in science. It will encourage user-led and frugal innovation, and mobilise social resources in the knowledge transfer of ideas - from social imagination to practical implementation. In the long term, it will channel to policy makers at different levels external advice and societal inputs regarding appropriate R&I policies (as per Art. 12 and 14 of the H2020 Regulation).

Type of action
Coordination and Support Actions. The conditions related to this topic are provided at the end of this call and in the General Annexes
ISSI.2.2014 - Citizens and multi-actor engagement for scenario building20

----#: . This is a coordination action, but could still be worth considering. --Jouni 11:46, 12 December 2013 (EET) (type: truth; paradigms: science: comment)

Specific challenge
This action aims to empower and draw on the collective intelligence of citizens to examine the role of research and innovation via future scenarios and visions of desirable sustainable futures. It will connect scientists, stakeholders and citizens (including youth) in building shared understanding.
This action, which follows on from the Seventh Framework Programme VOICES initiative21, shall develop and implement methodologies for pan-European and multilingual face-to-face participatory and inclusive workshops with citizens (including youth, women) and other stakeholders, to devise scenarios, visions and storylines in relation to desirable sustainable European research and innovation futures. The visions and scenarios shall consider future expected advances in science and their impact on technology, society, economy, gender, health, and the environment. The deliberations shall target at least three Societal Challenges of Horizon 2020. The use of support tools for the interactive exploration of "what if" questions, resulting trade-offs and scenario building, are encouraged. This should include a mix of participatory multi criteria analysis, virtual reality techniques, collaborative Geographical Information System (GIS), and integrated assessment modelling, to enhance citizen understanding and exploration of desirable futures. The methods shall take on a pan-European and multilingual dimension through their deployment in 28 Member States (and some selected Associate Countries). In parallel to the face-to-face workshops, a dedicated participatory on-line consultation shall be launched (building e.g. on relevant Eurobarometer studies). The outcomes of the consultations shall be compared with those from other expert-based foresight and prospective studies to assess the relative merits of citizen focussed consultations for inspiring research and innovation policy development and implementation. The outcome of this topic shall provide inputs to the 2016-2017 Horizon 2020 Work programmes and other relevant EU policy initiatives.

The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of EUR 3.3 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.

Expected impact
In the immediate future, this action will generate further engagement of citizens and scientific stakeholders in envisioning socially desirable futures, with a view of inspiring future research, innovation and public policies as a means to achieve these futures. In the medium term, it will contribute to enhanced understanding of the likely effects of scientific progress, to increased scientific literacy in society, and will enhance policy-makers' ability to set scientific courses in line with societal needs and aspirations.
Type of action
Coordination and Support Actions.

The conditions related to this topic are provided at the end of this call and in the General Annexes

ISSI.3.2015 – Knowledge Sharing Platform

←--#: . This is one of the key priorities. Opasnet fits into this perfectly. However, this is not research but coordination action. --Jouni 11:46, 12 December 2013 (EET) (type: truth; paradigms: science: defence)

Specific challenge
Evidence from Sixth Framework Programme Science and Society (S&S) and Seventh Framework Programme Science in Society (SiS) programmes shows that more consistent policy development in Science and Technology requires systematic cooperation and a shared knowledge base on which European, national and sub-national research and innovation policy decisions can be drawn from.
The topic aims to foster the sharing of ‘Science With and For Society’ experience and know-how in Europe, and beyond. Activities shall envisage building a Knowledge

21 This activity directly aimed supporting the development and implementation of evidence base for R&I policies and supporting various groups of stakeholders is excluded from the delegation to REA and will be managed by the Commission services Sharing Platform (KSP) to federate Responsible Research and Innovation communities and make RRI and its key dimensions more effective research and innovation policy support tools. It shall simultaneously operate and draw from the networking of relevant projects, service contracts and actors. Furthermore, the KSP shall provide an RRI assessment and good practice function, and will disseminate and advocate findings with a view to strengthen European leadership in the governance of Responsible Research and Innovation in both policy-relevant and thematic European and global fora corresponding to the Horizon 2020 Societal Challenges. The KSP shall use a variety of means of exchange, employing e.g. direct face-to-face meetings, participatory processes as well as social media and modern ICT and multimedia tools (non-exhaustive list).

The Knowledge Sharing Platform (KSP) shall hold Mobilisation and Mutual Learning workshops to provide a platform for researchers, practitioners, national Science with and for Society -related programme managers and policy-makers and other stakeholders to reflect upon, share, assess, consolidate and transfer experiences and lessons learnt from Sixth and Seventh Framework Programmes projects, activities, methodologies and outcomes. Furthermore, the proposals shall also aim to support the Science with and for Society Community by facilitating new and lasting partnerships, fostering joint visions and positions amongst constituencies.

The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of EUR 3 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.

Expected impact
This action will federate RRI actors and communities, consolidate and advance knowledge on science in society e in Europe and will improve access to existing knowledge, know-how and experience, thereby reducing institutional costs and efforts of in applying RRI principles. In the medium term, it will facilitate the spill-over of RRI to regions of Europe that are currently lagging behind. In the long term, it will position EU research teams on the map as leaders in the global governance of research.
Type of action
Coordination and Support Actions. The conditions related to this topic are provided at the end of this call and in the General Annexes

ISSI.4.2015 - On-line mechanisms for knowledge-based policy advice

←--#: . This is the most interesting, and it is research. --Jouni 11:46, 12 December 2013 (EET) (type: truth; paradigms: science: defence)

Specific challenge
In a global perspective Europe can gain from effective knowledge-based decision-making, widening its knowledge base beyond science, not the least with regard to science, technology and innovation (STI) governance itself. This requires a combined effort of a) establishing national capacity for knowledge-based policy advice across Europe, b) establishing common methodological frameworks, and c) increasing the volume and effectiveness of cross-European collaboration in order to create European added value. Initiatives have been taken towards such a development, including Mobilisation and Mutual Learning Action Plans (MML) and research in Responsible Research and Innovation frameworks, methodologies, participation. However, the potential of developing on-line services for such goals is yet unexplored.
The on-line dimension of knowledge-based decision-making should involve different mechanisms, such as Science 2.0, e-Science approaches and other collaborative functions for policy analysis, forward looking studies, technology assessment, data exchange for research etc.; trans-European collaboration tools focusing on EU level policy advice; work-flow management systems for specific methods; participatory citizen and stakeholder consultation systems; services supporting Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) methods and frameworks, including gender equality; Web-services for the project life-cycle - project definition, method choice, evaluation and management. The proposals shall probe the potential and feasibility of on-line services and develop and demonstrate on-line services that will strengthen European capacity for knowledge-based policy analysis and advice, with special emphasis on Science, technology and Innovation (STI) governance. Emphasis shall be put on a well-documented demand-side, on targeted user-centred solutions, and on usability across languages and among different institutional structures in the advisory domains. Innovation height shall be found in the functions provided, and the use of known and well tested enabling ICT technologies is to be preferred.

The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of EUR 4 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.

Expected impacts
In the short term, open and wide-spread access of citizens, end-users stakeholders to on-line services providing processes and methods for knowledge-based policy advice, enhancing the innovation process. In the medium term, enduring organisational structures that can maintain the services after the end of the research. In the long term, greater trans-European collaboration on knowledge-based policy advice. Promotion of the objectives of citizen engagement in policy making postulated in the Lisbon Treaty.
Type of action
Research and Innovation Actions. The conditions related to this topic are provided at the end of this call and in the General Annexes

ISSI.5.2014.2015 - Supporting structural change in research organisations to promote Responsible Research and Innovation23

⇤--#: . This is coordination and requires contacts to countries where there are not ready-made contacts. --Jouni 11:46, 12 December 2013 (EET) (type: truth; paradigms: science: attack)

Specific challenge
Many barriers exist to practical implementation of RRI in research organizations. Therefore it is crucial to encourage the modernisation of institutional practices and culture in research institutions, Higher Education Institutions and funding agencies, to promote Responsible Research and Innovation. It also aims at supporting common actions by research institutions to identify and implement the best systemic organisational approaches to increase Responsible Research and Innovation uptake in research organizations.
This topic aims at developing a Responsible Research and Innovation Plan covering five RRI keys (societal engagement, gender equality and gender in research and innovation content, open access, science education and ethics) in each participating institution. The proposals shall include an analysis of the main problems and challenges, as well as a set of specific implementing actions aiming at the necessary structural change on the basis of specific situation and challenges. Action Plans shall be accompanied by an implementation roadmap. The RRI plans shall:
  • Conduct impact assessment / audit of procedures and practices in order to identify RRI barriers at organisation level;
  • Implement innovative strategies to address RRI barriers;
  • Develop the RRI dimension in research content and programmes;
  • Set targets and monitor progress via indicators at organisation level.

The proposals shall include a methodology for impartially monitoring and assessing the progress made throughout the duration of the project. This activity could be dedicated to a specific partner organisation or subcontracted.

The proposals should include an international dimension in particular with the following countries: Brazil, Republic of South Africa, India, Canada, Australia, Russia, United States of America, Japan and China. The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of between EUR 2 and 4 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.

Expected impact
Activities shall produce tangible and measurable results in terms of organisational process and structures. They will improve the uptake of Responsible Research and Innovation in research organisations, as the Plans will continue to be implemented in the medium / long term. In the medium term, institutional change shall be scalable to research institutions across EU 28 and Associated countries, thus contributing towards European Research Area (ERA) objectives. In the long term, the action will increase research institutions' ability to generate innovation that reflects societal needs.

Type of action: Coordination and Support Actions. The conditions related to this topic are provided at the end of this call and in the General Annexes

Deadline 02/10/2014 at 17.00.00 Brussels time: ISSI.1.2014.2015 ISSI.2.2014 ISSI.5.2014

Deadline [16/09/2015 at 17.00.00 Brussels time]: ISSI.1.2014.2015 ISSI.3.2015 ISSI.4.2015 ISSI.5.2015

Overall indicative budget: EUR 10.3 million from the 201426 budget and EUR 22 million from the 2015 budget.

Call 2014 EUR 2015 EUR Type
ISSI.1.2014.2015 3 million 7 million Single stage
ISSI.2.2014 3.3 million Single stage
ISSI.3.2015 3 million Single stage
ISSI.4.2015 4 million Single stage
ISSI.5.2014.2015 4 million 8 million Single stage

Eligibility and admissibility conditions: The conditions are described in parts B and C of the General Annex to the work programme, with the following exceptions:

ISSI.2.2015 ISSI.3.2014 The specific eligibility conditions are the following: The consortium must consist of at least 10 independent legal entities established in at least 10 different EU Member States or Associated Countries.

ISSI.1.2014.2015 ISSI.2.2015 ISSI.3.2014 ISSI.4.2015 The specific eligibility conditions are the following: The consortium shall comprise at least one of each of the following types of partners: research performing or funding organisations, industry / businesses, policy makers, Civil Society Organisations.

ISSI.2.2015 ISSI.3.2014 ISSI.4.2015 Up to one proposal shall be funded

Evaluation criteria, scoring and threshold: The criteria, scoring and threshold are described in the part H of the General Annex to the work programme.