End user evaluation
[show] This page is a study.
The page identifier is Op_en3681 |
Please answer this questionnaire below to help us improve Opasnet and its contents. Simply copy the questionnaire text from below into an email, fill in the answers, and send it to juha.villman(at)thl.fi.
If you want to answer anonymously, it is also possible. Login to Opasnet with username: Anonymous and password:jokusalasana. Then click this link to send an email via Opasnet email system. This way, your personal information will not be recorded. Note! Don't use this user account for anything else; all edits made by Anonymous will be automatically removed.
See also the case study part of this evaluation in Finnish.
End user questionnaire
Questions about Opasnet website
This section is about the contents of Opasnet website. Please look around starting from Main Page (especially the part Active assessments), and also some popular pages such as Opasnet, Welcome to Opasnet, Glossary or Open assessment workshop 2009. Based on what you have seen, answer how much you agree with the following statements (1=strongly disagree, 2=disagree, 3=I don't know, 4= somewhat agree, 5=strongly agree).
- The quality of content in Opasnet is mostly good.
- The content is relevant and useful for me.
- Opasnet shows potential of becoming a major source of environmental health information in the future.
- Do you see potential for Opasnet becoming a major source of information in other domains, which? ____________________
- I will probably use Opasnet to find information.
- I will probably use Opasnet to provide information.
- It is easy to find information from Opasnet.
- It is easy to contribute (edit pages, create new pages, upload files) to Opasnet.
- It is easy to find an appropriate place for a new piece of information.
- Opasnet saves time compared to other working methods you are familiar with
- Which other working methods do you use regularly? ___________________
- General or other comments about Opasnet?__________________
Questions about open assessment method
This section is about the method of open assessment. Good pages to look at before answering these questions are Open assessment, Open assessor, Variable, Variable structure, Assessment, Assessment structure, and Universal object. Again, rate your agreement with statements (1=strongly disagree,... 5=strongly agree).
- The content about open assessment is informative.
- The content about open assessment is relevant for making assessments.
- All information that I would need about the method to make open assessments is available on the website.
- What information is missing?_______________
- Open assessment is a good and practical method.
- Open assessment is acceptable to the end-users.
- Open assessment is acceptable to me.
- Open assessment is an efficient way of collecting information and carrying out assessments.
- Opasnet pages on existing assessments help me perform my own assessment.
- Please explain your reasoning for any questions above (refer to the question numbers)._________________
- General or other comments about open assessment?________________________
Questions about a case study
This section is about a case study related to fish intake of pregnant mothers and the impact on the intelligence quotient (IQ) of the child. Please look at the case study page and then follow the links to different parts of the assessment for more details. Also try the links to the actual numerical results. Then, answer the following questions as before (1=strongly disagree,... 5=strongly agree).
- The content of the case study is informative.
- The content of the case study is relevant for making policy decisions about fish recommendations.
- The content of the case study seems reliable and scientifically justified.
- All information that is important to understand or accept the conclusions is available.
- What information is missing?______________
- Based on the information available, I find the conclusions acceptable.
- An assessment that is chopped into several web pages is an efficient way for finding the key message.
- Please explain your reasoning for any questions above (refer to the question numbers).______________
- General or other comments about the case study?________________
Questions about the respondent
Please provide some background information about you.
- What is your current role related to environmental health assessments?
- Authority/administrator
- Politician
- Assessor (risk assessor, impact assessor etc)
- Researcher
- Stakeholder
- Citizen
- Other, please specify_______________
- Is your age over 40 years? Yes/No
- Have you ever used wiki workspaces for reading and navigating through content? Yes/No
- Have you ever contributed (edited pages, created new pages, uploaded files) to wiki workspaces? Yes/No
- Have you contributed (edited pages, created new pages, uploaded files) to Opasnet? No / Yes, once or twice / Yes, several times.