Open 2009 notes
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The page identifier is Op_en3769 |
Moderator:Juha Villman (see all) |
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- Open 2009 website
- about 100 participants
- everything working nicely
- great audio/video -systems, multiple cameras
- online broadcast
- too long day program (9:00 to 18:30)
- too long sessions maybe... (1h 30 min - 1h 45 min)
- note to self! Check out PollDadd extension for Mediawiki and
- Qaiku -channel for (informal) comments etc. during the presentations is quite interesting idea but it seem to have some technical "thingys" so I do not think of using it.
5th of November
Keynote: Yrjö Engeström - The educational value of learning by cheating
- Tries to explain why cheating is good
- Studying stuff that will be on tests, not the whole content
- learning vs. grades
- not very useful to memorize lots of irrelevant stuff
- Italy has a culture of cheating in final exams
- It takes months to prepare a good cheating ware (belts etc.)
- Gathering data from multiple sources to create a synthesis of knowledge
- Preparation involves parents, grandparents and friends
- Bad cheating is to use a ready made cheating slips
- Good cheating is to create your own slips
- Several students did not need to use cheating slips -> preparing them was enough
- Cheating involves bad questions (fixed answers) and bad teaching
- In a test with good questions (no fixed answer) cheating is not that useful -> you can't find correct answers anywhere
Keynote: Jiri Räsänen - eCars Now!
- Open design EV
- eCars now! community, mostly finnish people participating
- Open source, documentation and CAD models
- Community has a wide range of backgrounds
- Electric cars have a history beginning from early 1900's
- Conversion takes only one weekend
- Compromises needs to be made because of fund limits related to material world
- Note to self: check out google sketch
- NOTE tool (database for ideas)
- works as a organizational memory
- different channels for posting notes
- somehow linked
- Public participation in planning (city planning)
- No actual electric tool yet...
Openness, inclusion and participation in museums
- Open = inclusion + participation
Open-ended engagement
- OpenKiasma...
Killer fashion revolution
Living laboratories as human centric innovation centers
- ?
Collaborative board game design
- variations on the idea of Carcassone
6th of November
Keynote: Massimo Menichinelli - openp2pdesign
- Strategic design project that offers Open P2P design projects
- Designing things openly, software etc. not limited to immaterial stuff
- OpenMoko (Open mobile phone)
- Open source projects are complex
- Open P2P design is open tools + open process
Keynote: Saara Taalas - Notes on fan organisation
- Fandom: organisation of production and consumption
World wide views on global warming information videos
- because climate change affects everyone, everyone should have a vote?
Ubiquitous open participation platform - yet another push for deliberative democracy
- what is deliberative democracy
- public
- open
- argumentation is valued, HOW?
- opinions may be changed due the dialogue
- some prototype mobile phone software
- study attempts to identify the elements that create urban experiences
- Note to self! Check out
- there's no places in the downtown helsinki where you can spend some time without buying something...