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=== Item types ===
=== Item types ===
'''Free-structured items
These items contain information in a free structure, i.e. the item type does not impose any particular internal structure for the item. Of course, many items such as publications may have a very detailed structure.
* '''Statement''' is a factual or value statement about how something is or should be, respectively. A statement may be developed into a discussion by adding and organising related argumentation (according to pragma-dialectics), or into a claim by organising premises and inference rules (according to Perelman).
** '''Fact statement''' is any text that claims something about the world.
** '''Value statement''' is any text that claims that something ought to be or that it is better than something else.
* '''Publication''' is any published report, book, web page or similar permanent piece of information that can be unambiguously referenced.
* '''Stakeholder''' describes an individual or organisation that participates in a decision process by providing information, making decisions, implementing them, or being affected by them.
* '''Topic''' is a description of an area of interest. It defines boundaries of a content rather than defines the content itself, which is done by statements. When the information structure is improved, a topic often develops into a question of a variable, while a statement develops into an answer of a variable.
** '''Decision''' describes a particular event where a decision maker chooses among defined alternatives. This may also be a part of an assessment under heading ''Decisions and scenarios''.
** '''Objective''' is a desired outcome of a decision. In shared understanding description, it is a topic (or variable) that has value statements attached to it.
* '''Action''' is work targeted to produce information for or make a decision, or implement it. It may have parts Who, What and When, but its internal information structure has not been standardised.
'''Structured items
These items have a standardised information structure. The first three types are [[knowledge crystal]]s with the structure question-answer-rationale. They are used in [[open assessment]]s.
* '''[[Assessment]]''' describes a decision situation and typically provides relevant information to decision makers before the decision is made (or sometimes after the decision about its implementation or success). It is mostly about the knowledge work, i.e. ''tasks'' for decision support.
* '''[[Variable]]''' describes a real-world topic that is relevant for the decision situation. It is about the ''substance'' of the topic.
* '''[[Method]]''' describes how information should be managed or analysed so that it will answer the policy-relevant questions asked. It is about ''methods''.
* '''[[Discussion]]''', or structured argumentation, describes arguments about a particular statement and a synthesis about an acceptable statement. There are two kinds of statements, factual and value-based. Note that also the answer of a variable typically is a statement, even if it is often produced by the means of a statistical analysis rather than an argumentation.
=== Properties ===
Relations are sentences that connect one item (subject) with a property (predicate or verb) to another item (object), possibly with qualifiers about scoping, references etc. In the open policy ontology, one key idea is that the relations are straightforward and simple enough so that a computer can make inferences about the items and their relations. Therefore, the number of relations is kept small. Some relations are the same as used in [[Wikidata]]. This approach is compatible with resource description framework (RDF), the same system that is used in Wikidata database. These are the key relations classified based on discipline.
* Set theory:
** '''[ instance of]''' ([ <> inverse of] has instance): subject belongs to a set defined by the object and inherits the properties of the set.
** '''[ subclass of]''' (<> has subclass): subject is a subset of object.
** '''[ part of]''' (<> [ has part]): is a part of a bigger entity, e.g. Venus is part of Solar System.
** '''has context''': subject given that object is true. {{comment|# |Can this be expanded? I can't quite understand the description.|--Tuukka 09:02, 2 July 2018 (GMt+2)}}
* Topical (in relation to a particular decision):
** '''substance of''' (<> has substance): is or describes substantive issues of a particular decision.
** '''decision process of''' (<> has decision process): is or describes parts of decision process of a particular decision.
** '''task of''' (<> has task): is or describes a task to promote a particular decision.
** '''method of''' (<> has method): is or describes methods used in a particular decision.
** '''stakeholder of''' (<> has stakeholder): is or describes a stakeholder of a particular decision process (including decision makers and experts) or someone who is affected by that decision.
** '''irrelevant to''' (<> has no use for): is or describes information that does not bring any added value to a particular decision.
* Logical:
** '''if - then''': If subject is true, then object is true. Also the negation is possible: if - then not.
** '''[ opposite of]''': subject is opposite of object.
** '''[ <> inverse of]''': a sentence is equal to another sentence where subject and object switch places and has the inverse relation. {{comment|# |When is this used and why is it used instead of just using the inverse of the relation?|--Tuukka 09:02, 2 July 2018 (GMt+2)}}
** '''and, or, equal, exists, for all''': logical operators.
* Causal:
** '''affects''': (more specifically [ cause of], [ immediate cause of], [ contributing factor of]). May have specifying qualifiers such as increases, decreases etc. if the outcome is a quantitative rather than qualitative.
** has causality {function, conditional probability}
* Referential:
** '''makes relevant''' (<> is relevant given): if the subject is relevant in the given context, then also the object is. This typically goes from a variable to value statement or from a value statement to a fact statement.
** '''makes irrelevant''' (<> is irrelevant given): opposite to ''makes relevant''. If the subject is relevant (or true?) in the given context, then the object is irrelevant. {{attack|#|Too similar to ''irrelevant to''. These two should be merged.|--[[User:Jouni|Jouni]] ([[User talk:Jouni|talk]]) 09:36, 23 November 2017 (UTC)}}
** '''makes redundant''' (<> is redundant given): Everything that is said in the object is already said in the subject. This depreciates a subject because it brings no added value. However, it is kept for archival reasons and to demonstrate that the statement was heard.
** '''has reference''' (<> is reference for): object is a reference that backs up statements presented in the subject. Used in the same context as references in scientific literature are used.
** '''stated in''': the source of a statement; may also refer to a person.
** '''has tag''' (<> is tag for): object is a keyword, type, or class for subject. Used in classifications.
** ''has category''' (<> is category for)
** '''associates to''' (<> associates to, i.e. is its own inverse): subject is associated to object in some way. This is a weak relation and does not affect the outcomes of inferences, but it may be useful to remind users that an association exists and it should be clarified more precisely.
** '''has topic''' (<> is discussed in): this is used when the subject is a publication and the object is a (broad) topic rather than a statement. In such situations, it is not meaningful to back up the object with references. Useful in describing the contents of a publication, or identifying relevant literature for a topic.
** '''answers question''' (<>is question for): this relation is used between a statement and a topic. In knowledge crystals, the relation is embedded in the object structure.
* Evaluative:
** '''has truthlikeness''': A subjective probability that subject is true. Object is a numeric value between 0 and 1. Typically this has a qualifier "according to X" where X is the person or archetype who has assigned the probability.
** '''has preference''': subject is better than object in a moral sense.
** '''has popularity''': measured based on likes given by users.
** '''values''' (<> is valued by): a stakeholder gives value or finds an object important. Object may be a topic or statement.
** '''finds important''' (<> is important to): synonym to "values" {{comment|# |Do we need both?|--[[User:Jouni|Jouni]] ([[User talk:Jouni|talk]]) 14:53, 9 November 2017 (UTC)}}
** '''has opinion''': a relation between a stakeholder and a value statement {{comment|# |Are there situations where "values" cannot be used?|--[[User:Jouni|Jouni]] ([[User talk:Jouni|talk]]) 14:53, 9 November 2017 (UTC)}} {{attack|# |Yes, if it points to a fact statement.|--[[User:Jouni|Jouni]] ([[User talk:Jouni|talk]]) 14:53, 9 November 2017 (UTC)}}
* Argumentative:
** '''attacks, defends, comments''': these argumentative relations are typically used ''within'' discussions to reach a statement. Therefore they rarely show up in the open policy ontology.
* Operational:
** '''performs''' (<> is performed by): who does a task?
** '''about''': a task is about a topic
** '''produces''': an output of a task of by a stakeholder
** '''is used by''' (<> uses): an input for a task
* Participatory:
** '''participates in''' (comments, negotiates, provides, uses, asks, answers, decides)
** '''has interest in / finds important''' {{comment|# |Do we need both? Is the former factual and the latter value-based?|--[[User:Jouni|Jouni]] ([[User talk:Jouni|talk]]) 10:47, 4 November 2017 (UTC)}}
** '''claims'''
** '''is affected by''' (a decision)
** '''has owner''' (<> is owned by)
* Other:
** There may also be mathematical and functional relations, but they are typically used in models within variables. Therefore they rarely show up here.
** '''exists within''' (the subject exists within the boundaries set by the object; existence does NOT mean that subject is true, only that there is a reason to consider its contents. {{comment|# |Example needed.|--[[User:Jouni|Jouni]] ([[User talk:Jouni|talk]]) 10:47, 4 November 2017 (UTC)}}
** There are important relations within decisions. Actions may be exclusive (if you do one, you cannot do another). Some sets of actions may be mutually exhaustive (all possible actions in a given situation are listed). It should be possible to describe these issues with relations as well, but such properties are not well developed yet.
In the case of a complex information object such as a book, it is impossible to classify all its contents using a single topical property or statement. Therefore, several topics, statements, or variables may be developed from its content. In many cases, the better usefulness of the new items justifies the extra work of organising information. When the new information structures are used, the original document is used as a reference to back up the new items.
=== Topical information areas ===
{{argument|relat1=relevant attack|selftruth1=true|id=arg3006|type=|content=The semantics of statements should be like this and should be updated to relevant tables:
* Arguments are any acts of discussion in pragma-dialectical sense.
* Discussion is a process of analysing the validity of an argument.
* Statements are arguments that are used as the starting point (or outcome) of a discussion. However, typically the term "argument" refers to an argument that is NOT a statement, because statements are called either statements or resolutions even thought they are also arguments.
** Statements can be divided into two classes based on their type:
*** value statement (about priorities and ethics and how things should be)
*** fact statement (about what is true and how things are)
** Statements can also be divided into classes based on their status:
** unresolved statements (disputed statements that are or have been under discussion and are therefore not actively used in inferences)
*** resolved statements, aka resolutions (the outcome statement of a discussion; this is the updated version and used in inferences)
*** the term statement is ambiguous about the type and phase, but each statement DOES have a type and a phase.
|sign=--[[User:Jouni|Jouni]] ([[User talk:Jouni|talk]]) 11:22, 24 August 2018 (UTC)}}
<t2b name="Hierarchies" index="Class,Lan" obs="Item" desc="Description" unit="-">
substance|en|substance, risk factor, risk indicator, data, data work, objective, priority, value judgement, expense, index, ovariable, key ovariable|generic vocabulary
substance|fi|substanssi, riskitekijä, riski-indikaattori, data, tietoaineisto, tiedon käyttö, tavoite, prioriteetti, arvoarvostelma, ovariable, avainovariable, tietokide, kustannus, indeksi|yleinen sanasto
knowledge crystal||knowledge crystal, ovariable, key ovariable, tietokide, avainovariable|
substance|en|health impact|special words
index||index, indeksi|
stakeholder|en|stakeholder, social and health organisation, ministry, expert organisation|
stakeholder|fi|toimija, sidosryhmä, sote-organisaatio, ministeriö, asiantuntijalaitos, hallinto-organisaatio|
health organisation||health organisation, sote-organisaatio|
data||tietoaineisto, data|
process|en|process, task, action, decision, work, prevention, treatment, support|Decision: action to be taken when the option has not yet been selected. Task: action to be taken when the option has been selected. Work: continuous actions of the same kind. Prevention, treatment, support: certain kinds of works.
process|fi|prosessi, tehtävä, päätös, toimenpide, toiminta, ehkäisy, hoito, tuki, tehtäväkokonaisuus, osiotyyppi|
action, process|en|task, action, decision, work, task 1, task 2, task 3, task 4, task 5|
action, process|fi|toimenpide, toiminta, päätös, työ, toimenpide 1, toimenpide 2, toimenpide 3, toimenpide 4, toimenpide 5|Numbered tasks can be used to illustrate the responsible organisation without showing the organisation as an explicit node on an insight diagram.
task 1||task 1, toimenpide 1|
task 2||task 2, toimenpide 2|
task 3||task 3, toimenpide 3|
task 4||task 4, toimenpide 4|
task 5||task 5, toimenpide 5|
assessment||assessment, arviointi|
decision||decision, päätös|
process, task|fi|prosessi, tehtävä, päätös, toimenpide, toiminta, ehkäisy, hoito, tuki, HNH2035-toimenpide, tehtäväkokonaisuus, osiotyyppi, JHS-luokka|
method|en|method, analysis, reporting, measurement, study, objective, publication, procedure|
method|fi|metodi, menetelmä, analyysi, raportointi, measurement, study, objective, publication, periaate, principle, toimintamalli|
objective||tavoite, objective, kustannustavoite, expense objective|
publication||julkaisu, publication|
causal link|en|reduces, improves, sustains, increases, affects, is affected by, indirectly affects, is indirectly affected by, prevents, decreases, cause of, immediate cause of, contributing factor of|
causal link|fi|edistää, estää, vähentää, parantaa, ylläpitää, lisää, vaikuttaa, vaikuttuu, syy, välitön syy, vaikuttava tekijä, lisääntyy, vähentyy|
positive causal link||edistää, parantaa, ylläpitää, lisää, increases, improves, sustains|
negative causal link||estää, vähentää, huonontaa, reduces, prevents, decreases, worsens|
participatory link|en|has performer, performs, decides, asks, participates, has participant, accepts, develops, proposes, answers, has responsible person, is responsible for, negotiates, recommends, controls, claims, has owner, owned by|
participatory link|fi|toteuttajana, toteuttaa, tehtävänä, tekee, ylläpitäjänä, valvojana, päättää, kysyy, osallistuu, osallistujana, hyväksyy, kehittää, ehdottaa, vastaa asiasta, vastuullisena, vastaa kysymykseen, neuvottelee, suosittelee, kontrolloi, väittää, omistaa, omistuu|
operational link|en|has option, is option for, is index for, has index, tells, describes, is described by, contains data, data contained in, is data for, uses, used by, is used by, produces, provides, has part, part of, about, has context, subclass of, has subclass, instance of, has instance, opposite of, inverse of, prepares, pays, is rationale for, has rationale|
operational link|fi|kuvaa, kuvautuu, sisältää dataa, dataa sisältyy, käyttää, käyttyy, tuottaa, tarjoaa, omistaa osan, sisältää osan, on osa, on osana, suorittaa, aiheesta, omistaa kontekstin, on kontekstina, omistaa alajoukon, on alajoukko, on alkio, omistaa alkion, vastakohta, toisinpäin, omistaa indeksin, on indeksinä, sisältää vaihtoehdon, on vaihtoehtona, tehtäväkokonaisuus, ulottuvuus, JHS-luokka, osiotyyppi, kustantaa, valmistelee, perustelee, perusteltuu, omistaa perustelun|Pitäisi korjata dataan suositeltu versio omistaa osan --> sisältää osan, on osana --> on osa. Perusteltuu ja omistaa perustelun ovat synonyymejä.
evaluative link|en|finds important, makes relevant, makes irrelevant, has opinion, values, has truthlikeness, has preference, has popularity, has objective, is objective for|
evaluative link|fi|pitää tärkeänä, tekee relevantiksi, tekeytyy relevantiksi, tekee turhaksi, on mieltä, arvostaa, on totuudellinen, on arvostus, on suosio, omistaa tavoitteen, on tavoitteena|
argumentative link|en|disagrees with, attacks, defends, comments|
argumentative link|fi|samaa mieltä, eri mieltä, hyökkää, puolustaa, kommentoi|
referential link|en|has topic, dicussed in, has reference, reference for, stated in, has tag, tag for, has category, category for, associates to, answers question|
referential link|fi|kertoo, on aiheena, sisältää viitteen, on viitteenä, väitetään kohteessa, omistaa hakusanan, on hakusanana, omistaa luokan, on luokkana, liittyy, vastaa kysymykseen|
risk factor||riskitekijä, risk factor|
indicator|en|risk indicator, indicator, effectiveness indicator, operational indicator|
indicator|fi|riski-indikaattori, indikaattori, vaikuttavuusindikaattori, toimintaindikaattori, Hyte-indikaattori, HYTE-indikaattori, Sote-indikaattori, SOTE-indikaattori, Kuva-mittari|
irrelevant argument|en|irrelevant attack, irrelevant defense, irrelevant comment|
value judgement||arvostus, arvoarvostelma, ulottuvuus, value judgement, value resolution|
fact judgement||arvio, estimate, fact resolution|
statement|en|true value statement, false value statement, true fact statement, false fact statement, true statement, false statement, fact statement, value statement, statement, fact opening statement, fact closing statement, value opening statement, value closing statement, opening statement, closing statement, fact discussion, value discussion, argument, true argument, false argument, attack, defend, comment, faktaväite, arvoväite|
value discussion|en|value discussion, value statement|
fact closing statement|en|fact discussion, fact statement, faktaväite|If not defined, it is assumed that a statement is a closing statement rather than opening statement
value closing statement|en|value discussion, value statement, arvoväite, arviointikriteeri, criterion|
true statement||true statement, true argument|
false statement||false statement, false argument|
<t2b name="Inverse relations" index="Preferred" obs="Inverse" unit="-">
described by|describes
vastuullisena|vastaa asiasta
has responsible person|responsible for
has participant|participates
has performer|performs
sisältää alkion|on alkio
has instance|instance of
sisältää osan|on osa
has part|part of
dataa sisältyy|sisältää dataa
data contained in|contains data
affects|is affected by
is index for|has index
is option for|has option
prepares|prepared by
pays|paid by
perustelee|omistaa perustelun
is rationale for|has rationale
is used by|uses
produces|is produced by
tekee relevantiksi|tekeytyy relevantiksi
makes relevant|is made relevant

[[File:Information areas in OPP ontology.png|400px|thumb|The five information areas used in shared understanding (open policy practice ontology). If a piece of information does not fit into any of these areas, it is irrelevant for the decision at hand. For description of the content of each area, see text. {{comment|# |Correct Participants --> Stakeholders|--[[User:Jouni|Jouni]] ([[User talk:Jouni|talk]]) 13:53, 4 November 2017 (UTC)}}]]
[[File:Information areas in OPP ontology.png|400px|thumb|The five information areas used in shared understanding (open policy practice ontology). If a piece of information does not fit into any of these areas, it is irrelevant for the decision at hand. For description of the content of each area, see text. {{comment|# |Correct Participants --> Stakeholders|--[[User:Jouni|Jouni]] ([[User talk:Jouni|talk]]) 13:53, 4 November 2017 (UTC)}}]]
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# '''Stakeholders''' (information about stakeholders and decision makers in the information work): Who participates? Who should participate? Who has necessary skills for contributing? How to motivate participation? How to measure merit of contributions?
# '''Stakeholders''' (information about stakeholders and decision makers in the information work): Who participates? Who should participate? Who has necessary skills for contributing? How to motivate participation? How to measure merit of contributions?
# '''Irrelevant issues''': Information that do not fall into any of the previous categories is thus irrelevant for a particular decision Z. If there is no identified relation between an information object and a decision, it implies that the information object is irrelevant. However, because not all relevant relations have been considered and documented, it is often useful to explicate the irrelevance, especially if people may (falsely) think that it is relevant.
# '''Irrelevant issues''': Information that do not fall into any of the previous categories is thus irrelevant for a particular decision Z. If there is no identified relation between an information object and a decision, it implies that the information object is irrelevant. However, because not all relevant relations have been considered and documented, it is often useful to explicate the irrelevance, especially if people may (falsely) think that it is relevant.
<t2b name="Item types" index="Class,English name,Finnish name" obs="Description" unit="-">
resource|item|asia|Relevant pieces of information related policy making. Sometimes also refers to the real-life things that the information is about. Items are shown as nodes in insight networks.
resource|relation|relaatio|Information about how items are connected to each other. Relations are shown as edges in insight networks.
item|substance|substanssi|Items about a substantive topic or phenomenon itself: What issues relate to a decision? What causal connections exist between issues? What scientific knowledge exist about the issues? What actions can be chosen? What are the impacts of these actions? What are the objectives and how can they be reached? What values and preferences exist?
item|stakeholder|sidosryhmä|Items about people or organisations who have a particular role in a policy process, either as actors or targets of impacts: Who participates in a policy process? Who should participate? Who has necessary skills for contributing? Who has the authority to decide? Who is affected by a decision?
item|process|prosessi|Items about doing or happening in relation with a topic, especially information about how a decision will be made): What will be decided? When will it be decided? How is the decision prepared? What political realities and restrictions exist?
item|method|metodi|Items about how to deal with information related to a topic: How to perform information work? What methods are available for a task? How to participate in a decision process? How to use statistical and other methods and tools? How to motivate participation?  How to measure merit of contributions?
item|action|toiminta|Items about organising decision support, decision making, implementation, and evaluation: What tasks are needed to collect and organise necessary information? When do these tasks need to be done? Who is responsible of what? How is information work organised? Tasks are also important afterwards to distribute merit and evaluate the process: Who did what? How did information evolve? Where did data come from?
relation|causal link|syylinkki|The subject has causal effect on the object (or vice versa in the case of an inverse relation)
causal link|negative causal link|negatiivinen syylinkki|The subject reduces or diminishes the object.
causal link|positive causal link|positiivinen syylinkki|The subject increases or enhances the object.
relation|participatory link|osallisuuslinkki|The subject is a stakeholder that has a particular role related to the object
relation|operational link|toimintolinkki|The subject has some kind of practical relation to the object (a fairly wide class)
relation|evaluative link|arvostuslinkki|The subject shows preference of relevance about the object
relation|referential link|viitelinkki|The subject is used as a reference of a kind for the object
relation|argumentative link|argumenttilinkki|
operational link|logical link|looginen linkki|
item|information object|tieto-olio|A specified structure containing information about substance, stakeholders, processes, methods, or actions.
information object|knowledge crystal|tietokide|information object with a standardised structure and contribution rules
knowledge crystal|assessment|arviointi|Describes a decision situation and typically provides relevant information to decision makers before the decision is made (or sometimes after the decision about its implementation or success). It is mostly about the knowledge work, i.e. tasks for decision support.
knowledge crystal|variable|muuttuja|Describes a real-world topic that is relevant for the decision situation. It is about the substance of the topic.
knowledge crystal|method|metodi|Describes how information should be managed or analysed so that it will answer the policy-relevant questions asked. It is about methods.
information object|discussion part|keskustelun osa|Information object that is used to organise discussions into a specified structure. The purpose of the structure is to help validation of statements and facilitate machine learning.
discussion part|discussion|keskustelu|Discussion, or structured argumentation, describes arguments about a particular statement and a synthesis about an acceptable statement. In a way, discussion is (a documentation of) a process of analysing the validity of a statement.
discussion|fact discussion|faktakeskustelu|Discussion that can be resolved based on scientific knowledge.
discussion|value discussion|arvokeskustelu|Discussion that can be resolved based on ethical knowledge.
discussion part|statement|väite|Proposition claiming that something is true or ethically good. A statement may be developed in a discussion by adding and organising related argumentation (according to pragma-dialectics), or by organising premises and inference rules (according to Perelman).
statement|value statement|arvoväite|Proposition claiming that something is ethically good, better than something else, prioritised over something, or how things should be.
statement|fact statement|faktaväite|Proposition claiming how things are or that something is true.
value statement|true value statement|tosi arvoväite|A statement that has not been successfully invalidated.
value statement|false value statement|epätosi arvoväite|A statement that has been successfully invalidated.
fact statement|true fact statement|tosi faktaväite|
fact statement|false fact statement|epätosi faktaväite|
statement|true statement|tosi väite|
statement|false statement|epätosi väite|
statement|opening statement|avausväite|A statement that is the basis for a structured discussion, a priori statement.
statement|closing statement|lopetusväite|A statement that is the resolution of a structured discussion, a posteriori statement. Closing statement becomes an opening statement when the discussion is opened again.
opening statement|fact opening statement|avausfaktaväite|
closing statement|fact closing statement|lopetusfaktaväite|
opening statement|value opening statement|avausarvoväite|
closing statement|value closing stetement|lopetusarvoväite|
discussion part|argument|argumentti|A statement that has also contains a relation to its target as an integral part. Due to this relation, arguments appear inside discussions and target directly or indirectly the opening statement.
relation|argumentative link|argumenttilinkki|
argumentative link|comment|kommentti|The subject comments the object but does not change its validity DO WE NEED THESE?
argumentative link|defend|puolustus|The subject defends the validity of the object.
argumentative link|attack|hyökkäys|The subject attacks the validity of the object.
argumentative link|relevant argument|relevantti argumentti|An argument that it is relevant in its context and therefore may have an effect on its child (if it is also true).
argumentative link|irrelevant argument|epärelevantti argumentti|An argument that does not have an effect on its child because it is irrelevant in its context.
information object|knowledge crystal part|tietokideosa|
knowledge crystal part|question|kysymys|A research question asked in a knowledge crystal. The purpose of a knowledge crystal is to answer the question.
knowledge crystal part|answer|vastaus|An answer or set of answers to the question of a knowledge crystal, based on any relevant information and inference rules.
knowledge crystal part|rationale|perustelut|Any data, discussions, calculations or other information needed to convince a critical rational reader that the answer of a knowledge crystal is good.
knowledge cryatal part|result|tulos|The actual, often numerical result to the question, conditional on relevant indices.
knowledge crystal part|index|indeksi|A list of possible values for a property. Typically used in describing the result of an ovariable.
knowledge crystal part|ovariable|ovariable|A practical implementation of a knowledge crystal in modelling code. Ovariable takes in relevant information about data and dependencies and calculates the result. Typically implemented in R using OpasnetUtils package and ovariable object type.
ovariable|key ovariable|avainovariable|An ovariable that is shown on an insight network even if some parts are hidden due to practical reasons.
information object|publication|julkaisu|Any published report, book, web page or similar permanent piece of information that can be unambiguously referenced.
information object|topic|aihe|A description of an area of interest. It defines boundaries of a content rather than defines the content itself, which is done by statements. When the information structure is improved, a topic often develops into a question of a variable, while a statement develops into an answer of a variable.
information object|decision|päätös|Describes a particular event where a decision maker chooses among defined alternatives. This may also be a part of an assessment under heading Decisions and scenarios.
information object|objective|tavoite|A desired outcome of a decision. In shared understanding description, it is a topic (or variable) that has value statements attached to it.
substance|risk factor|riskitekijä|
substance|indicator|indikaattori|Piece of information that describes a particular substantive item in a practical and often standard way.
indicator|risk indicator|riski-indikaattori|Indicator about (health) risk or outcome
indicator|effectiveness indicator|vaikuttavuusindikaattori|Indicator about effectiveness of an action
indicator|operational indicator|toimintaindikaattori|Indicator about amount of actions taken
information object|data|tietoaineisto|
work|data work|tietotyö|
work|data use|tiedon käyttö|
substance|value judgement|arvovalinta|This is depreciated. Use value statement instead.
substance|health impact|terveysvaikutus|
stakeholder|social and health organsation|sote-organisaatio|
stakeholder|expert organisation|asiantuntijalaitos|
stakeholder|administrative organisation|hallinto-organisaatio|
process|action|toiminta|Action is a generic term for taking actions to produce information for a decision, make a decision, or implement it. It may have parts Who, What and When, but its internal information structure has not been standardised.
action|task|toimenpide|action to be taken when the option has been selected
action|decision|päätös|action to be taken when the option is yet to be selected
action|work|työ|continuous actions of the same kind and typically independent of the decision at hand. If the decision changes work routines, the action to make this change happen is called task.
work|prevention|ennaltaehkäisy|trying to prevent something
work|treatment|hoito|trying to fix something when something has already happened
work|support|tuki|work that aids in the completion of the selected option, in whatever way
task|task 1|toimenpide 1|Numbering is used to differentiate different sources of tasks in insight networks, e.g. tasks that come from different policies.
task|task 2|toimenpide 2|
task|task 3|toimenpide 3|
task|task 4|toimenpide 4|
task|task 5|toimenpide 5|
knowledge crystal|assessment|arviointi|
knowledge crystal|method|metodi|
information object|study|tutkimus|
objective|expense objective|kustannustavoite|
{{argument|relat1=relevant attack|selftruth1=true|id=arg6195|type=truth|content=tehtäväkokonaisuus, osiotyyppi, HNH2035-toimenpide, JHS-luokka ovat vain olioita jotka kytkeytyvät asioihin relaatiolla has index. |sign=--[[User:Jouni|Jouni]] ([[User talk:Jouni|talk]]) 05:24, 3 November 2018 (UTC)}}
=== Relation types ===
<t2b name="Relation types" index="Class,English name,Finnish name,English inverse,Finnish inverse" obs="Description" unit="-">
negative causal link|decreases|vähentää|is decreased by|vähentyy|VAI: VÄHENTÄJÄNÄ, LISÄÄJÄNÄ JNE?
positive causal link|increases|lisää|is increased by|lisääntyy|
negative causal link|worsens|huonontaa|is worsened by|huonontuu|
positive causal link|improves|parantaa|is improved by|parantuu|
negative causal link|prevents|estää|is prevented by|estyy|
positive causal link|enhances|edistää|is enhanced by|edistyy|
negative causal link|impairs|heikentää|is impaired by|heikentyy|
positive causal link|sustains|ylläpitää|is sustained by|ylläpitäytyy|
causal link|affects|vaikuttaa|is affected by|vaikuttuu|
causal link|indirectly affects|vaikuttaa epäsuorasti|indirectly affected by|vaikuttuu epäsuorasti|
causal link|cause of|syy|caused by|johtuu|Wikidata property P1542
causal link|immediate cause of|välitön syy|immediately caused by|johtuu välittömästi|Wikidata property P1536
causal link|prevents|estää|prevented by|estyy|
causal link|contributing factor of|vaikuttava tekijä|||Wikidata property P1537
participatory link|performs|toteuttaa|performer|toteuttajana|who does a task?
participatory link|decides|päättää|decider|päätäjänä|
participatory link|asks|kysyy|asker|kysyjänä|
participatory link|participates|osallistuu|participant|osallistujana|
participatory link|accepts|hyväksyy|accepted by|hyväksyjänä|
participatory link|develops|kehittää|developed by|kehittäjänä|
participatory link|proposes|ehdottaa|proposed by|ehdottajana|
participatory link|answers|vastaa|answered by|vastaajana|
participatory link|responsible for|vastuussa|responsibility of|vastuullisena|
participatory link|negotiates|neuvottelee|negotiated by|neuvottelijana|
participatory link|recommends|suosittelee|recommended by|suosittelijana|
participatory link|controls|kontrolloi|controlled by|kontrolloijana|
participatory link|claims|väittää|claimed by|väittäjänä|
participatory link|owns|omistaa|owned by|omistajana|
participatory link|does|tekee|done by|tekijänä|
participatory link|maintains|ylläpitää|maintained by|ylläpitäjänä|
participatory link|oversees|valvoo|overseen by|valvojana|
operational link|has option|omistaa vaihtoehdon|option for|vaihtoehtona|
operational link|has index|omistaa indeksin|index for|indeksinä|
operational link|tells|kertoo|told by|kertojana|
operational link|describes|kuvaa|described by|kuvaajana|
operational link|maps|kartoittaa|mapped by|kartjoittajana|
operational link|contains data|sisältää dataa|data contained in|data sisältyy|
operational link|data for|on datana|gets data from|saa datansa|
operational link|uses|käyttää|is used by|on käytettävänä|an input (object) for a process (subject)
operational link|produces|tuottaa|is produced by|tuottajana|Object is an output of a process produced by a stakeholder (subject)
operational link|provides|varustaa|is provided by|varustajana|
operational link|part of|osana|has part|sisältää osan|is a part of a bigger entity, e.g. Venus is part of Solar System. Wikidata property P361 (part of) & P527 (has part). Previously we had relations about a decision: substance of, decision process of, stakeholder of, method of, task of, irrelevant to. But these are depreciated and replaced by has part, because the class of the object makes specific relations redundant.
operational link|about|aiheesta|||a task is about a topic. This overlaps with has topic; merge them?
operational link|context for|kontekstina|has context|omistaa kontekstin|Original definition: subject given that object is true. However, this has not been used for that purpose. Unclear if this is needed.
operational link|has subclass|omistaa alajoukon|subclass of|alajoukkona|Wikidata property P279
operational link|has instance|omistaa instanssin|instance of|instanssina|Object belongs to a set defined by the subject and inherits the properties of the set. Sysnonym for has item, which is depreciated. Wikidata property P31
logical link|opposite|vastakohta|||subject is opposite of object, e.g. black is opposite of white. Wikidata property P461; it is its own inverse
logical link|inverse|toisinpäin|||a sentence is equal to another sentence where subject and object switch places and has the inverse relation. This is typically needed in preprocessing of insight networks, and it rarely is explicitly shown of graphs. Wikidata property P1696; it is its own inverse
logical link|if - then|jos - niin|if not - then not|jos ei - niin ei|If subject is true, then object is true. Also the negation is possible: if - then not. This links to logical operators and, or, not, equal, exists, for all; but it is not clear how they should be used in an insight network.
operational link|prepares|valmistelee|prepared by|valmistelijana|
operational link|pays|kustantaa|paid by|kustantajana|
operational link|rationale for|perustelee|has rationale|perusteltuu|
operational link|offers|tarjoaa|offered by|tarjoajana|
operational link|executes|suorittaa|executed by|suorittajana|
operational link|has option|sisältää vaihtoehdon|option of|vaihtoehtona|
operational link|irrelevant to|epärelevantti asiassa|||If there is no identified relation (or chain of relations) between a subject and an object, it implies that the subject is irrelevant to the object. However, sometimes people may (falsely) think that it is relevant, and this relation is used to explicate the irrelevance.
evaluative link|finds important|kokee tärkeäksi|is found important|tärkeäksi kokijana|
evaluative link|makes relevant|tekee relevantiksi|is made relevant|relevantiksi tekijänä|if the subject is valid in the given context, then the object is relevant. This typically goes between arguments, from a variable to value statement or from a value statement to a fact statement. This is a synonym of 'valid defend of type relevance'.
evaluative link|makes irrelevant|tekee epärelevantiksi|is made irrelevant|epärelevantiksi tekijänä|Opposite of 'makes relevant'. Synonym of 'valid attack of type relevance'.
evaluative link|makes redundant|tekee turhaksi|is made redundant|turhaksi tekijänä|Everything that is said in the object is already said in the subject. This depreciates a object because it brings no added value. However, it is kept for archival reasons and to demonstrate that the statement was heard.
evaluative link|has opinion|on mieltä|||Subject (typically a stakeholder) supports the object (typically a value of fact statement). This is preferred over 'values' and 'finds important' because it is more generic without loss of meaning.
evaluative link|values|arvostaa|valued by|arvostajana|A stakeholder (subject) gives value or finds an object important. Object may be a topic or statement. Depreciated, use 'has opinion' instead.
evaluative link|has truthlikeness|on totuudellinen|||A subjective probability that subject is true. Object is a numeric value between 0 and 1. Typically this has a qualifier "according to X" where X is the person or archetype who has assigned the probability.
evaluative link|has preference|mieltymys|preference of|mieltymyksenä|Subject is better than object in a moral sense.
evaluative link|has popularity|on suosiossa|||A measure based on likes given by users.
evaluative link|has objective|omaa tavoitteen|objective of|tavoitteena|
argumentative link|agrees|samaa mieltä|||
argumentative link|disagrees|eri mieltä|||
argumentative link|comments|kommentoi|commented by|kommentoijana|
argumentative link|defends|puolustaa|defended by|puolustajana|
argumentative link|attacks|hyökkää|attacked by|hyökkääjänä|
referential link|topic of|aiheena|has topic|aiheesta| This is used when the object is a publication and the subject is a (broad) topic rather than a statement. In such situations, it is not meaningful to back up the subject with references. Useful in describing the contents of a publication, or identifying relevant literature for a topic.
referential link|discussed in|kerrotaan|discusses|kertoo|
referential link|reference for|viitteenä|has reference|viite|Subject is a reference that backs up statements presented in the object. Used in the same way as references in scientific literature are used.
referential link|states|väittää|stated in|väitetään kohteessa|Describes the source of a statement; may also refer to a person.
referential link|tag for|täginä|has tag|omistaa tägin|Subject is a keyword, type, or class for object. Used in classifications.
referential link|category for|kategoriana|has category|kuuluu kategoriaan|
referential link|associates with|liittyy|||Subject is associated with object in some undefined way. This is a weak relation and does not affect the outcomes of inferences, but it may be useful to remind users that an association exists and it should be clarified more precisely. This is its own inverse.
referential link|answers question|vastaa kysymykseen|has answer|vastaus|Used between a statement (answer) and a topic (question). In knowledge crystals, the relation is embedded in the object structure.
indicator|indicator|indikaattori|||Depreciated. Use item class indicator and relation describes.
indicator|risk indicator|riski-indikaattori|||Depreciated. Use item class risk indicator and relation describes.
indicator|effectiveness indicator|vaikuttavuusindikaattori|||Depreciated. Use item class effectiveness indicator and relation describes.
indicator|operational indicator|toimintaindikaattori|||Depreciated. Use item class operational indicator and relation describes.
irrelevant argument|irrelevant comment|epärelevantti kommentti|||We don't need inverses, because the relation is always tied with an argument (the subject).
irrelevant argument|irrelevant attack|epärelevantti hyökkäys|||
irrelevant argument|irrelevant defense|epärelevantti puolustus|||
relevant argument|relevant comment|relevantti kommentti|||
relevant argument|relevant attack|relevantti hyökkäys|||
relevant argument|relevant defense|relevantti puolustus|||
judgemenet|value resolution|arvopäätös|||
value judgemenet|reach|ulottuvuus|||
fact judgemenet|fact judgement|faktavalinta|||WHAT ARE THE EXACT MEANINGS OF THESE?
fact judgemenet|estimate|arvio|||
fact judgemenet|fact resolution|faktapäätös|||

=== How to manage shared understanding ===
=== How to manage shared understanding ===
Line 412: Line 431:
== See also ==
== See also ==

* [ Archived version 4.11.2018 before a major update]
* [[Health decision ontology]]
* [[Health decision ontology]]
* [[Voting age]]
* [[Voting age]]

Revision as of 13:30, 4 November 2018

The open policy ontology describes the information structures that are needed to document shared understanding of a complex decision situation.


What information structures and information tools are needed to document shared understanding in such a way that

  • it can be operationalised and managed and used for automatic inferences by a computer,
  • it can systematically organise information objects used in open assessment, such as variables and statements,
  • it can represent each participant's views systematically as a part of the whole even if people disagree,
  • it is intuitive enough to be used by non-experts?


An example of shared understanding related to bioaccumulation of dioxin in Baltic fish. The description contains decisions and objectives, as well as causal connections of relevant phonomena.

Shared understanding aims at producing a description of different views, opinions, and facts related to a specific topic such as a decision process. The open policy ontology describes the information structures that are needed to document shared understanding of a complex decision situation. The purpose of the structure is to help people identify hidden premises, beliefs, and values and explicate possible discrepancies. This is expected to produce better understanding among participants.

The basic structure of a shared understanding is a network of items and relations between them. This network uses Resource description framework, which is an ontology standard used to describe many Internet contents. Items and relations (aka properties) are collectively called things. Each item is typically of one of the types mentioned below. This information is documented using property instance of (e.g. Goherr assessment is instance of assessment).

Different item types have different levels of standardisation and internal structure. For example, variables are web pages that always have headings question, answer and rationale, and the information is organised under those headings. Some other items describe e.g. statements that are free-text descriptions about how a particular thing is or should be (according to a participant), and yet some others are publications. A common feature is that all items contain information that is relevant for a decision.

In the open policy ontology, each item may have lengthy texts, graphs, analyses or even models inside them. However, the focus here is on how the items are related to each other. The actual content is often referred to as one key sentence only (description). Each item also has a unique identifier URI that is used for automatic handling of data. Voting age is an example discussion and shows a structured description in table format.

Open policy ontology
Items (information objects) Properties (relations)
  • Assessment. Assessment has parts Scope, Answer and Rationale.
    • Scope has part Decisions and scenarios. Decision may be used independently.
    • Rationale has part Stakeholder. It may be used independently.
  • Variable has parts Question, Answer and Rationale.
    • The Question of a variable may be called Topic and used independently. Topic may also be objective.
  • Method has parts Question, Answer and Rationale.
  • Discussion. Discussion has parts Statement, Resolution and Argumentation.
    • Statement has subclasses Value statement, Fact statement. Statement may be used independently.
  • Action. Action has parts Who, When, What.
    • Action has subclass Decision. It may be used without applying internal structure.
  • Publication
  • set theoretical (instance of, subclass of, has context)
  • logical (if - then, and, or, not,... )
  • causal (affects, increases, decreases, prevents)
  • referential (makes relevant; associates to; has reference, tag, category)
  • evaluative (has truthlikeness, value, popularity, finds important)
  • argumentative (attack, defend, comment)
  • topical where the object is always a decision (substance of, decision process of, task of, method of, stakeholder of, irrelevant to)


Item types

The five information areas used in shared understanding (open policy practice ontology). If a piece of information does not fit into any of these areas, it is irrelevant for the decision at hand. For description of the content of each area, see text. ----#: . Correct Participants --> Stakeholders --Jouni (talk) 13:53, 4 November 2017 (UTC) (type: truth; paradigms: science: comment)

This ontology is specifically about decision making, and therefore actions (and decisions to act) are handled explicitly. However, any natural, social, ethical or other phenomena may relate to a decision and therefore the vocabulary has to be very generic. When we descbribe actions under planning, those descriptions are called "Decision processes", while all other descriptions are called "Substance".

The properties described below are used in the following kind of sentences: "Information X describes Y of decision Z" where X is a particular piece of information that describes a phenomenon, Y is the topical information area that is described, and Z is a particular decision.

  1. Substance (information about a substantive topic or phenomenon itself): What issues relate to a decision Z? What causal connections exist between issues? What scientific knowledge exist about the issues? What actions can be chosen? What are the impacts of these actions? What are the objectives and how can they be reached? What values and preferences exist?
  2. Decision process (information about how a decision Z will be made): What will be decided? When will it be decided? Who has the authority to decide? Who are involved? How is the decision prepared? What political realities and restrictions exist?
  3. Tasks (information about organising the information work to support decision making): What tasks are needed to collect and organise the information? When do these tasks need to be done? Who is responsible of what? How is information work organised? Tasks are also important afterwards to distribute merit and evaluate the process: Who did what? How did information evolve? Where did data come from?
  4. Methods (information about methods used in the information work): How to perform information work? What methods are available for a task? How to participate in the work? How to use statistical and other methods and tools?
  5. Stakeholders (information about stakeholders and decision makers in the information work): Who participates? Who should participate? Who has necessary skills for contributing? How to motivate participation? How to measure merit of contributions?
  6. Irrelevant issues: Information that do not fall into any of the previous categories is thus irrelevant for a particular decision Z. If there is no identified relation between an information object and a decision, it implies that the information object is irrelevant. However, because not all relevant relations have been considered and documented, it is often useful to explicate the irrelevance, especially if people may (falsely) think that it is relevant.
Item types(-)
ObsClassEnglish nameFinnish nameDescription
1resourceitemasiaRelevant pieces of information related policy making. Sometimes also refers to the real-life things that the information is about. Items are shown as nodes in insight networks.
2resourcerelationrelaatioInformation about how items are connected to each other. Relations are shown as edges in insight networks.
3itemsubstancesubstanssiItems about a substantive topic or phenomenon itself: What issues relate to a decision? What causal connections exist between issues? What scientific knowledge exist about the issues? What actions can be chosen? What are the impacts of these actions? What are the objectives and how can they be reached? What values and preferences exist?
4itemstakeholdersidosryhmäItems about people or organisations who have a particular role in a policy process, either as actors or targets of impacts: Who participates in a policy process? Who should participate? Who has necessary skills for contributing? Who has the authority to decide? Who is affected by a decision?
5itemprocessprosessiItems about doing or happening in relation with a topic, especially information about how a decision will be made): What will be decided? When will it be decided? How is the decision prepared? What political realities and restrictions exist?
6itemmethodmetodiItems about how to deal with information related to a topic: How to perform information work? What methods are available for a task? How to participate in a decision process? How to use statistical and other methods and tools? How to motivate participation? How to measure merit of contributions?
7itemactiontoimintaItems about organising decision support, decision making, implementation, and evaluation: What tasks are needed to collect and organise necessary information? When do these tasks need to be done? Who is responsible of what? How is information work organised? Tasks are also important afterwards to distribute merit and evaluate the process: Who did what? How did information evolve? Where did data come from?
8relationcausal linksyylinkkiThe subject has causal effect on the object (or vice versa in the case of an inverse relation)
9causal linknegative causal linknegatiivinen syylinkkiThe subject reduces or diminishes the object.
10causal linkpositive causal linkpositiivinen syylinkkiThe subject increases or enhances the object.
11relationparticipatory linkosallisuuslinkkiThe subject is a stakeholder that has a particular role related to the object
12relationoperational linktoimintolinkkiThe subject has some kind of practical relation to the object (a fairly wide class)
13relationevaluative linkarvostuslinkkiThe subject shows preference of relevance about the object
14relationreferential linkviitelinkkiThe subject is used as a reference of a kind for the object
15relationargumentative linkargumenttilinkki
16operational linklogical linklooginen linkki
17iteminformation objecttieto-olioA specified structure containing information about substance, stakeholders, processes, methods, or actions.
18information objectknowledge crystaltietokideinformation object with a standardised structure and contribution rules
19knowledge crystalassessmentarviointiDescribes a decision situation and typically provides relevant information to decision makers before the decision is made (or sometimes after the decision about its implementation or success). It is mostly about the knowledge work, i.e. tasks for decision support.
20knowledge crystalvariablemuuttujaDescribes a real-world topic that is relevant for the decision situation. It is about the substance of the topic.
21knowledge crystalmethodmetodiDescribes how information should be managed or analysed so that it will answer the policy-relevant questions asked. It is about methods.
22information objectdiscussion partkeskustelun osaInformation object that is used to organise discussions into a specified structure. The purpose of the structure is to help validation of statements and facilitate machine learning.
23discussion partdiscussionkeskusteluDiscussion, or structured argumentation, describes arguments about a particular statement and a synthesis about an acceptable statement. In a way, discussion is (a documentation of) a process of analysing the validity of a statement.
24discussionfact discussionfaktakeskusteluDiscussion that can be resolved based on scientific knowledge.
25discussionvalue discussionarvokeskusteluDiscussion that can be resolved based on ethical knowledge.
26discussion partstatementväiteProposition claiming that something is true or ethically good. A statement may be developed in a discussion by adding and organising related argumentation (according to pragma-dialectics), or by organising premises and inference rules (according to Perelman).
27statementvalue statementarvoväiteProposition claiming that something is ethically good, better than something else, prioritised over something, or how things should be.
28statementfact statementfaktaväiteProposition claiming how things are or that something is true.
29value statementtrue value statementtosi arvoväiteA statement that has not been successfully invalidated.
30value statementfalse value statementepätosi arvoväiteA statement that has been successfully invalidated.
31fact statementtrue fact statementtosi faktaväite
32fact statementfalse fact statementepätosi faktaväite
33statementtrue statementtosi väite
34statementfalse statementepätosi väite
35statementopening statementavausväiteA statement that is the basis for a structured discussion, a priori statement.
36statementclosing statementlopetusväiteA statement that is the resolution of a structured discussion, a posteriori statement. Closing statement becomes an opening statement when the discussion is opened again.
37opening statementfact opening statementavausfaktaväite
38closing statementfact closing statementlopetusfaktaväite
39opening statementvalue opening statementavausarvoväite
40closing statementvalue closing stetementlopetusarvoväite
41discussion partargumentargumenttiA statement that has also contains a relation to its target as an integral part. Due to this relation, arguments appear inside discussions and target directly or indirectly the opening statement.
42relationargumentative linkargumenttilinkki
43argumentative linkcommentkommenttiThe subject comments the object but does not change its validity DO WE NEED THESE?
44argumentative linkdefendpuolustusThe subject defends the validity of the object.
45argumentative linkattackhyökkäysThe subject attacks the validity of the object.
46argumentative linkrelevant argumentrelevantti argumenttiAn argument that it is relevant in its context and therefore may have an effect on its child (if it is also true).
47argumentative linkirrelevant argumentepärelevantti argumenttiAn argument that does not have an effect on its child because it is irrelevant in its context.
48information objectknowledge crystal parttietokideosa
49knowledge crystal partquestionkysymysA research question asked in a knowledge crystal. The purpose of a knowledge crystal is to answer the question.
50knowledge crystal partanswervastausAn answer or set of answers to the question of a knowledge crystal, based on any relevant information and inference rules.
51knowledge crystal partrationaleperustelutAny data, discussions, calculations or other information needed to convince a critical rational reader that the answer of a knowledge crystal is good.
52knowledge cryatal partresulttulosThe actual, often numerical result to the question, conditional on relevant indices.
53knowledge crystal partindexindeksiA list of possible values for a property. Typically used in describing the result of an ovariable.
54knowledge crystal partovariableovariableA practical implementation of a knowledge crystal in modelling code. Ovariable takes in relevant information about data and dependencies and calculates the result. Typically implemented in R using OpasnetUtils package and ovariable object type.
55ovariablekey ovariableavainovariableAn ovariable that is shown on an insight network even if some parts are hidden due to practical reasons.
56information objectpublicationjulkaisuAny published report, book, web page or similar permanent piece of information that can be unambiguously referenced.
57information objecttopicaiheA description of an area of interest. It defines boundaries of a content rather than defines the content itself, which is done by statements. When the information structure is improved, a topic often develops into a question of a variable, while a statement develops into an answer of a variable.
58information objectdecisionpäätösDescribes a particular event where a decision maker chooses among defined alternatives. This may also be a part of an assessment under heading Decisions and scenarios.
59information objectobjectivetavoiteA desired outcome of a decision. In shared understanding description, it is a topic (or variable) that has value statements attached to it.
60substancerisk factorriskitekijä
61substanceindicatorindikaattoriPiece of information that describes a particular substantive item in a practical and often standard way.
62indicatorrisk indicatorriski-indikaattoriIndicator about (health) risk or outcome
63indicatoreffectiveness indicatorvaikuttavuusindikaattoriIndicator about effectiveness of an action
64indicatoroperational indicatortoimintaindikaattoriIndicator about amount of actions taken
65information objectdatatietoaineisto
66workdata worktietotyö
67workdata usetiedon käyttö
69substancevalue judgementarvovalintaThis is depreciated. Use value statement instead.
71substancehealth impactterveysvaikutus
73stakeholdersocial and health organsationsote-organisaatio
75stakeholderexpert organisationasiantuntijalaitos
76stakeholderadministrative organisationhallinto-organisaatio
77processactiontoimintaAction is a generic term for taking actions to produce information for a decision, make a decision, or implement it. It may have parts Who, What and When, but its internal information structure has not been standardised.
78actiontasktoimenpideaction to be taken when the option has been selected
79actiondecisionpäätösaction to be taken when the option is yet to be selected
80actionworktyöcontinuous actions of the same kind and typically independent of the decision at hand. If the decision changes work routines, the action to make this change happen is called task.
81workpreventionennaltaehkäisytrying to prevent something
82worktreatmenthoitotrying to fix something when something has already happened
83worksupporttukiwork that aids in the completion of the selected option, in whatever way
84tasktask 1toimenpide 1Numbering is used to differentiate different sources of tasks in insight networks, e.g. tasks that come from different policies.
85tasktask 2toimenpide 2
86tasktask 3toimenpide 3
87tasktask 4toimenpide 4
88tasktask 5toimenpide 5
89knowledge crystalassessmentarviointi
90knowledge crystalmethodmetodi
94information objectstudytutkimus
97objectiveexpense objectivekustannustavoite

arg6195: . tehtäväkokonaisuus, osiotyyppi, HNH2035-toimenpide, JHS-luokka ovat vain olioita jotka kytkeytyvät asioihin relaatiolla has index. --Jouni (talk) 05:24, 3 November 2018 (UTC) (type: truth; paradigms: science: relevant attack)

Relation types

Relation types(-)
ObsClassEnglish nameFinnish nameEnglish inverseFinnish inverseDescription
1negative causal linkdecreasesvähentääis decreased byvähentyyVAI: VÄHENTÄJÄNÄ, LISÄÄJÄNÄ JNE?
2positive causal linkincreaseslisääis increased bylisääntyy
3negative causal linkworsenshuonontaais worsened byhuonontuu
4positive causal linkimprovesparantaais improved byparantuu
5negative causal linkpreventsestääis prevented byestyy
6positive causal linkenhancesedistääis enhanced byedistyy
7negative causal linkimpairsheikentääis impaired byheikentyy
8positive causal linksustainsylläpitääis sustained byylläpitäytyy
9causal linkaffectsvaikuttaais affected byvaikuttuu
10causal linkindirectly affectsvaikuttaa epäsuorastiindirectly affected byvaikuttuu epäsuorasti
11causal linkcause ofsyycaused byjohtuuWikidata property P1542
12causal linkimmediate cause ofvälitön syyimmediately caused byjohtuu välittömästiWikidata property P1536
13causal linkpreventsestääprevented byestyy
14causal linkcontributing factor ofvaikuttava tekijäWikidata property P1537
15participatory linkperformstoteuttaaperformertoteuttajanawho does a task?
16participatory linkdecidespäättäädeciderpäätäjänä
17participatory linkaskskysyyaskerkysyjänä
18participatory linkparticipatesosallistuuparticipantosallistujana
19participatory linkacceptshyväksyyaccepted byhyväksyjänä
20participatory linkdevelopskehittäädeveloped bykehittäjänä
21participatory linkproposesehdottaaproposed byehdottajana
22participatory linkanswersvastaaanswered byvastaajana
23participatory linkresponsible forvastuussaresponsibility ofvastuullisena
24participatory linknegotiatesneuvotteleenegotiated byneuvottelijana
25participatory linkrecommendssuositteleerecommended bysuosittelijana
26participatory linkcontrolskontrolloicontrolled bykontrolloijana
27participatory linkclaimsväittääclaimed byväittäjänä
28participatory linkownsomistaaowned byomistajana
29participatory linkdoestekeedone bytekijänä
30participatory linkmaintainsylläpitäämaintained byylläpitäjänä
31participatory linkoverseesvalvoooverseen byvalvojana
32operational linkhas optionomistaa vaihtoehdonoption forvaihtoehtona
33operational linkhas indexomistaa indeksinindex forindeksinä
34operational linktellskertootold bykertojana
35operational linkdescribeskuvaadescribed bykuvaajana
36operational linkmapskartoittaamapped bykartjoittajana
37operational linkcontains datasisältää dataadata contained indata sisältyy
38operational linkdata foron datanagets data fromsaa datansa
39operational linkuseskäyttääis used byon käytettävänäan input (object) for a process (subject)
40operational linkproducestuottaais produced bytuottajanaObject is an output of a process produced by a stakeholder (subject)
41operational linkprovidesvarustaais provided byvarustajana
42operational linkpart ofosanahas partsisältää osanis a part of a bigger entity, e.g. Venus is part of Solar System. Wikidata property P361 (part of) & P527 (has part). Previously we had relations about a decision: substance of, decision process of, stakeholder of, method of, task of, irrelevant to. But these are depreciated and replaced by has part, because the class of the object makes specific relations redundant.
43operational linkaboutaiheestaa task is about a topic. This overlaps with has topic; merge them?
44operational linkcontext forkontekstinahas contextomistaa kontekstinOriginal definition: subject given that object is true. However, this has not been used for that purpose. Unclear if this is needed.
45operational linkhas subclassomistaa alajoukonsubclass ofalajoukkonaWikidata property P279
46operational linkhas instanceomistaa instanssininstance ofinstanssinaObject belongs to a set defined by the subject and inherits the properties of the set. Sysnonym for has item, which is depreciated. Wikidata property P31
47logical linkoppositevastakohtasubject is opposite of object, e.g. black is opposite of white. Wikidata property P461; it is its own inverse
48logical linkinversetoisinpäina sentence is equal to another sentence where subject and object switch places and has the inverse relation. This is typically needed in preprocessing of insight networks, and it rarely is explicitly shown of graphs. Wikidata property P1696; it is its own inverse
49logical linkif - thenjos - niinif not - then notjos ei - niin eiIf subject is true, then object is true. Also the negation is possible: if - then not. This links to logical operators and, or, not, equal, exists, for all; but it is not clear how they should be used in an insight network.
50operational linkpreparesvalmisteleeprepared byvalmistelijana
51operational linkpayskustantaapaid bykustantajana
52operational linkrationale forperusteleehas rationaleperusteltuu
53operational linkofferstarjoaaoffered bytarjoajana
54operational linkexecutessuorittaaexecuted bysuorittajana
55operational linkhas optionsisältää vaihtoehdonoption ofvaihtoehtona
56operational linkirrelevant toepärelevantti asiassaIf there is no identified relation (or chain of relations) between a subject and an object, it implies that the subject is irrelevant to the object. However, sometimes people may (falsely) think that it is relevant, and this relation is used to explicate the irrelevance.
57evaluative linkfinds importantkokee tärkeäksiis found importanttärkeäksi kokijana
58evaluative linkmakes relevanttekee relevantiksiis made relevantrelevantiksi tekijänäif the subject is valid in the given context, then the object is relevant. This typically goes between arguments, from a variable to value statement or from a value statement to a fact statement. This is a synonym of 'valid defend of type relevance'.
59evaluative linkmakes irrelevanttekee epärelevantiksiis made irrelevantepärelevantiksi tekijänäOpposite of 'makes relevant'. Synonym of 'valid attack of type relevance'.
60evaluative linkmakes redundanttekee turhaksiis made redundantturhaksi tekijänäEverything that is said in the object is already said in the subject. This depreciates a object because it brings no added value. However, it is kept for archival reasons and to demonstrate that the statement was heard.
61evaluative linkhas opinionon mieltäSubject (typically a stakeholder) supports the object (typically a value of fact statement). This is preferred over 'values' and 'finds important' because it is more generic without loss of meaning.
62evaluative linkvaluesarvostaavalued byarvostajanaA stakeholder (subject) gives value or finds an object important. Object may be a topic or statement. Depreciated, use 'has opinion' instead.
63evaluative linkhas truthlikenesson totuudellinenA subjective probability that subject is true. Object is a numeric value between 0 and 1. Typically this has a qualifier "according to X" where X is the person or archetype who has assigned the probability.
64evaluative linkhas preferencemieltymyspreference ofmieltymyksenäSubject is better than object in a moral sense.
65evaluative linkhas popularityon suosiossaA measure based on likes given by users.
66evaluative linkhas objectiveomaa tavoitteenobjective oftavoitteena
67argumentative linkagreessamaa mieltä
68argumentative linkdisagreeseri mieltä
69argumentative linkcommentskommentoicommented bykommentoijana
70argumentative linkdefendspuolustaadefended bypuolustajana
71argumentative linkattackshyökkääattacked byhyökkääjänä
72referential linktopic ofaiheenahas topicaiheesta This is used when the object is a publication and the subject is a (broad) topic rather than a statement. In such situations, it is not meaningful to back up the subject with references. Useful in describing the contents of a publication, or identifying relevant literature for a topic.
73referential linkdiscussed inkerrotaandiscusseskertoo
74referential linkreference forviitteenähas referenceviiteSubject is a reference that backs up statements presented in the object. Used in the same way as references in scientific literature are used.
75referential linkstatesväittäästated inväitetään kohteessaDescribes the source of a statement; may also refer to a person.
76referential linktag fortäginähas tagomistaa täginSubject is a keyword, type, or class for object. Used in classifications.
77referential linkcategory forkategorianahas categorykuuluu kategoriaan
78referential linkassociates withliittyySubject is associated with object in some undefined way. This is a weak relation and does not affect the outcomes of inferences, but it may be useful to remind users that an association exists and it should be clarified more precisely. This is its own inverse.
79referential linkanswers questionvastaa kysymykseenhas answervastausUsed between a statement (answer) and a topic (question). In knowledge crystals, the relation is embedded in the object structure.
80indicatorindicatorindikaattoriDepreciated. Use item class indicator and relation describes.
81indicatorrisk indicatorriski-indikaattoriDepreciated. Use item class risk indicator and relation describes.
82indicatoreffectiveness indicatorvaikuttavuusindikaattoriDepreciated. Use item class effectiveness indicator and relation describes.
83indicatoroperational indicatortoimintaindikaattoriDepreciated. Use item class operational indicator and relation describes.
84irrelevant argumentirrelevant commentepärelevantti kommenttiWe don't need inverses, because the relation is always tied with an argument (the subject).
85irrelevant argumentirrelevant attackepärelevantti hyökkäys
86irrelevant argumentirrelevant defenseepärelevantti puolustus
87relevant argumentrelevant commentrelevantti kommentti
88relevant argumentrelevant attackrelevantti hyökkäys
89relevant argumentrelevant defenserelevantti puolustus
91judgemenetvalue resolutionarvopäätös
93value judgemenetreachulottuvuus
94fact judgemenetfact judgementfaktavalintaWHAT ARE THE EXACT MEANINGS OF THESE?
95fact judgemenetestimatearvio
96fact judgemenetfact resolutionfaktapäätös

How to manage shared understanding

Shared understanding is a structured description of a decision situation. A key idea is that it is much faster to produce than a quantitative assessment, is more usefully organised than a free-format document (not to mention unmoderated discussions), and can distill information from both into a coherent information structure.

What steps does the work process contain?

  1. Take a new piece of information.
  2. Identify a decision situation to which it is relevant (or it is commonly considered relevant even if it is not).
  3. Choose one of the topical relations for the piece.
  4. Link the piece to something else within the decision situation with a relation. If it links to nothing, it is irrelevant.
  5. Add descriptive tags, references etc. as appropriate.
  6. Link the relations to the decision situation the relation part of (this should happen automatically).

Questions for further developing shared understanding:

  • What are the main questions within each topical area?
  • What are necessary structures and relations?
  • What software tools can be used?

Potential tools for managing the information

  • Google Drive graphical tool [1]
  • Protégé software for ontologies
  • Wikidata for RDF database using Wikibase software [2]
  • Git for version control [3]
  • Shiny R package for user interface [4] [5]
  • R and D3 [7][8]

Example of using the structure

Columns that may have several values per risk are marked with *

Riskilomake (a variable with the question: What is a risk that is relevant for the success of THL's mission? There are several variables with an identical question, but each variable describes exactly one risk as an answer.)

Each column is described within the variable answer unless otherwise noted a property that is used to link the column contents to the variable.

id# Tarkastelukohde (yksikkö) * (has tag) Riskialue (aihepiiri karkea) * (has tag) Sisäalue / sisältösivu (aihepiiri tarkka) * (has tag) Riski Tarkennus Todennäköisyys Vakavuus Riskiluku (todennäköisyys*vakavuus) Hallintatoimet (kpl) Muistiinpanot Omistaja Tila Hallintatoimien valmius-% Omat liitteet * Luotu (automatic from version control) Päivitetty (automatic from version control)

Hallintatoimilomake (many-to-many relationship with risks) id# Hallintatoimi Määräpäivä Vastuuhenkilö Tila Omat liitteet * Luotu (automatic from version control) Päivitetty (automatic from version control)

Example about climate neutrality in Helsinki

Example about Arvoprofiili

Example about fisheries management in the Baltic Sea

Technical prerequisites

Open policy ontology can be implemented using an RDF database, e.g. Wikibase. These are some links to resources and guidance about that.

Related concepts

Deliberative democracy

James Fishkin, a key proponent of deliberative democracy, describes two approaches to public opinion, raw vs. refined: what people actually think vs. what their opinion would be after it has been tested by the consideration of competing arguments and information coscientiously offered by others who hold contrasting views. Political process can be seen as whether a filter or a mirror. The filter creates counterfactual but deliberative representations of public opinion. The mirror offers a picture of public opinion just as it is, even if it is debilitated or inattentive. The conflicting images suggest a hard choice between the reflective opinion of the filter and the reflected opinion of the mirror.[1]

It is only through the deliberations of a small face-to-face representative body that one can arrive at the "cool and deliberate sense of the community" (James Madison, Federalist No 63). ... A key desideratum in the Founders' project of constitutional design was the creation of conditions where the formulation and expression of deliberative public opinion would be possible.[1] A smallish group of randomly selected people are likely to act as a filter, while e.g. a referendum would act as a mirror. During the early days of the United States, James Madison actively designed governance structures that would enable the formation of refined public opinion in the national US policy. The electorate was such a construct, designed to enable informed argumentation about president candidates before the final vote. However, this role has completely disappeared, as nowadays the outcome of the electoral vote is known as soon as the composition of the electorate is known.

Shared understanding follows these lines of reasoning and aims to produce a deliberative outcome of informed argumentation. However, the major difference is that the deliberative process does not aim to produce a decision by the participants, but a comprehensive description of shared understanding with all relevant points and disagreements. This written description enables other people to learn and form their own opinions of the matter, and thus help in other similar decision situations. Although producing such a description may be time-consuming and labourious, re-usability of the information makes it worth the effort.

Cognitive democracy

  • Henry Farrell (George Washington University), Cosma Shalizi (Carnegie Mellon University and The Santa Fe Institute). 2012?. An Outline of Cognitive Democracy [9],

Farrell and Shalizi analyze three main approaches to socially achieve results: hierarchies in different forms (with problems that those who are in power are not receiving information from the others); markets (with problems that they converge to individual benefit, which is sometimes in conflict with social benfit), and democracy (with problem how to actually implement the main principle of equal power among individuals). They suggests approaches to improve democracy. is a website for organised democratic discussion. It helps large organizations and communities understand themselves by visualizing what people think.

  • An example discussion about sote indicators [10] (in progress)
  • A case study of temperature check [11]
  • A case study from Taiwan [12]: vTaiwan: Public Participation Methods on the Cyberpunk Frontier of Democracy. In the midst of the signal failure known as the US electoral season, here’s something to be inspired about: a true story about rational deliberation on a national scale.


Jonathan Rauch and Benjamin Wittes. (May 2017) More professionalism, less populism: How voting makes us stupid, and what to do about it. Center for Effective Public Management at Brookings. [13]


Artificial intelligence may solve some of the structural problems related to development of shared understanding. How this would actually happen is largely unclear. However, professor Timo Honkela is working toward this aim. For more details, see op_fi:Rauhankone.


A similar but simpler approach is by Mikaeli Langinvainio and Juha Törmänen, who used to work for Crisis Management Initiative. They use statistics to understand views and opinions of different stakeholder groups. (HS 25.6.2017 Voiko rauhanneuvotteluja edistää matematiikalla?) Their company inforglobe produces consulting services based on these ideas. [14]

Their web tool contains these information structures and functionalities (for more details, see Inforglobe link above):

Likelihood of affecting the project vs impact for the project vs knowledge level on the risk or threats vs opportunities


  • Categories (e.g. project planning, logistics and safety, or joker risks)
  • Participants (e.g. project team, planning organisation, partner organisation, or customer representative)

Issues e.g.

  • Contractor network (joker)
  • Cost stucture (planning)
  • Logistics
  • Machinery placement (logistics and safety)
  • Staff competence (planning)

Values e.g.:

  • Large or small 1-5
  • Likely 1-5
  • Knowledge good 1-5

Additional properties

  • Each value can be enhanced with a suggestion how to mitigate the impact or decrease the likelihood.
  • Individual answers can be shown with participant attributes and suggestions.
  • Each issue has a more detailed description.
  • Based on individual answers, you can make shared conclusions about each issue and how to manage the risks.
  • Assessment can be done several times.
  • Participants can be categorised based on position or sector (and maybe other attributes as well)

System dynamic maps

  • Issues as nodes
  • Complex system maps: Causal edges between them with strength
  • Significance of edges (links) is measured in some way and used to select nodes and edges for display
  • Co-operation: Links can also describe how well items (in this case organisations) communicate with each other.

See also


  1. 1.0 1.1 James Fishkin. (2011) When the people speak. Democratic deliberation and public consultancy. Publisher: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0199604432