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=== Question ===
=== Question ===
What are the impacts of climate change in Denmark? What are the developing techniques and methods to avoid negative effects of climate change as well as exploiting any positive potential in Denmark?  effects of climate change in public health?
What are the developing methods and tools for evaluating the socio-economic consequences of adaptation initiatives and
strategies and developing management tools?

=== Intended use and users ===
=== Intended use and users ===
The state and municipalities which take initiatives, as well as individuals that are affected by the climate change such as citizens, businesses, city planners and the construction sector.  In addition it can be used by everyone responsible for infrastructure and many other important players.

=== Participants ===
=== Participants ===
*  a targeted information campaign, including creation of a web portal operated by an information centre;
*  a research strategy that will include estalishment of a coordinating body to ensure that Danish climate research focuses on the adaptation question to a greater extent;
*  establishing an organizational framework, including establishing a horizontal coordination forum for adaptation that will ensure a coordinated effort among public authorities.
*  Cross-sectoral Coordination Forum for Climate Change Adaptation
*  Information centre for climate change adaptation
*  Coordinating unit for research in climate change adaptation

=== Boundaries ===
=== Boundaries ===
Geographic boundaries of the assessment are limited within the boundaries of Denmark. Although this is one way but considering  the fact that climate changing is a global matter. I addition this strategy focuses on what will be attainable in the individual  sectors within the next 10 years, therefore timing can be considered as a boundary as well.
Lack of more detailed socio-economic analysis in order to quantify the consequences of the suggested measures.

=== Decisions and scenarios ===
=== Decisions and scenarios ===
* Coastal management, dikes, ports etc.
With the climate change happening vigorous storms and higher water levels in the sea will be expected that will lead to more risks of flooding and higher rates of erosion in areas along the coast. Maybe for preventing erosion land owners will enhance the amount of sand and channel dredging will be increased in areas that it is required. In some areas dikes or dunes as well as harbor installations and ferry baths can be reinforced. Since it is the landowner’s responsibility to protects itself from flooding and erosion no specific rule is required in this field. However, the Danish Coastal Authority will recommend minimum heights for building footings and dike heights upon request.
However,Minimum heights for building footings and dike heights upon request recommended by the Danish Coastal Authority.
* Buildings and infrastructure
- Buildings
Autonomous adaptation must be expected with regard to limiting snow-load and storm damage as well as controlling indoor climate in particular. With respect to strengthening existing buildings that is the responsibility of individual building owners. A compulsory labeling regulation can be introduced.
No special, planned measures will be recommended for building extensions or renovation.
- Roads and railways
Enhanced precipitation, groundwater levels, temperatures and winds will cause serious effects on the road and the road as well as the railways.
For efficient drainage to occur the size of the drainage system has to be adjusted and drainage has to be done adequately. Modern safety installation will be beneficial in railway. Autonomous adaptation to climate change as well as improved maintenance is crucial as well.
Road regulations and railway standards must be reviewed and revised in accord with the expected climate changes
- Sewers
Precautions will be taken in order to minimise the extent of damage in the event of flooding. Payment regulations can be a motivator for property owners to undertake alternative surface-water drainage methods, such as percolation.
* Water supply
Autonomous adaptation to climate change will be proposed when greater groundwater formation and increasing groundwater levels occur. Planning and reassessment of permits for water extraction will be undertaken sometimes Relocation of water extraction could occur as well. Socio-economic reassessment of water directives may be required in long term.
*  Energy supply
Increase in average temperatures and higher wind speeds will affect energy consumption as a result of climate change, winters lower energy for warming is required but warmer summers will need more energy for the cooling system. Increased wind speed can on the one hand lead to greater electricity production from wind turbines, but on the other hand, in storm situations wind turbines must be shut down to avoid storm damage. On the other hand district heating system can be used for producing district cooling.
*  Agriculture and forestry
CO2 concentrations and temperatures will increase which will lead to a longer growing season more agricultural products and introduction of new crops as well as different disease and insect patterns and an increased need for fertilizer. Two differnt stages are required in terms of climate change Short-term adaptation by optimizing the current conditions as well as Long-term adaptation that involves changes in agriculture's structure, technology and land use, irrigation systems, etc, as well as development and adaptation of new species and types of crops.
The impacts of climate change can be taken into account in the evaluation and reassessment of existing and forthcoming regulations. Targeted research efforts into the impacts  of climate change on agriculture will be required in order to make qualified economic calculations.
- Forestry
Actions that can be taken include: subsidy schemes aimed at private forestry, supporting the use of more robust hardwood
species, well-suited provenances and cultivation of varied forests with subsidies for good. In future by assessing the climate change effects substantial steps can be taken for close-to-nature
management in order to convert the national forests to close-to-nature forestry.
* Fisheries
climate change will cause various effects on different species of fish. The fishing sector is expected to develop new equipment, methods and types of boats concurrently with the altered fishing possibilities. updated tools (models and databases) that can be used to quantify and qualify the meaning of climate change for the sea's food chains, ecosystems and fish stocks and their sustainable exploitation is required to be developed and Dissemination of the current knowledge on the character and extent of climate change is essential as well as socio-economic analyses in several areas.
* Nature management
Adaptation to climate change in all sectors should take place with concern for nature and the environment. An evaluation should be made of whether the existing regulations for strategic environmental assessments (SEA) and environmental impact assessments (EIA) are sufficiently inclusive from the perspective of adaptation to climate change.
Information and guidelines for municipalities on green corridors will be needed as well as economic analysis in a number of areas.
* Land use planning
Conscientious planning of land use will be conducted
* Health
public prevention and treatment programmes and monitoring systems will be required in connection with more heat waves, altered infectious disease patterns as well as increasing occurrence of allergies and accidents and any increased occurrence of skin cancer in the future climate.
Climate change may require reprioritisation or adjustment of information campaigns, there may be a need for socio-economic analyses as well.
* Rescue preparedness
Rescue preparedness can be deployed in actions to prevent, limit and aid injuries and damage to people, property and the environment.
Continuous adaptation in the form of improving equipment can also be taken into consideration.
* Insurance aspects

=== Timing ===
=== Timing ===
This strategy focuses on what will be attainable in the individual sectors within the next 10 years. By "attainable" is meant that a measure should be scientifically, technically and socio-economically appropriate for implementation within the given period.  Different sections have there specific time table for instance energy supply is characterised by a typical investment horizon of 10–30 years.
Agriculture observed climate changes over a period of at least 30 years and in relation to expected climate changes over a relevant period, depending on the character of the analysis.

== Answer ==
== Answer ==
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=== Results ===
=== Results ===

* Coastal , dikes and  ports management will lead to less risks of flooding and lower rates of erosion in areas along the coast.
=== Conclusions ===

- Buildings and infrastructure limiting snow-load and storm damage as well as controlling indoor climate in particular.
== Rationale ==

- Roads and railways: efficient drainage of roads and railways will occur by adjusting the size of the drainage system and drainage being done adequately.
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- Sewers the extent of damage in the event of flooding will be minimized.
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* Water supply
adequate, safe water supply for the citizens will be provided.
* Energy supply
wind turbines will be used for producing electricity. District heating system will be used for producing district cooling.
* Agriculture and forestry
Short-term adaptation by optimizing the current conditions as well as Long-term adaptation that involves changes in agriculture's structure, technology and land use, irrigation systems, etc, as well as development and adaptation of new species and types of crops that will lead to higher number of crops as well as safer agriculture system as well as qualified economic calculations.
- more robust hardwood species, well-suited provenances and cultivation of varied forests with subsidies for good as well as close-to-nature management and converting the national forests to close-to-nature forestry.
* Fisheries
The fishing sector will develop new equipment, methods and types of boats concurrently with the altered fishing possibilities. updated tools (models and databases) that can be used to quantify and qualify the meaning of climate change for the sea's food chains, ecosystems and fish stocks and their sustainable exploitation will be developed and Dissemination of the current knowledge on the character and extent of climate change.
* Nature management and Land use planning will be conducted.
* Health
public health will be safe from  heat waves, altered infectious disease patterns as well as increasing occurrence of allergies and accidents and any increased occurrence of skin cancer in the future climate.
* Rescue preparedness will be taken into consideration along with Insurance aspects
=== Conclusions ===
By the following measurements adaptation to the climate change will occur in Denmark's country and the risk of confronting the negative
aspects will be reduced and even changed into a potential for further economical value for the country by for example increasing the agricultural products.
== Rationale ==

=== Stakeholders ===
=== Stakeholders ===
- Denmark country
- Government and authorities
- Citizens of Denmark
- Land owners
- Property owners
- Specialist and scientists
- Several organizations and business people such as insurance companies

=== Dependencies ===
=== Dependencies ===
* Predicting Costs incurred by governments to face the impacts of climate change so that the decision is supported by economic data by following the past trends.
* Development of climate scenarios based on models that can suggest a predictive model assisting the design of the risk assessment in order to be more realistic.
* Progressive implementation of adaptation initiatives that can start in public lands, key ecosystems and more flexible activities and economic sectors to help minimize social, political and ecological trade-offs and avoid committing to a dramatic strategy prematurely.

=== Analyses ===
=== Analyses ===
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== References ==
== References ==
Danish strategy for adaptation to a changing climate <ref name="Danish strategy for adaptation to a changing climate">[https://Danish strategy for adaptation to a changing climate.] </ref>


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Revision as of 10:49, 14 June 2017

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Intended use and users



Decisions and scenarios






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