Great game of Turkey: Difference between revisions

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2016-01-19|How should terrorist attack be prevented?||Increase international collaboration.
2016-01-19|How should terrorist attack be prevented?||Increase international collaboration.
2016-01-19|How should terrorist attack be prevented?||Do as before.
2016-01-19|How should terrorist attack be prevented?||Do as before.
=== Seed for data collected during the game ===
<t2b name="Choices" index="Question,User" obs="Option" unit="-">
Should the scarf ban in the universities be abandoned?|Jouni|Yes
Should the scarf ban in the universities be abandoned?|Peter|Partly
Should the scarf ban in the universities be abandoned?|Alex|No
Should the military budget be increased?|Jouni|Yes
Should the military budget be increased?|Peter|No, keep the same
Should the military budget be increased?|Alex|No, reduce
Should the military budget be increased?|Cecil|Yes
Should the education budget be increased?|Jouni|Yes
Should the education budget be increased?|Peter|Yes
Should the education budget be increased?|Alex|No, keep the same
Should the education budget be increased?|Cecil|No, reduce
Should the presidential palace be made to a public place?|Jouni|Yes
Should the presidential palace be made to a public place?|Peter|No
Should the presidential palace be made to a public place?|Alex|Yes
Should the presidential palace be made to a public place?|Cecil|No
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Jouni|Increase refugee camps and ask for money from the EU.
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Peter|Force people from Syria to go back.
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Alex|Ask military help from the US and Nato.
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Cecil|Fight the illegal refugee transport from Turkey across the Mediterranean.
How should terrorist attack be prevented?|Jouni|Increase guards in tourist areas.
How should terrorist attack be prevented?|Peter|Increase guards on the streets.
How should terrorist attack be prevented?|Alex|Increase international collaboration.
How should terrorist attack be prevented?|Cecil|Do as before.
<t2b name="Happiness" index="Question,Option,Group,User" obs="hscore" unit="-">
Should the scarf ban in the universities be abandoned?|Yes|Nationalists|Jouni|2
Should the scarf ban in the universities be abandoned?|Partly|Nationalists|Peter|1
Should the scarf ban in the universities be abandoned?|No|Nationalists|Alex|0
Should the military budget be increased?|Yes|Nationalists|Cecil|2
Should the military budget be increased?|No, keep the same|Nationalists|Jouni|-2
Should the military budget be increased?|No, reduce|Nationalists|Peter|-2
Should the education budget be increased?|Yes|Nationalists|Alex|0
Should the education budget be increased?|No, keep the same|Nationalists|Cecil|1
Should the education budget be increased?|No, reduce|Nationalists|Jouni|2
Should the presidential palace be made to a public place?|Yes|Nationalists|Peter|1
Should the presidential palace be made to a public place?|No|Nationalists|Alex|0
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Increase refugee camps and ask for money from the EU.|Nationalists|Cecil|-1
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Force people from Syria to go back.|Nationalists|Jouni|2
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Ask military help from the US and Nato.|Nationalists|Peter|-1
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Fight the illegal refugee transport from Turkey across the Mediterranean.|Nationalists|Alex|0
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Attack Russia verbally because it helps the Syrian government and prolongs the war.|Nationalists|Cecil|1
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Fight the Kurds in Syria but silently so that western allies do not get mad.|Nationalists|Jouni|2
How should terrorist attack be prevented?|Increase guards in tourist areas.|Nationalists|Peter|1
How should terrorist attack be prevented?|Increase guards on the streets.|Nationalists|Alex|2
How should terrorist attack be prevented?|Increase international collaboration.|Nationalists|Cecil|-1
How should terrorist attack be prevented?|Do as before.|Nationalists|Jouni|0
Should the scarf ban in the universities be abandoned?|Yes|Conservatives|Peter|-1
Should the scarf ban in the universities be abandoned?|Partly|Conservatives|Alex|0
Should the scarf ban in the universities be abandoned?|No|Conservatives|Cecil|2
Should the military budget be increased?|Yes|Conservatives|Jouni|1
Should the military budget be increased?|No, keep the same|Conservatives|Peter|2
Should the military budget be increased?|No, reduce|Conservatives|Alex|0
Should the education budget be increased?|Yes|Conservatives|Cecil|-1
Should the education budget be increased?|No, keep the same|Conservatives|Jouni|2
Should the education budget be increased?|No, reduce|Conservatives|Peter|-1
Should the presidential palace be made to a public place?|Yes|Conservatives|Alex|0
Should the presidential palace be made to a public place?|No|Conservatives|Cecil|1
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Increase refugee camps and ask for money from the EU.|Conservatives|Jouni|0
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Force people from Syria to go back.|Conservatives|Peter|1
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Ask military help from the US and Nato.|Conservatives|Alex|0
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Fight the illegal refugee transport from Turkey across the Mediterranean.|Conservatives|Cecil|-1
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Attack Russia verbally because it helps the Syrian government and prolongs the war.|Conservatives|Jouni|-2
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Fight the Kurds in Syria but silently so that western allies do not get mad.|Conservatives|Peter|1
How should terrorist attack be prevented?|Increase guards in tourist areas.|Conservatives|Alex|0
How should terrorist attack be prevented?|Increase guards on the streets.|Conservatives|Cecil|2
How should terrorist attack be prevented?|Increase international collaboration.|Conservatives|Jouni|0
How should terrorist attack be prevented?|Do as before.|Conservatives|Peter|2
Should the scarf ban in the universities be abandoned?|Yes|Minorities|Alex|0
Should the scarf ban in the universities be abandoned?|Partly|Minorities|Cecil|-1
Should the scarf ban in the universities be abandoned?|No|Minorities|Jouni|-2
Should the military budget be increased?|Yes|Minorities|Peter|-2
Should the military budget be increased?|No, keep the same|Minorities|Alex|0
Should the military budget be increased?|No, reduce|Minorities|Cecil|1
Should the education budget be increased?|Yes|Minorities|Jouni|2
Should the education budget be increased?|No, keep the same|Minorities|Peter|1
Should the education budget be increased?|No, reduce|Minorities|Alex|-2
Should the presidential palace be made to a public place?|Yes|Minorities|Cecil|0
Should the presidential palace be made to a public place?|No|Minorities|Jouni|0
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Increase refugee camps and ask for money from the EU.|Minorities|Peter|2
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Force people from Syria to go back.|Minorities|Alex|-2
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Ask military help from the US and Nato.|Minorities|Cecil|1
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Fight the illegal refugee transport from Turkey across the Mediterranean.|Minorities|Jouni|0
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Attack Russia verbally because it helps the Syrian government and prolongs the war.|Minorities|Peter|1
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Fight the Kurds in Syria but silently so that western allies do not get mad.|Minorities|Alex|-2
How should terrorist attack be prevented?|Increase guards in tourist areas.|Minorities|Cecil|-1
How should terrorist attack be prevented?|Increase guards on the streets.|Minorities|Jouni|0
How should terrorist attack be prevented?|Increase international collaboration.|Minorities|Peter|2
How should terrorist attack be prevented?|Do as before.|Minorities|Alex|0
Should the scarf ban in the universities be abandoned?|Yes|Liberals|Cecil|2
Should the scarf ban in the universities be abandoned?|Partly|Liberals|Jouni|0
Should the scarf ban in the universities be abandoned?|No|Liberals|Peter|-2
Should the military budget be increased?|Yes|Liberals|Alex|-2
Should the military budget be increased?|No, keep the same|Liberals|Cecil|-1
Should the military budget be increased?|No, reduce|Liberals|Jouni|2
Should the education budget be increased?|Yes|Liberals|Peter|2
Should the education budget be increased?|No, keep the same|Liberals|Alex|0
Should the education budget be increased?|No, reduce|Liberals|Cecil|-2
Should the presidential palace be made to a public place?|Yes|Liberals|Jouni|2
Should the presidential palace be made to a public place?|No|Liberals|Peter|-1
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Increase refugee camps and ask for money from the EU.|Liberals|Alex|2
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Force people from Syria to go back.|Liberals|Cecil|-2
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Ask military help from the US and Nato.|Liberals|Jouni|-1
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Fight the illegal refugee transport from Turkey across the Mediterranean.|Liberals|Peter|-1
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Attack Russia verbally because it helps the Syrian government and prolongs the war.|Liberals|Alex|-2
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Fight the Kurds in Syria but silently so that western allies do not get mad.|Liberals|Cecil|-2
How should terrorist attack be prevented?|Increase guards in tourist areas.|Liberals|Jouni|1
How should terrorist attack be prevented?|Increase guards on the streets.|Liberals|Peter|1
How should terrorist attack be prevented?|Increase international collaboration.|Liberals|Alex|2
How should terrorist attack be prevented?|Do as before.|Liberals|Cecil|-1
Should the scarf ban in the universities be abandoned?|Yes|Kemalists|Jouni|-2
Should the scarf ban in the universities be abandoned?|Partly|Kemalists|Peter|-1
Should the scarf ban in the universities be abandoned?|No|Kemalists|Alex|2
Should the military budget be increased?|Yes|Kemalists|Cecil|1
Should the military budget be increased?|No, keep the same|Kemalists|Jouni|2
Should the military budget be increased?|No, reduce|Kemalists|Peter|-1
Should the education budget be increased?|Yes|Kemalists|Alex|0
Should the education budget be increased?|No, keep the same|Kemalists|Cecil|-1
Should the education budget be increased?|No, reduce|Kemalists|Jouni|-1
Should the presidential palace be made to a public place?|Yes|Kemalists|Peter|-1
Should the presidential palace be made to a public place?|No|Kemalists|Alex|0
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Increase refugee camps and ask for money from the EU.|Kemalists|Cecil|1
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Force people from Syria to go back.|Kemalists|Jouni|2
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Ask military help from the US and Nato.|Kemalists|Peter|1
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Fight the illegal refugee transport from Turkey across the Mediterranean.|Kemalists|Alex|0
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Attack Russia verbally because it helps the Syrian government and prolongs the war.|Kemalists|Cecil|-1
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Fight the Kurds in Syria but silently so that western allies do not get mad.|Kemalists|Jouni|1
How should terrorist attack be prevented?|Increase guards in tourist areas.|Kemalists|Peter|-1
How should terrorist attack be prevented?|Increase guards on the streets.|Kemalists|Alex|0
How should terrorist attack be prevented?|Increase international collaboration.|Kemalists|Cecil|1
How should terrorist attack be prevented?|Do as before.|Kemalists|Jouni|2
<t2b name="Progress" index="Question,Option,Issue,User" obs="pscore" unit="-">
Should the scarf ban in the universities be abandoned?|Yes|Civil rights|Peter|2
Should the scarf ban in the universities be abandoned?|Partly|Civil rights|Alex|0
Should the scarf ban in the universities be abandoned?|No|Civil rights|Cecil|-2
Should the military budget be increased?|Yes|Civil rights|Jouni|-1
Should the military budget be increased?|No, keep the same|Civil rights|Peter|0
Should the military budget be increased?|No, reduce|Civil rights|Alex|1
Should the education budget be increased?|Yes|Civil rights|Cecil|2
Should the education budget be increased?|No, keep the same|Civil rights|Jouni|0
Should the education budget be increased?|No, reduce|Civil rights|Peter|-2
Should the presidential palace be made to a public place?|Yes|Civil rights|Alex|0
Should the presidential palace be made to a public place?|No|Civil rights|Cecil|-1
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Increase refugee camps and ask for money from the EU.|Civil rights|Jouni|2
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Force people from Syria to go back.|Civil rights|Peter|-2
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Ask military help from the US and Nato.|Civil rights|Alex|0
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Fight the illegal refugee transport from Turkey across the Mediterranean.|Civil rights|Cecil|1
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Attack Russia verbally because it helps the Syrian government and prolongs the war.|Civil rights|Jouni|2
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Fight the Kurds in Syria but silently so that western allies do not get mad.|Civil rights|Peter|-2
How should terrorist attack be prevented?|Increase guards in tourist areas.|Civil rights|Alex|0
How should terrorist attack be prevented?|Increase guards on the streets.|Civil rights|Cecil|-1
How should terrorist attack be prevented?|Increase international collaboration.|Civil rights|Jouni|1
How should terrorist attack be prevented?|Do as before.|Civil rights|Peter|-1
Should the scarf ban in the universities be abandoned?|Yes|Women´s rights|Alex|2
Should the scarf ban in the universities be abandoned?|Partly|Women´s rights|Cecil|0
Should the scarf ban in the universities be abandoned?|No|Women´s rights|Jouni|-2
Should the military budget be increased?|Yes|Women´s rights|Peter|1
Should the military budget be increased?|No, keep the same|Women´s rights|Alex|0
Should the military budget be increased?|No, reduce|Women´s rights|Cecil|-1
Should the education budget be increased?|Yes|Women´s rights|Jouni|2
Should the education budget be increased?|No, keep the same|Women´s rights|Peter|-1
Should the education budget be increased?|No, reduce|Women´s rights|Alex|-1
Should the presidential palace be made to a public place?|Yes|Women´s rights|Cecil|1
Should the presidential palace be made to a public place?|No|Women´s rights|Jouni|2
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Increase refugee camps and ask for money from the EU.|Women´s rights|Peter|1
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Force people from Syria to go back.|Women´s rights|Alex|0
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Ask military help from the US and Nato.|Women´s rights|Cecil|-1
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Fight the illegal refugee transport from Turkey across the Mediterranean.|Women´s rights|Jouni|-2
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Attack Russia verbally because it helps the Syrian government and prolongs the war.|Women´s rights|Peter|-1
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Fight the Kurds in Syria but silently so that western allies do not get mad.|Women´s rights|Alex|0
How should terrorist attack be prevented?|Increase guards in tourist areas.|Women´s rights|Cecil|1
How should terrorist attack be prevented?|Increase guards on the streets.|Women´s rights|Jouni|2
How should terrorist attack be prevented?|Increase international collaboration.|Women´s rights|Peter|1
How should terrorist attack be prevented?|Do as before.|Women´s rights|Alex|0
Should the scarf ban in the universities be abandoned?|Yes|Religion|Cecil|2
Should the scarf ban in the universities be abandoned?|Partly|Religion|Jouni|1
Should the scarf ban in the universities be abandoned?|No|Religion|Peter|-2
Should the military budget be increased?|Yes|Religion|Alex|0
Should the military budget be increased?|No, keep the same|Religion|Cecil|1
Should the military budget be increased?|No, reduce|Religion|Jouni|1
Should the education budget be increased?|Yes|Religion|Peter|-1
Should the education budget be increased?|No, keep the same|Religion|Alex|0
Should the education budget be increased?|No, reduce|Religion|Cecil|-1
Should the presidential palace be made to a public place?|Yes|Religion|Jouni|-2
Should the presidential palace be made to a public place?|No|Religion|Peter|-1
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Increase refugee camps and ask for money from the EU.|Religion|Alex|0
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Force people from Syria to go back.|Religion|Cecil|1
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Ask military help from the US and Nato.|Religion|Jouni|-1
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Fight the illegal refugee transport from Turkey across the Mediterranean.|Religion|Peter|1
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Attack Russia verbally because it helps the Syrian government and prolongs the war.|Religion|Alex|0
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Fight the Kurds in Syria but silently so that western allies do not get mad.|Religion|Cecil|-1
How should terrorist attack be prevented?|Increase guards in tourist areas.|Religion|Jouni|-2
How should terrorist attack be prevented?|Increase guards on the streets.|Religion|Peter|-1
How should terrorist attack be prevented?|Increase international collaboration.|Religion|Alex|0
How should terrorist attack be prevented?|Do as before.|Religion|Cecil|1
Should the scarf ban in the universities be abandoned?|Yes|National values|Jouni|2
Should the scarf ban in the universities be abandoned?|Partly|National values|Peter|1
Should the scarf ban in the universities be abandoned?|No|National values|Alex|0
Should the military budget be increased?|Yes|National values|Cecil|2
Should the military budget be increased?|No, keep the same|National values|Jouni|-1
Should the military budget be increased?|No, reduce|National values|Peter|-1
Should the education budget be increased?|Yes|National values|Alex|0
Should the education budget be increased?|No, keep the same|National values|Cecil|1
Should the education budget be increased?|No, reduce|National values|Jouni|2
Should the presidential palace be made to a public place?|Yes|National values|Peter|1
Should the presidential palace be made to a public place?|No|National values|Alex|0
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Increase refugee camps and ask for money from the EU.|National values|Cecil|-1
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Force people from Syria to go back.|National values|Jouni|1
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Ask military help from the US and Nato.|National values|Peter|-2
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Fight the illegal refugee transport from Turkey across the Mediterranean.|National values|Alex|0
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Attack Russia verbally because it helps the Syrian government and prolongs the war.|National values|Cecil|1
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Fight the Kurds in Syria but silently so that western allies do not get mad.|National values|Jouni|2
How should terrorist attack be prevented?|Increase guards in tourist areas.|National values|Peter|1
How should terrorist attack be prevented?|Increase guards on the streets.|National values|Alex|0
How should terrorist attack be prevented?|Increase international collaboration.|National values|Cecil|-2
How should terrorist attack be prevented?|Do as before.|National values|Jouni|-2
Should the scarf ban in the universities be abandoned?|Yes|Democracy|Peter|2
Should the scarf ban in the universities be abandoned?|Partly|Democracy|Alex|0
Should the scarf ban in the universities be abandoned?|No|Democracy|Cecil|1
Should the military budget be increased?|Yes|Democracy|Jouni|2
Should the military budget be increased?|No, keep the same|Democracy|Peter|1
Should the military budget be increased?|No, reduce|Democracy|Alex|0
Should the education budget be increased?|Yes|Democracy|Cecil|2
Should the education budget be increased?|No, keep the same|Democracy|Jouni|1
Should the education budget be increased?|No, reduce|Democracy|Peter|-1
Should the presidential palace be made to a public place?|Yes|Democracy|Alex|0
Should the presidential palace be made to a public place?|No|Democracy|Cecil|1
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Increase refugee camps and ask for money from the EU.|Democracy|Jouni|2
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Force people from Syria to go back.|Democracy|Peter|-2
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Ask military help from the US and Nato.|Democracy|Alex|0
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Fight the illegal refugee transport from Turkey across the Mediterranean.|Democracy|Cecil|1
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Attack Russia verbally because it helps the Syrian government and prolongs the war.|Democracy|Jouni|-2
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Fight the Kurds in Syria but silently so that western allies do not get mad.|Democracy|Peter|-2
How should terrorist attack be prevented?|Increase guards in tourist areas.|Democracy|Alex|0
How should terrorist attack be prevented?|Increase guards on the streets.|Democracy|Cecil|1
How should terrorist attack be prevented?|Increase international collaboration.|Democracy|Jouni|2
How should terrorist attack be prevented?|Do as before.|Democracy|Peter|1
<t2b name="Question vote" index="Date,User" obs="Question" unit="-">
2016-01-16|Jouni|Should the scarf ban in the universities be abandoned?
2016-01-16|Peter|Should the scarf ban in the universities be abandoned?
2016-01-16|Alex|Should the scarf ban in the universities be abandoned?
2016-01-17|Cecil|Should the military budget be increased?
2016-01-17|Jouni|Should the military budget be increased?
2016-01-17|Peter|Should the military budget be increased?
2016-01-17|Alex|Should the education budget be increased?
2016-01-17|Cecil|Should the education budget be increased?
2016-01-17|Jouni|Should the education budget be increased?
2016-01-18|Peter|Should the presidential palace be made to a public place?
2016-01-18|Alex|Should the presidential palace be made to a public place?
2016-01-18|Cecil|What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?
2016-01-18|Jouni|What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?
2016-01-18|Peter|What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?
2016-01-18|Alex|What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?
2016-01-18|Cecil|What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?
2016-01-18|Jouni|What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?
2016-01-19|Peter|How should terrorist attack be prevented?
2016-01-19|Alex|How should terrorist attack be prevented?
2016-01-19|Cecil|How should terrorist attack be prevented?
2016-01-19|Jouni|How should terrorist attack be prevented?
<t2b name="Option vote" index="Question,User" obs="Option" unit="-">
Should the scarf ban in the universities be abandoned?|Peter|Yes
Should the scarf ban in the universities be abandoned?|Alex|Partly
Should the scarf ban in the universities be abandoned?|Cecil|No
Should the military budget be increased?|Jouni|Yes
Should the military budget be increased?|Peter|No, keep the same
Should the military budget be increased?|Alex|No, reduce
Should the education budget be increased?|Cecil|Yes
Should the education budget be increased?|Jouni|No, keep the same
Should the education budget be increased?|Peter|No, reduce
Should the presidential palace be made to a public place?|Alex|Yes
Should the presidential palace be made to a public place?|Cecil|No
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Jouni|Increase refugee camps and ask for money from the EU.
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Peter|Force people from Syria to go back.
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Alex|Ask military help from the US and Nato.
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Cecil|Fight the illegal refugee transport from Turkey across the Mediterranean.
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Jouni|Attack Russia verbally because it helps the Syrian government and prolongs the war.
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Peter|Fight the Kurds in Syria but silently so that western allies do not get mad.
How should terrorist attack be prevented?|Alex|Increase guards in tourist areas.
How should terrorist attack be prevented?|Cecil|Increase guards on the streets.
How should terrorist attack be prevented?|Jouni|Increase international collaboration.
How should terrorist attack be prevented?|Peter|Do as before.
Should the scarf ban in the universities be abandoned?|Alex|Yes
Should the scarf ban in the universities be abandoned?|Cecil|Partly
Should the scarf ban in the universities be abandoned?|Jouni|No
Should the military budget be increased?|Peter|Yes
Should the military budget be increased?|Alex|No, keep the same
Should the military budget be increased?|Cecil|No, reduce
Should the education budget be increased?|Jouni|Yes
Should the education budget be increased?|Peter|No, keep the same
Should the education budget be increased?|Alex|No, reduce
Should the presidential palace be made to a public place?|Cecil|Yes
Should the presidential palace be made to a public place?|Jouni|No
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Peter|Increase refugee camps and ask for money from the EU.
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Alex|Force people from Syria to go back.
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Cecil|Ask military help from the US and Nato.
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Jouni|Fight the illegal refugee transport from Turkey across the Mediterranean.
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Peter|Attack Russia verbally because it helps the Syrian government and prolongs the war.
What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?|Alex|Fight the Kurds in Syria but silently so that western allies do not get mad.
How should terrorist attack be prevented?|Cecil|Increase guards in tourist areas.
How should terrorist attack be prevented?|Jouni|Increase guards on the streets.
How should terrorist attack be prevented?|Peter|Increase international collaboration.
How should terrorist attack be prevented?|Alex|Do as before.
<t2b name="User" index="User,Date" obs="Group" unit="-">

Line 664: Line 343:
   qvote <- unique(qvote[qvote$Date == as.character(Sys.Date()) , ]) # Remove double votes
   qvote <- unique(qvote[qvote$Date == as.character(Sys.Date()) , ]) # Remove double votes
   qvote <- aggregate(qvote["User"], by = qvote["Result"], FUN = length)
   qvote <- aggregate(qvote["User"], by = qvote["Result"], FUN = length)
   qvote <- qvote[order(qvote$User, descending = TRUE) , ][1,] # Choose the row with most votes
   qvote <- qvote[order(qvote$User, decreasing = TRUE) , ][1,] # Choose the row with most votes
   temp <- merge(ques, qvote, by.x = "Obs", by.y = "Result")["Question"]
   temp <- merge(ques, qvote, by.x = "Obs", by.y = "Result")["Question"]

Revision as of 23:10, 17 January 2016

+ Show code

Check above the question of the day and decide which option you would choose.:

+ Show code

Into which group do you identify most? (You only need to choose once):

+ Show code


What is a good game to crowdsource citizen priorities about daily political decisions in such a way that

  • it can be done using a mobile app,
  • it characterises happiness of citizen groups of the decisions,
  • it characterises progress of important societal values,
  • it enables crowdsourcing the actual questions and options asked?


See the top of the page for the main questionnaire of the game. Here we present results from the game.

+ Show code


12016-01-16Should the scarf ban in the universities be abandoned?Since Kemal Atatürk, scarfs have been banned in universities. Now this policy is being re-evaluated.Yes
22016-01-16Should the scarf ban in the universities be abandoned?Partly
32016-01-16Should the scarf ban in the universities be abandoned?No
42016-01-17Should the military budget be increased?The political and military situation in Syria and areas nearby have become more difficult during the last 12 months.Yes
52016-01-17Should the military budget be increased?No, keep the same
62016-01-17Should the military budget be increased?No, reduce
72016-01-17Should the education budget be increased?Yes
82016-01-17Should the education budget be increased?X % of the young people in Turkey do not receive any education except the primary school. Education is a known determinant of social improvement, but it is also expensive.No, keep the same
92016-01-17Should the education budget be increased?No, reduce
102016-01-18Should the presidential palace be made to a public place?President Erdogan built a presidential palace with more than a thousand rooms. Should it be opened up to the public instead of being in president's private use?Yes
112016-01-18Should the presidential palace be made to a public place?No
122016-01-18What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?The was in Syria has made millions of people to flee from the area.Increase refugee camps and ask for money from the EU.
132016-01-18What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?Force people from Syria to go back.
142016-01-18What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?Ask military help from the US and Nato.
152016-01-18What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?Fight the illegal refugee transport from Turkey across the Mediterranean.
162016-01-18What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?Attack Russia verbally because it helps the Syrian government and prolongs the war.
172016-01-18What should be done to the immigration situation near the Syrian border?Fight the Kurds in Syria but silently so that western allies do not get mad.
182016-01-19How should terrorist attack be prevented?Homeland security may be compromised in touristic areas because of terrorist attacks.Increase guards in tourist areas.
192016-01-19How should terrorist attack be prevented?Increase guards on the streets.
202016-01-19How should terrorist attack be prevented?Increase international collaboration.
212016-01-19How should terrorist attack be prevented?Do as before.


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Structures of the tables.
Questions Choices Happiness Progress Question vote Option vote User
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Groups for Turkey Progress categories
  • Nationalists
  • Conservatives
  • Minorities
  • Liberals
  • Kemalists
  • Civil Rights
  • Women's Rights
  • Religion
  • National Values
  • Democracy

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