Line 1: |
Line 1: |
| [[Category:Opasnet]]
| | #REDIRECT [[Category:OpasnetUtils]] |
| [[Category:R tools]]
| |
| [[Category:OpasnetUtils]] | |
| | |
| {{comment|# |The page should be renamed. OpasnetUtils is the current name of the R package containing these and the old OpasnetBaseUtils functions. |--[[User:Teemu R|Teemu R]] 11:23, 14 June 2012 (EEST)}}
| |
| | |
| {{method|moderator=|stub=Yes}}
| |
| This is a library of functions for [[R]] statistical software, designed for the key tasks of modelling in Opasnet.
| |
| | |
| ==Question==
| |
| | |
| What functions should be used in Opasnet modelling?
| |
| | |
| ==Answer==
| |
| | |
| ===SVN repository===
| |
| | |
| *https://www.opasnet.org/svn/opasnet_utils/trunk/
| |
| *https://www.opasnet.org/svn/opasnet_utils/trunk/R/ Function definitions
| |
| | |
| ===Outdated code===
| |
| | |
| <rcode
| |
| name="answer"
| |
| label="Initiate functions"
| |
| graphics="1"
| |
| >
| |
| | |
| library(OpasnetBaseUtils)
| |
| library(xtable)
| |
| library(triangle)
| |
| | |
| NIterations <- 5
| |
| | |
| n <- 5
| |
| | |
| # APPLY.DECISIONS ############## apply.decisions takes a decision table and applies that to an assessment.
| |
| ## dec is a decision data.frame that must have columns Decision, Option, Variable, Cell, Change, Result. It can have several variables.
| |
| apply.decisions <- function(assessment) {
| |
| dec <- merge(assessment@decisions, assessment@dependencies, by.x = "Variable", by.y = "Name")
| |
| colnames(dec)[colnames(dec) == "Result.x"] <- "Result"
| |
| colnames(dec)[colnames(dec) == "Result.y"] <- "Name"
| |
| | |
| for(variables in unique(dec$Name)) { # Take one variable at a time.
| |
| dec.var <- dec[dec$Name == variables, ] # dec.var = variable-specific decisions
| |
| scenarios <- data.frame(temp = 1)
| |
| | |
| for(decisions in unique(dec.var$Decision)) { # Add BAU option to each decision and merge decisions.
| |
| temp <- as.character(dec.var[dec.var$Decision == decisions, "Option"])
| |
| temp <- data.frame(Options = c(temp, "BAU"))
| |
| colnames(temp) <- decisions
| |
| scenarios <- merge(scenarios, temp)
| |
| }
| |
| var <- assessment@vars[[variables]]# as.character(dec$Name[1])]]
| |
| var@output <- merge(scenarios[colnames(scenarios) != "temp"], var@output)
| |
| for(s in 1:nrow(dec.var)) { # Each option row handled separately
| |
| cell <- gsub("^[ \t]+|[ \t]+$", "", as.character(dec.var$Cell[s])) # Leading and trailing whitespaces removed.
| |
| cell <- gsub(":[ \t]+", ":", cell) # Whitespaces removed after :
| |
| cell <- gsub(";[ \t]+", ";", cell) # Whitespaces removed after ;
| |
| cell <- gsub("[ \t]+:", ":", cell) # Whitespaces removed before :
| |
| cell <- gsub("[ \t]+;", ";", cell) # Whitespaces removed before ;
| |
| cell <- strsplit(cell, split = ";") # Separate cell identifiers (indices and locations)
| |
| cell <- strsplit(cell[[1]], split = ":")
| |
| cond <- as.character(dec.var$Decision[s])
| |
| cond <- var@output[, cond] == as.character(dec.var$Option[s]) # Only the rows with the relevant option.
| |
| for(r in 1:length(cell)) { # All Cell conditions extracted and combined with AND.
| |
| cond <- cond * (var@output[, cell[[r]][1]] == cell[[r]][2])
| |
| }
| |
| cond <- as.logical(cond)
| |
| if(dec.var$Change[s] == "Replace" )
| |
| {var@output[cond, "Result"] <- dec.var$Result[s]}
| |
| if(dec.var$Change[s] == "Add" )
| |
| {var@output[cond, "Result"] <- as.numeric(dec.var$Result[s]) + var@output[cond, "Result"]}
| |
| if(dec.var$Change[s] == "Multiply")
| |
| {var@output[cond, "Result"] <- as.numeric(dec.var$Result[s]) * var@output[cond, "Result"]}
| |
| }
| |
| assessment@vars[[variables]] <- var
| |
| }
| |
| return(assessment)
| |
| }
| |
| | |
| # DECISIONS.APPLY ############## decisions.apply takes a decision table and applies that to an assessment.
| |
| ## dec is a decision data.frame that must have columns Decision, Option, Variable, Cell, Change, Result. It can have several variables.
| |
| decisions.apply <- function(dec, assessment = NULL) {
| |
| out <- as.list(unique(dec$Variable))
| |
| names(out) <- as.character(unique(dec$Variable))
| |
| | |
| for(variables in unique(dec$Variable)) { # Take one variable at a time.
| |
| dec.var <- dec[dec$Variable == variables, ] # dec.var = variable-specific decisions
| |
| scenarios <- data.frame(temp = 1)
| |
| | |
| for(decisions in unique(dec.var$Decision)) { # Add BAU option to each decision and merge decisions.
| |
| temp <- as.character(dec.var[dec.var$Decision == decisions, "Option"])
| |
| temp <- data.frame(Options = c(temp, "BAU"))
| |
| colnames(temp) <- decisions
| |
| scenarios <- merge(scenarios, temp)
| |
| }
| |
| | |
| if(!is.null(assessment)) {
| |
| var <- assessment@vars[[as.character(dec.var$Variable[1])]]
| |
| } else {
| |
| if(exists(as.character(dec.var$Variable[1])))
| |
| {var <- get(as.character(dec.var$Variable[1]))
| |
| } else {
| |
| stop(as.character(dec.var$Variable[1]), " not defined!")
| |
| }
| |
| }
| |
| var <- merge(scenarios[colnames(scenarios) != "temp"], var)
| |
| | |
| for(s in 1:nrow(dec.var)) { # Each row in decision handled separately
| |
| cell <- gsub("^[ \t]+|[ \t]+$", "", as.character(dec$Cell[s])) # Leading and trailing whitespaces removed.
| |
| cell <- gsub(":[ \t]+", ":", cell) # Whitespaces removed after :
| |
| cell <- gsub(";[ \t]+", ";", cell) # Whitespaces removed after ;
| |
| cell <- gsub("[ \t]+:", ":", cell) # Whitespaces removed before :
| |
| cell <- gsub("[ \t]+;", ";", cell) # Whitespaces removed before ;
| |
| cell <- strsplit(cell, split = ";") # Separate cell identifiers (indices and locations)
| |
| cell <- strsplit(cell[[1]], split = ":")
| |
| cond <- as.character(dec.var$Decision[s])
| |
| cond <- var[, cond] == as.character(dec.var$Option[s]) # Only the rows with the relevant option.
| |
| for(r in 1:length(cell)) { # All Cell conditions extracted and combined with AND.
| |
| cond <- cond * (var[, cell[[r]][1]] == cell[[r]][2])
| |
| }
| |
| cond <- as.logical(cond)
| |
| if(dec.var$Change[s] == "Replace" ) {var[cond, "Result"] <- dec.var$Result[s]}
| |
| if(dec.var$Change[s] == "Add" ) {var[cond, "Result"] <- dec.var$Result[s] + var[cond, "Result"]}
| |
| if(dec.var$Change[s] == "Multiply") {var[cond, "Result"] <- dec.var$Result[s] * var[cond, "Result"]}
| |
| }
| |
| | |
| out[[variables]] <- var
| |
| }
| |
| return(out)
| |
| }
| |
| | |
| # DROPALL #####################################
| |
| ## dropall pudottaa data.framesta pois kaikki faktorien sellaiset levelit, joita ei käytetä.
| |
| ## parametrit: x = data.frame
| |
| | |
| dropall <- function(x){
| |
| isFac <- NULL
| |
| for (i in 1:dim(x)[2]){
| |
| isFac[i] = is.factor(x[ , i])
| |
| }
| |
| for (i in 1:length(isFac)){
| |
| x[, i] <- x[, i][ , drop = TRUE]
| |
| }
| |
| return(x)
| |
| }
| |
| | |
| # FETCH ##################### fetch downloads a variable.
| |
| | |
| fetch <- function(x, direction = "wide") { # Could think of a version where dependencies table is given as a parameter, and based on Name, Identifier is downloaded from the Base.
| |
| x <- as.character(x)
| |
| if(exists(x)) {
| |
| out <- get(x)
| |
| } else {
| |
| out <- tidy(op_baseGetData("opasnet_base", x), direction = "wide")
| |
| }
| |
| return(out)
| |
| }
| |
| | |
| | |
| # INIT.ASSESSMENT ########## init.assessment creates S4 assessment from dependencies data.frame, including decisions, stakeholders, probabilities, and variables.
| |
| ########### NOTE! You must include the formula code from each variable page, otherwise formulas and dependencies are not updated.
| |
| ########### Parameters:
| |
| ## dependencies: a data.frame that has the structure of oassessment@name (Columns: Name, Identifier, Direction, Result)
| |
| init.assessment <- function(dependencies)
| |
| {
| |
| dependencies <- fetch(dependencies)
| |
| decisions <- fetch(dependencies[dependencies$Result == "decisions", "Identifier"])
| |
| stakeholders <- fetch(dependencies[dependencies$Result == "stakeholders", "Identifier"])
| |
| probabilities <- fetch(dependencies[dependencies$Result == "probabilities", "Identifier"])
| |
| dependencies <- dependencies[!dependencies$Result %in% c("decisions", "stakeholders", "probabilities"), ]
| |
| vars <- list()
| |
| for(x in 1:nrow(dependencies)) { # Objects with names as aliases are created and filled with data from Opasnet Base.
| |
| cat("Initialising variable ", as.character(dependencies$Name[x]), ".\n", sep = "")
| |
| ident <- as.character(dependencies$Identifier[x])
| |
| temp <- tidy(op_baseGetData("opasnet_base", ident), direction = as.character(dependencies$Direction[x]))
| |
| temp <- make.ovariable(temp)
| |
| if(exists(paste("formula.", ident, sep = "")))
| |
| {temp@formula <- get(paste("formula.", ident, sep = ""))}
| |
| if(exists(paste("dependencies.", ident, sep = "")))
| |
| {temp@dependencies <- get(paste("dependencies.", ident, sep = ""))}
| |
| vars[as.character(dependencies$Result[x])] <- temp
| |
| }
| |
| assessment <- new("oassessment",
| |
| dependencies = dependencies,
| |
| decisions = decisions,
| |
| stakeholders = stakeholders,
| |
| probabilities = probabilities,
| |
| vars = vars
| |
| )
| |
| | |
| return(assessment)
| |
| # Does it cause problems to use the wide direction? Anyway, there should be exactly one Result column.
| |
| ## No it doesn't if the Observation columns are such as Unit, Result, Description.
| |
| }
| |
| | |
| # INTERPRET ################### interpret takes a vector and makes a data.frame out of it (to be used in e.g. make.ovariable).
| |
| ### It also changes abbreviations into probability samples.
| |
| # Lognormal distribution parametrization functions
| |
| lmean <- function(parmean, parsd) {return(log(parmean)-log(1+(parsd^2)/(parmean^2))/2)}
| |
| lsd <- function(parmean, parsd) {return(log(1+(parsd^2)/(parmean^2)))}
| |
| | |
| # Actual interpretation function. Takes already pre-processed information and returns a distribution.
| |
| interpf <- function(
| |
| n,
| |
| res.char,
| |
| brackets.pos,
| |
| brackets.length,
| |
| minus,
| |
| minus.length,
| |
| minus.exists,
| |
| plusminus,
| |
| plusminus.length,
| |
| plusminus.exists,
| |
| doublePoint
| |
| ) {
| |
| | |
| if(doublePoint[1] > 0) {
| |
| tempArgs <- sort(as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(res.char, "\\:"))))
| |
| return(rtriangle(n,tempArgs[1],tempArgs[3],tempArgs[2]))
| |
| }
| |
| if(brackets.pos >= 0) {
| |
| minus.relevant <- unlist(minus)[(cumsum(c(0, minus.length)) + 1):cumsum(minus.length)]
| |
| n.minus.inside.brackets <- sum(minus.relevant > brackets.pos & minus.relevant < brackets.pos + brackets.length)
| |
| imean <- as.numeric(substr(res.char, 1, brackets.pos - 1))
| |
| if(n.minus.inside.brackets == 1) {
| |
| ici <- c(as.numeric(substr(res.char, brackets.pos + 1, minus.relevant[minus.relevant > brackets.pos] - 1)), as.numeric(substr(res.char,
| |
| minus.relevant[minus.relevant > brackets.pos] + 1, brackets.pos + brackets.length - 2)))
| |
| isd <- sum(abs(ici - imean) / 2) / qnorm(0.975)
| |
| if((ici[2] - imean) / (ici[1] - imean) < 1.5) {
| |
| return(rnorm(n, imean, isd))
| |
| } else {
| |
| return(out[[i]] <- rlnorm(n, lmean(imean, isd), lsd(imean, isd))) # menee vaarin koska isd on laskettu normaalijakaumalle
| |
| }
| |
| } else
| |
| if(n.minus.inside.brackets %in% c(2,3)) {
| |
| ici <- c(as.numeric(substr(res.char, brackets.pos + 1, minus.relevant[minus.relevant > brackets.pos][2] - 1)), as.numeric(substr(res.char,
| |
| minus.relevant[minus.relevant > brackets.pos][2] + 1, brackets.pos + brackets.length - 2)))
| |
| isd <- sum(abs(ici - imean) / 2) / qnorm(0.975)
| |
| return(rnorm(n, imean, isd))
| |
| }
| |
| warning(paste("Unable to interpret \"", res.char, "\"", sep = ""))
| |
| return(NA)
| |
| }
| |
| if(minus.exists) {
| |
| minus.relevant <- unlist(minus)[(cumsum(c(0, minus.length)) + 1):cumsum(minus.length)]
| |
| if(length(minus.relevant) == 1) {
| |
| if(as.numeric(substr(res.char, 1, minus.relevant - 1)) / as.numeric(substr(res.char, minus.relevant + 1, nchar(res.char))) >= 1/100) {
| |
| return(runif(n, as.numeric(substr(res.char, 1, minus.relevant - 1)), as.numeric(substr(res.char, minus.relevant + 1, nchar(res.char[i])))))
| |
| } else {
| |
| return(exp(runif(n, log(as.numeric(substr(res.char, 1, minus.relevant - 1))), log(as.numeric(substr(res.char, minus.relevant + 1, nchar(res.char)))))))
| |
| }
| |
| }
| |
| if(length(minus.relevant) %in% c(2,3)) {
| |
| return(runif(n, as.numeric(substr(res.char, 1, minus.relevant[2] - 1)), as.numeric(substr(res.char, minus.relevant[2] + 1, nchar(res.char)))))
| |
| }
| |
| }
| |
| if(plusminus.exists) {
| |
| return(rnorm(n, as.numeric(substr(res.char, 1, plusminus[1] - 1)), as.numeric(substr(res.char, plusminus[1] + 1, nchar(res.char)))))
| |
| }
| |
| if(sum(unlist(strsplit(res.char, ""))==";") > 0) {
| |
| return(sample(sapply(strsplit(res.char, ";"), as.numeric), N, replace = TRUE))
| |
| }
| |
| warning(paste("Unable to interpret \"", res.char, "\"", sep = ""))
| |
| return(NA)
| |
| }
| |
| | |
| # The next function processes character strings and loops the interpretation function.
| |
| input.interp <- function(res.char, n = 1000) {
| |
| res.char <- gsub(" ", "", res.char)
| |
| res.char <- gsub(",", ".", res.char)
| |
| plusminus <- gregexpr(paste("\\+-|", rawToChar(as.raw(177)), sep = ""), res.char) # saattaa osoittautua ongelmaksi enkoodauksen vuoksi
| |
| plusminus.length <- sapply(plusminus, length)
| |
| plusminus.exists <- unlist(plusminus)[cumsum(c(0, plusminus.length[-length(plusminus.length)])) + 1] > 0
| |
| minus <- gregexpr("-", res.char)
| |
| minus.length <- sapply(minus, length)
| |
| minus.exists <- unlist(minus)[cumsum(c(0, minus.length[-length(minus.length)])) + 1] > 0
| |
| brackets <- gregexpr("\\(.*\\)", res.char) # matches for brackets "(...)"
| |
| brackets.length <- as.numeric(unlist(sapply(brackets, attributes)[1,]))
| |
| brackets.pos <- unlist(brackets)
| |
| doublePoint <- gregexpr(":", res.char)
| |
| out <- list()
| |
| for(i in 1:length(res.char)) {
| |
| out[[i]] <- interpf(n, res.char[i], brackets.pos[i], brackets.length[i], minus[i], minus.length[i], minus.exists[i], plusminus[[i]],
| |
| plusminus.length[i], plusminus.exists[i],doublePoint[[i]])
| |
| }
| |
| out
| |
| }
| |
| | |
| # Assisting function for data.frame wrapper.
| |
| iter.f <- function(x) {
| |
| 1:x
| |
| }
| |
| | |
| # Data.frame wrapper for the functions.
| |
| interpret <- function(idata, rescol = "Result", N = 1000) {
| |
| | |
| temp <- input.interp(idata[, rescol], N)
| |
| temp.lengths <- sapply(temp, length)
| |
| out <- idata[rep(1:nrow(idata), times = temp.lengths),]
| |
| out$Interp.Result <- unlist(temp)
| |
| dim(temp.lengths) <- length(temp.lengths)
| |
| out$Iter<- c(apply(temp.lengths, 1, iter.f))
| |
| out
| |
| }
| |
| | |
| setGeneric("interpret")
| |
| | |
| setMethod(
| |
| f = "interpret",
| |
| signature = signature(idata = "character"),
| |
| definition = function(idata) {
| |
| if(!is.data.frame){
| |
| callGeneric(data.frame(Result = idata))
| |
| }
| |
| callGeneric(idata)
| |
| }
| |
| )
| |
| | |
| # MAKE.OASSESSMENT ########## make.oassessment creates S4 assessment from dependencies data.frame, including decisions, stakeholders, probabilities, and variables.
| |
| ########### NOTE! You must include the formula code from each variable page, otherwise formulas and dependencies are not updated.
| |
| ########### Parameters:
| |
| ## dependencies: a data.frame that has the structure of oassessment@name (Columns: Name, Identifier, Direction, Result)
| |
| make.oassessment <- function(x) {
| |
| x <- fetch(x)
| |
| decisions <- fetch(x[x$Result == "decisions", "Identifier"])
| |
| stakeholders <- fetch(x[x$Result == "stakeholders", "Identifier"])
| |
| probabilities <- fetch(x[x$Result == "probabilities", "Identifier"])
| |
| dependencies <- x[!x$Result %in% c("decisions", "stakeholders", "probabilities"), ]
| |
| vars <- list()
| |
| for(i in 1:nrow(dependencies)) { # Objects with names as aliases are created and filled with data from Opasnet Base.
| |
| cat("Initialising variable ", as.character(dependencies$Name[i]), ".\n", sep = "")
| |
| ident <- as.character(dependencies$Identifier[i])
| |
| data <- fetch(ident, direction = as.character(dependencies$Direction[i]))
| |
| if(exists(paste("formula.", ident, sep = "")))
| |
| {formula <- get(paste("formula.", ident, sep = ""))
| |
| } else {
| |
| formula <- function(dependencies) {return(0)}
| |
| }
| |
| if(exists(paste("dependencies.", ident, sep = "")))
| |
| {depend <- get(paste("dependencies.", ident, sep = ""))
| |
| } else {
| |
| depend <- data.frame()
| |
| }
| |
| vars[[i]] <- make.ovariable(
| |
| name = as.character(dependencies$Result[i]),
| |
| data = data,
| |
| formula = formula,
| |
| dependencies = depend
| |
| )
| |
| }
| |
| names(vars) <- dependencies$Result
| |
| assessment <- new("oassessment",
| |
| dependencies = dependencies,
| |
| decisions = decisions,
| |
| stakeholders = stakeholders,
| |
| probabilities = probabilities,
| |
| vars = vars
| |
| )
| |
| | |
| return(assessment)
| |
| }
| |
| | |
| # MOVARIABLE ########## movariable takes a data.frame, a function, and a list and makes an ovariable out of them. It is a
| |
| #####subfunction of make.ovariable and prevents infinite recursion of S4 methods.
| |
| movariable <- function(
| |
| data,
| |
| formula,
| |
| dependencies,
| |
| name
| |
| ) {
| |
| output <- interpret(data)
| |
| out <- new("ovariable",
| |
| name = name,
| |
| output = output,
| |
| data = data,
| |
| marginal = ifelse(colnames(output) %in% c("Result", "Unit"), FALSE, TRUE),
| |
| formula = formula,
| |
| dependencies = dependencies
| |
| )
| |
| out <- update(out)
| |
| return(out)
| |
| }
| |
| | |
| # OPASNET.DATA #####################################
| |
| ## opasnet.data downloads a file from Finnish Opasnet wiki, English Opasnet wiki, or Opasnet File.
| |
| ## Parameters: filename is the URL without the first part (see below), wiki is "opasnet_en", "opasnet_fi", or "M-files".
| |
| ## If table is TRUE then a table file for read.table function is assumed; all other parameters are for this read.table function.
| |
| | |
| opasnet.data <- function(filename, wiki = "opasnet_en", table = FALSE, ...)
| |
| {
| |
| if (wiki == "opasnet_en") {
| |
| file <- paste("http://en.opasnet.org/en-opwiki/images/", filename, sep = "")
| |
| }
| |
| if (wiki == "opasnet_fi") {
| |
| file <- paste("http://fi.opasnet.org/fi_wiki/images/", filename, sep = "")
| |
| }
| |
| if (wiki == "M-files") {
| |
| file <- paste("http://http://fi.opasnet.org/fi_wiki/extensions/mfiles/", filename, sep = "")
| |
| }
| |
| | |
| #if(table == TRUE) {
| |
| #file <- re#ad.table(file, header = FALSE, sep = "", quote = "\"'",
| |
| # dec = ".", row.names, col.names,
| |
| # as.is = !stringsAsFactors,
| |
| # na.strings = "NA", colClasses = NA, nrows = -1,
| |
| # skip = 0, check.names = TRUE, fill = !blank.lines.skip,
| |
| # strip.white = FALSE, blank.lines.skip = TRUE,
| |
| # comment.char = "#",
| |
| # allowEscapes = FALSE, flush = FALSE,
| |
| # stringsAsFactors = default.stringsAsFactors(),
| |
| # fileEncoding = "", encoding = "unknown")
| |
| #return(file)
| |
| #}
| |
| #else {return(ge#tURL(file))}
| |
| }
| |
| | |
| # ORBIND ########################### orbind combines two ovariables using clever rbind
| |
| | |
| orbind <- function(x, y) {
| |
| if(class(x) == "ovariable") {xoutput <- x@output} else {xoutput <- x}
| |
| if(class(y) == "ovariable") {youtput <- y@output} else {youtput <- y}
| |
| cols <- setdiff(colnames(youtput), colnames(xoutput)) # Take all columns that do not exist in x and add them.
| |
| col <- as.data.frame(array("NA", dim = c(1, length(cols))))
| |
| colnames(col) <- cols
| |
| if("Unit" %in% cols) {col[, "Unit"] <- "?"}
| |
| temp <- cbind(xoutput, col)
| |
| | |
| cols <- setdiff(colnames(xoutput), colnames(youtput)) # Take all columns that do not exist in y and add them.
| |
| col <- as.data.frame(array("NA", dim = c(1, length(cols))))
| |
| colnames(col) <- cols
| |
| if("Unit" %in% cols) {col[, "Unit"] <- "?"}
| |
| xoutput <- rbind(temp, cbind(youtput, col)) # Combine x and y with rbind.
| |
| return(xoutput)
| |
| #Should this be made S4 function for ovariables? Then it could be named simply rbind.
| |
| }
| |
| | |
| # PTABLE ########################################
| |
| ## PTable muuntaa arvioinnin todennäköisyystaulun sopivaan muotoon arviointia varten.
| |
| ## Parametrit: P = todennäköisyystaulu Opasnet-kannasta kaivettuna.
| |
| ## n = iteraatioiden lukumäärä Monte Carlossa
| |
| ## Todennäköisyystaulun sarakkeiden on oltava: Muuttuja, Selite, Lokaatio, P
| |
| ## Tuotteena on Monte Carloa varten tehty taulu, jonka sarakkeina ovat
| |
| ## n (iteraatio) ja kaikki todennäköisyystaulussa olleet selitteet, joiden riveille on arvottu
| |
| ## lokaatiot niiden todennäköisyyksien mukaisesti, jotka todennäköisyystaulussa oli annettu.
| |
| | |
| PTable <- function(P, n) {
| |
| Pt <- unique(P[,c("Muuttuja", "Selite")])
| |
| Pt <- data.frame(Muuttuja = rep(Pt$Muuttuja, n), Selite = rep(Pt$Selite, n), obs = rep(1:n, each = nrow(Pt)), P = runif(n*nrow(Pt), 0, 1))
| |
| for(i in 2:nrow(P)){P$Result[i] <- P$Result[i] + ifelse(P$Muuttuja[i] == P$Muuttuja[i-1] & P$Selite[i] == P$Selite[i-1], P$Result[i-1], 0)}
| |
| P <- merge(P, Pt)
| |
| P <- P[P$P <= P$Result, ]
| |
| Pt <- as.data.frame(as.table(tapply(P$Result, as.list(P[, c("Muuttuja", "Selite", "obs")]), min)))
| |
| colnames(Pt) <- c("Muuttuja", "Selite", "obs", "Result")
| |
| Pt <- Pt[!is.na(P$Result), ]
| |
| P <- merge(P, Pt)
| |
| P <- P[, !colnames(P) %in% c("Result", "P", "Muuttuja")]
| |
| P <- reshape(P, idvar = "obs", timevar = "Selite", v.names = "Lokaatio", direction = "wide")
| |
| colnames(P) <- ifelse(substr(colnames(P), 1, 9) == "Lokaatio.", substr(colnames(P), 10,30), colnames(P))
| |
| return(P)
| |
| }
| |
| | |
| # SETCLASS OASSESSMENT ################### Defines the S4 class "oassessment" which is the object type for open assessments.
| |
| setClass(
| |
| "oassessment",
| |
| representation(
| |
| dependencies = "data.frame",
| |
| decisions = "data.frame",
| |
| probabilities = "data.frame",
| |
| stakeholders = "data.frame",
| |
| vars = "list"
| |
| )
| |
| )
| |
| | |
| # SETCLASS OVARIABLE ################### Defines the S4 class "ovariable" which is the basic building block in open assessments.
| |
| setClass(
| |
| "ovariable",
| |
| representation(
| |
| name = "character",
| |
| output = "data.frame",
| |
| data = "data.frame",
| |
| marginal = "logical",
| |
| formula = "function",
| |
| dependencies = "data.frame"
| |
| ),
| |
| prototype = prototype(
| |
| name = character(),
| |
| output = data.frame(),
| |
| data = data.frame(),
| |
| marginal = logical(),
| |
| formula = function(...){0},
| |
| dependencies = data.frame()
| |
| )
| |
| )
| |
| | |
| # SETMETHOD CONVERT.UNITS####################################################3
| |
| ############# convert.units: a function that converts units from one to another, if possible.
| |
| # x = a numeric vector with values to be converted
| |
| # tounit = a character vector of the new units to be used. Must be found from the To column from the table in [[Unit conversions]].
| |
| # fromunit = a character vector or factor with the current units
| |
| convert.units <- function(x, tounit = c("kg", "s", "m", "m3", "J", "W", "A", "V", "C", "N", "Pa", "Hz", "mol"), fromunit = NULL) {
| |
| if(is.null(tounit)) {tounit <- c("kg", "s", "m", "m3", "J", "W", "A", "V", "C", "N", "Pa", "Hz", "mol")}
| |
| if(is.null(fromunit)) { # Do nothing if from-units are not defined.
| |
| out <- data.frame(Unit = fromunit, Result = x)
| |
| } else {
| |
| conversions <- fetch("Op_en5475") # Set up a full unit conversion table.
| |
| conversions$Result <- as.numeric(conversions$Result)
| |
| colnames(conversions)[colnames(conversions) == "type"] <- "Type"
| |
| prefixes <- conversions[conversions$Type == "Prefix", ] # Combine all prefixes with all units in From column.
| |
| colnames(prefixes) <- paste("Prefix.", colnames(prefixes), sep = "")
| |
| conversions <- merge(prefixes, conversions[conversions$Type == "Unit", ])
| |
| conversions$From <- paste(conversions$Prefix.From, conversions$From, sep = "")
| |
| conversions$Result <- conversions$Result * conversions$Prefix.Result
| |
| conversions <- conversions[c("From", "To", "Result")]
| |
| conversions <- merge(conversions, conversions, by = "To") # Create all possible from-to pairs.
| |
| conversions$Result <- conversions$Result.x / conversions$Result.y
| |
| conversions <- unique(conversions[c("From.x", "From.y", "Result")])
| |
| colnames(conversions) <- c("From", "To", "Result")
| |
| coefficients <- data.frame()
| |
| for(i in levels(as.factor(fromunit))) { # Look through each different "From" unit in the data.
| |
| coefficient <- 1
| |
| outto <- ""
| |
| for(j in strsplit(i, split = " ")[[1]]) { # Look though each part of a composite unit.
| |
| if(gsub("^/", "", j) != j) { # If unit is in denominator, use inverse.
| |
| j <- gsub("^/", "", j)
| |
| exponent <- -1
| |
| slash <- "/"
| |
| } else {
| |
| exponent <- 1
| |
| slash <- ""
| |
| }
| |
| conversions.j <- merge(conversions, j, by.x = "From", by.y = "y")
| |
| conversions.j <- conversions.j[conversions.j$To %in% tounit, ]
| |
| if(nrow(conversions.j) > 0) {
| |
| coefficient <- coefficient * conversions.j$Result^exponent
| |
| outto <- paste(outto, " ", slash, conversions.j$To, sep = "")
| |
| }
| |
| }
| |
| coefficients <- rbind(coefficients, data.frame(
| |
| From = i,
| |
| To = gsub("^ ", "", outto),
| |
| Result = coefficient
| |
| ))
| |
| }
| |
| # Combine coefficients with data.
| |
| out <- merge(fromunit, coefficients, by.x = "x", by.y = "From", sort = FALSE)
| |
| out <- data.frame(Unit = out$To, Result = x * out$Result)
| |
| }
| |
| return(out)
| |
| }
| |
| | |
| setGeneric("convert.units")
| |
| | |
| setMethod(
| |
| f = "convert.units",
| |
| signature = signature(x = "ovariable"),
| |
| definition = function(x, tounit)
| |
| {
| |
| if("Unit" %in% colnames(x@output) & !is.null(tounit)) {
| |
| x@output[c("Unit", "Result")] <- convert.units(x = x@output$Result, tounit = tounit, fromunit = x@output$Unit, expo = expo)
| |
| }
| |
| return(x)
| |
| }
| |
| )
| |
| | |
| setMethod(
| |
| f = "convert.units",
| |
| signature = signature(x = "data.frame"),
| |
| definition = function(x, tounit = NULL)
| |
| {
| |
| if("Unit" %in% colnames(x) & "Result" %in% colnames(x) & !is.null(tounit)) {
| |
| x[c("Unit", "Result")] <- convert.units(x = x$Result, tounit = tounit, fromunit = x$Unit, expo = expo)
| |
| }
| |
| return(x)
| |
| }
| |
| )
| |
| | |
| | |
| # SETMETHOD MAKE.OVARIABLE ################################################################################
| |
| ########### make.ovariable takes a vector or data.frame and makes an ovariable out of it.
| |
| make.ovariable <- function(
| |
| data,
| |
| formula = function(dependencies){return(0)},
| |
| dependencies = list(x = 0),
| |
| name = ""
| |
| ) {
| |
| return(movariable(data, formula, dependencies, name))
| |
| }
| |
| | |
| setGeneric("make.ovariable") # Makes make.ovariable a generic S4 function.
| |
| | |
| setMethod(
| |
| f = "make.ovariable",
| |
| signature = signature(data = "data.frame"),
| |
| definition = function(
| |
| data,
| |
| formula = function(dependencies){return(0)},
| |
| dependencies = data.frame(),
| |
| name = ""
| |
| ) {
| |
| cat("Data frame\n")
| |
| return(movariable(data, formula, dependencies, name))
| |
| }
| |
| )
| |
| | |
| setMethod(
| |
| f = "make.ovariable",
| |
| signature = signature(data = "vector"),
| |
| definition = function(
| |
| data,
| |
| formula = function(dependencies){return(0)},
| |
| dependencies = data.frame(),
| |
| name = ""
| |
| ) {
| |
| cat("Vector\n")
| |
| data <- data.frame(Result = data)
| |
| return(make.ovariable(data, formula, dependencies, name))
| |
| }
| |
| )
| |
| | |
| setMethod(
| |
| f = "make.ovariable",
| |
| signature = signature(data = "list"),
| |
| definition = function(
| |
| data,
| |
| formula = function(dependencies){return(0)},
| |
| dependencies = data.frame()
| |
| ) {
| |
| for(i in 1:length(data)) {
| |
| cat("List", i, "\n")
| |
| data[[i]] <- make.ovariable(data[[i]], formula, dependencies, name = names(data)[[i]])
| |
| }
| |
| return(data)
| |
| }
| |
| )
| |
| | |
| setMethod(
| |
| f = "make.ovariable",
| |
| signature = signature(data = "ovariable"),
| |
| definition = function(
| |
| data,
| |
| formula = NULL,
| |
| dependencies = NULL,
| |
| name = NULL
| |
| ) {
| |
| cat("ovariable\n")
| |
| if(is.null(formula)) {formula <- data@formula}
| |
| if(is.null(dependencies)) {dependencies <- data@dependencies}
| |
| if(is.null(formula)) {name <- data@name}
| |
| return(movariable(data@data, formula, dependencies, name))
| |
| }
| |
| )
| |
| | |
| # SETMETHOD MATH ################### Math defines basic mathematical operations (log, exp, abs, ...) for ovariables
| |
| setMethod(
| |
| f = "Math",
| |
| signature = signature(x = "ovariable"),
| |
| definition = function(x) {
| |
| x@output$Result <- callGeneric(x@output$Result)
| |
| return(x)
| |
| }
| |
| )
| |
| | |
| # SETMETHOD MERGE ########### merge of ovariables merges the 'output' slot by index columns except 'Unit'.
| |
| setMethod(f = "merge",
| |
| signature = signature(x = "ovariable", y = "ovariable"),
| |
| definition = function(x, y) {
| |
| test <- intersect(colnames(x@output[x@marginal]), colnames(y@output[y@marginal]))
| |
| x@output <- merge(x@output, y@output, by = test, all = TRUE)
| |
| return(x)
| |
| }
| |
| )
| |
| | |
| setMethod(f = "merge",
| |
| signature = signature(x = "ovariable", y = "numeric"),
| |
| definition = function(x, y) {
| |
| y <- make.ovariable(y)
| |
| return(merge(x, y))
| |
| }
| |
| )
| |
| | |
| setMethod(f = "merge",
| |
| signature = signature(x = "numeric", y = "ovariable"),
| |
| definition = function(x, y) {
| |
| x <- make.ovariable(x)
| |
| return(merge(y, x))
| |
| }
| |
| )
| |
| | |
| # SETMETHOD OPS ######### Arithmetic operations of ovariables: first they are merged by index columns,
| |
| ### then the operation is performed for the Result.x and Result.y columns.
| |
| ### If one of the expressions is numeric, it is first transformed to ovariable.
| |
| setMethod(
| |
| f = "Ops",
| |
| signature = signature(e1 = "ovariable", e2 = "ovariable"),
| |
| definition = function(e1, e2) {
| |
| out <- merge(e1, e2)@output
| |
| colnames(out) <- gsub(".x", "", colnames(out))
| |
| out$Result <- callGeneric(out$Result, out$Result.y)
| |
| if(!is.null(out$Unit.y)) {out$Unit <- paste(out$Unit, "|(", out$Unit.y, ")", sep= "")}
| |
| e1@output <- out[, !colnames(out) %in% c("Result.y", "Unit.y")]
| |
| return(e1)
| |
| }
| |
| )
| |
| | |
| setMethod(
| |
| f = "Ops",
| |
| signature = signature(e1 = "ovariable", e2 = "numeric"),
| |
| definition = function(e1, e2) {
| |
| e2 <- make.ovariable(e2)
| |
| e1 <- callGeneric(e1, e2)
| |
| return(e1)
| |
| }
| |
| )
| |
| | |
| setMethod(
| |
| f = "Ops",
| |
| signature = signature(e1 = "numeric", e2 = "ovariable"),
| |
| definition = function(e1, e2) {
| |
| e1 <- make.ovariable(e1)
| |
| e1 <- callGeneric(e2, e1)
| |
| return(e1)
| |
| }
| |
| )
| |
| | |
| # SETMETHOD PLOT ################ plot diagrams about ovariable data
| |
| | |
| setMethod(
| |
| f = "plot",
| |
| signature = signature(x = "ovariable"),
| |
| definition = function(x) {
| |
| plot(
| |
| x = x@output[, paste("Source", x@name, sep = ".")],
| |
| y = x@output$Result,
| |
| xlab = paste("Source", x@name, sep = "."),
| |
| ylab = x@output[x@output[, paste("Source", x@name, sep = ".")] == "Data", "Unit"][1],
| |
| main = x@name
| |
| )
| |
| }
| |
| )
| |
| | |
| setMethod(
| |
| f = "plot",
| |
| signature = signature(x = "oassessment"),
| |
| definition = function(x) {
| |
| for(i in names(x@vars)) {
| |
| plot(x@vars[[i]])
| |
| }
| |
| }
| |
| )
| |
| | |
| # SETMETHOD PRINT ######################## print ovariable contents
| |
| | |
| setMethod(
| |
| f = "print",
| |
| signature = signature(x = "oassessment"),
| |
| definition = function(x) {
| |
| cat("Dependencies\n")
| |
| print(xtable(x@dependencies), type = 'html')
| |
| cat("Decisions\n")
| |
| print(xtable(x@decisions), type = 'html')
| |
| cat("Stakeholders\n")
| |
| print(xtable(x@stakeholders), type = 'html')
| |
| cat("Probabilities\n")
| |
| print(xtable(x@probabilities), type = 'html')
| |
| | |
| cat("\n\nThe list of variables in this assessment.\n")
| |
| for(k in 1:length(x@vars)) {
| |
| cat("<b>Variable", names(x@vars)[k], "</b> <p>\n\n")
| |
| print(x@vars[[k]])
| |
| }
| |
| }
| |
| )
| |
| | |
| setMethod(
| |
| f = "print",
| |
| signature = signature(x = "ovariable"),
| |
| definition = function(x, iter = 1) {
| |
| cat("<b>Ovariable", x@name, "</b>\n")
| |
| cat("Output\n")
| |
| print(xtable(x@output[x@output$Iter %in% iter, ]), type = 'html')
| |
| cat("Formula\n")
| |
| print(x@formula)
| |
| cat("Dependencies\n")
| |
| print(x@dependencies)
| |
| }
| |
| )
| |
| | |
| # SETMETHOD UPDATE ########## update updates the output of an ovariable based on data and function.
| |
| ####### The function assumes that object@data is always available, but object@dependencies may be empty.
| |
| setMethod(
| |
| f = "update",
| |
| signature = "ovariable",
| |
| definition = function(object) {
| |
| dat <- data.frame(Source = "Data", interpret(object@data))
| |
| if(ncol(object@dependencies) == 0 & nrow(object@dependencies) == 0) {
| |
| object@output <- dat
| |
| } else {
| |
| form <- object@formula(object@dependencies)
| |
| if(is.vector(form)) {form <- data.frame(Result = form)}
| |
| if(class(form) == "ovariable") {form <- form@output}
| |
| form <- data.frame(Source = "Formula", form)
| |
| object@output <- orbind(dat, form)
| |
| }
| |
| colnames(object@output)[colnames(object@output) == "Source"] <- paste("Source", object@name, sep = ".")
| |
| object@marginal <- c(TRUE, object@marginal) # This alone is not enough; orbind must operate with marginals as well.
| |
| return(object)
| |
| }
| |
| )
| |
| | |
| | |
| #### This code was taken out of update. It is still needed somewhere but not here.
| |
| # dep <- object@dependencies
| |
| # for(i in 1:length(dep)) {
| |
| # if(class(dep[[i]]) == "ovariable") {
| |
| # dep[[i]] <- dep[[i]]@output
| |
| # } else {
| |
| # if(length(grep("Op_(en|fi)", dep[[i]])) > 0) {
| |
| # dep[[i]] <- op_baseGetData("opasnet_base", dep[[i]])}
| |
| # else {
| |
| # if(class(dep[[i]]) != "data.frame" & !is.numeric(dep[[i]])) {
| |
| # dep[[i]] <- get(dep[[i]])
| |
| # }
| |
| # }
| |
| # }
| |
| # }
| |
| | |
| | |
| # SUMMARY.BRING ############## summary.bring: Bring parts of summary table
| |
| # page is the page identifier for the summary table.
| |
| summary.bring <- function(page, base = "opasnet_base"){
| |
| data <- tidy(op_baseGetData(base, page))
| |
| pages <- levels(data$Page)
| |
| | |
| ## temp contains the additional information that is not on the actual data table.
| |
| temp <- data[, !colnames(data) == "Observation"]
| |
| temp <- reshape(temp, idvar = "Page", timevar = "Index", direction = "wide")
| |
| colnames(temp) <- ifelse(substr(colnames(temp), 1, 7) == "Result.", substr(colnames(temp), 8, 50), colnames(temp))
| |
| | |
| ## Get all data tables one at a time and combine them.
| |
| for(i in 1:length(pages)){
| |
| out <- op_baseGetData("opasnet_base", pages[i])
| |
| out <- tidy(out)
| |
| cols <- colnames(out)[!colnames(out) %in% c("Observation", "Result")]
| |
| out <- reshape(out, timevar = "Observation", idvar = cols, direction = "wide")
| |
| colnames(out) <- ifelse(substr(colnames(out), 1, 7) == "Result.", substr(colnames(out), 8, 50), colnames(out))
| |
| out <- merge(temp[temp$Page == pages[i], ][colnames(temp) != "Page"], out)
| |
| | |
| ## Check that all data tables have all the same columns before you combine them with rbind.
| |
| if(i == 1){out2 <- out} else {
| |
| addcol <- colnames(out2)[!colnames(out2) %in% colnames(out)]
| |
| if(length(addcol) > 0) {
| |
| temp <- as.data.frame(array("*", dim = c(1,length(addcol))))
| |
| colnames(temp) <- addcol
| |
| out <- merge(out, temp)}
| |
| addcol <- colnames(out)[!colnames(out) %in% colnames(out2)]
| |
| if(length(addcol) > 0) {
| |
| temp <- as.data.frame(array("*", dim = c(1,length(addcol))))
| |
| colnames(temp) <- addcol
| |
| out2 <- merge(out2, temp)}
| |
| | |
| ## Combine data tables.
| |
| out2 <- rbind(out2, out)}
| |
| }
| |
| return(out2)
| |
| }
| |
| ##########
| |
| | |
| # TAPPLY ########### tapply of ovariables applies a function to each cell of a ragged array, that is to each (non-empty) group of
| |
| ############ values given by a unique combination of the levels of certain factors.
| |
| ### parameters (other parameters are as in generic tapply):
| |
| ### X an ovariable
| |
| | |
| setMethod(f = "tapply",
| |
| signature = signature(X = "ovariable"),
| |
| definition = function(X, INDEX, FUN = NULL, ..., simplify = TRUE) {
| |
| out <- as.data.frame(as.table(tapply(X@output$Result, INDEX, FUN, ..., simplify = TRUE)))
| |
| colnames(out)[colnames(out) == "Freq"] <- "Result"
| |
| X@output <- out
| |
| return(X)
| |
| }
| |
| )
| |
| | |
| # TIDY ########### tidy: a function that cleans the tables from Opasnet Base
| |
| # data is a table from op_baseGetData function
| |
| # TIDY ########### tidy: a function that cleans the tables from Opasnet Base
| |
| # data is a table from op_baseGetData function
| |
| tidy <- function (data, objname = "", idvar = "obs", direction = "wide") {
| |
| data$Result <- ifelse(is.na(data$Result.Text), data$Result, as.character(data$Result.Text))
| |
| #data <- data[
| |
| # ifelse("Observation" %in% colnames(data),
| |
| # data$Observation != "Description",
| |
| # TRUE
| |
| # ),
| |
| # !colnames(data) %in% c("id", "Result.Text")
| |
| #]
| |
| data <- data[, !colnames(data) %in% c("id", "Result.Text")]
| |
| if("obs.1" %in% colnames(data)) { # this line is temporarily needed until the obs.1 bug is fixed.
| |
| data[, "obs"] <- data[, "obs.1"]
| |
| data <- data[, colnames(data) != "obs.1"]
| |
| }
| |
| if("Row" %in% colnames(data)) { # If user has given Row, it is used instead of automatic obs.
| |
| data <- data[, colnames(data) != "obs"]
| |
| colnames(data)[colnames(data) == "Row"] <- "obs"
| |
| }
| |
| if (objname != "") objname <- paste(objname, ":", sep = "")
| |
| if (direction == "wide") {
| |
| if("Observation" %in% colnames(data)) {
| |
| cols <- levels(data$Observation)
| |
| data <- reshape(data, idvar = idvar, timevar = "Observation", v.names = "Result", direction = "wide")
| |
| data <- data[colnames(data) != "obs"]
| |
| colnames(data) <- gsub("^Result.", objname, colnames(data))
| |
| for (i in paste(objname, cols, sep = "")) {
| |
| a <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(data[, i]))
| |
| if (sum(is.na(a)) == 0) data[, i] <- a else data[, i] <- factor(data[, i])
| |
| }
| |
| colnames(data)[grepl(paste("^", objname, "result", sep = ""), colnames(data))] <- paste(objname, "Result", sep = "")
| |
| colnames(data)[grepl(paste("^", objname, "Amount", sep = ""), colnames(data))] <- paste(objname, "Result", sep = "")
| |
| return(data)
| |
| }
| |
| if("Parameter" %in% colnames(data)) {
| |
| cols <- levels(data$Parameter)
| |
| data <- reshape(data, idvar = idvar, timevar = "Parameter", v.names = "Result", direction = "wide")
| |
| data <- data[colnames(data) != "obs"]
| |
| colnames(data) <- gsub("^Result.", objname, colnames(data))
| |
| for (i in paste(objname, cols, sep = "")) {
| |
| a <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(data[, i]))
| |
| if (sum(is.na(a)) == 0) data[, i] <- a else data[, i] <- factor(data[, i])
| |
| }
| |
| colnames(data)[grepl(paste("^", objname, "result", sep = ""), colnames(data))] <- paste(objname, "Result", sep = "")
| |
| colnames(data)[grepl(paste("^", objname, "Amount", sep = ""), colnames(data))] <- paste(objname, "Result", sep = "")
| |
| return(data)
| |
| }
| |
| }
| |
| data <- data[,colnames(data) != "obs"]
| |
| colnames(data)[colnames(data)=="Result"] <- paste(objname, "Result", sep = "")
| |
| return(data)
| |
| }
| |
| | |
| # FETCH ##################### fetch downloads a variable.
| |
| | |
| fetch <- function(x, direction = "wide") { # Could think of a version where dependencies table is given as a parameter, and based on Name, Identifier is downloaded from the Base.
| |
| x <- as.character(x)
| |
| if(exists(x)) {
| |
| out <- get(x)
| |
| } else {
| |
| out <- tidy(op_baseGetData("opasnet_base", x), direction = "wide")
| |
| }
| |
| return(out)
| |
| }
| |
| | |
| | |
| # Fetch2 #################### loads all given dependencies to global memory
| |
| | |
| Fetch2 <- function(dependencies, evaluate = FALSE) {
| |
| if (nrow(dependencies) > 0) {
| |
| for (i in 1:nrow(dependencies)) {
| |
| if(!exists(as.character(dependencies$Name[i]))) {
| |
| objects.get(dependencies$Key[i]) # Key is the R-tools session identifier (shown at the end of the url)
| |
| if (evaluate) get(as.character(dependencies$Name[i]))@output <- EvalOutput(get(as.character(dependencies$Name[i])))
| |
| # Eval not necessarily needed at this point
| |
| cat(as.character(dependencies$Name[i]), "fetched successfully!\n")
| |
| }
| |
| }
| |
| }
| |
| } # no need to return anything since variables are already written in global memory
| |
| | |
| #library(reshape2)
| |
| #library(reshape) # for older version
| |
| | |
| # EvalOutput #################### evaluates the output slot of ovariables
| |
| ##### Marginals should be also checked and updated here or elsewhere
| |
| | |
| EvalOutput <- function(variable, ...) { # ... for e.g na.rm
| |
| if (nrow(variable@data) > 0) {
| |
| rescol <- ifelse(
| |
| "Result" %in% colnames(variable@data),
| |
| "Result",
| |
| paste(variable@name, "Result", sep = ":")
| |
| )
| |
| if (!is.numeric(variable@data[[rescol]])) {
| |
| a <- interpret(variable@data, rescol = rescol, ...)
| |
| } else a <- variable@data
| |
| } else a <- variable@data
| |
| b <- variable@formula(variable@dependencies)
| |
| if (is.numeric(b) & nrow(variable@data) == 0) {
| |
| stop(paste("No proper data nor formula defined for ", variable@name, "!\n", sep = ""))
| |
| }
| |
| if (is.numeric(b)) {
| |
| a[,paste(variable@name, "Source", sep = ":")] <- "Data"
| |
| variable@output <- a
| |
| return(variable)
| |
| }
| |
| if (nrow(variable@data) == 0) {
| |
| b[,paste(variable@name, "Source", sep = ":")] <- "Formula"
| |
| variable@output <- b
| |
| return(variable)
| |
| }
| |
| colnames(a)[colnames(a) == rescol] <- "FromData"
| |
| colnames(b)[colnames(b) %in% c(paste(variable@name, "Result", sep = ":"), "Result")] <- "FromFormula" # *
| |
| # <variablename>: prefix not necessitated for "Result" column of formula output
| |
| temp <- melt(
| |
| merge(a, b, all = TRUE, ...), # Will cause problems if dependencies contain non-marginal indices that match with -
| |
| # marginal indeces in data. Or maybe not.
| |
| measure.vars = c("FromData", "FromFormula"),
| |
| variable.name = paste(variable@name, "Source", sep = ":"),
| |
| value.name = paste(variable@name, "Result", sep = ":"),
| |
| ...
| |
| )
| |
| levels(
| |
| temp[[paste(variable@name, "Source", sep = ":")]]
| |
| ) <- gsub("^From", "",
| |
| levels(
| |
| temp[[paste(variable@name, "Source", sep = ":")]]
| |
| )
| |
| )
| |
| variable@output <- temp
| |
| return(variable)
| |
| }
| |
| | |
| # CheckMarginals ############# Assumes that all depended upon variables are in memory, as should be the case.
| |
| ##################
| |
| # Returns an ovariable with a marginal devised from the data and upstream variable marginals.
| |
| # Marginal values for data should be stored into the database somehow
| |
| | |
| CheckMarginals <- function(variable) {
| |
| varmar <- colnames(variable@data)[
| |
| !grepl(paste("^", variable@name, ":", sep=""), colnames(variable@data))&
| |
| !colnames(variable@data) %in% c("Result", "Unit")
| |
| ]
| |
| # all locs under observation/parameter index should be excluded
| |
| varmar <- c(varmar, paste(variable@name, "Source", sep = "_")) # Source is usually added
| |
| # by EvalOutput so it should be in the initial list by default.
| |
| novarmar <- colnames(variable@data)[!colnames(variable@data) %in% varmar]
| |
| for (i in as.character(variable@dependencies$Name)){
| |
| varmar <- unique(varmar, colnames(get(i)@output)[get(i)@marginal])
| |
| novarmar <- unique(novarmar, colnames(get(i)@output)[!get(i)@marginal])
| |
| }
| |
| varmar <- varmar[!varmar %in% novarmar]
| |
| variable@marginal <- colnames(variable@output) %in% varmar
| |
| return(variable)
| |
| }
| |
| | |
| #marginal <- ifelse(colnames(output) %in% c("Result", "Unit"), FALSE, TRUE)
| |
| | |
| # CheckInput ################# checks and uses outside input (user inputs in models or decision variables)
| |
| # takes an ovariable as argument
| |
| # returns an ovariable
| |
| | |
| CheckInput <- function(variable, substitute = FALSE, ...) { # ... e.g for na.rm
| |
| if (nrow(variable@output) == 0) stop(paste(variable@name, "output not evaluated yet!"))
| |
| if (exists(paste("Inp", variable@name, sep = ""))) {
| |
| inputvar <- get(paste("Inp", variable@name, sep = ""))
| |
| if (substitute) {
| |
| colnames(inputvar@output)[colnames(inputvar@output) == paste(inputvar@name, "Result", sep = ":")] <- "InpVarRes"
| |
| colnames(variable@output)[colnames(variable@output) == paste(variable@name, "Result", sep = ":")] <- "VarRes"
| |
| finalvar <- merge(variable, inputvar)
| |
| finalvar@output[[paste(variable@name, "Result", sep = ":")]] <- ifelse(
| |
| is.na(finalvar@output$InpVarRes),
| |
| finalvar@output$VarRes,
| |
| finalvar@output$InpVarRes
| |
| )
| |
| finalvar@output[[paste(variable@name, "Source", sep = ":")]] <- ifelse(
| |
| is.na(finalvar@output$InpVarRes),
| |
| finalvar@output[[paste(variable@name, "Source", sep = ":")]],
| |
| "Input"
| |
| )
| |
| finalvar@output <- finalvar@output[!colnames(finalvar) %in% c("InpVarRes", "VarRes")]
| |
| return(finalvar)
| |
| }
| |
| #variable@output[variable@output$Source,]
| |
| j <- levels(variable@output[[paste(variable@name, "Source", sep = ":")]])
| |
| temp <- variable@output[
| |
| variable@output[,paste(variable@name, "Source", sep = ":")] == j[1],
| |
| !colnames(variable@output) %in% paste(variable@name, "Source", sep = ":")
| |
| ]
| |
| colnames(temp)[colnames(temp) %in% "Result"] <- j[1]
| |
| for (i in j[!j == j[1]]) {
| |
| temp <- merge(
| |
| temp,
| |
| variable@output[
| |
| variable@output[,paste(variable@name, "Source", sep = ":")] == i,
| |
| !colnames(variable@output) %in% paste(variable@name, "Source", sep = ":")
| |
| ]
| |
| )
| |
| colnames(temp)[colnames(temp) %in% "Result"] <- i
| |
| }
| |
| variable@output <- melt(
| |
| temp,
| |
| measure.vars = levels(variable@output[,paste(variable@name, "Source", sep = ":")]),
| |
| variable.name = paste(variable@name, "Source", sep = ":"),
| |
| value.name = paste(variable@name, "Result", sep = ":"),
| |
| ...
| |
| )
| |
| return(variable)
| |
| }
| |
| #cat("No input found for ", variable@name, ". Continuing...\n")
| |
| return(variable)
| |
| }
| |
| | |
| # ComputeDependencies ############ uses Fetch2, EvalOutput, CheckMarginals and CheckInput to load and pre-process
| |
| # upstream variables. Typically seen on the first line of ovariable formula code.
| |
| # '...' can be used for input substitution, na.rm, number of iterations (N) and others
| |
| | |
| ComputeDependencies <- function(dependencies, ...) {
| |
| Fetch2(dependencies)
| |
| for (i in as.character(dependencies$Name)) {
| |
| assign(i, EvalOutput(get(i), ...), envir = .GlobalEnv)
| |
| assign(i, CheckMarginals(get(i), ...), envir = .GlobalEnv)
| |
| assign(i, CheckInput(get(i), ...), envir = .GlobalEnv)
| |
| }
| |
| }
| |
| </rcode>
| |
| | |
| {{attack|# |There is a bug somewhere that changes the case of initial letters in locations (values of indices). For example these unwanted conversions have been seen: Result -> result, Type -> type, g -> G, m -> M, p -> P. This happens when the data is uploaded to Opasnet Base, because the wrong case is seen both with op_baseGetData and Opasnet Base interface. Example data with problems: [[Unit conversions]].|--[[User:Jouni|Jouni]] 11:44, 3 June 2012 (EEST)}}
| |
| ::{{attack|# |This is a problem of the MySQL database. When determining loc.id:s, the op_baseWrite function queries the database for existing locations of the same name (after first issuing an error-ignoring query for entering all the indices and locations in the data). Since SQL is not caste sensitive for the first letter (thats what I believe caused some issues earlier) it will consider "Result" and "result" equal and will not allow both to be entered into the database as separate unique values. Hence when uploaded data contains a location or index "Result" and the database already contains an entry "result", "Result" cannot be entered. But R is case sensitive and will not recognize the returned value of "result" as the same as "Result" in the data. So to circumvent this issue all entries that are returned for matching are converted to lower case. So to fix this issue you would have to correct the old entry for the location "result" to "Result" in the database or make sure to be very careful that new indices and locations (when created) are in the proper case as all following uploads will use the same format.|--[[User:Teemu R|Teemu R]] 14:00, 3 June 2012 (EEST)}}
| |
| | |
| {{todo|Poistuuko tämä ongelma Opasnet Base 2:ssa?|Juha Villman, Einari Happonen}}
| |
| | |
| {{todo|Toinen asia OB2:een liittyen: Indekseille pitäisi pystyä antamaan yksiköt, koska ne eivät ole itsestäänselviä (Erkki huomasi tämän). Onko tämän toteutus suunniteltu? Seka kannassa pitää olla paikka, ja lisäksi esim. t2b:ssa olisi syytä olla parametri yksiköiden antamista varten (tai pitäisikö nykyistä unit-parametrin käyttöä laajentaa?).|Juha Villman, Einari Happonen}}
| |
| | |
| ==Rationale==
| |
| | |
| These functions were previously on pages
| |
| * [[OpasnetBaseUtils]]
| |
| * [[Object-oriented programming in Opasnet]]
| |
| * [[Decision]]
| |
| | |
| ==See also==
| |
| | |
| * [[OpasnetBaseUtils]]
| |
| * [[Object-oriented programming in Opasnet]]
| |
| * [[Decision]]
| |
| | |
| ==References==
| |
| | |
| <references/>
| |
| | |
| ==Related files==
| |
| | |
| {{mfiles}}
| |