Opasnet Base: Difference between revisions

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m (→‎All tables: ind.description changed to ind.name)
m (→‎All tables: inds.act_id => inds.series_id)
Line 102: Line 102:
|id||int(10) unsigned||NO||auto_increment||PRI
|id||int(10) unsigned||NO||auto_increment||PRI
|act_id||int(10) unsigned||NO||||UNI(with ident)
|series_id||int(10) unsigned||NO||||UNI(with ident)
|ident||varchar(64)||NO||||UNI(with act_id)
|ident||varchar(64)||NO||||UNI(with act_id)

Revision as of 10:11, 16 April 2012

This page is about the Opasnet Base 2 -database.


How to improve the existing Opasnet Base? Following issues of Opasnet Base 1 must be resolved:

  • Opasnet Base 1 structure makes filtering by location very slow on big data
  • Opasnet Base 1 structure is perhaps unnecessarily complex = queries are hard to adapt and read
  • MySQL is not ideal for storing huge amounts of data, or at least this is how we assume?
  • MySQL tables have fixed column types = difficult to store data objects with varying types of indices into one data table
  • Multiple languages (localization) not supported


MySQL is good on relations but weak on dynamic big data. Let's keep the basic "scaffold" in MySQL and store the big data (locations and results) into noSQL-base. After few days of research the best candidate for noSQL-base seems to be MongoDB. Combining relational MySQL and non-relational MongoDB will be the foundation for the new Opasnet Base 2.

Table structure in the database

All tables

Uploads, updates, and other actions
Field Type Null Extra Key
id int(10) unsigned NO auto_increment PRI
obj_id int(10) unsigned NO
series_id int(10) unsigned NO
unit varchar(64) YES
type ENUM('initial','replace','append') NO
who varchar(255) NO
when timestamp NO
comments varchar(255) YES
lang char(3) NO ISO 639-2, default:'eng'

----1: . I guess this should have field obj_id to identify which object we are updating. In the previous version, act - obj was many-to-many relationship, but it can as well be many-to-one which makes life easier; it is not important to know that two variables were uploaded in the same model run. Also series_id and unit could be in this table. --Jouni 22:56, 22 February 2012 (EET) (type: truth; paradigms: science: comment) ←--2: . I have now altered the table structure to implement Jouni's idea. --Einari 12:31, 19 March 2012 (EET) (type: truth; paradigms: science: defence)

Object information (all objects)
Field Type Null Extra Key
id int(10) unsigned NO auto_increment PRI
ident varchar(64) NO UNI
name varchar(255) NO
type ENUM('variable','study','method','assessment','class','nugget','encyclopedia') NO
page int(10) unsigned NO
wiki_id tinyint(3) unsigned NO
Field Type Null Extra Key
id int(10) unsigned NO auto_increment PRI
series_id int(10) unsigned NO UNI(with ident)
ident varchar(64) NO UNI(with act_id)
type ENUM('entity','number','time') NO
name varchar(255) NO
page int(10) unsigned NO
wiki_id tinyint(3) unsigned NO
order_index int(10) unsigned NO
hidden boolean NO false
Wiki information
Field Type Null Extra Key
id tinyint(3) NO PRI
url varchar(255) NO
wname varchar(255) NO


Tables to store all locations and results


Column names:
act_id (indexed), <inds.id>, <inds.id>, ..., <inds.id>, res

<acts.id>, <locs.id | data>, <locs.id | data>, ..., <locs.id | data>,

----#: . I guess this is about loc.id's, not about ind.id's. Loc.id's are either identifiers explained below or values of continuous indices. --Jouni 22:56, 22 February 2012 (EET) (type: truth; paradigms: science: comment)
⇤--#: . It was actually about ind.id, but the line described column names, not the data itself. To avoid future misleads I added data describing line as well. Object data can consist of location identifiers or e.g. real numbers, depending of the type of the column index. --Einari 13:33, 19 March 2012 (EET) (type: truth; paradigms: science: attack)

Tables to store real location values for entity type indices


Column names:
ind_id (indexed), loc_id(indexed), value

←--#: . If the index is entity type, inds.id is the identifier of the index (whose details are in MySQL) and value is the name of the location. If the index is continuous, it does not need rows in this table, as everything necessary is described in the tables inds and db.<object.ident>.dat. --Jouni 22:56, 22 February 2012 (EET) (type: truth; paradigms: science: defence)

----#: . What is key? --Jouni 22:56, 22 February 2012 (EET) (type: truth; paradigms: science: comment)
←--#: . Key was something that I cannot really confirm. I altered the table description so that index id and location id together make the key (indexed in that order). This means that location values must always be accessed through index id. I believe that this is the fastest way in practice. --Einari 14:35, 19 March 2012 (EET) (type: truth; paradigms: science: defence)


See also