Opasnet WSA contest preparation: Difference between revisions

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===Installation procedure===
===Installation procedure===

No installation procedure is needed. Opasnet is a fully web-based service which can be used with any modern web-browser.
No installation procedure is needed. Opasnet is a web service which can be used with any modern web browser.

(in English, max. 2000 characters)
(in English, max. 2000 characters)

Revision as of 14:46, 21 March 2011

This page contains preparational stuff for WSA contest


  • Registration starts 1.2.2011
  • Registration ends 25.3.2011
  • Jury evaluation starts 7.4.2011 and ends 14.4.2011
  • Opasnet must be in top shape before 7.4.2011

Evaluation criteria

  1. Quality and comprehensiveness of content
  2. Ease of use: functionality, navigation and orientation
  3. Value added through interactivity and multimedia
  4. Quality of design (aesthetic value of graphics / music or sounds)
  5. Quality of craftsmanship (technical realisation)
  6. Strategic importance for the global development of the Information Society
  7. Accessibility according to the W3C (http://www.w3.org)

Product data

Short description

(in English, max. 1000 characters) Lyhyt teksti, tarkoituksena vakuuttaa tuomari siitä että tähän työhän kannattaa paneutua tarkemmin. Hissipuhe!

Long description

(in English, max. 4000 characters) Tämä on yksityiskohtaisempi selostus työstä, jos on hyviä käyttäjätilastoja tai palautetta, ne kannattaa myös esitellä tässä.

Favourite path to the product

(in English, max. 2000 characters) Tähän kannattaa panna selostus siitä, mitä valikkoja/painikkeita klikkaamalla kilpailutyöstä saa mahdollisimman nopeasti parhaan yleiskuvan.

Installation procedure

No installation procedure is needed. Opasnet is a web service which can be used with any modern web browser.

(in English, max. 2000 characters)

Special technical requirements

(in English, max. 2000 characters)

Short description of the reason for production

(in English, max. 2000 characters)

Target group for the product

(in English, max. 2000 characters)